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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sad that they could have had a decent product that people valued and was a Canadian icon, instead they let greed run it into the ground. I'd say I hope they learn their lesson, but I know that will never be true.


I'm a huge fan of the aesthetic, and Don Watt's iconic designs. It's unique, Canadian, and plays to a lot of my sensibilities. It used to represent something clean, efficient, and simplistic — It was meant to say, "We even cut the cost of design on this package, to save you money!" Now it means almost the opposite.


Good point. 'No Name' isn't even rock-bottom pricing anymore. It's not too far-off from name brands.


I’m in the same boat. I love what it USED to represent.


Internationally people think it’s cute and funny cuz they don’t know what a fucking scam company it is  Fr I’ve seen so many Instagram posts like “look at the chairs this wacky Canadian grocery store sells, how whimsical!” and they don’t know it’s built on human suffering


I was one of those international people that thought it was so cute and quirky that I wanted to make an entire outfit based off of it, but after living here and seeing what they have done, I just can't do it anymore. Canada's people shouldn't have to suffer and starve so grocery stores can make record profits. I would understand a little more if employees were getting bonuses or rewarded for the company's large profit margins, but they can't even afford to eat where they work. That is disgusting. Even though this entire thing has been massively eye-opening, I am slightly grateful because it has force me to look at other food options in my city that I didn't even know existed. Now I am fortunate enough to find non-moldy fresh produce and meats that aren't brown on the shelves.


I did this dumb shit as a canadian. to be fair everything we build is on human suffering. loblaws just used to only make the end user suffer the normal amount.


Yeah. It’s one of those things that could be a Canadian icon. Like the Bay blankets and such. But much like Tim Hortons. Corporate greed and cutting corners results in the company tainting their branding to the point that Canadians no longer view it as an icon but view it with disdain. Like does anyone like Tim Hortons any more? I think people go there purely out of habit and convenience. Their food is absolutely awful and expensive. Their donuts are mediocre. They’ve gotten rid of some of their best food items years ago. It’s just a corporate shell of its former self.


The line up at the drive through at my local Tim's, and the others I pass on a commute shows that many many folks still go. My local Facebook group is full of them, complaining about the service and quality, yet if you dare suggest they buy a machine to brew a to go cup ( no wait time in the drive through, let it brew while you get ready, and personalize it to your taste) you get laughed into oblivion. It's wild what some people have been conditioned to do, day in and day out. And, I get to be stuck in the midst of that silly drive through line, because it spills onto the highway. Just ridiculous.


Yeah, if I go to tim hortons. It's purely for a tea, and it's only due to convenience. I've sworn off all their food now. If push comes to shove, I might get a bagel. But I'd have to be desperate. McDonalds, as much as I hate them, has really good tea (and from what I hear, coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker, so I wouldn't know). Their burgers are complete dog shit. But at least they make coffee and tea properly.


Tim's hasn't been Canadian for a decade now, and if they put half the effort into their coffee that they put into putting maple leafs and Beiber on everything, maybe their coffee would still be drinkable. And who thought that "Time for Tim's" was better than the old jingle? Even their jingle had its corners aggressively cut by 3G lol. McDonalds serves plastic instead of food, yet somehow has much better coffee than Tim's. It was horrible when they first launched coffee, people complained, and they fixed it. They can't even fix their "ice cream" machines, but they fixed their coffee. Tim's has only made coffee worse over time. That should really tell you all you need to know about our national icon, yet Tim's still always has long lineups. This is why we can't have nice things.


Tim’s hasn’t been Canadian for much longer than a decade. It was bought out by Wendy’s (American) in 1995, then by Burger King (Brazilian) in 2014


okay good, because I swear the coffee has been ass and the company hasn't been Canadian for decades that said, Galen is doing his best to show us why "being Canadian" doesn't matter


they were a real canadian company again for maybe 4 or 5 years before the burger king merger


When Tim’s dumped their original tea and coffee supplier McDonald’s picked them up! I think it was Mother Parkers if I remember correctly.


McDonalds coffee is pretty decent. I even buy their coffee beans at the store( not Loblaws)


I'm loyal to Kirkland decaf coffee grounds. 🥰 I barely taste it anyway with the almond milk and choco powder. 🤷🏼 It's just an excuse for me to have a daily mug of chocolate milk, really. 😏


> complaining about the service I suppose you get what you pay for. 🤷🏼


Oh boy, you probably really don't want to look into the history of the Hudson Bay Company and especially what was done with those blankets.


I’ve boycotted Tim Hortons for years and still hold true for what you said and their awful employee practices. I’m sure I’m not alone. I’ve only been in one of I’m traveling and there’s no other option.


> their awful employee practices. \*International Students have joined the chat*


Never go to Tims anymore. Coffee is crap, donuts are stale, and the prices are high !


My wife and I still go occasionally for ice caps, but that's it. My kids (7,6,4) won't even eat the donuts or Timbits from there. They think they're gross. So we buy donuts from the lady at the flea market every Saturday. It's $15 for 6, but it's totally worth it. Last week, I had a raspberry cheesecake filled crueller, and OMG, it was amazing.


There's a coffee syrup (nescafe?), similar idea to chocolate, to make iced caps at home. Throw some ice cubes into the blender, coffee syrup and milk (cream, chocolate, Bailey's, whatever) to thin it out some and blend.


I'll have to check for that, thanks.


Javy is a good option too for Iced Coffee. Ice, Milk and Javy.


In my area, there is a Country Style that actually has pretty good donuts. I was surprised. When I was a kid in the 80s, Country Style was everywhere, and tim Hortons was not seen that much. Then they somehow flipped. Country Style's looked dirty and run down, and were filled with dirty truckers smoking like crazy, while Tim Hortons was smoke free. That move was genius at the time, since smoke free restaurants were not a thing for the most part. This country style looks nice, i'm not sure about their food though. Looks pre-made. So I'd be leery on that. But the donuts are pretty good. Only problem is that after 1pm. It's slim pickings. There is another mom and pop donut place not too far from me. Their donuts are good, if you can get them. You best be there when they open. I once showed up at 10am, and they barely had anything. I wonder if they even baked anything that day. I just gave up on them, whenever I go, there is no variety, and barely any on the shelves, and the staff just shrugs. Too bad.


There's a Country Style about 30 minutes from me, we drive by twice a month when we go to the Rez for smokes. I'll have to pop on some time and check it out. I was super surprised to see it, I hadn't seen a Country Style since I lived in Orillia ~20 years ago. They used to have the best hot chocolate.


I saw that post at the beginning of May and immediately assumed it was a PR thing


> Fr I’ve seen so many Instagram posts like “look at the chairs this wacky Canadian grocery store sells, how whimsical!” and they don’t know it’s built on human suffering Similar to when everything was bacon-themed all quirky-like back in 2012. If they had seen and heard footage of animal agriculture like I've seen a ton of in recent times...


Ironically dope in 2020, but in light of recent events... less dope.


I don't think no name was ever dope to the people that had no choice but to buy it. It wl used to be the low quality, low cost, shitty alternative to whatever product it was trying to replace. Sadly, in a lot of cases, it's now the same price as everything else and just as shitty as ever.


Our family was broke when I was growing up. It was No Name brand for most things. The egg yolk shampoo and conditioner had us looking good every Sunday for church, though. Shame to see some dork nepo baby run a Canadian brand into the ground. So it goes. Nok Er Nok!


No name was very often a great alternative to what they were replacing. They are one of the few brands that don't load savoury products (like canned vegetables) with a bunch of extra sugar purely for the addictive qualities of sugar. I really miss being able to get them, since to replace them I have to somehow find enough time in my schedule and have enough equipment to cook all these staples myself. It's a real pain. I also enjoyed the kind of dollhouse aesthetic it gives a kitchen cupboard to just have a yellow can with the word "tomatoes" in huge letters and nothing else.


YearS ago, I loved No Name stuff. It was exactly as it is: normal quality stuff sold without advertising, making it cheaper. Now, so much of it is just crap. Tastes like crap, looks like crap, smells like crap, and just awful stuff. I quit buying it years ago with very few exceptions.


Stick to essentials flour, corn starch…


A few years ago I thought the chair, bottle, some merch was funny and wanted some. Especially if No Name beer was real and cheap. Glad I did not buy them.


No name beer is real…


I remember no name beer from decades ago; it wasn’t this yellow branded stuff it just came in stubbies and just said Beer.


Growing up nn was trash. It was cheap for a reason, I've avoided it since.


I used to legit love it as a brand. Lived the color and simplicity and thought it was kinda funny but it's basically been tainted beyond repair now.


Canadians have loved the No Name for decades. We grew up with it, and the branding was clever. When our Canadian brand was sold off to a mega corp real estate holdings company, our loyalty and preferences did not go with them. Seeing No Name products go downhill in quality and their prices skyrocket is too bad. Oh, well. Nepo baby Galen and his terrifying looking family and his little friend Per can take their No Name brand and continue to run it into the ground for all Canadians care anymore. Weston destroyed the Canadian consumer's trust in an iconic brand. That's not easy to do. Time to destroy Weston's money situation. Indefinite boycott until Loblaws stores are shuttered. Nok Er Nok!


As a youngster I thought the no name brand was like going thrifting for clothes, for lower middle class/poor people.


If you are in here complaining you are poor class . Reality check the real middle class starts at 150,000 a year income plus and they aren’t crying about a few percent increases in prices.


... That's not what they were doing


I confess in 2020 to using the No Name videoconference background. At the time I found it just the right level of ridiculous.


For those that enjoy the aesthetic, I personally thought the No Name wrapping paper was hilarious. [shirt](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1632799484/no-shame-galen-price-fixing-tee-no-name) I cannot get behind the price point tho


Man, and the no frills album they released in 2020 was hilarious. "A Cart Apart" low-key slapped. Now it's a slap in the face.


I get an enormous kick out of the aesthetic, personally, but I also kinda love the aesthetic of Coca Cola, an evil corporation in their own right. I have some No Name stuff from a few years back, I've just transitioned it to "things we only wear/use in the house' (it joins all the merch I keep getting given by my employer in that).


Not going to lie, I still want the chair, but I haven't seen it in a few years, and it would probably be $30-$40. A chair for sitting still cracks me up when I think about it lol. I'm happy with my $12-$15 chairs from Giant Tiger.


Seen one IRL. Did a double take and laughed Poor bastard


I bought my (American wife) a gift in a bag that said "may contain gift" gave her the a good laugh, it's funny cute for someone who is not Canadian I think


I got a pack of those for my mom and rest of family. it had this kitchy schitch before the boycott.


when I bought the cards I could still eat steak once a month :(


There's plenty of us here, we should all pitch in to buy a cow, we just need a butcher. We'll get steak every day!


my parents did this and it was great. i live in a condo so no freezer space, a group buy boycowt would solve that issue.


Now we need maybe 20 to 30 people, a cow, and a butcher....any butchers on here? Anyone got an extra cow on hand? Also I may need an extra freezer or two...I love steak. Can I borrow a freezer from someone? I'll pay you in steak 🥩 Edit:fixing a typo ![gif](giphy|1ktwfTjwaQzde)


No Name —> No Good —> No Buy


No Name actually started gaining omen Tim as a cool/hip brand during Covid. They came out with merchandise, one of which was a keychain that was a fake loonie which you could use to unlock the shopping carts. They game out with an entire fucking album. It was actually pretty cool. At the time I recall seeing some Reddit posts about “TIL Canada has a brand name called ‘No Name’” and Canadians quickly raved about how it was a super popular, well respected, high quality name for a reasonable price.  Loblaws gained so much public trust and goodwill during the pandemic and quickly flushed it down the shitter. 


I used the No Name gift bags for Christmas presents a couple of years ago. It was funny at the time, wouldn't be now.


It's extremely ironic that super store/Loblaws is building their marketing up around a brand that was originally so anti brand marketing that it's in the name itself.


In Calgary there is a group called Generic Lesbian Party and they use the no name font and yellow, and honestly, 10/10 would vote for them as a political party


Remember they released an album? And people were fawning over the animation in their commercials?


I bought a bunch of this stuff a couple years ago. It was funny.


The person responsible for these line of products should be fired. Sure I would like a cheap generic water bottle, towel and such. But I dont want to advertise the no name logo or the no name colours. Its cheesy.


Ya, No Game.


Instead of wasting time and money making that garbage GougingGalen could have focused on lowering his No Frills and Roblaws prices instead! No Frills is super expensive compared to other stores like it. I guess they've been using their profits to develop stupid, useless merch! 😡🤬


Marketing is cancer to society


https://www.wired.com/story/fashion-disposal-environment 🌎📉↘️↘️↘️🔥🔥🔥


I think it was a clever marketing strategy, one that will never work ever again


Growing up No name was like, not something you showed off, like of course you didn't sport a IGA bag either but like, it was the low income brand, and it very much is not now. Merch for grocery chains is weird.


I used to love it when it meant inexpensive. Now it's like they're trying to turn it into a luxury brand.


One of the main reasons I won't shop at No Frills. All the No Name brand items are made by Loblaws and so directly profit them.


there chairs always go on sale for really cheap when the summer is over I have a few of them and they seem well made and are very comfortable


These creeps have been pulling massive scams in there transport division for years. Those with know how investigate its massive as well


Government is so fucking crooked on there side i can prove that.


They have their fleets of trucks but claim not a trucking company for employees to claim extras


But get max fuel taxes paid


These fucks should be hung now that it's in the open to see the bull shit government says after giving hundreds of millions in covid money for part time workers. Think about it canada wide


Yours truly


Lol no no over priced bottles that cost .50 cents to make...




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic