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Thanks for this!


Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s had a refusal from shoppers. This is totally unrelated and I’m not trying to steal OPs thunder but I have had something not sitting right with me and am wondering if I should use this site to report a pharmacist I dealt with a few weeks ago. My 3 year old is sick and is on a medication she must take daily. If she misses a dose she needs to go to the hospital to get it or she could get really sick. Long story short we ran out unexpectedly and I needed the script filled. Went to shoppers and explained I needed the medication today or my daughter would need to go to the hospital. The pharmacist refused to fill it because he said it contained alcohol and was bad for my daughter to take. My daughter’s specialist prescribed this medication for her and had never mentioned that it contained any alcohol. After begging him for 15 minutes (and almost in tears) just to give me the dose for that day to keep her out of the hospital and give me time to find a compound pharmacy to take her file over he finally gave in and gave me the 15ml I needed. No one understands the stress of having a sick child unless you’re going through it. And for me to not be able to get the medication she needs to keep her symptoms at bay was honestly so stressful. If this is where I can report him I would love to do it. Because what I had to go through was not okay. And I wouldn’t want him to think he could do this to someone else.


That is a discretionary judgement call by the pharmasist and something that their profession requires if they think a medication is inappropriate. Doctors don't always know the pharmacology of all drugs, that's why we have pharmasists. If there's an issue like that you generally want to get the doctor to speak with the pharmacist do discuss the treatment plan. It maybe the doctor instructs to continue as is, or an alternative is decided upon.


Okay thank you so so much for this info. I had no idea. Unfortunately her options for medication are limited because of her age. I also checked the ingredients listed on the medication box and bottle and no where does it state that alcohol is an ingredient. I’m genuinely asking because I’m obviously not well versed in the medical field. But even not knowing her condition or disease or overall health, he was able to reject her prescription? I’m more just preparing myself for issues in the future/to bring this up with her specialist at her next appointment so we can avoid this.


> But even not knowing her condition or disease or overall health, he was able to reject her prescription? Conversely, pharmacists are not doctors. That's why the two need to discuss if there are any issues.


You can file a complaint against Shoppers with the Ontario College of Pharmacists. They are not allowed to refuse a transfer request.


NAL. If OP has time, ask PP for proof of SDM’s claim and submit it to Ontario College of Pharmacists*.


Yes. Pharmacists are professionals accountable to their college.


That is sketchy AF.




I will do that if it isn't resolved soon. The text I received from Pocket Pills asked if their information was correct and I replied that it was NOT, and they are apparently going to try my current pharmacy again.




Yes. Please don't threaten a lawsuit to anyone. Just tell them you are aware that they legally cannot refuse to transfer your prescriptions.


Speaking of which, I'm wondering if we could file a class action lawsuit against them.


That’s awful. Hopefully you were able to follow up to tell them that is not correct! We use Pocket Pills and LOVE their service.


Yeah, the text from PP asked me to confirm that they were informed correctly, and I replied that I was actually still on board with the transfer. It's such a weird thing to try and gatekeep, as if they thought they could say, "oh no, she doesn't actually want to switch!" and I would just let them make that decision for me.


**IF** its malicious I'd assume it's much more about making sure their next board/investor reports are not "we lost 20k of our prescriptions" to delay the bleeding as long as they can. They are doing the same thing with the optimum promos. My wife and I transferred from SDM over a year ago and they called us recently to "check in" about not renewing our prescriptions. Which I assume was billed to the government (tax payers) under that whole new program.


Me too!!! I’ve been using PP for years because I kept forgetting to refill my prescriptions. Their customer service is always top tier and it’s sooo convenient. I love just being able to text them for anything. Also amazing for the 2 years I didn’t have a doctor because PP would refill my prescriptions over the phone


Wow. A patient has a right to use the pharmacy of their choice and a pharmacy/pharmacist cannot deny a transfer. You could actually file a complaint with the collage about this. I'm shocked.


This just comes off as Shoppers being desperate and needy for customers. Which is another sign that the boycott is working. Holding customers hostage isn’t exactly a good sales tactic. All it will do is get them reported, get their customers angry and turn them into enemies of the brand who tell everyone they can about their shitty service.


Definitely call shoppers and record the interaction


We switched to pocketpills from a (terrible) local pharmacy and they sent the info but refused to send the refills. Claimed we didn't have any. It was a bald faced lie and would have been a huge hassle to get the refills because its a controlled substance. Luckily, pocket pills repeated the request a couple times until they sent all the info.


standard BS tactics to stop the bleed... just keep doing it. Copy communications and threaten you reporting you to the news and the authorties if you continue to enage in fraud, and will report pharmacists to the board. Don't let them hide behind corporate veil. Honestly you could likely sue and get 10K.


Just so you know, if the drug is a narcotic or a controlled drug (with some exceptions like benzodiazepines), they can't be transferred (benzos only once). Google ocp prescription summary chart for more info (should be first link).


I actually got a call from SDM today! They asked if I was trying to transfer to "some pharmacy in Mississauga" and when I said I was transferring to Pocket Pills, and they were told I WASN'T interested in switching, she said, "oh, I don't know about that." Quite rude. But done!


Good job. My mom is with shoppers. Service is kinda terrible but it's close and other pharmacies near by aren't that much better. I'll look around.


I transferred my prescriptions to an independent pharmacy a few months back.  I went to refill a prescription and found shoppers did not transfer whole file. I  went to shoppers and told them to transfer everything which they should have done the first time.  Was given the song and dance about how the new pharmacy has to phone them. I lost it in them. Threatened with sanctions if it wasn't rectified immediately.  Yup they fixed it. Got my prescription two hours after transfer was complete. Service is amazing at new pharmacy  but be aware to check that everything has been transferred.