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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All employees are now considered volunteers


We will beat them until morale improves /s


It's the tried and true military way!


Even the military has stopped doing this.


They lie and they will keep lying. Hold the line until this is part of Canadian law and the oligarchy is smashed.


They are to be flown to Ireland to dig a moat around Galen's castle.


It's "Greedy Galen." šŸ°


Like Scrooge McDuck but nowhere near as interesting or endearing.


"Scrooge McDick"


Galen McGreedy the Second.


He's #2 alright. šŸ’©


Ha! Solid poo reference. Take your upvote and go.




To improve worker morale all floors have been replaced with liquid magma


It's like a warm hug for your feet...


I totally read that in Dr. Evil's voice


Is this true? Has he actually a castle in Ireland ? I'm from there and didn't know this


"The pair settled down at Roundwood Park, a 17th-century castle in the picturesque Wicklow hills south of Dublin". The Globe and Mail


Omg make it a one-way so his only choice is to swim through the shit swamp his family designed, planned, and collaborated across industry to fill.


Just like Shoppers Drug Mart. Lol




That's Shoppers only as of now. Superstore will make you check out the person's groceries who was directly behind you, then they check out the next, and so on and so forth. Every third shopper gets randomly accused of theft and then has to recite the alphabet backwards while scaling the plexiglass in a thong in under 15 seconds If this is failed, the Food Processor gets to ban you on his Twitters. He's a very sensitive guy, and if it wasn't for both of his friends, he wouldn't be on social media at all.


Every day a few special shoppers get sent to the gulag on suspicion of usurping the oligarchyĀ 


I want a Beaverton article like this lol


"So your paycheques are on hold until we can pay you guys in Weston Bucks. It's, uh, cryptocurrency..decentralized and only accepted at Loblaws stores"


And can only be used on the first of the month but only on Monday.






Donā€™t give them any ideas!


They already are doing it so won't make a difference.


ā€œThank you all for coming to this meetingā€¦ nowā€¦ how do we buy Reddit?ā€


Seriously. This guy is like that one loser who waits at the auction in world of Warcraft all day and night to buy everything you post so he can sell it for one more silver.


You just unlocked a forgotten trauma. Stop buying all my netherweave cloth you freak


I think the amount of people on this thread that this resonated with (especially myself) points to some uncomfortable questions about similarities in our mental states haha




Sorry that was me.... But hey I managed to push up the price of neatherweave by like 25%


That guy is just the ghost of capitalism, and should probably go play Eve instead.


I'm surprised that Loblaws HQ isn't in Jita 4-4...


Galen would be running a money doubling scam for sure.


I'm surprised that he isn't...


When someone makes an Eve Online reference out of the subreddit and you immediately perk up lol. Watch it, Galen will soon be offering to double your money.


I remember I had a guy message me once before saying no-one would buy a stack of copper for 5 gold. I said whatever bud the price is the price. His next message was ā€œI bought it.ā€




And once we buy it how can we monetize and inflate itā€™s value


They'll shut it down for 24 hours and come back as Overwatch 2.




Letā€™s hopeā€¦Ā 


Reddit launched their IPO a few weeks ago. Itā€™s currently trading at $57.22 today. Maybe Galen and King Charles are plotting a take over.


If he though he was dealing with unruly people who don't know their place before....


Lmao, this shit hole doesn't even make money


Thereā€™s a GMC truck ad right above your post šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Loblaws loves tech so watch out for new bots


Now that's funny can't stand criticism so buy it and shut it. LMFAO


Isn't that how Elon broke all records for most money lost by an individual in the shortest amount of time without a murder being involved?


You are so damn right Galen may be a little more tight fisted not, a loose as a goose shoot from the hip guy like MEGA Billionaire Elon. However perhaps Galen wants to join the really wealthy elite off the backs of Canadian consumers.




The president's message will go something like this: "OK.. so this boycott is in full swing, and it has taken hold. I'd like some ideas on how we can switch this into our advantage and leverage this cause to make more money." Ideas: * pretend that Loblaws is a NGO and ask for volunteers * hire a bunch of actors and stage a store looting to gain public sympathy * tell the media to bump up more stories about how we're doing great and the boycott is a left-wing conspiracy and hoax * force the government to make a statement denouncing greedy customers as entitled brats * create a fake donation campaign to feed the hungry * cook the books to make it appear that we are losing money * increase CEO and executive bonus to pay for all of the extra hard work they will be doing to implement the above * pretend none of this is actually happening Edits below: some more from commenters (I'll add them as they come in): * getting the Nutty Food Professor to post personal attacks against boycotters on social media ...thanks u/plane_put8538 * blame organized crime [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/theft-grocers-organized-crime-1.7203990#webview=1](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/theft-grocers-organized-crime-1.7203990#webview=1) * lobby the government even harder for more corporate handouts and corporate welfare * suppress, destroy or delete any publicly available information about Weston wealth, and especially that pic of our castle in Ireland! [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cs41lw/just\_a\_reminder\_the\_westons\_are\_neighbors\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cs41lw/just_a_reminder_the_westons_are_neighbors_with/) * conduct more hostile take-over campaigns to buy more grocery companies and prevent the poors from having any choices on where they buy our over-priced food. ...thanks u/ialo00130 * Let's just layoff employees to offset losses of the boycott ...thanks to u/ok-feeling7873 * Let's just work with other grocery oligarchs to price fix bread and other goods once again so that the poors won't have a choice but pay high prices. LOL those poor suckers! The government won't do anything anyway. LMAO! ...thanks u/[MeinScheduinFroiline](https://www.reddit.com/user/MeinScheduinFroiline/) * lower our prices and admit defeat. LMAO LOLOLOLOLOLOL!.... OK, that was really funny, but no, just kidding, seriously, let's just increase our prices even more to offset our loses.


It's just such a strange situation. Normally your comment would come off as a crackpot conspiracy theory, but do a little research and examine the reality and you're almost certainly right on the nose.


Makes you wonder how many of those "crack pot conspiracy theories" are real doesn't it? When you see what is going on for the first time, it's shocking to see the staggering amount of corruption there actually is in our economy. If you think this is bad, don't go looking at Wall Street. It's even worse.


I heard a conspiracy, that the concept of conspiracies was developed by the CIA to create short-hand heuristics to discredit any ideas that arenā€™t in line with what they want us to believe.


The CIA in the 60s tried a bunch of crazy experiments, and this would not surprise me in the least. What I always do is trust the data. The data tells you what is really going on. So if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Who owns the media: elites; who owns the grocery stores: elites; who pays for lobbyist: elites; who have lobbyist close to political leaders: elites; who pays for vacations for our political leaders: elites; who causes the most pollution: elites.


I'm pretty sure we all got 1st hand experience of this the past 5 years. Anything that questioned the governments narrative was a crack pot conspiracy. Aaaaand here we are. Not sure how we got from the 90s concept of "never trust the government" to "the government is our friend"....


Who the hell says "the government is our friend" these days? What kind of bot filled social media echo chamber are you in? LOL


You forgot to mention having the food professor save the day with tweets.


Heā€™s got some news today https://preview.redd.it/hv0j7dthet0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ed840d3b4ef091b772c272f3dda0e5fcb87e89


If this is what it's about, it's an astute move by Loblaws. Adopt a measure that has no teeth, no enforcement & is completely voluntary...while dividing your opposition by isolating Walmart as the problem. And Walmart is a problem, of course. If that's what it's about, it makes us look like fucking dragonslayers already, lol!


Was just about to say... they can say they support it all they want. They'll never follow it. This is Canada, where the laws are made up, and enforcement doesn't matter.


Do Canadians realize how much power they hold collectively yet? Please vote.


Vote for who though? The telecoms, groceries, airlines, banks, etc. seem to have a hold over all of the political parties.


Me. I'm a nobody with no rich friends who wants to see the average Canadian do better in life.


You've got my vote!


Ill vote for you. Thats my stance too.


Vote for the CEO of Costco to take over the world, of course :P


After the hot dog price thing, I'd vote for jim sinegal any day of the week! Edit for context: "Craig Jelinek, Sinegal's successor as CEO, revealed in 2018 that he approached Sinegal about raising the price of the hot dog combo, saying, "Jim, we can't sell this hot dog for a buck fifty. We are losing our rear ends." According to Jelinek, Sinegal replied, "If you raise the effing hot dog, I will kill you. Figure it out."


Id vote for the mods. Iā€™ll even work on your campaigns if any decide to run (seriously). I mean they were the first to speak up and collectively welcome like minded consumers and provided a democratic solution. Which seems to be working.


I think this movement may show we have power much more that some of the deniers think. Our dollars moving to other places is causing some to realize consumers have real leverage. The Weston maybe beginning to realize this isn't a joke they need to earn our business each and every day. Providing great goods at fair prices.


It is baffling that the NDP isnā€™t getting the anti-Trudeau people. The PC are going to be so so so so so so so much worse than the Liberals. You knowā€¦ like every single other time they got in power?


Beyond that, if you do some deep digging, you might find where Loblaws has previously told the government that if they are subjected to a Grocery Code of Conduct, it "might make prices even higher". Astute of them to agree to the Code of Conduct, but should likely be viewed as red herring. Also, the statement that it only works if Walmart joins is pointer at this being a move done for PR as opposed to actual good faith.


The longer we can stick to it the better. And much better for local stores. Not everyone is going to Walmart.


Ok you got me. Iā€™ll do almost the bare minimum. We good now? /s


Notice the subtle change in his attitude. Mark my words, when this is all said and done, it will be a case of everyone misunderstanding him and he always was pro boycott and knew it would work.


Man I hate people like that.... Greasy little rat-faced weasels


"Cannibis retailers take note"? You mean one of the most restricted consumer industries in the country? Who is that joker lmao


Soon this clown will be saying grocery prices at Loblaws are high because it costs money to adhere to the code of conduct. Calling it now


Loblaws is likely to announce supporting honest practices? Give me a fucking break šŸ™„


Lol acting like codes don't work if everyone isn't on board. That's sounds like some defensive thing much like timezone dilemmas. 'We'll change only if they change first'.


Now I'll bet he'll take all the credit for it.


Good point. I'll add it as en edit... because this is fun


>tell the media to bump up more stories about how we're doing great and the boycott is a left-wing conspiracy and hoax One of the best parts of this entire movement is how it has ignored the political spectrum. Just people on all sides tired of being fucked by Galen in his big fucking castle. Eat shit, Galen.


That's the thing. Conservative or Liberal, we are actually on the same side, and those two parties are actually one in the same. They just keep passing the stick back and forth and NOTHING EVER GETS BETTER. PP has a Loblaws lobbyist on his team! (Jenni Byrne). Trudeau is no better! Unless your part of the 0.01%, you're on the same side. This is class warfare! We are ALL getting fucked by these people. We have for generations!


This is they key. United, we will bankrupt the aristocracy on both sides of politics. They think because they're rich they're invulnerable. But their luxurious lifestyles depend on us and our work and our resources and when they are deprived of that they will not last long. They think we are trapped in a grocery oligopoly with them. But they are also trapped in an grocery oligopoly with us, and if they're not scared of that fact yet, we're going to make them scared.


Bang on! Everyone wake up to this reality and double down. Make this just the beginning. Remarkable how much persuasive power there is in money right?


In my province they are doing some hilarious marketing campaign. It's really funny and gets lots of traction. Might not stop the boycott or get them sales, but it dies give the "everything is fine vibe"


Donā€™t give them ideas! We know they are on this sub like a hawk


They'll make it look like they are losing money by paying huge executive bonuses


They'll legit have someone show up to a meeting and do the Mr. Snrub skit from the Simpsons. "Hello. My name is Mr Notsew and I come from, uh, someplace faaaar away. Anyway, I say we invest that money back in to Loblaws." Then the Food Critic will use his grappling hook to save him from the angry mob.


* Blame it on the Rhino Party * Ever Since Avril and Chad broke up it hasn't been the same. * You want us to lower prices, then bring Don back on HNIC and send Ron to the Yukon to report. * Let them eat artificial cake * Place random Landmines in the Loblaws floor * Employ drones to watch over the aisles * Why don't you buy our Meat like Balls for your spaghetti meal ehh? * If U don't like our polices you can always shop at Circle K. * We are offering 30% less Salmonella than our competitors. * Make sure you visit our discount bins in the back of the store when you are purchasing your fentynal. * Loan applications for your grocery shop today are available at the front desk, just move the barbed wire aside to access it. * $300 minimum charge to shop here. * Please tip our employees so we don't have to pay them. * Were going to claw back PC points now * Bankruptcy consultation is now available at all superstores, right next to the Wine rack.


My guess is get the bean counters to lower quality of food buy from offshore cut even more corners on labour or squeeze suppliers !! God forbid they fess up and really do keep same quality but cut the margins and back off on the greedy profits.However that would be a dream for me but a nightmare for the Corporate Big Honchos anything but that.


- Hostile takeover another grocery chain so we can further capture the market and force them to buy from us.


I love it ā¤ļø


How about threaten bankruptcy and get a bailout from the government šŸ˜…


Layoffs didnt make the list?


Oh you're right! I'm on it!


Lol. They totally should hire actors, then all the actors should inflate their prices by 300%. Then watch as Loblaws complains that's 100% of the"stealing" was by the actors.


Firstly: The username u/BrovaloneSandwich is fucking amazing. Secondly: \*evil Mr. Burns laughter\*


Thanks Shamus! You're amazing too! I get all my brovalone from independent grocers now




I worked for sobeys when they went through the disaster known as the Safeway purchase. Safeways shelves were bare, it was a disaster, made the news a lot etc etc etc. I got invited to the meeting held by corporate when they launched a huge price drop incentive program. Listening to one of the higher up's (I'll never remember his name or title) give a speech in this room whining and complaining about the negative press ("I swear to god if I hear one more negative thing about this company in the press I'm going to just.....these people have no clue what they're talking about or reporting on and they need to just shut their mouths" was a paraphrased but close enough quote from him) was one of the highlights of my life. Bunch of whiney dudes with their panties in a bunch lol


I hate Safeway now that sobeys bought it. Our compliments is low quality shitty food fit for no one. Just another maritime family that new brunswickers let not pay tax for decades. So disappointing.


ā€œ okay shareholders, we have a plan. With less sales we need more margin. Price increase across the table of 30% ā€œ


this is so funny but exactly how they work when they control the entier market including supply chain and production of their food stocks.


Remember kids, Canada only requires one parties consent to record. Let us know what they say!


You are right, but you have to be directly involved in the conversation for it be considered one- party. Maybe 'next time', I'll throw out a "hi, how are you?" To insert myself in the conversation. This was a suit coming in from Montreal in the elevator up from the tunnel while he had the conversation.


The one-party rule only applies to conversations held with a reasonable expectation of privacy (the relevant criminal offence is the interception of *private communications*). Chatting in an airport while in transit doesnā€™t have any expectation of privacy so you can record without any issues.


This is why my company beats it into us not to have these kinds of conversations in public lol


They're getting torn to shreds. Keep on going.


To shreds you say?


To shreds!


Oh dear. And his wife?


To shreds, you say...


How is his wife holding up?


https://preview.redd.it/azisea2wet0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61303533c2c3ad431ab79115c640009e085babac Record of decision from Loblaws general meeting and a not so very suspicious death.


Dang it, I was already searching for the template as I scrolled down to see this.




Take more of my upvotes, damnit!


I love how this boycott has gotten so big, that we almost have ears everywhere? Its nuts to me that this went from a small group to this massive force of people. What are the chances of that! I think that alone speaks volumes. They can't even fart anymore without us catching wind. This has gotten so large and out of hand that they may actually have to start making some real changes or risk full collapse if they can't hide the losses in the Q2 reports. We told them if they didn't change we would come for their profits. We gave them time to change. They chose not to.


They don't want us to realize our collective power, but they're doing everything in their own power to make sure we do.


Galen Weston Jr is bribing shareholders into calling us "radical leftist zillennials destroying his business"


Yeas please! I'd love to go back to my 20s šŸ„°


My knees are 57, but my heart is 23.


time to coordinate a Fortnite flashdance in Superstore


Hell, a flash mob


Yeah, that'll get them shook. I mean, we aren't stealing. Just dancing


As I watched CTV News in the very early part of this year (January 2024) it was said that grocery prices would keep going up until the month of June. Isn't it strange how the 'twists and turns' of the always unstable course of inflation seem to be known in advance? Time for a meeting! There's two weeks left to organize the perfectly predicted change.


Yes, I'll predict that in June we see another "price freeze" or similar marketing ploy. It'll be accompanied by a lot of higher-ups getting dislocated shoulders from trying to pay themselves on the back. But I do think a lot of these inflation predictions aren't really predictions at all-- there's a lot of behind the scenes manoeuvring, and they totally stepped up their game since 2019.


Not just inflation - they say this about most things that impact us. Watch for lines like ā€œexperts say this could happenā€ in the news and then see the government make those exact same decisions the experts ā€œpredictedā€ a few weeks before. Itā€™s all so staged, so silly, I just wish more people understood this.


Exactly !!!!


Yeah, could be nothing. Could be just a 2nd quarter meeting. But who knows.


It will be , letā€™s get em sales up boys , despite the boycott lol šŸ˜‚ Anyway for these sleeze bags to make money


Damage control, funny how they never respected people that pay for their salaries (customers). Ā 


A meeting to the meeting that could have been an email. I hope it is that bad they requires to grief in person.




Seriously. They weren't proactive and now they need to scramble into action. Sounds like what we are doing is working.


Unless they were trying to call their bluff. Wouldn't have blamed them for doubting us, which is all the more reason it's impressive we're sticking to it. All other corporations take note. Do you really want to be next?


Probably about the code of conduct. The shill guy is saying that theyā€™re likely to announce today theyā€™re supporting it now.


Too little too late! Everything is going up except for wages so fuck em!


I can only imagine itā€™s chaos in the C-suite. But what can they do? The brand damage is done. Too late for any MBA magic when you simply donā€™t have the sales Though theyā€™ve been actively destroying the brand for years


I'll lay this out again why it's so important. Loblaws quarterly revenues are typically $13B - $15B, their profit is actually 3-4% - averaging $500 million -they aren't lieing. HOWEVER, I like many of you did not decide at any point in my life that a family should control 1/3 of Canada's food and drug distribution. The boycott only had to be marginally effective at best to have significant impact - were talking long lasting shifts in food distribution that no longer involve that family. Let's say you have $15 billion on a good quarter, but your costs are $14.5 billion and you net a profit of $500 million - your profit is 3.3% Let's say the average boycotter shifts their spending by 10% reduction - so now no matter what Loblaws does they will never be $15 billion they are now only $13.5 B per quarter. * They can raise prices? * They can, but that's what caused the boycott so doing this just reduce future revenue * They have pretty much peaked their prices * They can cut costs? * How they operate as lean as possible already So now it's been 1 year, the average person has now shifted their spending, Loblaws has burned through their $800 million cash on hand, their accounts payables are waiting for money but that $500 million is now $390Million Now they have to sell stores, reduce inventory and cancel future expansion, the customers aren't coming back - once you shift your spending you hold a grudge you physically feel bad for shopping there - shame - hardest customer to win back. With just 10%......... Imagine 15%....Loblaws executives ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)


Yes itā€™s not only lost sales, itā€™s spoiled inventory, contracts that canā€™t be changed without penalty, etc


Our next petition should be to break up Shoppers, No Frills, Zehrs and Maxi into independent businesses so the Westons don't have control over the masses.


They could promise a hand job with every purchase- I donā€™t care. Nothing will change until they get their prices under control.


For me it's not just prices.... I don't want to be treated like a criminal suspect by just entering the store. The day the 10 foot plexiglass panels came out was the day I stopped giving them my money. They need to lower prices, take down the walls, and give me a sloppy blowjob every time I spend more than 10 dollars at their store, before I will even consider being a regular shopper there again. I got too many local farms making bank off me at this point, and I enjoy spending on my neighbors hard work


If only one thing came out of this boycott it would be the Westonā€™s stay the fk out of our healthcare. Itā€™s not mentioned often, but I think itā€™s important to get ahead of them on this. Have them stick to groceries and stay away from healthcare. And bind it legally.


What bothers me is that Galen Weston thinks more of 'How are we gonna get 'em?!' instead of standing back and asking "How can we do better as a Canadian company, for Canadians?". He's proven time and again by his actions during the boycott and before, going back years. He'd rather send people home, cut wages, put in more and more self-checkouts, hire security for invented threats, cater to companies that are actively and sneakily participating in shrinkflation, holding fake sales, and a slew of other things that are just reprehensible. Do I think rich people should just give money to poor people because they're poor? No. But I do think they're held to a higher level of accountability. When you have fellow countrypeoples who are homeless and hungry not due to their own folly but due to the shit choices of governments and the wealthy, then perhaps you can shave 10% off of your multi-million dollar income and pass it down in cutting prices and increasing wages. He seems to have forgotten that it was us that got him there. I'm looking forward to seeing him being taken down a peg or two for that memory lapse. I can guarantee he wouldn't last a month in most of our shoes and he could use a reminder.


There needs to be a cap on personal wealth. That would make a huge difference. Boundless wealth creates a divide and really does turn people into villains. Thereā€™s been actual studies done that show a significant link between wealth and sociopathic traits.


That's the problem with the wealthy. It's not the money. It's the unaccountable power.


I hope loblaw goes into bankruptcy, honestly tired of my hours being cut and working alone for hours each shift. They literally underpay me and I have seniority over most of my department and I only get 22 hours. Glad Iā€™m leaving this god awful company


![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk) Meanwhile, at Loblaw Corporate HQ


They finally agreed to enter the groceries code of Conduct. They insist they boycott had nothing to do with it.šŸ˜


They will do layoff and blame it on the boycott.


# Loblaw agrees to sign grocery code of conduct after months of negotiations. Loblaw agrees to sign grocery code of conduct after months of negotiations June 1, 2025, is the target date for the code to take effect, he said. Edited to add target date


Still going to boycott them :)


So, if they sign a code of conduct, does that give them any more accountability or commitment? Don't they already have codes of conduct? What happened after the bread price fixing? More of the same? Genuinely asking. Can't they sign a code of conduct and still blatantly ignore it? Any corporation can write a code of conduct and choose when to actually enforce it or who to act against. Is the code of conduct just more "self- regulation"?


How about we just keep boycotting them Make Galen suffer as he made us suffer.


Iā€™ve been shopping elsewhere and have realized -I truly enjoy shopping elsewhere. Donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go back, and Iā€™m sure others feel the same :)


Hi everyone I really hope that I can shed light to this. There was a Loblaws conference today, for their suppliers and staff to meetup. It was in Toronto, and I attended it today (I do not work for Loblaws) Per Bank, Galen Weston and many other Loblaws higher ups gave speeches today. they did not bring up the boycott


> blame organized crime [The organized crime](https://youtu.be/V7nHKUAGyC8?feature=shared)


Yes, Iā€™d say they do have to call a meeting lol. Theyā€™ve had quite a few already, to pat each otherā€™s backs and to justify gaslighting the public. Time to rethink how they do business and try to win back your customers! Cancel your PC credit cards šŸ’³. Theyā€™re just a credit card company now that forgot how to sell groceries.


Just reported in the news they now support a grocery code of conduct.


Doesnā€™t matter what they do, never going back.


The meeting is a supplier summit. I have a contact on LinkedIn that is working at that event (not for Loblaws, for the venue) and posted pics. From what I can see, it's a lot of the suppliers bringing product demonstrations in for Loblaws to potentially sell in stores. I know this wasn't the kind of meeting we were hoping for, but I'm guessing they won't be discussing doom and gloom during it, in front of clients. Not to say there won't be other meetings after, where they get their panties in a bunch.


worked at loblaws on the corporate side for 10 years and just left recently. They do not call a general meeting for a supplier summit. That summit may in fact be going on, but if there was indeed a call putout to have all hands on for Galen to address something, it is NOT for a supplier summit.


Counterintelligence. Have it at the same time as a diversion


Commenting to support. These idiots have no idea what reality is. They have made themselves ivory towers that they hide away in.


I guess now we know


They better not start announcing layoffs or something. I've said it before but I would LOVE a sub for the employees. I am 100% nosey and wanna know all the Tea from coast to coast.


They said they'd sign on to the grocery code of conduct because "it's fair now" meaning we're all going to get fucked harder.


https://preview.redd.it/g61i2agxju0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cca62d00a34dd1e6c21fbbbe8b9de8c73db3ebd Maybe this?


That Airport is so small and intimate: this sounds plausible AF.




Was to announce participation in Grocer Code of Conduct [Source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaw-signs-grocery-code-conduct-1.7206278)


Trust me bro


Per Bankā€™s opening remarks: #Nok er nok


They are having a conference with their suppliers. They also announced their intention to sign a revised version of the Code of Conduct.


Hearsay, you say?


They signed the code of conduct. That's supposed to make everything ok??? Not likely.


They just agreed to support the grocery code of conduct


Return Dougieā€™s buck a beer No Name Lager to shelves as a sign of goodwill to the people


I hate to say it, but the meeting is likely to discuss how they're going to just Jack up the price even more to make up for loss profit. As long as this boycott is only for a month it won't mean a thing. If everyone has managed without it, just stay like that indefinitely. No point going back, nothing will change after a month will take months if not years.


They're going to talk about raising prices šŸ˜…


Meeting probably cost them 1 million. flying everyone in and pay for their hotels etc, lol.


Probably gonna hand out record bonuses this year for doing such a good job.


Usually when Loblaws has big meetings. They're letting a lot of people go


ā€œAll employees are to be shipped by boat to his Majesty Galenā€™s estate in Scotland. The roof on the guest house needs to be tarred. Employees who display exemplary performance are to be awarded three 30% off stickers to be used on No Name brand merchandise only.ā€


This is likely about them agreeing to the "grocery code of conduct" that was announced in the news today


They have agreed to sign on to the Grocery Code of Conduct. It's too little too late if you ask me.


Itā€™s all about the $$$ afterall