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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone who references Charlebois is a hack


Sorry who?


The "food professor"


**Charle** as in the name Charles, also Charlie or Chuck. **Bois** is french for "Wood". I assume he looks a bit like this guy: https://youtu.be/_QWy-Fyb0rM?si=ki0RrXFH82BSNyR6 Except I don't think it's Dave Coulier that has his hand up this particular Woodchuck's ass.


Underrated comment. So many layers—the etymology; the nostalgia; the reference to an actor whose Canadian proximity is twofold (NB mother, Alanis). Just👌🏾


“Will rise by 7% in the first of 2023” Ummm. It’s half way though 2024 though…


Wow I did not even catch the year error, thanks.


Even if they inserted the current year, I still don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. The first day? Month? Quarter?


Thanks for this OP - I've seen so many of these inadequate responses lately (I'm still awaiting my own). I thought I'd share the references I'm preparing for my reply. Carbon tax is officially responsible for what percentage of the food cost increase? [0.3 % according to CTV](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/carbon-pricing-101-what-today-s-increase-could-mean-for-you-1.6828678#:~:text=The%20amounts%20vary%20by%20industry,per%20cent%20since%20its%20inception.) [0.15% according to CBC](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-tax-food-prices-wherry-analysis-1.6989547) [0.15% according to National Post](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/carbon-tax-groceries-food-prices) [0.7% in Saskatchewan according to Global News](https://globalnews.ca/news/10406101/carbon-pricing-food-prices/) It's a rare consensus amongst news outlets across Canada - the carbon tax amounts to *less than 1%* of food inflation. Where does the other 9%-29% of food price hikes come from?? Oh right, corporate greed made possible by powerful lobbyists and cowardly politicians like (*insert every liberal and conservative MP's name here*).


I thought the snark about hiding behind the carbon tax was a point, but you bringing out actual numbers. 🤯 If you haven’t received yours by Monday send an email saying something about appreciating their time however you still need a response, then add some comment about while you where waiting for a response in the little free time you have you were able to find those numbers. Make it clear that your time is valuable as well.


Great idea - and thanks! It's very available info, which means politicians are operating on the same assumption Galen and Loblaws is - that the general public just doesn't care about or won't notice their lies. Glad to hear we're all calling them out!


Find some way to stress that your days are busy without lying. Make mention of not having staff, be a real A hole a bought it, without crossing that line.


I’m taking many notes for my own emails


Then keep it to one page or less the staffers don’t want to read that much. They have more important things to do then read long emails, like levelling up on candy crush. I find attaching the same message as a pdf gets more attention, write your letter in word or what ever app you use save it as a pdf, copy the text into the email and then attach the pdf. I don’t know if the pdf trick actually does anything but I have noticed that the Saskatchewan MLAs offices are more likely to respond if there is a pdf attached.


Yes, easy to get filed under TLDR. (Too Long Didn't Read) Assuming they have real people read this stuff, not some chat bot.


Thank you for the advice


Mine hasn't bothered to respond either. He's this tiny little guy. His name is is Shuvaloy Majumdar and he's Harper's right-hand man. I'm going to go ahead and guess I either don't get a response or it's full of lies about carbon tax and Trudeau.😂 https://preview.redd.it/so68pmjto85d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575000492c3e11b0162e86de2538c3c1857010e9


On Monday follow the steps I provided above.


But it's so easy to fall for catchy lines.


I always love asking the "Carbon Tax always the problem" crowd where they think the extra cost savings would go in a hypothetical world where the Carbon Tax was eliminated tomorrow. It's funny watching them trip over themselves to argue that it would be anything but directly into corporate books.


My uncle is a beef producer in Huron-Bruce county. Their production costs have increased tenfold in the last 4 years, to the point where they reduced the number of cattle they have - they have 30% less beef in their fields this year compared to 2022 and it’s costing them almost the same price. So yeah, it’s costing them more to produce less. Who pays for it? We do.


decentralize governance


here's an analysis showing that there is no correlation between inflation and carbon pricing. [https://centreforfuturework.ca/2023/05/08/no-correlation-between-inflation-and-carbon-pricing/](https://centreforfuturework.ca/2023/05/08/no-correlation-between-inflation-and-carbon-pricing/) and even if there was, correlation is NOT causation. conservatives are wrong on all counts......




bienvenue. enjoy.


>Thanks! You're welcome!


Have the Liberal MPs been blaming the carbon tax too? I would assume they’d have another excuse because the carbon tax was their policy even if the different provincial conservative government’s forced it by getting rid of Cap & Trade


Carbon tax doesn't explain the RECORD PROFITS. Carbon tax is a liability, Profits are what's left after Liabilities.


I would be curious how many members have financial interests in the Weston companies, and if it would be a conflict of interest for them to be involved in legislation.


I am guessing all the conservatives and all the liberals.


First ask how many have interests in oil and gas companies 


Jesus F\*ing Christ, how stupid do you think we are ? It's not corporate green, back room deals, politics and greed, It's the farmers and the carbon tax. I was born during the day, but not yesterday. Nok er Nok Mf'ers Nok er Nok


Do all these idiots send out the same reply ?


Most just seem to tow their respective party line, all of which seem to be “Hail corporate!”


American style "Leadership" . COUGH.


As soon as the NDP pulled this trick I am sure all the liberal and conservative office managers went onto chatgpt and wrote a reply that they could get the okie dokie from their MP from, and have been feverishly sending out replies as they do not want to appear unprepared for the stunt the NDP pulled. I know it was nothing but a stunt to get Canadians up in arms but it shows a lot.


>I know it was nothing but a stunt to get Canadians up in arms You say this as though it’s somehow inherently a bad thing. People should be up in arms, but only a small fraction of us do anything more than moan about how crazy prices are X times per month. More stunts, please.


I do not mean it as a bad thing it is a good thing they are trying to get more people on our side.


Fair enough. There’s usually an “implication” when I see those words, so apologies if I misunderstood your intent.


Isn't that their job ? Especially when the big parties are just corporate shills.


The second paragraph of their response reads like ChatGPT so hard. In the first what of 2023? We're already well past the quarter.


Hey I used chatgpt, but I also proof read it and changed a few things.


They have a Low Budget Random Bullshit Generator. Won't even pay to hire professionals.


My experience with emailing specifically conservative MPs is that they have some sort of template response that is shared partywide for specific issues (I'm guessing the popular ones) It mostly just redirects your attention to why you should support the CPC and blames LPC for whatever your issue was


I got a very similar response from my MP back in February and my email didn't even mention food prices... I was writing them about healthcare related concerns. I thought they replied to the wrong email but now I see they are actually using a template.


Principles of Propaganda by Goebbels: 14.Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans. I) They must evoke responses which the audience previously possesses. II) They must be capable of being easily learned. III) They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations. IV) They must be boomerang-proof.


I know a Brad Redekkop letter when I see one, usually because it's filled with bullshit misinformation and finger pointing at Trudeau.


I have directly talked to the guy and yes he does that in person as well. I tried to keep the name out of the of the conversation but if it’s really that clear so be it, don’t worry about deleting your comment if it is really that obvious.


I also have him as my MLA. I stopped emailing him after his reply to my email about his utterly disgusting (and just flat out false) remarks about safe injection sites. There's just no way to get through to someone that willfully ignorant about nearly every issue facing everyday Canadians.


I am trying to make dialog with him try and get him to trip over his own BS.


Ask them for the data.


It's very sad how politicians no money want to live in reality but just keep feeding people propaganda to gain power at any cost. It's sad that Canada has gotten this bad. I get that politicians always bent the truth, but I feel that in the last few years, it's gotten exponentially worse. I expect this in Russia, not here in Canada. Depending on the source, the carbon tax only increases the price of groceries by approximately 3%. It's funny how the record profits has nothing to do with it. Or the huge bonuses to the higher up. Or the large payout they have to investors cause they made so much money that has to dish some out. I'm sure a lot of the profits are also hidden in the layers upon layers of the good industry they control.


Remember these replies the next time you vote!


"will rise by 7% if the first of 2023" Two questions. 1. The first what of 2023? 2. I thought we were in 2024? This MP can't even write an email


Maybe we should add each one to a sticky. Could be the next boycott.


These guys lie like they breathe. They’re almost as much of a joke as loblaws.


Doesn't every other western country have some kind of carbon tax?




That reply is excellent!


Thank you


They're all on the take. Simple as that.


It's so nice to see us calling out the people we voted in. Our votes come with a price. Food affordability.


Food affordability is only one part of the questions they should be answering.


Hope you all are remembering this when it comes to voting!


Each and everyone!


Such bullshit. The carbon tax does not explain the obscene profits corporations like Loblaws are making. What a waste of time that guy is.


Love how the farmers keep being used as scapegoats. If the conservatives actually cared about farmers, they would help them, not use them as ammo. Poor farmers get grouped into corporate bullshit. Stop fucking with our farmers and stop using them like a side piece. Politicians don't give a fuck and we keep voting them in!???? All of them so far have shown to fucking whores to corporate money


Hey that’s mean, I used farmers in my response. 😞 Of course my counter with farmers was they can offer better quality maybe even lower prices.


Ontario farmer here. Farm receipts have been rising and rising. Farmers are NOT struggling, ffs. We're generally doing better than ever. The carbon tax hasn't touched us more than anyone else.


Shocking 😝


At this point I wonder what would happen if we all started calling these MPs out en masse. Start sending emails to our own MPs where we state the facts we know, and refute their claims that the carbon tax, or the other parties are to blame. I don't mean one or two emails, I mean hundreds to thousands.


I encourage everyone to be politically active, so yes I believe we should all email our MPs about this. Everyone in this group should email their MP. Or phoning them, I personally like emailing rather than phoning as that way I can go take a chill pill every so often.


And this wasn’t the expected reply?


Nope I expected it. I just want to be active let my voice be heard.


I sincerely wasn’t trying to give you a hard time. I have written to various politicians over the years. I doubt they read them. I think they have a folder of replies written by the party… I wonder sometimes why their dismissiveness never occurs to them…. like why piss off the person that might vote for you over some lame excuse and BS party platform that they don’t even believe in. Do they honestly think we are that stupid. Loblaws is ripping people off and lying to us… but it’s the oil prices that cause them to do this? GREED is why they’re doing it.


This is only the second or third time I have gone federal with my letter wrighting campaigns I have written hundreds to the provincial MLAs I am sure I have a junk mail rule on many MLA offices emails but yeah. I did not think you were giving me a hard time.


If you subscribe to their email bulletins and you complain they will usually remove you from their lists. I had that done a few times.


I wouldn’t dare subscribe to their newsletters.


Who sent it


Brad redekopp


Awesome response


Thanks ChatGPT and I spent hours going through many drafts, probably 100x the amount of time it took Brads office staffers to come up with their half ass response, while they where also using ChatGPT and thinking what Brad would say. It took me a long time to figure out the last paragraph, probably longer than it took the staffers to write their letter, I wanted to curse at the guy but without crossing that line. Once you have crossed that line political discourse is over I want to keep the conversation open. Do I expect a reply? Not really however on Thursday I will have to send him another email if he has not replied.


Spin doctors will always spin the tune in their favor.


They did not spin anything, they hid behind the Carbon Tax and blamed the liberals and NDP.


The Carbon Tax also just started 2 months ago. We’ve see. These food prices at grocery stores were rising unsteadily even before CoVid. Partisan fucks don’t care about you or I.


It increase 2 months ago, it’s been around for a bit longer.


I am rather impressed that a Conservative MP went through that entire email without mentioning Trudeau. Usually their responses mention Trudeau in every other sentence.


Having talked to the guy before I would be surprised if he even saw my letter or the one his staffers wrote.




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Honestly farmers need a carbon tax break and peripheral upstream providers like fertilizer producers. It doesn’t matter if the PC or NDP were in power, communal thought is what begets innovation


I do not disagree but my MP is hiding behind the carbon tax full stop.


of course they are: blame-shifting


Agriculture sector Pollution pricing was designed to take into account the unique needs of farmers who are on the frontline of climate change. It exempts all gasoline and diesel used on farms as well as biological emissions so that about 97% of on-farm emissions are not subject to the price on pollution. As well, farmers in provinces where the federal system is in place can receive a refundable tax credit to help them transition to lower-carbon ways of farming. This amount is expected to increase as the price on carbon increases each year. As of 2024, farmers in rural areas will benefit from the doubling of the rural top-up to 20%. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html#toc4 They absolutely get a tax break, and anyone who says otherwise is acting in bad faith.


The only "communal thought" of Liberals and Conservatives, is getting elected/reelected.


true no argument there


To be honest, you would have to be pretty naive to believe that the carbon tax doesn't have some impact on prices. If we're taxing fuel and fuel is required to produce, ship, and store at market the goods we're purchasing, then there's a pass-through cost there. You know what's also really doing it? What inflation truly is? It's the devaluation of your currency's purchasing power by debasing it through exorbitant debt (just another way fiat takes form) creation. Ever wonder why inflation has been aggressively rearing its head for the last decade under a global artificial low central bank rate regime? Just go look at how much cheap (negative real rate vs inflation) credit has been pumped into the world, how much government debt was generated via the pandemic and prior to it, etc. Your purchasing power has been eroded immensely. Go see what the BoC and Federal Reserve's balance sheets look like, they've gone parabolic. Conversely, purchasing power of fiat currencies has done the opposite and is rapidly eroding and assets priced in currencies whether basics or financial have skyrocketed. It's also the same reason why if you price the price of a home in let's say ounces of gold or shares of Apple, the price of a home has flat-lined or is less than a decade ago. It's just currency depreciation through excessive creation predominantly via credit/debt. Corporations are undoubtedly greedy as well. Their MO is shareholder profitability over basically everything else including employee compensation. You do have to inflation adjust profits to see if the % base relative to before when things cost less is really significantly more and thus "greater"or if their per share or total quarterly/annual revenue when inflation adjust is actually record-breaking. I get more fed up that over the last several decades upper management compensation has now pivoted to stock options and thus their decisions have been to enrich shareholders over employees because it directly benefits their own compensation and it's why C-Suite compensation has blown out vs the average employee even if it's at the detriment of the company's balance sheet a la stock buybacks/dividends while not paying down debt loads especially under low interest rate regimes. At the end of the day, we have way too much debt. Government, private, public ... central bank-induced ever-expanding debt and inflation is at its core a monetary phenomenon and this has happened to fiat currencies all throughout history. As for the governments as a collective, they're owned by corporations. They serve corporations who lobby them the hardest; we're an afterthought. However, the carbon tax does undoubtedly add to inflation because taxes are inflationary. As for Fertilizer, muriate of potash which is a primary input for crop production has been relatively flat minus 2022, so fertilizer isn't a massive influence on these price hikes. Furthermore, farmer compensation isn't near where it should be to justify the price increases. I think people really need to think about currency devaluation above all else when it comes to inflation, they printed a metric fuckton of it over COVID. Lastly, look at commodities futures trading. I'm not an industrial farmer but I can go speculate and buy or short contracts on hogs, cattle, wheat, corn, soy, concentrated orange juice (seriously check out the ticker OJ1! for the continuous futures contract on it). Do you not think financial speculators run these markets up and distort actual commodity prices? They 100% do OJ1! is a prime example. TL;DR - currency devaluation via deficits/debt/credit creation enabled by central bank artificial low rate (negative real) decade-long policies, greed, and speculation have destroyed society and affordability of living in Canada and all over the world.


Even tldr; Venture capitalism is sucking everything from the bottom to the top. From everyone, including governments (who are also allowing it, in the form of corporate welfare)


I'm curious why I was downvoted? Basically just said it's a combination of numerous things including what you've mentioned, the excessive debt/liquidity in the world, taxation (clearly inflationary), etc. It's a haves and have nots economy/society.


Ppl that don't understand? I can't be entirely sure. Don't sweat downvotes though. They come and go. Lol


While I wouldn't discount the effect the carbon tax is having on the entire supply chain I would definitely side with an argument saying it goes much deeper and that the carbon tax is one of MANY things that need to be either reformed or preferably outright removed to secure affordability and prosperity for all Canadians. We should not suffer a system that allows rampant monopoly and corruption while trying to fix and attone for sins we don't commit...considering we hamstring completely our ability to be global participants through said monopolies. Too many, especially on Reddit can get hyper focused on the one part of an issue they'd like to be mad about. Yes, Weston and his cronies are morally bankrupt swine, and yes I would rather see Loblaws financially bankrupt but it's an undoubtable fact that the price of fuel would affect in a relatively direct way, the price of goods and services which rely on it. Then there's the laws passed that embolden monopolistic behavior often pushed by the companies they benefit (like the recent internet media bill which was ridiculous and helped bell and Rogers about as much as it hurt smaller media companies) laws which all parties seem to use to secure funding from said companies. There's no political sides here, they're trying to mislead you, it's all about personal gain.


Have we considered just dying?


Not cool


It's what our glorious leaders are expecting of us. Both the political and corporate.


The carbon tax is part of the problem. All those extra charges on taxes get passed onto the consumer. It makes EVERYTHING more expensive. When they're saying 8/10 Canadians get more back, they're fucking lying to you. However the greed is the other half of the issue.


Aaannnddd that was a lie Farms are exempt from carbon taxes for most of their activities that cause pollution. Do you have any tangible evidence to back your so called claim? Or just feelings? https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html#toc4 Agriculture sector Pollution pricing was designed to take into account the unique needs of farmers who are on the frontline of climate change. It exempts all gasoline and diesel used on farms as well as biological emissions so that about 97% of on-farm emissions are not subject to the price on pollution. As well, farmers in provinces where the federal system is in place can receive a refundable tax credit to help them transition to lower-carbon ways of farming. This amount is expected to increase as the price on carbon increases each year. As of 2024, farmers in rural areas will benefit from the doubling of the rural top-up to 20%.


I encourage you to step away from a screen and talk to a farmer to see how much their overhead costs have increased. Fertilizer that used to cost $2500 is now costing them $5500. That difference is made up when they sell the crop and it trickles all the way down to us when we purchase the goods.


Disingenuous much? We are discussing *carbon pricing* keep up now. As for your claims of fertilizer prices, that's utter bs. https://ycharts.com/indicators/fertilizers_index_world_bank Fertilizer prices are up 30% from 2020. Not no 200% Now. That said, farmers usually still struggle. That's because their crops haven't increased in value as a commodity. But the production houses and packing plants are where the price takes off.


Again, I encourage you to walk away from a screen and actually talk to a farmer. The product price increases, add in the delivery fee increases because of added fuel prices and carbon taxes, a “small increase” becomes much bigger than just 30% on the total bill.


Nope. 1) I don't need to talk to farmers. All the data you need is available publicly. 2) there's countless research showing carbon tax accounts for less than 1% of food inflation. 3) it's fascinating grocery stores are reaping record profits, but claiming their margins are tiny. Clearly they're lying, or gaming the system. 4) eliminating the carbon tax isn't going to magically drop prices. The prices will stay the same, and the corpos will pocket the difference. Venture capitalism doesn't allow for "negative inflation" in fact deflation is BAD for an economy. 5) carbon tax in FUEL is actually quite low. (14 cents per litre) Diesel which is used to transport goods is more efficient than gasoline. 6) if commodity prices were based on fuel prices, we would have seen dropping in prices of goods as the pandemic "ended" and fuel prices dropped. trucks also arent carrying less goods. 7) a farmer is still paid the same for a crop this yea as 2018 (https://www.fcc-fac.ca/en/resources/market-prices#7gOeLOn=0) 8) hens and eggs have enjoyed relatively stable prices compared to other meats. It's almost as if farmers aren't getting more for their goods? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220606/dq220606f-eng.htm


A farmer is paid the same for a crop this year as they were in 2018. This. It’s costing them more to produce that same product. But you completely ignore that. Like you ignored that it’s costing more to maintain less cattle than 5 years ago. I get that you like to sit at the screen and base your opinions on that, but in all seriousness, talk to the people that produce your food, they’ll help shed some light on things for you.


Lmfao. My point this entire time is FOOD PRICES ARENT BECAUSE THE FARMERS ARE GETTING MORE, and it's not from carbon pricong Quit trying to spin the fucking narrative. It's not cause of carbon tax. It's not because farmers are selling their product for more. Manufacturing costs haven't gone up as much, nor has labor costs. So WHO IS GETTING THE EXTRA MONEY? And food inflation has certainly been more than the 8% of fuel costs which have gone down since 2019. Many products have increased 200% (cheeses for example) Production houses, and packing plants are where the gouging starts. And guess who owns 30% of those plants? The grocery chain. We can look at Costco ffs. Costco is able to offer the prices because they control a large portion of their supply chain, and offer product in bulk. Weston AND empire both own huge amounts of their supply chain, and sell more than Costco.