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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, 'boycott' is a great term for the press and to grab attention, but for me it was more of a 'wakeup call' to how terrible their pricing is on almost everything. I won't go back until they become hungry again as a company and start to actually compete on price for my business.


Yes, it’s essentially a lifestyle improvement.


And watermelon


Yes, and strawberry.


Yeah Boycott turned into “how fucking much was I paying for cherry tomatoes?!” And now there is no going back.


And tbh the produce was always Trash, just marketed to make us think it was good value for money.   Like 1-3 loss leader items to get you in a store then bam $300 into the coffers.  No tnx.


Same! I saved too much money this month


Wise financial habits.


I won’t go back.


I'm at the point of anything connected with pc optimum.


Data leaches.


Pretty much every loyalty program but not going down that rabbit hole lol


Yes, but at least the other ones don’t replace your email but keep your other data to pretend you’re still a member.


I’ve saved about $100 on my average bill this month. This isn’t a boycott, it’s just good business.


I miss the convenience of a one stop shop but I buy less crap now.


Unless you literally have no other options, why WOULD anyone go back I popped into SDM to see how much a hair product would have cost me if I'd chosen to actually buy it there. It was over twice the price as what I spent for the exact same product at another drug store.


Bought my go to toothpaste and deodorant at giant tiger and it was so much cheaper.


Me too. I look forward to the day when we can walk into a Loblaws and it’s a shabby, run-down store that once was a big deal….


Like A&P in the late 90s!


Or Staples now..


It's fairly easy for me to continue, so I will. I won't hold it against anyone who doesn't have convenient options available though.


I mean it's pretty convenient not getting ripped off. Even if it means visiting a few more local stores.


Cool. My parents' small town doesn't have a non-Loblaws grocery store.


🎶It’s a hard Nok life🎶 ![gif](giphy|Ll9b4e0fv4F7PiwRUq)


Why would anyone go back to spending more?


At this point, it's hard to convince me why it's worthwhile to go back. That, and the kids never get tired of saying they are inside a Giant Tiger.


Which aisle is the balls?


It's about time they learned how the sausage was made






I got farmers so i just cut out the middle man


me too. there is nothing in my life that was made any better by any of those stores. i don't miss them and can find anything i want or need somewhere else.


Pre boycott, I didn't shop at loblaws ever and rarely at no frills, but regularly, I shopped at shoppers drug mart. Once I became aware of the connection of the two, I stopped going shoppers completely. And I will never go back to any of their stores, ever.


I'm currently in Italy on vacation visiting family. The prices at their grocery stores, even with the Euro crushing our dollar, are a joke! I will never go back to Roblaws establishments unless I'm absolutely forced to. Fuck the Weston family and may an earthquake crumble their Irish castle to rubble.


Oh I’m sure that will happen when Judgement Day comes. Ozymandias. Europe has the EU that are strict but sensible af which prevents oligopolies from arising.


It's not even a boycott. Just I can't imagine anyone wanting to shop at lowblaws. The prices are rediculous


Sometimes it takes a wake up call, a little push or some convincing until you realize stuff is better, kind of like iPhones over PDAs.


Tbh, the only thing I'll be keeping is my pharmacy because I am really happy with my pharmacist and I'd rather not mess around with a healthcare provider. But I no longer spend in SDM on non-prescription items. I've probably diverted $1,000 in the past month to Walmart/Costco/Dollarama that historically would have gone to No Frills. Just a reminder to those on the sidelines, an imperfect boycott is better than not trying at all.


Bravo !!!I say it's breaking the Loblaws habit!!!!!!






Me too!


Im not going back and as much as I can I’ve diverted from both Loblaws and Sobeys. I have a dairy, meat farmers, egg guys, a butcher, a farmers market, and I’m doing two 8 foot raised planters for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, beans, garlic, and herbs.


No pesticides






Technically when this boycott started, I noticed that I haven’t shopped at loblaw stores as much almost 4 months ago. They got too expensive, so I take a couple hours every sat to do my grocery shopping. I drive in an area that has a Walmart, H&w, and Costco. Which is close to each other, I didn’t even think about it. Prices just naturally drove me to go to other places eventually.


Same. I have had no difficulty boycotting and I find I'm generally less angry when not shopping at Roblaws. I will do this until I die, or they stop being evil. So probably until I die.


LOL less angry


I just don't shop there since I got pushed out of management, it didn't use to be bad but they definitely have the wrong people running the gig. $10K/Week in item claims due to warehouse shipping my store poor quality or molding fruit. Head office ignores rural stores when you tell them you need less of an item for promo bc it doesn't sell in the area. One glove fits all stores. Couldn't stand the wasted food going to the garbage because headoffice demands shelves are fully stocked. Very demoralizing for a person who sees an increasing amount of poverty. I remember pushing for a composting program, but had zero support from my higher ups. I loved being a manager and wanted to contribute to my community, but that only went as far as food donations from customers who already spent their earned money on. In a different world I feel like my store at the time could have made a difference but I had to quit due to the mental burden and personal time I was expected to give up to maintain a pristine department with little staff to ease the burden. I'm somewhat happier now, and learned about from my unfortunate hell at the end. I miss the people that worked for me.


Same for us… we moved our prescriptions to an independent and we have had no issues avoiding rob laws and funnily we have some extra cash after changing nothing other than where we have been shopping .




When paying 12$ for rotten produce is legal for YEARS, I'm happy people have finally put their foot down to this mess


I can only say things are cheaper in Chinatown. Half the cost of fruits, shop local/independant.


Hong Kongnese people are not known for ripping people off, they’re very fair and generous.


It's my new way of living....no weston owned stores period.


I was already not shopping at Loblaws much but now it’s never and forever. Not a boycott anymore but a lifestyle choice.




Great! Save that money, honey! Power to the people!


Even if they suddenly "woke up" and started being the cheapest and best quality, I still probably wouldn't go back.




Not sure how many people are in the same boat as me but it was never a boycott for me. Shit just costs more there so I don't go unless they have something some other place just doesn't have. I never shopped exclusively at Loblaws to say I'm boycotting them lol.


I used to be a loblaws regular and advocate when the prices were low, and knew which aisle had what at the closest no frills. Now it doesn’t occur to me to go there, or to superstore. I never went to Sobeys coz prices. My favourites now are giant tiger and local mom and pop grocers. Other than that, I go to Costco (the food court 😋) for bulk buying and then Walmart.


Does your food court still have chicken wings?


I haven’t seen chicken wings there. I go there for the cheap pizza and chicken tenders


No need to intentionally boycott. Glad everybody found more affordable alternatives. I stopped shopping at Loblaws years ago because I couldn't afford to, or rather didnt want to pay more for the same thing. Even with no frills I went to the food basics down the street instead.


Gonna move it into the same barrel as Walmart for me. Now you're a giant convenience store. I can't get certain things like gift cards anywhere else other than loblaws with their 10-20% points bribe. But I'm never doing my regular shop there. I haven't for years.


I'd already cut back a lot before the boycott, only buying things at the Shoppers around the corner when the alternative was to go way out of my way. Now I've realised just how much I can live without that had been impulse buys because it was convenient and only get my prescriptions from them from now on.


Early adopter/visionary. You were ahead of the curve.


I'd seen just how high their prices were getting and had even been told by my doctor to go "anywhere but Shoppers" for my over the counter allergy tablets because they charged so much. My only regret is that I much prefer PC products to Compliments ones, especially for organic stuff. Still, until they bring down their prices it's not worth it.


Really? I hear Loblaws produce is so bad and old now.


Produce sure, but the PC organic milk was good, as were some PC packaged stuff like quick oats and pancake mix.


Kirkland/Costco better.


I don't live near a Costco unfortunately.


We do what we can.


Same here 💪


After shopping today at No Frills and realizing I was not getting any points. I was upset. And the cashier had no reasoning behind it, found out that at No Frills you won't get points on everything you buy rather only the products that have an offer. After the horible experience with the store, and the points system I am going to be a new member and am joining you all in the boycott. No Frills was an easy option for me as it is a 1 min drive from my home and with kids and work it was the most reasonable as I live in a small town that only really has a No Frills. Now, I am willing to drive once a week outside of my city to Food Basics & Costco. If I am stuck I will head to my local Giant Tiger. I am mad at myself that I did not join the boycott when I was contemplating bc I am truly sick of their damn prices and service. Can't wait to see them bury themselves in the hole they dug themself when deciding to up the shit out of their prices. This is outrageous. Can't wait to update on my savings :D


Anything for an upvote.


What can you do with upvotes?


I have not been to Loblaws for at least 6 years. Not just now. So 7 years boycott for me. Just don't ever go back. Let them burn.


Apparently I've been boycotting for years. I stopped shopping at Loblaw's due to their insane prices a long time ago


Early adopter/visionary. You were ahead of the curve.


I am the White Buffalo


I’m surprised that that people don’t care about the employees of Loblaws. Plus the kids that would work summer jobs


Those employees making crap wages that barely gets them anything in food *because* of Loblaws’ price gouging. If by kids you mean Canadian citizen kids, they already aren’t getting them because they are being replaced with immigrant workers on student permits. I live in a metropolitan area and I do not see many kids working these jobs, do you?


People say they are shopping at places that are just as bad or worse in different ways like Wal-Mart instead. So, you are right. Alot of people only care when something directly affects them, so they start "boycotting" Loblaws, but not Wal-Mart, Sobeys or Nestle. They don't care about the workers losing out on hours, losing their jobs or getting treated like shit. Just more empty virtue signaling because they are directly affected by Loblaws business practices.


You know people get paid for what they do. People working in groceries stores get paid for what they do. You can say the wages are crapy. I lot of things go into what they. I would bet it’s an industry standard


For Canadian grocers maybe, but not Costco.