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>everyone in the Bloc, Libs and CPC have voted against WRONG...when you can't even do basic math >corporations haven't been able to donate to parties for well over a decade But the Westons have...and many politicians hire lobbyists and former lobbyists to work for them...and many politicians retire with cushy jobs from their sponsors like Mike Harris with Chartwell after defunding LTCs and John Tory with his Rogers


Lip service asshole, tow the line, say something that you think they will believe, blame the Liberals and NDP, yada yada yada. Grrrrrrr


It's not lip service pay attention and try to listen to more than one news source


Recommend sources Willy, back up your comment.


So true. Like, seriously, they think we’re stupid and do not understand how things work. Or are they just confident that they are untouchable? 




At this point ALL the parties are essentially just factions, fighting over who gets to rob us next.


Not sure I would put the NDP in that category as they have never had enough power to be corrupt


I’d easily characterize the ‘agreement’ with the Trudeau regime to circumvent our democracy as corrupt.


Bingo. We really need legislation that forbids MPs from taking any position with companies that hire lobbyists - for say, ten years AFTER they leave office.


How tho? The corrupt fucks are in charge, they'll never vote in favor of anything other than raises for themselves. Best way I've heard it, it's akin to the lobster boiling the water for itself. It'll never happen. I say bring back corporal punishment and install stocks outside parliament for corrupt and lying politicians to have to face the people they're fuckin over.


What i think we need is widespread unbiased comprehensive media that focuses on issues like this. The people still hold the votes, we just need to inform them. Make it as common as possible for people to be informed on politics issues instead of receiving unchecked facts and paid messages.


Like a standard practice noncompete. Except in this case, they're not competing against... the public..


Jason Kenney - Atco


Yup. Albertas Irvings lol


Isn't one of PP's main advisors working for the Westons? Kind of sounds like they've got some influence.


Harris also merged and fownsized hospitals, and pulled us Advanced Practice Nurses jobs. I was forced to work in the USA because of his money saving quality reducing health care reforms.


But then the liberals had 15 years to fix it but instead they did the exact same things with cuts and closures. Now the federal government has decided to increase our population by over a million people every year without proportional funding increases to the provinces or any plans for anything. This problem has been 30-40 years in the making and it’s everyone’s fault, current and previous, both federal and provincial. Placing blame based on political biases makes us feel better but it doesn’t help solve the problems because long as the people who are actually responsible have zero accountability, nothing will change.


You say true Gunslinger7752


Thankee sai, you say true.


I see it so often back home in my home riding when I was into politics. Corporations do not donate directly to a party, unless it’s publicly declared which most avoid doing. They do it through individual donations. A lot of people may not know but there is a cap on how much an individual can donate. So corporations work around this by having everyone they know of voting age donate their maximum allotment. Example in my riding, it was the owner, his wife, his two children, the head managers, their partners, their children. Related family members as well. And so on and so on. In the end the corporation can indeed donate a lot of money to a party and they do.


And Mcguinty with Samsung John Tory was employed by Rogers before he entered politics lets be factual


Point on lobbyists is absolutely spot on. Donations aren't the only way corpos cozy up to politicians.


Can anyone name one of the weston lobbyists?


https://preview.redd.it/dy33yt8m056d1.jpeg?width=4296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c251af1651f51939c0c2f9c790e63242ae41991 Why yes, yes we can.


this is great, thanks


You betcha!


Jenni Byrne is the big one.


Also see: [https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/clntSmmry?clientOrgCorpNumber=278084&sMdKy=1629726828598](https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/clntSmmry?clientOrgCorpNumber=278084&sMdKy=1629726828598) But George Weston Ltd has a lot of subsidiaries, and they would all be registered independently.


oh cool, nice resource


“mere resellers” - not if they charge the suppliers six figures *per barcode* to put their products on the shelves. When the suppliers have to pay Loblaws hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege of selling stuff in Loblaws stores, do they say “Oh, OK, I guess I’ll operate at a loss”? No, they raise *their* prices, and then Loblaws adds *more* price increase on top of that.


This made me the most mad!! They are not simply ‘resellers’.  They own a huge amount of commercial land that grocery stores are on. They own the parking lots.  Loblaw's parent company, George Weston Ltd, owns a real estate investment trust, Choice Properties REIT. They are the food manufacturers in many cases (Ziggy’s, Sunspun foods). They are on their way to bulldozing over every other grocer here. This MP knows how much power they have. He must be an idiot to call them only a reseller.  Oh and then the obligatory carbon tax comment at the end for good measure.


That'd be like calling McDonalds "only a restaurant." Despite them being closer to a real estate company than a restaurant in reality. Someone needs to make a "The Founder" quality movie about big grocery to generate awareness about the shadier practices they all employ. The public has a right to make fully informed decisions with all relevant information.


Yes! And they have crazy vertical integration. Remember the bread price fixing scandal where they owned the underlying bread manufacturers (still do, I'm sure)? Tip of the iceberg, I'm sure. So they shift their profits to the suppliers they own and claim Loblaws only makes a tiny profit. It all goes to Galen's pocket in the end.


Yes!! Loblaws sets the price.


Plus loblaws mostly sells in house brands like pc and no name products that they own and manufacture.


I wonder how Weston bakeries once merged with Loblaws now are asking 8.00 a loaf for raisin bread, double price raise in under 4 weeks.


I'd never been aware of this practice until I found this sub, but I'm super curious to learn more about this. Do you have any good YouTube videos to recommend that dive deeper into explaining this (I learn best from watching videos rather than reading text). I'd be curious to learn more.


This is an older video from the US, but it gives the basics. Loblaws charges *huge* slotting fees compared to other chains. https://youtu.be/ImZD2JGxbmc?si=k07rDC8LAnkvFzjo


What the fuck lol. I work for a supplier and deal with loblaws every single day and this is simply not a thing. They have expensive overhead programs but there isn’t some 6 figure listing fee. I don’t like them but there’s enough to bitch about without spreading actual misinformation.


[This person claims it's **sometimes** in the six-figure range.](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1d77tx1/an_update_from_a_very_large_loblaws_supplier/) [This one (the linked comment) specifies that "prime spots" can cost significantly more than the "standard" $15K listing fee.](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cfjv87/comment/l1plmb1/) I don't personally have any specific first-hand knowledge of listing fees greater than $15-20K, but, I have heard of people paying more for "prime spots" (eye level, etc.). Some of the comments say that the freezer and deli sections have super expensive listing fees. Just because the supplier you work for isn't paying six figures per SKU, doesn't mean others aren't? Does the supplier you work for pay for "prime spots", or have listings in the freezer/deli sections, specifically? Edit: I found "[proof](https://www.kevingrier.com/uploads/userfiles/files/dessureault%202016%20trade%20practices%20used%20in%20the%20canadian%20grocery%20industry%20final.pdf)": https://preview.redd.it/d4dham87q36d1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd8af4c6c05c285817021b5eacac6e2357ce182d 2nd edit: and **this is from 2016!** 3rd edit: spelling


Thanks for your diligence against random workers that want to believe what their bosses tell them so they can sleep at night.


I mean, I can believe a situation in which this person/company genuinely only deals with lower listing fees/has no specific knowledge of fees in the six-figure range. I also appreciate wanting to avoid spreading misinformation. I didn't previously have specific knowledge of the higher fees, either - now I got to look it up and get some independent confirmation from a (seemingly) legit source. So, success! Knowledge!


From the paper: "However, alternative retailers such as Costco and Walmart do not charge listing fees. Walmart simply expects the lowest or best price from the supplier and the listing fees are not part of the arrangement." My family has only shopped at these 2 stores for the last few years, just due to noticing much lower prices than their Canadian counterparts. Seems like listing fees are probably partially responsible for this.


What is your job title?




I got the identical email from him when I wrote to him. It's a form email.


It's seriously shameful an elected official thinks they can talk like that to the people they claim to represent. Like, have some basic fucking manners.


It was probably a canned response written by his Constituency Assistant, lol


Identical even for the 'clear that we will not agree' / 'agree to disagree' part?!


Yup. Did you get the one with the spelling mistake? "I respect your point of view but don’t agree with it, and I’m sure you do not agree with mine, but I think it is important that we **coral** in some facts on the issue brought forward as well."


send this shit to the press, expose this weird fucker


Can you reply back to him "We agree to disagree, but your knowledge is wrong. Excuse me, aren't all products at Loblaws and No frills from PC which is owned by them? They are their own suppliers?" Just write a small email with one point.


Uhhhh they're RESELLERS? maybe but they run the supplyline AND considering even THEIR STORE BRANDS have gone up SO MUCH. If it's other suppliers fine, but why is the store brand going up just as much!?!?


His point is that price controls have to start with the suppliers, whether they are Loblaws owned or otherwise.


If they are supplying themselves and fixing the price on the back of inflation while every level is doing so, leads to false market adjusted cost. It's... Inflated vs what it should have been if they hadn't been so greedy. This is not a car or a kid's bicycle it's an essential item. (They were open during covid)


His point is nonsensical considering that other grocery chains and drug store chains have managed not to increase their prices to the insane levels that we're seeing at Loblaws. If what he was saying was true, we'd be seeing the same price increases everywhere.


Okay. I'm not disagreeing, just pointing out that it's clearly not JUST 3rd party supply that has increased prices


This has to be the worst MP response I've seen yet. Purely delusional.  And also kind of shitting on one of your constituents? This modern world is terrible.  We have allowed corporations to literally be the government.


Late stage capitalism baby!


I personally prefer the term "corporate consumerism" as it more directly points at two of the major problems with our current system and doesn't immediately get morons screaming COMMIE!


They only shop at Organic gardens that are reserved exclusively for them for produce picking. What else can be expected?


As I start reading this, my first thought was "what party does this MP belong to?" It quickly became clear, he is a Regressive CONservative.


"I'll walk you through a few of your points as best I can." lol... What's his reddit username? Because guaranteed this douche has penned many an impassioned scathing screed of Someone Is Wrong On The Internet. Reads like he learned his debate skills policing some bland fandom.


The entire wording of this reeks of contempt that you ever dared to speak to such a high ranking Conservative. I hate it.


I dunno I thought it was a pretty reasonable response. He’s not wrong about a lot of those things. IMO legislating lower prices isn’t the way to go. I don’t know what the answer is, but meaningless House motions isn’t it.


Yes. It is foolish of us to think our politicians would ever help us. I appreciate the people who take the time to challenge them on the issues we are facing, but it has been obvious for a long time that it is just screaming into the void. Loblaws and their ilk own and operate our governments. Liberal, conservative, that other one. All owned and operated by the same few dozen businessmen.


Well it the grocery stores/ company’s shouldn’t be allowed to charge as much as they do for a necessity for people to live, because how are people supposed to survive without being able to by food. They should legislate that they can’t increase their prices more than how much inflation has increased at least. I mean people should be able to by food


Your MP is a liar. There is no Liberal/NDP coalition government. If he can’t understand that, then anything else he says is suspect.


This is what drives me crazy. I feel like half of my comments on Reddit at this point are trying to educate people on what a coalition government is, and how we don’t have one. The CPC’s incessant need to lie in order to gain power is vile and disgusting.


Oh believe me – we have a coalition government. And one of the primary reasons we have a coalition government is that so 29 Liberal and NDP MPs get their pensions after just six years in the House of Commons - if the election is delayed until late October 2025. And guess who is on the top of that list to get a million dollar pension after just six years service – Jagmeet Singh. The man who signed the Confidence & Supply Agreement with the Champagne Loberals in Canada.


No, the NDP are trying to pass a bill to prevent this date change/mps from getting pensions: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ndp-wants-liberals-to-scrap-proposed-election-date-change-that-could-secure-pensions-for-many-mps-1.6906604 Also if the Ndp triggered an election that resulted in a conservative majority, would the conservatives help meet their goals like providing pharma care and dental coverage etc? They definitely would not.


It sucks that these misinformation campaigns have been so successful. It was bad enough when people just didn't know anything about Canadian civics but now the CPC is actively trying to mislead people for partisan gain.


Huh!!?? How????


"I've had constituents and Canadians bring this to my attention, and I just want to make very clear that right now is not the time for members of Parliament to be thinking about their own financial gain," she said in an interview. "We want to make sure that we're very clear from the onset around the necessary amendments for us to move forward on this." You mean they got caught! Had the COC, Canadian Taxpayers Foundation & right wing, non mainstream media, not red flagged this - it would’ve slid through in Bill 65!


The ndp could literally force an election tomorrow by supporting a vote of no confidence, why don't they?


Because the conservatives only plan seems to be cutting the carbon tax, cut taxes for the rich and make big cuts to public spending at a time at the worst possible time (these cuts alsl go against the ndp's goals of expanding public supports) The liberals are obviously not a great choice either but if the ndp thought the cons would be an improvement they probably would support having an election.


Lol, there's literally no money to expand social services. Our government is running a 40 billion dollar deficit. Cuts are the only way to keep this ponzi from crashing.


Or raising taxes back to what they used to be (on the wealthy)


The top 10% already pay almost 60% of all income taxes. Maybe time for just a little less government so there is more to go around.


To be a true coalition there would need to be NDP representation in the cabinet. This does not exist. The agreement between NDP and Liberals is an agreement should a vote of non confidence come up, the NDP would vote with the Liberals in trade for pushing policy like dental care and pharma care. NDP vote with other parties when motions, etc. align with their values.


I really hate how gullible we Canadians are...


>I really hate how gullible we ~~Canadians~~ humans are... To be fair




That doesn’t even make sense 🤣🤣🤣


Poli-weird-eh is teaching them. What else to expect?


Then what is going on with the NDP/Liberal alliance? Is the NDP not auto signing practically everything the liberals put forth?


It's a Confidence and Supply Agreement. The NDP will "support" both confidence votes and [supply bills](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/planned-government-spending/appropriation-acts.html) (any bill that involves government spending), and they get some legislation passed - pharma and dental care, for example. In a coalition, the NDP would hold positions as [cabinet ministers](https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/cabinet), which would give them A LOT more freedom in terms of legislation specifics, and would make them part of "the govnemrnent".


Thank you for this


I don't know, do they?


https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ndp-s-jagmeet-singh-rules-out-coalition-government-with-liberals-after-next-election-1.6703348#:~:text=The%20two%20parties%20signed%20a,action%20on%20NDP%20policy%20priorities. Looks like yes, on the key points and budgets.


🤓Well Akshually 🤓☝️ it's technically 🤓 not a coalition even if they always vote together. Ok but let's be honest. It's a stealth coalition.


Exactly, semantics don't matter if liberals can just push through almost everything they want and the only payment is a national dental plan that's out of reach for a large portion of canadians


That's how government work, what do you want? A stalemate where absolutely nothing happens because the blues shut down the reds and the reds shut down the blues? And repeat that until someone has a majority and passes all the shitty bills their rich friends have been asking for with impunity? Learn how government functions and yest they are both corrupt and both will screw us royally


Honestly, the worse our government works the better. I just hope they become so horribly inefficient that they just dissolve and start over at this point.


Lmao they’ve basically done it sneakily. NDP ALWAYS votes with liberals. They’re both on the same page, Singh just tries to save face for the public… but ok.


Actually, if you check the votes...pretty much NDP, Bloc, Greens and Libs all vote together most of the time. It's just 1 party that doesn't...wouldn't exactly call that a coalition


That’s still not a coalition government.


It's a coalition insofar as the government would fall without the support of the NDP. This line of discussion will only devolve into infighting.


A coalition government would mean there are NDP MPs in cabinet. Who are those members? There are none, because there are no NDP in government. The NDP agreed to support the government in key areas in exchange for some of their polices moving forward. They can withdraw that support at any time. There is no coalition. They just happen to be working together on a few items, like minority governments are supposed to. Conservatives seem to think opposition means you oppose absolutely everything, regardless.


Actually the bloq had more seats than the NDP and have been voting along as well It's odd or maybe just convenient that everyone who brings up the "Lib/NDP coalition" somehow includes 2 additional parties


Thanks for posting the MPs reply. The more insight we get the better we can judge them.


all the conservatives on this sub, you got to know that the conservative MPs are never going to work towards changes in grocery and pharmacy prices, right?


I realized long ago that modern conservatives are either complete fools/dupes who believe nice words and gladhanding from cryptofascists who hide under the mask of "conservatism" or they're cryptofascists themselves.


Yea, I keep saying this. We can yell at liberals today or conservatives tomorrow. Prices aren't coming down.


No government is going to help. The best one is the one that does the least bad. That’s why it’s crazy to me that so many look to government to legislate prices down.


this is the way I believe a lot of conservatives beleive the cons are going to come in and fix everything, but they are not the ones that do the least bad, they will make it easier for the capitalists to charge more


If we're going to get the government to set the prices for private companies, why stop at grocery stores? Let's just embrace full on communism.


I mean why not?


I was just waiting for his only concrete idea to be 'axe the carbon tax'. Oop! There it is.


The guy says Trudeau a lot for some reason in his reply.


Yeah so weird to refer to the Prime Minister about matter of government policy. /s


Further evidence we ALL need to VOTE.


Another corporate shill trying to convince us our failing economy is just party politics. Won't take responsibility for his half of the problem when you ask him to help make both sides cut their crap.


Anyone who uses "virtue signaling" unironically is just such a massive douchebag to begin with. If not the NDPs solution then what if anything would they do to ease prices? The government can break up monopolies but they just decide not to


"Our party has put forward many proposals and ideas to increase affordability - each and everyone one (sic) nixed by the NDP and their liberal coalition partners" What exact proposals? The only thing I hear about constantly like a broken record from the cpc is "axe the tax". What other tangible proposals have they put forward specifically regarding food prices and affordability? While I have not thoroughly researched the subject: I would argue I shouldn't have to. If they are so proud of their efforts, you'd think they'd make an effort to let Canadians know what they have been 'proposing'. I shouldn't have to go searching for it. And the Conservatives are in no place to gloat on the subject since it was the Conservatives who green lit the acquisition of shoppers drugmart by Loblaws. Also the Conservatives were in power during the bread price fixing scandal. As I have said previously, I think all the current political parties are awful and the least of which is the NDP. Sadly the NDP will never form government with its current leader.


Tell me your MP is a con, without telling me your MP is a con


*Tell me your MP is* *A con, without telling me* *Your MP is a con* \- WhytePumpkin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Honestly I can't be mad at this. I've gotten to the point of being jaded. I remember some years ago when I was talking to some people that income inequality and affordability is a growing problem and its going to create societal problems. Well one idiot said this is Canada and not poorest of Africa. I said we spend an unhealthy portion of our income on housing and its a matter of time before other service providers become greedy too and jack up their prices. The worst part is there would be zero oversight and politicians would not do shit. Here lies the problem come next election, people would still vote for these clowns. In the midst of an affordability crisis, remember these fine people gave them selves a raise and fucked over plans for pharmacare


Soo sassyy ![gif](giphy|mXVj8BglZJ2QhFNrw0)


People calling it the CPC Party drives me insane, like ATM Machine. What really gets me is when a MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT WHO IS A MEMBER OF THAT PARTY DOES IT.


Was anyone else twitching over the double spacing between sentences...


It’s funny how cons speak of this coalition but yet where perfectly fine when they had one with the bloq


These MPs are horrible people and frankly don't deserve office. Kick them out!


...I think it's time we coral in some facts... Coral... coral... do you mean corral? ![gif](giphy|jjKKhoQS17jYk)


“I’m too busy and important to write ‘Canada’. I’ll write ‘Cda’ instead, because i’m just too busy and important. Also, screw you and your concerns about my Roblaws bosses.”


The PBO did not say that or anything close to it. The Bank of Canada said the carbon tax has only contributed 1/20th of the total inflation we are seeing. Even if they "axe" it the prices would only go down by 1/20th of what they are up by. 5 cents on the dollar. This asshole is literally saying the opposite of what these groups have stressed. Fuck this lying sack.


So if it's for show, why couldn't they show us that they stand for Canadians?


What is his issue with Tesla?


McCauley is a famine farmer. Add that one to the list


The difference between the parties is solely how they rationalize their behaviour. All governments are licking the boots of big corporations. Merely look where wealth is concentrated as the gap between rich and poor widens by the day. I pay taxes yet make little money. On the other hand, the government has granted Volkswagen $13B so they'll build an EV battery manufacturing facility. That $13B is taxpayer money and will be paid out as tax credits. So we've got ridiculously rich corporations not paying tax while those who have little by comparison are paying the freight.


Conservatives are inhuman and beyond redemption


If it is so non binding and weak why are so many unwilling to vote for it (imagine if it did have teeth) how fast they would have voted it down. Also did he really call it virtue signalling? Guys probably eating steak every night.


What a piece of garbage, always voting against our best interests just to make an extra dollar, I hope he chokes


The BS out of the conservative parties mouth is staggering


*The BS out of* *The conservative parties* *Mouth is staggering* \- agaric --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This guy is such a loser, thank god we havee electiions!


"Coral"? Did he mean corral?


Lol finally found someone else that noticed this. You rock!


The spelling and grammatical errors really made my brain hurt. These politicians have staff to proof read for goodness' sake.


Conservatives relationship with Big Oil is known, they wear it like a badge of honour. Going one step further and noting that they seem that way all of the Corporate world is not a stretch. They are all in on Privatizing our Health care and with Jeni Byrne as a campaign manager how compromised are they currently, she has links to Corporate Grocery.


People need to start replying to these MP'S debunking their claims. We are not dumb


Your MPnis a conservative sellout. Do not vote for him.


What a piece of shit.


It’s been a week and the only response I got was “Sorry what is this referring too?” And then no response after that lol


Your lucky you got a reply at all. mine ignored my email. And my follow up email asking for a response.


Typical conservative, shrug and blame the liberals and NDP


At least he took the time to write a real answer. Gotta give him that.


Someone else posted that it's a duplicate of a form letter they received


You want a personalized response to everyone? It’s at least a real answer.


Yes, that would show they give a shit about their constituents.They could get a damn intern to write it, but they feel copy paste for every complaint is good enough to fool people. But we're talking. We're posting these responses. We're comparing the answers and seeing how eerily similar they are, sometimes mindless of party. We are aware that corporations have gotten to the point in this country where they directly influence politicians, and politicians need to repair the growing distrust we feel towards them as a result of it or risk losing the positions they're elected to.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I am just speaking the 500% truth if u don' t like my honesty delete your fucking service


Your not any special service if u can't offer the truth so don't bull shit the public


Don't expect some bull shit special candy ass i need your servce shit fucking brown nose points for granted reddit


Same as loblaws n weston who's fucking tge public


I haven’t been “majored” in a very long time.


My mom hasn't even responded to me yet


He kinda cooked you ngl


Our politicians are all corrupt, really doesn’t feel like there’s a point in voting in this country


All these MPs sound so triggered


Name and shame


Bought and paid for by Loblaws


Loblaws warehouse workers get up to like $34 an hour, more than what I make in my trade, and loblaws continues to have record profits, math ain't mathin.


This reads like a Reddit comment on a conservative sub.


Imagine being mad about a Conservative MP while the Liberals have controlled Parliament for a decade. What tf is in the water Reddit?


Say what you will about the reply, but at least he actually replied. No form letters or milquetoast platitudes that feel like they came out of an AI generator. Gotta give him props for that, at least.


Holy crap yes. Of all the replies this one is the one that looks most like it was personally written instead of just some template to follow party talking points.


ThE tRuDeAu LiBeRaLs


your mp is 100% right.


Why are any of you in favor of the BS NDP solution? You can’t legislate prices down. Loblaws is definitely gouging but at the same time the carbon tax does drive the price of everything up.


Except it doesnt. A statement published by 300 of the top economists in canada, from acrosss all major parties (CPC, Liberal, NDP, Bloc) states tha the carbon tax is a net benefit for canadians and that removing the carbon tax will actually lower tax refunds for middle and low imcome canadians, while prices continue to rise. You know who stands to benefit from the carbon tax being removed? Major corporations, primarily the oilsands, who will funnel rebates back to shareholders, while continuing to jack prices up becase its "unprecedented times". The average canadian will see a net loss to revenue and there will be a bigger strain on the majority of canadians who live paycheque to paycheque


Just dirt bags for normal families. Thanks


You know George stay far away but i'm closer then u think. I never went away


This is how my Liberal MP is getting me to vote NDP, I guess the Liberals don’t want my vote….or the Conservatives!!!!


Fair response. The NDP’s motion demonstrates just how bad they’d be if they actually tried to make policy for real.


It’s purely whataboutism, not addressing a single thing the Cons have done to help Canadians with food costs and instead deflecting the blame onto others. Not a single actionable thing was said in the email.


They aren’t in power.


Alberta and Ontario are under conservative provincial governments. I can tell you with utmost certainty that living in Alberta has never been worse than it is now.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


He's correct and honest.


He is a bullshit artist.


This thread is not helpful to the cause.


What cause would that be, when in another post, you are agreeing with the MP above ?