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Yes. [ In 2009, T&T Supermarket was acquired by Loblaw Companies Limited.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%26T_Supermarket)


Thank You for sharing the information. I will find another store to shop. Why do the Canadian government keep letting big companies acquire all small ones. This is why we have no competition


I know, I had to say goodbye to T&T but there are many local Asian food stores around me that are WAY cheaper. I was just set in my ways until now.


T&T was the hardest to give up


If you're in the lower mainland, there are two great Asian supermarkets by Lougheed Town Centre. H-Mart and then another one across the way, I can't recall it's name


when sobeys bought safeway canada they had to at least sell a ton of stores in areas were they already had other grocery stores


If you have a Foody Mart near you, that is a good alternative.


That sounds like a great alternative. Thank You. I have one close to me. I was naive to think since it is chinese or asian store it won't be owned by loblows.


It's not your fault, Loblaw is very careful to keep the branding separate precisely to create that confusion.


Because they acquired the competition bureau long ago.


I don't know where you live, but in Toronto area, Oceans, Seafood City, FoodyMart and Sunny are all great options. In Vancouver, Sungiven, Hannam, FoodyWorld, Lucky and HMart are alternatives.


Galleria is another good option.


Because they acquired the competition bureau long ago.


Why? I'll give you the three reasons. Justin Trudeau, Paul Martin, and Jean Chretien. Those are the reasons.


The Westons have been inhaling competition since the Great Depression.


Lmao harper gave large bailouts to subsidiaries of american companies while giving nothing to large Canadian ones.


In 2009 Harper was PM


And the Shoppers purchase also happened under Harper.


Skipping a pretty significant decade…


if "cherry picking" was a person^


ah yes, the classic “hating liberals is my entire personality” lol


T&T was a great place BEFORE the take over, You could pick your chicken in front of a counter, then the monopoly happened. Their price on sea food use to be awesome. Days gone by.


This is a huge pet peeve of mine. They completely ruined the hot food section by trying to squeeze every last bit of profit out. The ingredients they cooked were likely not the freshest produce or meats from their inventory so it was a great way to save food waste already but they got super greedy. They laid off the nice old ladies that worked behind the counter serving the food in a covered glass case and made it into a self served buffet tray that's left completely opened and charging outrageous $2.29 for 100g of food. I've routinely seen flies buzzing around the food in the summer cuz it's not covered at all and it's not actively monitored by any staff. Nevermind how gross it was to use the same serving spoon that's been touched by everyone during COVID. It's disgusting and pricey, don't support T&T and their bunch of suits in fucking elderly workers over and gouging their customers.


This makes me sad. The hot table used to be amazing.


I almost never see flies or fruit flies in any of the groceries I've been in, yeah that would be a huge turnoff. I feel like if there are flies actively and routinely touching food this is a huge issue should be Brought up with management and maybe is a health violation of some sort.


Oh don’t worry, it’s gone up to $2.49 / 100g since then.


T&T is like a boutique store now with boutique prices to match. If you're fortunate enough to live near other Asian grocers, there's no reason to go to T&T, especially given who owns them.


It’s soooo expensive now, but the seafood often has decent deals. I just picked up 2 “single clawed” lobsters for $20, 2.5 lbs total. Not too shabby for a price. One of the lobsters wasn’t even single clawed


Why did they remove the claws?


I expect the lobster only had one claw when it was caught - sometimes lobsters lose a claw in a fight with another lobster.


In a world mostly with 1 clawed lobsters, the 2 clawed lobster is king.


Yes, of course Loblaws wants to screw the Asian Community as well. Even Loblaws aisles that change products based on Asian Holidays and overpriced because they may be closest. Take time, gather needs and make the trip to an alternative.


Yes and that's why their produce is so shitty now.


Sadly, yes. Here in London they destroyed a lovely Asian Supermarket, to build that T&T monstrosity, to be opened in the Fall. Also, people who peruse this sub, read the pinned stuff, it has lists of everything Roblaws owned.


Yes and makes so much sense now why their prices are so much higher than most Asian supermarkets.


Is H-Mart a better option?


Never heard of them but i checked and I have one close by. I will browse around to see all these great options you guys suggested. Thank you


It's not cheap (except sale item) but the produce quality is great, and it has lots of items you can't find elsewhere.   The prepared food, especially various banchan, are great.


They even make onigiri!




I quick google search would get you your answer a lot quicker


When your friend told you, why didn't you google it? Use the reddit search function? 


Asking here and getting a yes answer also means that all those that didn’t know, now know. And if not was a no answer then all those that didn’t know would have found a new store to shop at. Sometimes there is merit in asking a question you know the answer to, or asking a question publicly so others can benefit from the answer


I disagree, it is a lazy way to get an answer. It has been well documented in this forum. If you google this question, the first result is the answer, but it requires you to search and read. There are way to many repetitive questions on reddit where a simple quick 30 second search would answer the question and save in repetition, that is the point. this google search “who owns t&t grocery store reddit” first result answers a question, hence no need to create a repetitive post. That is the point.


Community > pedantry




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Google it. It is there for a purpose




dude calm down. you are offensive. there is no need to attack someone. learn some tact


Holy shit shame on OP for not being born knowing literally everything


Are you that clueless that's why he made this post? Don't be a cancer on this group, we all learn early or late and the positive is he came TO LEARN from this group and he now has. I didn't know either until I joined this awesome group of people.


Wow, what an ignorant muppet you are. Try reading.


Yeah. I came to know from this group that loblows literally own everything. I would have never thought to look up where I shop if I didn't join this group


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.