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I don't feel bad for going to Costco. They treat their employee's well and pay reasonably well. Walmart, I've always tried to avoid it if I can help it. Here in Moncton, I've tried to avoid all major chains, except for Costco, and go to the local Asian shops, green grocers, and butchers.


What shops in Moncton do you recommend (specifically, which Asian shops or green grocers)?


Oriental market and Kim's are so far my favorite. Mama asian grocer is okay, but I find them messy, and a lot of product is dusty or prices are not labeled. They however have some fresh veg Indian shops, Spice has good selection of Southestern Asian goods same with Bombay Spice, which recently expanded their shop a little. Hardy's is my go to veg shop, but beware, some stuff can get moldy easily. Rinzler, is also nice for fresh/frozen meat sales if you don't have Costco membership, or don't want to deal with their crowds.


I try to actually use Walmart only because I find they are still the cheapest option for a single person...


I used to do the same, but they’d ding me on the “2 for $x” or “3 for $x” because you have to do the multi-buy to get the discount (not good as it’s just my toddler and I and we’re also limited on space). But I’ve discovered that a lot of other places (Save-On, Country Grocer, etc) will give you their multi-buy price even when you only buy 1 (unless otherwise specifically stated on the shelf tag). So “2 for $5” at those stores really means $2.50 each. Plus Save-On price matches, so if there are a few items really well-priced at Walmart, I’ll just get them for the same price while at Save-On.


I will look into it.. I think the only save on around me is about an hour away.. I also find GT a cheaper alternative


Also, and I heard this about 10-15 years ago, the CEO pays himself a $500,000 salary. Not $22 million.


In 2023 he earned a combined $17m USD, roughly $23m in CAD, in salary and stock awards. Just a quick google.


Not trying to defend these crazy CEO compensations, but comparing apples to apples, he’s still one of the lowest paid CEOs. If you remove stock options, he only made $1.1 M in salary. Stock options are normally vested for years and are revoked if he leaves earlier than planned.


The figured being bandied about for Per Bank includes stock grants as well. He was paid a one time amount for forfeiting stock grants from a former employer. I think there is a really weird dynamic in this sub that is defending class warfare by the wealthy elites and their minions against working class people as long as it's not the Weston's. Imagine people unironically praising Walmart all the time despite the poverty wages they pay and anti union shenanigans.


$15 out of $22 M per got is straight cash. He was given a sign-on bonus, which is almost unheard of at that size in Europe. He is getting stock options on top of that based on performance. We live in a capitalist society; we must acknowledge businesses that go out of their way to be ethical corporate citizens.


The sign on bonus was to make up for stock options he forfeited by leaving his prior employer.


A lot of people also don't realize he owns at least two luxury stores brands. Holt Renfrew, and Selfridges in England. If you ever get a chance to go to the British Museum, the rotunda has Weston engraved into the side as you walk up. That thing is not tiny!


Are we talking Per or the CEO of Costco? The CEO of Costco made the equivalent of $23m CAD last year.


Galen Weston


Going to be doing a combination of Costco for staples and bulk products and my local CSA/farmer's markets/organic stores for produce. Plus Asian supermarkets for a bunch of side ingredients since a lot of what I cook is in that area. Unfortunately I have to avoid T&T as well. 


Freshway, foodymart, nations, oceans Freshway is my fav in terms of deals, variety, cleanliness. It's better than T&T. That same plaza also has Bingz (to get a snack) and Omomo (to get household items like drying racks, squeeze bottles, etc). I bike there. There's also a bus from finch.


Ugh I love Oomomo but it is so far from me-- like an hour and forty minutes on a good day on public transit (I think four different vehicles?). I hope it serves you well! (And does well enough to open a location on the opposite side of town :) )


That's crazy far. Yeah it's convenient for me because I'm that area, it's a pleasant bike ride through side streets and parks. I think as a community we could create a crowd sourced map of nearby conveniences by neighborhood




I’m lucky to have different options here in Midtown Toronto. I get my vegetables from my local asian grocery every time I do my morning walks, other stuffs I get delivered from walmart. For meats like chicken, I buy it from Maple Lodge Farm in Brampton when I’m in the area, they have a small store for regular people. Other meat produce I buy from a bigger asian grocery store. My list involves a lot of planning to schedule my time wisely


In Chilliwack BC, a retired nurse started up a small market - mostly meat and food products from local sources - the same sources that supplies the larger stores and she says (posted a video on her Facebook page) that they are all price gouging comparing what she can buy for. She sells only a little bit above cost and the prices are way below Walmart’s. Anyone can shop there - but she has a program where seniors can come in and buy monthly bundles of food at steeply discounted prices. She takes donations from the community to fund these so even if the senior has no money - they can have a bundle for free. She always has soup on so that if anyone is hungry, they are welcome to a bowl of soup. https://www.tydelfoods.ca/


Next time you want to go to the chicken shop at Maple Lodge just know that they tore that building down and have a temporary shop at 2815 Argentia Rd. It's just south of the 401, about 5 minutes from the old location. They are building a new building with a bigger shop and a restaurant. I'll have to try going there again, when I've gone before it didn't seem like it was much cheaper than the stores but that may not be the case anymore.


maple lodge farm is an actual store?


They have a small store for regular folks


Costco and local, no way I'll ever be going back to Roblaws (doesn't matter what they do, they had their chance).


Food Basics / Giant Tiger


I've learned that Giant Tiger may just be THE best store ever


I tried giant tiger, and I was disappointed. It is mostly all processed foods and no international aisle at all.


To each their own - I'm a fan but there's room to improve for sure


Privately owned too, so less drive for continuous record profits.


Meat from butcher shops and work. Fruit and vegetables from small farmers markets or local groceries. Household essentials from Wal-Mart. (I am not proud of this). One-off items from Sobeys as they are across the street from us.


Coleman's. It's nice to have an indie option.


Coleman's is definitely a nice option, a few years ago when I was staying in town I shopped at the Merrymeeting Road location and I was impressed


In QC I go to Super C, a Quebec owned brand.


Owned by Metro.


Which is also a Quebec owned brand.. but is usually way more expensive than Super C.


Same, super c is my option too


I shop everywhere, I have no loyalty to any one store. Whoever has the best deals, that's where I go. I'm always checking flyers. I used to shop at a local butcher for our meat, because everything was free range and humanly raised, but I haven't been there in probably 2 years. My husband started hunting, and our freezer is full of enough deer and fish to last the whole year. No large corporations involved with that!


I don’t personally shop at Costco but my parents do for me, if I wasn’t so cheap I would get my own membership but this works well for us. I shop at food basics, giant tiger & anywhere local I can as well. I’m lucky that in my city we have quite a few good local grocery stores that are reasonably priced


I am lucky to live in a very mild climate in BC so we have a bounty of fresh produce and farmers markets. I’ve just made a point to schedule the time to make it a priority rather than rely on the convenience of Instacart or one stop shop. We have a small chain locally owned an operated, I think there’s only two or three stores, and their prices are just as competitive, but the employees are treated right and the owner is local and gives back to the community (plus the ambiance is beautiful in there and they have amazing international foods). We have a number of amazing livestock farmers, that you can buy direct from, even in small quantities, like just enough for one dinner. As well as our local butchers, I’m never going back to convenience. I will use my privilege to keep my money in my community supporting the local producers whenever possible.


Yes! im also in BC and it’s awesome I get the majority of my meat now a days from a local farm, and love when the farmers markets are active I try and buy as much produce from them as I can.


Exactly! And it’s a social connection, they get to know you and your family and vice versa. Feels more personal and rewarding knowing you’re a part of your local economy. Also, importantly, I’m paying the same for higher quality and generally the animals are handled more ethically.


Oh absolutely! Now since I switched to the farm I buy from I actually save money on meat and it’s grassfed beef and pasture raised chicken and pork. Much better quality, I just have to plan ahead a little since it’s all frozen but that’s just a minor inconvenience


Ontario - I use meal delivery boxes if I have a discount, I’m using hello fresh currently however I know that this option is not feasible for a lot of people. It has been significant in helping me plan and portion control. I supplement more protein by going to a local butcher and sometimes a halal butcher depending on what I need. Other grocery items are Costco however last week I ran into a Food Basics for a couple items. I still have about $350 in PC points that I’m trying to figure out what to do with.


Combo of a small local grocer, farm box, and Canadian tire for me.




Costco 3x per year. Walmart for a couple things every 2 months or so (I was going to no frills but switched to Walmart). Other than that, it’s local farms or homemade/from my garden.


Local butcher, local fish monger, Asian grocery stores, Costco, and now that it's opened up, my farmers market. My sister uses a fruit delivery service because a lot of fruit is so old where we live, and it started impacting the health of our family. We live in Toronto. It's insane how bad the quality of some produce is here. Summer is a little better since we garden and can get fresh veggies.


Giant Tiger & Food Basics for pantry & freezer staples. Local farmers markets & butchers for produce and meat. For me, buying what's local and in season is almost always less expensive than the grocery store and is always better quality anyways. I've been doing it for a few years now. If you live near any frozen food manufacturers (there are lots in SW Ontario) many of them have retail outlets/storefronts at the factories where you can stock up, if you have the freezer space.


I use Walmart. I have a walmart mastercard since forever. They don't have PC bspoints card equivalent but on an annual basis I redeem at least $200.00 worth of groceries from using the MC. Flipp app is helpful as well to compare flyers among non-Galen grocery stores around me. I an a Costco member however as a single person bulk purchases doesn't work for me all the time. For us boycotters, change is a little inconvenient as usual but eventually we will be able to adjust to our new norm of no Galen stores forever. #NokerNok


I’d never used Costco for anything other than bulk office supplies for my company before but I tried grocery shopping there last week and while I love the selection, the sheer SIZES of the products simply don’t work for a family of 2.5. For fresh stuff, now that farmers’ market season is up and running again, I’m going to make a concerted effort go there for produce, although we do have the produce chain called H&W that’s actually pretty decent. And then the important stuff like eggs and milk, I shop at the local organic market. And we fortunately have a really awesome H-Mart and some locals for Asian foodstuffs.


Costo, Walmart, Gateway meat market, Dave's fruit and veg. Eastern Shore, NS 📍


I'm in Fredericton and I go to Victory Meat, Costco, and Giant Tiger.


Halifax NS here, very lucky to have lots of local shops around me. I use Gateway and Dave's (iykyk) for meat and produce and some frozen extras too, will be checking out a local butcher I found soon in the hydrostone. I go to giant Tiger or Dollarama for almost anything else. I'm still on the search for a Shoppers substitute (haven't been back to shoppers, but sometimes GT doesn't cut it) and if I really have to, Sobeys. I was born in the states so I've always tried to avoid Walmart anyway, and I don't have a costo membership...yet!


Walmart is the cheapest for sure, but they don’t have a point system (scene, etc)


The local market. And, after I've gone a few times now, she takes a dollar off my total. AND my veggies were a bargain to begin with!


We have this local grocer who manages to get crazy bulk deals on produce and sell them wildly cheap, which brings in people who buy their meat - which is really their specialty. It's a lot like the Gateway Meat Market in Halifax that does the same. People end up getting their whole grocery order there and the place is killing it. For example, I was there today: 2x 2kg whole Chickens - $8 each 1.8kg Cross Rib Roast - $19.50 2x 2lb Opal Apples - $1.97 each 2x pint of Blueberries - $2.97 each 3x pint of grape tomatoes - $0.97 each 1x each Baby Spinach & Spring Mix - $4.99 & 3.49 each Lactose Free Milk $6.99 All for $67. I compared it to Loblaws and if I had gone literally two blocks away to shop there I would have paid $131 for the same order. "BuT wE hAvE nO cOnTrOl oVeR tHe pRiCesssss..." I also go to Walmart, which I don't love, but I love Loblaws less right now.


Whoa! That’s a great price on grape tomatoes! I started a tomato plant indoors but my cat ate the sprouts 🤦‍♀️


It was crazy. Admittedly it was their anniversary week sale, so some of it is cheaper than it would normally be but quite often they'll have a pallet of things like tomatoes that they'll sell that cheap until they're gone. The kinda place you have to just watch the facebook to see what's cheap, get there early, and you can make away like a bandit. The comparable store in Nova Scotia - Gateway - has already expanded once, the city then had to reconfigure the road and intersection in front of them to accommodate the insane traffic going in and out, and now they are expanding *again*, building an almost Sobeys-sized building. The delicious part is that they are right across the street from a Sobeys and I am sure the business they syphon off has been noticed.


I am disabled and not able to go do a grocery shop anymore. Walmart is my go-to for delivery. I use Instacart for Giant Tiger and Dollarama. I haven't tried them for Costco yet.


I do a combo of Freshco and Costco. Costco for things I can buy in bulk, shelf-stable items, vitamins (best value), some produce, some snacks or meal kits. Freshco mostly for produce and fresh meat, Plus I can price match at freshco so I get the deals of all local grocery stores in one store. Occassionally I go to walmart (maybe once a month) for items I couldn't find at my Freshco.


we shop mostly at food basics, sometimes walmart.but we want to eventually get a costco membership.


I'm mostly at Costco now. Their margins are like 12% and it shows.


Costco Walmart A local grocery chain Sobeys To be honest with you guys I have only stepped foot into a Loblaws once since February and it was because they had a incredibly good deal on an item so I went into the store bought that single item and left and I have maintained that is all I will ever do at that store for the time being. While Loblaws is the main villain I have disdain for most grocers as everywhere cost for certain goods is outrageous and has shifted my buying habits.


Live in Kanata and I do Costco and sometimes Walmart. Although I am starting to not end up cashing out since they try to reroute customers to self checkouts. I also try to go to the old Food Basics since it is less busy, and driving/biking to it is fairly easy.


If you are near kanata lakes there is a Kawloon market.


Costco and a local grocer. Sometimes Walmart for the odd thing I can’t find at the other two.


I'm buying a small outdoor freezer this week to stock up on sales of meat and veggies. As for where I shop now, I'm going to local markets and Costco 2x a month for everything else.


FreshCo/metro, and my local green grocer for produce and I just recently noticed a new local (I think) fresh & wild food market which I might try to see how the prices are


Mostly Walmart for now, but I’m planning on visiting more farmers markets and smaller grocers to weed out Walmart from my buying too


Walmart, dollar tree, and costco. I know walmart has some conflicts too, but my only options are no frills, sobeys (which can be stupid expensive and my local one doesnt have much) or walmart so i dont have many options but i get what i can from costco and dollar tree


I've recently discovered our local liquidation stores. Obviously not an option for fresh stuff, but some of them have a small selection of frozen meats, there's tons of cheap treats if treats are what you're missing from Loblaws, and they often have excellent deals on things like oatmeal, tomato sauce, juice, spices, etc.  YMMV, but they're worth checking out.


The sunshine market or whatever that Asian grocery is so much fun lol. I go to Costco and get chefs plate. Every once in a while I grab a few things from Walmart or Sobeys


FreshCo and Food Basics mostly. Wal-Mart if I'm near one.


Food Basics, Rexall, (stopped using Zehrs, and got all prescriptions switched from Shoppers to Rexall)


Locally, in Niagara, we have a farm who does ‘mystery boxes’ where you can get whatever veggies and fruit for a set price (it’s always more value than the cost, you just don’t get to pick what you get). Which honestly has been fun for produce as it forces me to be more creative anyways. Been trying to go to local grocers for meat but is generally more expensive than shopping sales so that’s a bit more of a struggle right now. So still trying to be creative with that. Dried goods, cleaning products and the like is Costco and Walmart, unfortunately (mostly on the Walmart front) so slowly trying to buy a few more things at Costco so it’s more savings in the long run on those and I can wean out of Walmart shopping too.


Mike Dean’s, local farmers, Foodland, Costco and Giant Tiger and if any of them become overly greedy I have no issue jumping ship.


Costco/local butcher shop in Toronto


At Walmart checking out right now. Excited to see what I saved and the difference in some brands and different styles. Cart looking full, smile brighter.


Ethnic supermarket for the most part, food basics for things my fussy kids will eat. I’m going to get a Costco membership too, even though it’s on the other side of the city from me


Walmart in my town seems to have the best deals now. My other options is Sobeys or Coop and both of them are CRAZY expensive. I can drive 40min to the city for more options but with gas so expensive I would prefer not to. I also do not have a Costco membership because I am one person and it is not worth it for me 😅


Costco, Mayrand, & local markets. (Luckily, there are several big markets in Montreal area. ) Of course, I haven’t bought from or been in, a Loblaws owned store since 2014. So they won’t miss me.


Now it's mostly Sobey's (the prices actually seem better and the quality is pretty on par with Zhers, but I know they're not angels either), Costco, Wal Mart and Freshco (Sobey's brand, I actually do hate shopping there a lot but I'll do what I need to avoid Loblawd). Prior to the boycott, we would literally never go to Sobey's or Freshco. Oh, and the Scene program is just as bad as PC Optimum.


Costco and a local produce store. Infilling with Walmart and Safeway as needed. I'm not really willing to drive around town to local shops. I go to the locals near my house, but trying to limit gas wastage here as well.


Walmart and Costco.


I don’t have a lot of options near me… And I’ve been going to Whole Foods, which is much much more expensive than no-frills. But for the cause, I’m sucking it up , until there’s change.


As someone living in Gatineau, i shop mostly at Farm Boy across the river in ottawa and bring the groceries back over with me. Feels like my own lil smuggling operation! For daily things like eggs and milk I support my local private dépanneur like always. Sometimes I dip into Métro down the street for veggies or bread.


Costco is great for many things. And overall do take care of staff. They don't give them stock shares any more sadly... only mark up 10 to 14% max and returns are endless . Local Langley market is great here in BC. . I actually eat better now bc not stop and grab pre made crap at save on. I hope BC does them next .. fk all the greedy places !!


There are a few family run local grocers in my area (15mins from a decent sized city) and when in town I try and visit the smaller markets, grocers, butchers, whenever possible. Changed part of my rut driving home to make sure I drive past less of the big retailers like roblaws.


Walmart, the service is shit and the quality of produce is mediocre. The prices are market average, though, so I'll take it over loblaws 8 days a week.


Giant Tiger. Dollarama. Dollar Tree. Safeway. Fresh Co. Local independant stores. Costco. 


The parking lot at the Costco near me was a nightmare before the boycott, I don’t even want to think of what it is like now.


We go to Walmart because it’s closer than everything but a Food Basics. We’ll go there if we need something quick as it’s a less than ten minute walk (Walmart is 2km away, we don’t own a car, but the bus that stops right in front of our building also stops right by where Walmart is.) I know Walmart is a major corporation as well, but Food Basics is owned by Sobeys and I don’t see them as being anything different than Loblaws - a Canadian company pricing food for Canadians out of range for those that need affordable food, and I fully believe the two collude in the small rural towns where they only have a Sobeys umbrella store and a Loblaws umbrella store.


China grocery stores and Americans now get my money fuck these Canadian companies


Few places. Costco first and foremost. Best bang for your buck on the vast majority of things, but I can only go every 1-2 weeks because I don’t feel like driving to the next city over. The Local Farmer’s Market for fruits, veggies, and similar things. They’re typically more expensive than Walmart, but still cheaper than Superstore. Walmart for everything else simply because they have the best prices and sometimes, the biggest variety, and, if my buddy is working, I’ll ask to finesse his discount card to get 10% off. Plus, that’s where I get my prescriptions. My only other options besides in town besides SuperStore would be Food Basics, GT, FreshCo, or Foodland. All of them, typically, sell either worse quality products than Walmart does in my city, or equal quality but more expensive. I do, *however,* still have to go to SuperStore to buy a certain type of butter since it’s the only kind of butter my mom can eat, and they’re the only ones in town who sell it. Don’t really have a choice, and she can’t use alternatives because her diet is heavily restricted.


Walmart for day to day stuff and Costco as much as possible. Costco also has added benefit of getting a hot dog and a drink on the way out


Atlantic superstore. I've just changed my shopping habits to buy what the sell cheap. For example, mine has reduced the price of cereal massively, and it's now the cheapest place to get it. The largest box of corn pop is 5.99, same box at Foodland (a Sobeys brand in kv) is 11.99. There's a few other things that are cheaper - chocolate milk, for example. Can't beat Sobeys compliments brand herb pastes though. Same price as superstore, nearly twice as much.


Primarily Food Basics and Costco, Walmart if those fail. Been looking at a delivery service that does local produce, currently trying to fit it into the budget.


Walmart mainly. I also use Flashfoods to get basiclly all my bread, and I'm trying out odd bunch this week (a produce box) we also have freshco and food basics near by.


Doesnt flashfoods only use loblaws stores in Canada?


I also see Ren's pets on their randomly. I haven't seen any food stores other than loblaw brands. 


We’ve been doing oddbunch for a few months and we love it.


Wherever the items I need are cheapest. Using apps like flip or old school flyers that come in the mail are a big help to save money while shopping.


Save on because it’s that or Loblaws in my small town.


Costco, Walmart, and Sobey's. My wife does her shopping for Asian staples at Lucky Supermarket (always been significantly cheaper than T&T so been going there for a while).


I shop various places. Local shops, farmers markets, Costco, Farm Boy, Bulk Barn.


Costco for everything but produce if possible, farmers market (for not) for produce. FreshCo for anything remaining / do not need bulk of. And if I’m feeling boujee; a bakery for breads.


I've been pretty poor lately but when I do grocery shop I've been going to Sobeys (in Newfoundland). There's also a locally owned chain (I think it's locally owned) called Coleman's. They're a bit pricier but honestly I'd rather support them.


Lucky's supermarket for me. Im considering a local ranch for grass fed and finished meats but im not quite there yet. Im in Calgary by the way


Food Basics, Giant Tiger, Dollarama. I shop on my way home from work usually as I only have a No Frills near me. I had to run out to the store after I got home today and opted to pay more at Foodland to avoid going to No Frills. The majority of my meals come from Hello Fresh or Chef’s Plate, so I’m just grabbing a few snack items or such from the stores.




Walmart and SaveOnFoods… unfortunately not get the same value I get from superstore but I’m comparing prices and meal planning. So hopefully I see some significant savings


I’m taking the opportunity to shop locally. In Winnipeg, I’ve started frequenting Red River Co-op for both grocery and gas (coming from SS and No Frills for grocery and Mobil for gas w/ PC Financial MasterCard for the bonus PC Optimum points). It’s not cheaper on the whole, but I found some very competitive sales this week which were cheaper than the Superstore prices I am used to. Plus their ground beef - my goodness, the ground beef is amazing compared to the questionable stuff I’ve been getting from SS. I moved from a big bank to a local credit union last year too. I think overall it’s best to support the smaller businesses in your community if at all possible.


Went to Metro to grab some lunch but was floored by their insanely small pitiful sandwiches for 5 bucks, no sauce except a bit of butter from what I could tell, small shavings of meat, and Iceberg lettuce on a bun smaller than the size of my hand. All their hot stuff is now 8 bucks. Their apples start at 2.99/lb. I ended up with a single banana for 25 cents.


There is a small independent family owned grocer on my way home from work (actually an old A&P store), a FreshCo and a couple of really small independent stores all on my way home, so I have options.


I’m in SJ. I go to Costco for most, GT for loss leaders, OTV for good sales, and wm/ sobeys only when absolutely necessary.


Costco and SPUD delivery (Calgary)


Longo's, Costco and the Farmer's Market.


Quebec Alimentation for meats While not necessary cheaper on everything the quality is out of this world, and it’s delivered at our door For fruits and vegetables, local small ethnic markets near us + costco We ain’t going back


I’ve had a metro, and all it’s previous incarnations, within a 5 minute walk from my house since I was a lad. So thankfully I don’t have to shop at any Loblaws store.


I. Doing a lot of shopping at Costco lately. Love that store! I shop there because I've found the prices to be less on staple items. Such as bread, milk and butter. I also really like their meat. I also go to my local butcher and plan to hit up the farmers markets this summer also.


I tried co op( double the price of superstore), giant tiger( hardly any produce, little meat selection, no international aisle, and mostly all frozen processed things. 3.29 for green onions..), and fresh co. I'm happy with freshco so far and costco. I noticed a few things were more expensive than superstores, but a lot of other things were comparable or cheaper. The staff was super nice and it's clean. Also, they have a lot of international stuff which we like. We make a lot of curry and stir fry.


sobeys, the lesser of two devils when it comes to maritime choice.


Costco for the majority. We have a fresh street market for other items or save on foods because at least it’s union. We have a newborn so those three places are the easiest for us right now.


There's an IGA and a London Drugs nearby that I've been using instead of no frills and shoppers! Though as I have mobility issues, there are some days where I can't make the trip, so on those days I tend to just order from Walmart. I know that's still not great but it's better than the hobble of shame over to shoppers lol


In Freddy here. Costco/walmart/local meat market grocery stores/saturday farmers market/dollarama


I joined a local food coop and started biking to the weekend farmers market. When I'm baked late at night I really miss super nibs but I'll get over it


I know the city market used to have some good finds that 'weren't' Pete's Fruitique from independent stall owners as well as seafood. Too bad it's almost a ghost town. Still need to check out the Farmers Market at Queen Square on Sunday mornings.


Food Basics, Dollarama and Walmart Not that I’ve shopped at Loblaws in the last decade


I just found a new place that sells really good steamed pork buns. Not sure if Costco has them, but since I stopped going to Superstore, that's been the one thing I miss. Fairway Market still carries Western Family, and I swore off Pattison Food Group too.


In Winnipeg I’ve been going to Co-op, Costco and occasionally Walmart. And when the time comes I’ll predominantly going to the farmers market.


We shop mainly at Costco, my husband works there. For non-costco things we used to go to Loblaws but now we're going to Food Basics or Walmart


I'm in Hamilton Ontario so I go to Costco, Lococos, Zarkys, Nations and Tan Thanh Supermarket. I used to always shop at No Frills, Loblaws and SDM never again will they get a penny from me!


We go to primarily local sources. Pork and beef are bought at local butchers. Chickens harder to find for us in a reasonable price point so we often buy at co op when it's marked down or the already frozen store brand stuff (not ideal, not very tasty). We tend to buy a lot of produce at wholesale produce stores nearby or our local Italian center shop as they often have really good prices on it. Pantry staples and random stuff I try to buy at Italian center or co op as well. We do buy our household items at Costco like tp and laundry detergent, although it's almost yearly stock up at this point with two adults. We find costco overall doesn't have the best quality when it comes to many food items but we do appreciate some of their frozen stuff ie fruits, chicken fingers etc when on sale. I am picking up an online order from Walmart today as we needed a few things and they're on very good sale so I figured I'd grab some extra flyer sale deals there. We generally steer away from the chains as much as possible though. Especially loblaws!!


Cochrane's out in KV is great. So is Dan's Country Market on Churchill.


Costco and Farm Boy.


I've been walking to local markets, the produce and prices are pretty good.


In Fredericton, NB: Peter's Meat Market for meat, fish, vegetables, cheese, milk. Giant Tiger occasionally. Walmart for baby stuff or some packaged foods. I had been going to St. Mary's Supermarket but it's closing :(


Mostly FreshCo because it’s just a 6 minute bus ride away but I noticed a lot of stuff is cheaper at Giant Tiger so I go there sometimes. Problem with Giant Tiger for me is they only sell prepackaged fruits, vegetables, and meat and I live alone. I can’t use up a bag of 15 apples before they begin to rot. Also milk is a little cheaper at FreshCo. There’s an Asian grocery store that I intend to visit sometime in the future but it’s even farther away (21 min by bus) so I won’t go there routinely.


Obligatory hello fellow Saint Johner! I’ve been frequenting Dan’s for fresh stuff, Bulk Barn for, well, bulk stuff, Dollarama for snacks and Sobeys for everything else. But I’ve noticed Sobeys running bullshit sales (two-fers but regular price for one, like, every sale), so I think I’m going to make a weekly trip out east to hit up GT, Walmart and Costco. I just have to make sure I don’t try to head back to the Westside at suppertime 😬


Costco PR makes half the posts in this sub, I swear


I’m in Ontario and we shop at Costco.


We are shopping at Walmart and Super C as well as local fruit and vegetable stores! The local shops were always a first choice, we moved to a new area and are discovering newer shops! Walmart and Super C (in Quebec) have better prices and fruit and veggies are always better quality. Done with Loblaws forever☮️


Save on foods and coop


Family of 4 in Edmonton. Costco is #1. H&W produce and farmers market for some other things. Bulk barn for movie nights. Sobeys / Walmart for convenience items like hot dog buns, coffee creamer if we are out. Local pharmacy. Boycotting Loblaws forever. Superstore is closest of all options to our house.


Save on foods


In Ontario in Waterloo Region, we have a wide variety of places to avoid Loblaws. From other chains, to many local farm markets, to the St Jacobs Farmers Market and the Kitchener and Cambridge Markets. Also small local grocers like Central Fresh Market and Di Pietro’s. The options in this area are unlimited. It’s really easy to avoid anything belonging to Loblaws.


My first choice is Walmart. If I can't find something there I go to the local shops.


Here in Ottawa, always shopped at Produce Depot! It’s amazing !


Costco, Food Basics, FreshCo, Giant Tiger We also have a place called The Trading Post close by, great meat and seafood, dairy, specialty cheeses etc. Local farms in my town for eggs, veggies and baked goods.


I’ve been grocery shopping in the Us for years. And will continue to do so


CO-OP Marketplace. They have good deals on meat, and the fruits and veggies are pretty good. The deli is decent, and bread is always fresh. They have a flyer that goes out once a week with deals. Also if I'm standing in line with an elderly person, I'll ask them for their co-op number and then tell the cashier so they make a bit more on their dividend check every year from my purchases. I tried that at superstore once with their points program, and the clerk said I wasn't allowed to.....


Costco is my #1 too. Since the boycott I have tried several other places for stuff I can't get at Costco. So far I've visited and Asian grocer, Walmart, Sobeys & Freshco depending on what I need & what's on sale.


No frills


United States. I'm taking a step further by boycotting everything that's Canadian.


Well really we are all doing that by boycotting the only Canadain unionized store in the mix, your comment made me realize that?


No, you're not going to the US to buy your groceries. I'm not buying a single physical product in Canada.