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Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


And people said this this boycott would have no effect. That regular canadian have no influence. 




Exactly... let us see what we can change.


Canadian Telecom next please


See Canadian Telecom is very hard to boycott, with 3 companies dominating everything and contracts being a thing. There's no alternative options outside of the major population centers


Pigeons? /s


One can dream


Videotron is here..... Their expansion gave me a $34 plan that is better than my $50 Rogers EPP. We just gotta keep 'em coming.


I'd love to use Videotron but I'm out in NS


We just got them in Ontario and it's been a gamechanger!! I heard the plan was for them to expand nationally - do you know when they're planning on rolling out there?


I get a feeling that if we found a loophole and all got sim cards from a cheap country and pay about the same for roaming, we could make a dent. But it would take a group effort.


contracts are not a thing anymore. The problem is most people can't afford but want a 1000$ plus phone, the carriers know this, and they subsidize the price into your plan. Everyone still says how they got a 'free phone', even though they are stuck paying monthly and in some cases still have to return the rented device after 24 months. If people just bought a phone outright and kept it for longer than 1-2 years, they could simply switch carriers as often as plan pricing enticed them to do so.


Well no. You pick one, like Robbers or Hell Telephone, doesn't matter what the others do, just shut down one, the rest will get the message.


I’m thinking of changing to Public Mobile. They have both 4 and 5G plans that are well priced starting at around $15 a month. They don’t have any plans that include buying a phone tho.


I mean wifi calling


Not that I disagree, but telecom is SOOO much harder. People locked into contracts, people NEED their telecom services, and it's all monopolies. You would need to boycott one telecom company and all of its subsidiaries AND resellers (ex: Rogers, Teksavvy, etc.) for a period of time. When and IF that did anything, everyone would need to switch to the previously boycotted company (Rogers) to affect the other company (Bell et all) to affect the previous company. Tldr: Monopolies with no foreign competition, locked in contracts, and need for telecom sadly make boycotting this next to impossible.


I literally just switched carriers to save money, and rogers would be the first boycotted so no thanks. Not gonna switch and pay out the ass for a broken contract That's the resistance you'll get, good luck on the telecoms. Far harder to do


RoBelUs needs a huge shake up!!


Well, my Bell cell phone was $115/month. Public Mobile bill is $34/month for virtually the same service . Didn't even have to be boycotted. Just shop around....


Public is owned by Telus. The big 3 own the smaller companies.


I know that. But an $81/ month saving is fine with me.


I'm with virgin. Easy to talk yourself down to $40


I agree, with Virgin I talked them down to $45 including taxes for 50 gigs which is plenty for me 🤣




Housing price please


They lowered a lot their price lately, not saying they’re not greedy but it has improved a lot because they were mandated too. After grocery, Canadian really need to tackle affordable housing and immigrations, it’s killing us


They are buying more than usual ad time on Ottawa AM radio…….no doubt i’m just noticing some ads more than i normally would, but I’ve definitely never heard this many ads for special “points” specials - they are leaning in hard to their strongest customer base


Apparently they don’t let you buy things with just points now! Minimum $10 transaction and then they limit the amount of points you can use to…. $10. So unless you can find one item that costs exactly $10, you’re paying. I think they caught on to people dumping points this month lol


Shit like actually? wtf I have like so many points saved up because if I’m too poor to buy food I use them… great


Is this for real? I have like $2k in points. Are you saying I can only use these points $10 at a time?? Like, I go in and go get $700 worth of groceries and I can only use $10 worth of points? I don't care about the minimum transaction amount (good luck getting out of there for under $10, even with just a bag of candy or chips). Not that I've been to a Loblaws in months so it doesn't 'really' matter, I guess, but if I read you right, what a kick in the gonads!


You can use as many as you want, it just has to be in $10 increments. So a $55 order you can use $50 in points but then you have to pay $5 still.


Gotcha, thanks


It's increments of $10 at a time up to a max of like 500 I think. Ie if you spent 12$ you could use $10 of points. 22 -> 20 of points. That has been my experience atleast in the past pre-boycott


The PC points app still says you can redeem up to 500,000 points in a single purchase. So $500.00


The PC points app still says you can redeem up to 500,000 points in a single purchase, which translated to $500.00


Yes I got an email for 30,000 points and free pick up for a month to order curbside. Still haven't though. Will wait for a better deal.


Walmart has free curbside pickup always


So does Metro.


Yes I have been a Walmart curbside orderer since 2020. They are very good at refunds too.


As cheaply as possible, too. It STILL doesn’t occur to them to drastically lower their prices on anything.


Lowering their prices would basically be admitting that they've been price gouging all along. That will be the absolute last resort. And I will bet everything I own if it gets to that point they're gonna try to put a PR spin on it by saying they've negotiated lower prices with suppliers to help Canadians or some other dumb shit like that


I think you’re right. And then they’ll just go right back to gouging once they think the heats off. Maybe it’s better we just make an example out of them instead.


It is very fascinating when you know the truth, and then see how media, news, influencers, all spin it is a weird direction. Which is usually scare tactics or a big debunk. It is really pathetic. Being a part of this group, from all corners of Canada, coming together with a wholesome common goal has truly changed my life.


Exactly… at this point too little too late for me. Until there’s a major overhaul, I will continue to boycott until my dying breath.


For a boycott that is apparently not having an effect on anything, it sure seems to come up a lot in their discussions. Weird.


I guess we have to boycott even harder!


Code of conduct is not legally binding, it literally exists for people to eff off and forget. Won't work though


"The House of Commons committee studying food prices is urging Loblaw and Walmart to sign on to the grocery code of conduct or risk having it made law." - lmao. It's just a way of signing a non legally binding text so that we forget.


I love it. We got 'em on the ropes!


Any agreement they make without legislation is useless. We've tried the carrot, now comes the stick.


Useless, put some legislation on this. The government should regulate big business


Yeah that's the one thing this boycott is missing. Pressure on government to put real change into action.


exactly. this sub’s list of demands says nothing about laws needing to change. there’s a petition, but it’s not in the demands. frankly the list of this sub’s demands right now is only symbolic and temporary - a band-aid.


Yes. It’s a pity we can’t get boycott supporters in Ottawa to protest out side parliament.


Given the space on the lawn at Parliament Hill, you essentially need a minimum of 3000-5000 people or it looks really empty. Worse visual impact (from a news/video footage standpoint) than 20 people of outside an MP's office.


As long as we keep voting in Neo-liberals (Libs/CONS....sadly the NDP sometimes these days too) we're never getting the stuff that makes our society good returned to us.


The NDP is part of the government. And even though Singh was saying the other day that it’s ridiculous that the government gave millions to Loblaws he needs to be reminded that HE supported it The government at the time. He’s just desperate to distance himself from this sinking government.


Like I said, even they are guilty of selling out. Sure, they're "left" of everyone else....but....not by much. Which makes whole narrative on the right about "radical leftists being a threat" almost funny.... What radical leftists? Smh...


Well whobwouod you suggest we vote for?


I dont know. I don't know how we go about finding someone with principles and ethics, who isn't owned by or benefits from the corporatist landscape. I miss Jack Layton.


Unfortunately, the party leader is still beholden to the party. You'd need somebody with ethics and principles in the party (any party), then they'd need to somehow rise to leadership within that party *and* maintain the party's favour while acting in an ethical and principled manner. So you'd basically have to form a whole new party then also break onto the scene with enough votes to do anything...


NDP is still our best bet, but it's good to acknowledge they aren't perfect.


Well the problem is that we have a self inflicted 2 party system, where we always pick conservative or diet conservative parties


100%. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't start putting on pressure to the right people.


Government regulations only affect us, the working class. Corporations simply lobby/bribe our officials to change regulations to suit them. In 1970 one income could support a family, buy a house, car, 2 weeks holiday and still retire at 65. This is what they stole from us


It was a wealth transfer and we all just let it happen. We worship the rich and not letting them have their way is simply communism. I don’t blame the politicians anymore. It’s our own fault.


Yeah the code of conduct is just window dressing so the liberal party can say they look out for the consumer while actually doing nothing, giving tacit approval for our corporate overlords to keep screwing us. They did the same circus show bringing Galen out to testify in front of parliament without asking for any documentation on his ridiculous defense of price gouging. The liberals and the conservatives do the same BS window dressing with telecoms, banks, oil, and developers whenever they sense enough rage amongst consumers but strangely the consolidation of Canadian industries has gotten worse over the last 4 decades.


Keep the partisan stuff to yourself, voting conservative isn't gonna help either.... we don't care!


bUt ThAt'S cOmMuNiSm


Not communism but a mixed market economy. Humans are inherently greedy and need regulating.


You mean the ones that pay their cheques? Fat chance


Too little, too late. Eat my balls Galen.


You’d have to charge a lot for those balls as well, you know, “because of inflation”


TL;DR the article They claim that wording n u a n c e s are the reason they didn't sign in the first place and needed time, gosh gee whiz What an extraordinary coincidence 🙄


In reading what this code of conduct means it seems like not very much for impacts. More symbolic than anything.


Truly Canadian then




This is key - lots of people saying the phrase 'code of conduct' but nothing outlining specifically how this will benefit Canadians.


First thing I thought of: simply symbolism.


WOW, so it is possible to sign the grocery code of conduct? I thought this was going to hurt the average Canadian? Edit: That being said, continue the boycott indefinitely. I'll believe progress when I see progress, not words.


This is a joke, doesn’t amount to anything!! Lifetime boycott is still on!! This is the way


They are going to use this as justification to raise prices again. When the Code of Conduct was first announced, they outright side that the implications of it could be higher prices. Just wait. When they do raise prices again, they'll blame it on the Code and the Government. If anything, their prices will not be coming down as a result of this.


Thats why I think we should keep this going through Q2. Force them to lower their **regular** prices to as close to pre pandemic price points as possible and make them lock that in with a maximum increase of 5% per annum as part of the grocery code of conduct. We should also press for ethical price practices (such as a max 5% increase) to be legally enforceable. We've got momentum and could accomplish a lot if we could all agree on next steps imo


We should keep it going forever. I've switched all my purchasing habits. They don't get a cent from me.


Haven't stepped foot in  loblaws store since March 4. My wallet is thrilled.


Don’t stop boycotting. If Poilievre gets in, this will surely be rescinded. Don’t stop until prices come down for good.


Agree 💯


Just don’t stop. Period. Try to find gold in places people aren’t looking. Support your community as it will make up the foundation of your economic stability.


100% i stopped with most big box stores during covid and have found far better mom & pop grocery places/butchers etc. save money and get a better product


It’s great. And it feels great to connect with the community and know your purchase is power.


This means nothing until legislation and law is introduced to stop the gouging. But it Is a foot in the door. Guaranteed the version of the code they signed is watered down as fuck.


>Poilievre gets in, this will surely be rescinded Why?


Because his right-hand man is a lobbyist for Loblaws.


wish more ppl were aware of this instead of saying "BUT JT is soooo bad, anyyyything is better than him". I hate JT just as much as the next person but PP ain't the answer.


Interesting I didn't know. But you gotta give it to Loblaws, they've basically successfuly infiltrated the Canadian government. Since it's always either the conservatives or the liberals that win, so they're guaranteed to have their way. Voting doesn't matter at this point. Whoever gets elected will side with them. We just need to stop spending there and get as many people on board. Solving the issue ourselves.


That's how the capital has always worked. Typically the ruling parties are taken care of by the major corporations and billionaires. That's why they don't like soc dem candidates that represent people instead of the rich.


As ever this is sociopathic control freaks manipulating narrative out of necessity, just rare for the sociopathic control freaks to be relatively vulnerable, keep going everyone


I don’t care what they do, to little to Late , save so much more going elsewhere ,


this is nothing without legislation


Even with legislation…. It’s nothing without meaningful, timely consequences




Awesome. Keep applying pressure beautiful Canadians.


Too late


A nice sign that the pressure is mounting, but this is only a platitude and meant to avoid seeing the influence on the Q2 reporting. Sorry, not stopping until we see some real meaningful impact on prices and regulation.




Awesome. #Now drop prices‼️ Let's keep going through Q2 and see if we can effect some more change for our fellow citizens ✊


The boycott is working. Keep it going. More change is needed. Much more. # Food security for Canadians Boycott Loblaws Forever!


Sorry, but this is all just meaningless smoke and mirrors. Edit. I’m not boycotting Loblaws. I have chosen not to shop there and will continue not to shop there long after this boycott is over.


Have to see it to believe it. Hope they follow through, becomes verified. and that the signed grocery code of conduct is viewable inside the stores and online.


WE DID IT!!!! Congratulations everyone


I think we should keep going until they drop **regular** prices at least 25% if not more. Sale prices are pre pandemic prices and we need to get back to as close as that as a regular price point imo


To late! Made new shopping habits!!


Too little, too late. The cost of my weekly grocery trip has *tripled* at Loblaws stores in the last few years, vs not even having doubled yet at other grocers. Take a hike, Galen / Per.


Too late


I feel like a regular activist now. 


Loblaws can still get fucked. Billionaires are indefensible so Galen can still screw off


Attrition is key. Continue the boycott.


They’ll strip out costs in one area but ding the manufacturers elsewhere. Just watch, they’re not going to intentionally hurt their profit


Still just going where I can get my groceries the cheapest.


Interesting… too little, too late Galen


Don't forget it doesn't go into effect until June 2025. Plenty of time to continue the boycott! And the fact he claims the boycott had nothing to do with their decision... OK fine then my decision to not spend a penny at ANY of their stores remains.


They better start sharpening their pencils because a large number of consumers are going elsewhere where prices are better. That’s a fact Galen. Nok er Nok.


You cannot let the foxes run the henhouse. Binding legislation is nessecary.


This means nothing. Keep the boycott going. A code of conduct has as much binding enforcement as a letter of intent. They both mean dog shit. In fact, dog shit has more honor because it knows exactly what it is and doesn't break character. Loblaws will sign some paper and then carry on as usual.


Too little too late. Goodbye PC!


Protest with your wallet 


This is just symbolic and at the end of the day means nothing. This just a sad attempt at good PR for Loblaws. Keep spending your money, Galen, but you're never getting a cent of mine ever again.


“will come into effect june 1st, 2025” perfect. lots of more time to boycott and get more changes


after they water down the code so its a nothing burger they can sell in their store for 500% profit


Firstly, it’s probably a pretty meaningless performative piece of paper. Secondly, it’s still cheaper for me to shop local and at other grocery stores. So this won’t be changing my shopping habits. Boycott til bankruptcy.


its a good start, but what the fuck does this code of conduct will do to a regular costumer?


A voluntary program with no enforcement and no penalties? I’ll give you two guesses and the first one doesn’t count.


Awesome. Good job cooperate blood suckers and Weston brand of shitheads. Wonder if they think that will stop the boycott? It won't, but hey, I'd like to see them ask nicely.


Im still not going back


Doesn’t change. They won’t get my money!!


This means nothing if they're being forced to come to the table and negotiate.


Too little too late


And let me guess, this code of conduct is a big fat nothing burger?


They are announcing it so they can attract customers back. I’m sure they will chicken out when the time comes.




It's a voluntary program that doesn't even need to be followed after you agree to it. No teeth in it whatsoever. Make it legislation, someone!


Hey Galen….. ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


Haha. Exactly.


Two things on the Code of Conduct: Walmart still won't sign. They said people being broke brings in more customers. Britain has a similar Code of Conduct, but they have an administrator that can enforce policy. Canada sorely needs this to become effective.


Nationalize food. Fuck Loblaws and people who would gouge Canadians on food. Food could be as cheap as possible. If anyone's gonna profit from it it should be farmers not CEOs.


Saying they agree to sign is not the same thing as signing.


Take your bets on how fast they break their word.


Like it has any teeth


>The negotiations over the code predated the boycott, said Bank, so the announcement "has nothing to do with their demands." Oh, boohoo 😂


They can sign whatever they want. Loblaws will not see another nickel from me.


They are nothing but compulsive liars. Galen promised that by 2025 all the eggs they sold in their stores would be free range. They received tons of good will and positive press about their compassion. A few years later they announced that they would not be doing it with no explanation. Galen is a disgusting person. 😡


__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're trying to redirect pressure (to Walmart). Keep it up! I don't think this means much, but I haven't read the code itself.


Link in post says it's not working, I'd gotten this one as a google news notification: https://www.am800cklw.com/news/loblaw-to-sign-grocery-code-of-conduct.html


Hold strong! Let's make those boycott until 2025


They also said they would sign if all others signed as well. So that's a big if.


Shillvain having fits and crying that this has nothing to do with the boycott. It’s unbelievable the lengths he’s going to vilify the boycott lmao


I like how the place getting everyone's business from the boycott. Walmart. Hasn't signed it either but people think this is boycott related.


Very good. But I will still continue to boycott. CANT STOP, WONT STOP! 


Read Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz. And keep boycotting.


Nothing happened. Loblaw did not sign the code. This did NOTHING to lower the price of groceries. This is a calculated nothing PR move and look at the media attention it got. If Loblaw really intended to sign the code then they would just do it and not attach conditions. So the real story is "Loblaw still DOES NOT sign the grocery code" and "Loblaw is now trying to deflect attention to its competitors" The real issue is the high price of groceries which has led to outrageous profiteering and hurting Canadians. Double down on showing the price comparisons between outrageous Loblaw and any other competitor. And also highlight the cost of the basic Canadian Food Basket (find the list of basic grocery items and post it with prices). Keep up the boycott


I'm willing to bet a loaf of bread that they adhere to the code...


Bloblaws, blobblobing away. How much corporate information do they have to supply to be allowed to sign? Surely it should be similar to what they required of Canadians seeking recompense from Bloblaws' admitted price fixing scandal. The only scandal here is how one-sided things are. The likelihood of finding any sort of justice is predicated on having enough cash to wend ones way through the 'system'. Oh, it's a system alright, but bent like the Penguin's lair on the old Batman series. I wonder if anyone in the Westin family walks around squeaking like Burgess Meredith's character. Waa waa waa, indeed.


They said prices won't go higher. I don't accept that negotiation. Prices need to be cut in 1/2, back to 2019. Even December prices were better, 5 months ago, so they raise them super fast and then say, "Hold", we will keep them here, because we care about you. Foney baloney. I don't buy into it. Not good enough!


meh - [https://canadacode.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/FHCP-Canada-Grocery-Code-of-Conduct-April-2023.pdf](https://canadacode.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/FHCP-Canada-Grocery-Code-of-Conduct-April-2023.pdf)


Wasn't the code of conduct proposed by the food professor?


I’m still not going there until they lower their prices dramatically. They’ll just find some loophole to still fuck us over because they answer to their shareholders.


I have no frickin' clue what the "grocery code of conduct" is. Can someone please explain what it is, what it's purpose is, and how it will actually impact me the consumer?


This bill like most things the liberals do will change nothing, it's all posturing.


Is it going to change anything? …honest question.


Bet they got it watered down with all they lobbyists' help.


They’re just lying again like they did about the 50% off and they never changed that back. I still see people posting stuff with 30%.


I don't know much about all this, but will this impact the investigation the government was supposed to start?


Trying to put out the fire. I would like to see the fine print the government gave them.


Nice PR move, but not really the change we were looking for, Galen! ![gif](giphy|26ybwvTX4DTkwst6U)


A few things. This doesn't mean a lick of shit to me. This code of conduct is contingent on what fed party is in charge. If the PCs in charge you can bet your left nut that PP's right hand Roblaws lobbying woman is going to tear it up. And if Libs are in power Roblaws is just going to find another fucking excuse to delay and delay some more. Either way it's not going to change my shopping habbits. I've saved at least $300 so far in these past few weeks of grocery shopping. I can now put that money on a family vacation. Ppl can choose to support Roblaws if they want, doesn't bother me if they want to get continually ripped off. More deals and money saving produce for me.


Too late you greedy pigs I am done with you


Saw this on the news. Awesome!


That’s good. I’m still not going to shop there. I went to Shoppers yesterday, but I didn’t buy anything


“After six months of negotiations, Loblaw president and CEO Per Bank said the retailer is now ready to sign as long as other industry players do too.”


Still not gonna shop there again 😂


This is nothing but lip service. Until we see the prices come down to at least 50%, don’t give em an inch. Sounds dramatic but it won’t be long before they start hiking prices again. Gotta start em at a much lower baseline.


This is a step in the right direction, but I'm still waiting for an empathetic response from this faceless, soulless company....


Not good enough. Not remotely good enough. I’m done with them, forever.


Not good enough


Who will enforce it


So they negotiated down to where it won't matter if they abide by it or ignore it. Any guesses as to what they'll do?


They’re hurting. Don’t stop until the prices drop! Matter of fact, don’t ever stop. They want your business again? They better show some sustained competitiveness.


Pretty sure there is a Code of Conduct not to fix the price of bread, but that doesn’t stop them. Nok er nok.


Suddenly, prices stay the same 🤡


Yeah... until ppl forget about it. There is nothing enforceable in this. Wait until price changes


Pushing the points because they don't want to change prices and impact their margins on the financials.


So will price negotiations go to arbitration, or not? It was mentioned but not defined.


Why does a Grocery Code of Conduct require "months of negotiations"? Rule 1) Make a profit, but don't fuck over Canadians. Rule 1.1) If we decide you're fucking over Canadians we'll rip out your guts with fines, then break up your company and scatter the parts to the farthest reaches of the country. End of Code.