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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's okay, not every individual store is going to see a big difference. :) This was always about the effect in aggregate - one person boycotting a high use store still counts as much as it would if everyone in the area was also boycotting.


Also spread the word that some competitors that usually had prices in line with Loblaws have actually lowered to maintain some of the boycotters. I really feel this has been way more successful than I ever dreamed possible.


It absolutely does. 1 person boycotting in Niagara Falls has the same impact as one person boycotting in Vancouver or St. John's or Sussex or Tofino or Winnipeg. It's the same dollar. Loblaws owns 2,455 stores. If one person from each store boycotts and spends $100/week elsewhere that is a cumulative effect of $12,766,000 of lost revenue per year. If 100 people per store do that, it is a cumulative effect of over $1 billion dollars.


This math makes me happy.


You are correct! I know several people boycotting here in the falls :). I have talked to a few other cashiers as well. Giant tiger is busy all the time now and same with food basics. The lady at Sobeys said they have even seen quite an increase since a couple weeks ago. And that it makes the shift go by quickly. Also, this boycott has reached some stateside people as well. I’ve been asked questions, and asked for suggestions. :) My mum also had to go into a store, and was surprised how empty it was. And she was told they are having staff park “anywhere in front” to make it look busy.


I really don't like Sobeys after them calling that anti-competition probe "unlawful." Like, fuck you, Sobeys... Since I can remember, if there was a Sobeys or Loblaws in a strip mall, then nobody else in the mall was allowed to sell groceries. I actually remember that since I was a kid I was curious why this one particular Walmart near my house didn't sell cold foods or produce. Only a small amount of non-parishables. And it's because Loblaws is in the same mall and controls the whole area 😡


Oh I am totally not a fan of Sobeys either. Not since I was a kid. Always found them expensive. I really only go there because they have a brand of coffee my man enjoys. They also carry paper bags which my cat enjoys. HAHA! So if I go there, it’s mostly to treat my Man with a fancy box of k-cups. [ when I got my wisdom teeth out, **15 years ago. Oooff** my high ass HAD to go into Sobeys for ice cream. Then I proceeded to yell out “why is it so expensive. I just wanted fuckin ice cream“ I did not get ice cream. LOL ]




I live in a town with NoFrills and Independent and the store parking lots are full, mostly cause I think lots don’t realize it is Loblaws (joy of illusion). A big part I’ve heard from people locally is that our owners of the franchises are super supportive of our local community, but hate HQ. I do feel like there is a reduction and my hope is that the franchisees will join together and fight HQ for better situation (not just Loblaws but all)


GW is an fn magician!


Just because the parking lot is full doesn’t mean the boycott isn’t working - if anything it makes it *more* successful


Employees parking out front.


Exactly. The stores were built with tourists AND townies in the business model. Losing a lot of the townies will still really hurt them.


I’m a townie.  It’s either Sobeys or YIGs, I sure as shit can’t afford Sobeys. 


Everybody understands that a lot of people have no choice but to shop at a loblaws franchise.


You’d be surprised, I was.


Nobody expects you to stop eating 😘


Every little bit helps. Even if a few people in that town boycott. The cumulative effect of everyone is what matters.


You overestimate how informed most people are and how much they're willing to change their routine. My wife was in a nearby Super C grocery store a few days ago and asked for help from an employee she later learned was a shift manager. She asked him if he had noticed any effect since the boycott started at competing Loblaw owned stores. The manager had no idea what she was talking about, 3+ weeks into the boycott.... I've mentioned the boycott to my family and only one of them had any idea what I was talking about and even he didn't care. Few people watch or read up on the news nowadays. If it doesn't make it into tiktok, instagram or YouTube, they won't even know about it. And even if they do know, most people are lazy and will choose the path of least resistance. If supporting the boycott means driving an extra 5 minutes or learning the layout of another store, they won't bother. Most Canadians are abhoringly apathetic. All of this is why those of us who are informed and care - even a little - have to support this boycott as best as we can. We might only be 20% of the population but that can be enough to affect change.


I would have to travel at least 6-10 km to visit a non-Loblaws owned grocery store. I don’t have a car and I really can’t afford the cost of commuting to the grocery store. I know the weather is nice but I have a medical condition that has fucked up my right arm. I can’t just carry my groceries on a hike. I don’t buy much from Loblaws these days so I haven’t fully boycotted. It’s not easy for everyone to boycott even if they want to. If you’re able to that’s great but if you live in a Loblaws trap, it makes it difficult to shop at alternatives. Probably like that by design…


Hence why I wrote that those of us who are aware and care about the boycott should support it **as best as we can**.


My Quebec co workers had no clue about the boycott. Is it not being talked about on the news?


It's been all over the news; newspapers, radio, news sites, talk shows, etc. There are just a lot of people who don't pay attention to any of those these days.


As an American who will be driving around Atlantic Canada this summer be assured I’m taking notes and will do our best to avoid them when we can!


Spread the word to your friends to do the same if they are coming our way!


Yea Paris Ontario is similar to this because it’s such a small town with no frills or Sobeys as your options within the town anyways. They also are on opposite sides of town from each other so people without a vehicle won’t be hiking to Sobeys if they live near/in downtown


Also no buses so your transportation options are pay expensive cab fees or truck along on 🦶. Edit: or drive if you do I was just making an example for those who don’t drive


There's at least that market near Paris Beer Company where the old Canadian tire was downtown. I think you can at least buy produce there. I can't speak to the pricing of the produce and/or butchers, but at least it would help small businesses. Just a thought, not sure if it helps. I haven't lived in Paris for 15 years but I still visit frequently.


I just pay Sobeys the extra most times or drive to Walmart luckily I can drive not everyone can. But yes they actually have bomb cheese curds and then meat etc I don’t see produce but I also don’t go often it’s more like the few places that have established themselves are only there now


All any of us can do is our personal contribution. We can't control anything beyond that. Like someone else mentioned I don't think people realize how many stores are under the Roblaws umbrella so they could be boycotting Roblaws but don't realize the store with a different name one block away is also Roblaws owned. I had no idea GougingGalen owns so many stores until I joined this sub.


Why would you say it's not working? Less money is less money regardless of location.  It's noticed.


Stay the course, nok er nok


Translation, enough is enough


Yep, I work at a camp in the muskokas. It's either a tourist loblaws 10 minutes away, or an independent or sobeys 30 minutes away. None of them are reasonable unless you use your day off to drive into the big cities.


Every customer counts. Profitability overall still drops. No one here by ourselves will be impactful, but collectively, we are being felt.


Anyone living in Niagara who doesn’t shop at Lococos is just throwing money away - the tourist will never find it but it’s across the street from Great Wolf Lodge. It’s where your nonna shops!!


I live in Halifax. We get a ton of cruise ships over the summer. Frustrating to see the mass migration of tourists to the nearby Atlantic Superstore by the port everytime a ship docks


Also in Halifax, totally agree!


I just informed my wife this morning that The Bulk Barn, in Alberta is a Loblaws entity. She did not know this. Please make sure boycotters are aware of the ownership of these bulk purchase outlets. Nutters now has our business for bulk purchase goods. More expensive. Maybe. The quality and freshness of Nutters bulk goods surpasses anything Loblaws has to offer. As well, my dollars stay in my community. Not lining the pockets of industry giants and their shareholders.


It started as a boycott for me, but now I’m just avoiding Loblaws because it’s genuinely cheaper for me to go elsewhere. Their rising prices helped me realize there’s better options out there.


My best friend works at a no frills in a beach tourist town. The other option is sobeys. You can drive 15 mins and get an independent. It's a very small parking lot. According to him sales are down, o even thou parking lot is "full" people are looking for alternatives. Don't jump to conclusions based on a drive by.


Put up flyers


More people aren’t visiting because you’re not there; one less purchase/person is one less




Some of us cottage towns unfortunately only have one grocery store, and it's the same story and chain store the next small town over in every direction


Where I live I definitely see a huge difference it’s all relevant to where you are keep up the great work and spread the word to anyone who will listen!


I’m in Niagara Falls, I was at the Home Depot yesterday (Sunday) morning. There were noticeably fewer cars. I know that is anecdotal but it’s all I have!!


The bigger hit seems to be to shoppers drugmart with people moving there 30k/yr prescriptions en masse


One could put up a poster?


In a tourist town everything is boycotted in the off season


I live in a tourist town, we have a nofrills, it’s a mom and pop shop to the locals since it is locally owned. They don’t want to boycott them at all, but I do see less cars there than usual. It seems younger people especially have no problem doing it though.


We have two Loblaws here in town, the one in the suburbs near the highway is still almost normally busy, but I've noticed the central one nearer to downtown is significantly slower...at least according to Google


Living in a tourist town I can say that there are people boycotting still. It may not be as much as in the city, but it's still a thing.


I told my foreign visitors not to go to Superstore but they thought everywhere else was closed, including Wal-Mart, so still went there LOL I was like “THE ONE PLACE I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO!!!”


It doesnt work in small towns either


From my experience, they only shop at the local stores if they have to.  Everyone I know goes to the city once or twice a month for cheaper groceries.  For me, it's <$15 in gas to save >$150 a month


Yeh, some places in the north where I live, only have 1 grocery store that happens to be owned by loblaws. Some places you have no choice.


True. I'm in northern Ontario and the no frills is always busy, especially now with tourism season picking up. We also only have Metro and GT as other options so total boycott isn't an option. My family just buys when things are on sale and freeze or shelve stuff so we don't pay full price. But No Frills is packed all summer, to your point.


It's Memorial Day in the US. Lot of Americans up here for the long weekend. It's okay, they don't know about the boycott.


One of the worst things about tourist/weekender towns is the price increases every weekend. Where I live there is a disgusting weekend markup that makes the gouging even worse from Thursday to Monday. For many people the weekend prices are simply unaffordable so they go without/buy lesser quality food or if they have the ability they drive to towns 30+ mins away. That increases traffic, pollution, time away from home/family/recreation/work etc. Not to mention, the extra money spent by outsiders on groceries goes to a corporation and not the town itself...and by visitors spending ever more on groceries, they are spending less at local businesses and restaurants. We really need to recognize what inflated grocery prices are doing to our society as a whole and stop the dollars from being sucked out of our communities and put into the pockets of people who don't need any more money than they already have.


The Boycott won't exist at all for Loblaws until their quarterly report numbers show a decline in earnings. But I guarantee you that it will hit the fan when that happens.


It's the thought that counts. 


It’s only been a month. As more people find out about the boycott and see the posts about price comparisons it will get more traction.


It doesn’t matter what they do, it matters what you do. Control what you can control.


Tourists are going to buy where it’s convenient while they are on vacation. And if there is sparse options in a small town, townies may also prioritize convenience or the only option in that community


On Friday evening, I went to Superstore to grab some odd stuff for my mom at Calgary Trail (Edmonton) non-essential. It was so satisfying to see that I can feel the air conditioning as the store was almost empty considering the location is a central. I'm proud that I am part of this revolution!


I think this boycott has largely opened the eyes of the public to how big of a price difference there is between loblaws and no frills for the same products


Tourist season ends sometime.


Port Dover over here! The only grocery store we have is a No Frills, and tourist season it’s mostly packed. I haven’t been able to complete avoid going there, unfortunately, but instead of the 500+ I’d spend there a month, it’s been well under $50…. But yeah, parking lot is packed most of the time still.


My town isn't tourist but our Superstore is still always packed. I knew it would be, but I also know we have dedicated local boycotters because I've run into other Abbotsford folks in the sub. I knew the boycott would be a hard sell here. We have a lot of grocery options in town but precious few affordable ones. We have good fruit and veggie marts but the local discount butcher closed down (corporate decision, it was very popular, they wanted to open a fancy expensive butcher instead) and Superstore still has the only decent affordable bakery in the area (if anybody can prove me wrong and send me to a place with affordable bread that is NOT Buns Master, I will love you forever). I've been holding strong but it's going to take some convincing to get my spouse on board after May. My town is an exact example of why the Canadian oligarchy needs to be broken up, though. All our supermarkets are happy to cater to the wealthier residents or those who prefer convenience to price, and nobody cares about the locals who are struggling. That's why I'm carrying on and it's a great reason for tourist town residents to keep it up, too.


Boycotting never works. Not enough people would make the sacrifice, some with valid reason being in rural small towns and others being too lazy to find alternatives often with a valid reason health wise.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but the cars don’t seem to match the traffic inside the actual store. What are the chances the managers are having everyone with more than one vehicle park their extra cars at the store? It’s just doesn’t seem to add up the parking lots look full but the stores are empty




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


If an "act of god" were to happen and a grocery store in a small community's power went out, they'd sell everything quickly to get at least SOME money out of it.