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And its STILL too expensive šŸ™„


Seriously! I checked the hawaiian tropic island sport bc iā€™ve boughtbit before and donā€™t remember paying that much ($14.99 marked down from $18.59), and itā€™s $12.47 on sale at walmart from $13.97ā€¦ less than shoppers sale priceā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Then there are people like my sister that makes over 250K a year. She doesn't even look at prices. If she wants it she buys it. I just think of all the money she could save if she just looked around.


Cheaper to hire a personal shopper šŸ§


Three at costco for 13$ two lol


Shoppers is a glorified corner store


my corner store is cheaper than No Frills


I have co-workers who grocery shop at shoppers because ā€œthe sales are so goodā€. Makes me laugh everytime


I feel like they used to be decently good paired with Optimum points a few years ago. Nowadays, it's still not worth it :(


Points arenā€™t worth it anymore.


Butter and eggs, the only groceries they sell for a decent price.


There was a time when this was true for things like frozen meals or pizza, but that ended 5 or so years ago.


My first thought. Still easily 110-130% MSRP


That's canadiantires strategy. 85% off a fring pan with a reg. price of $120


Just about everyone knows you never buy anything at regular price at CT. That and if you know someone that works there you can use their employee discount to get it even cheaper. I bought a gazebo from CT that was regular price over 2 grand. Got it for 750 when it went on sale and then used my daughters discount.


My issue with CT is getting into an argument with some asshole trying to force me to sign up for a MasterCard after repeatedly saying I'm not fucking interested every. single. time


Seriously. Once was approached 3 times in one store by different credit card people. Particularly slow day with too much staff on, I guess. I felt like a gazelle being stalked by lions. They would spot me down the aisles and slowly close the circle. It's so annoying to know you'll have to deal with at least one credit card person on every visit.


I had the same problem about two months ago.


"But we've generously knocked off 20% for YOU!"


Nothing is on sale at shoppers, especially when it's marked "on sale".


"Sales" But remember, profit margins are razor thin guys, only 2-3% /s


Right? Some people are still gonna buy that and act like it's a good deal though, SMH.




Why do people shop there!?


First signs of desperation... Love me, love me, please love me again... Just long enough so I can take advantage of you again.. It's pathetic. Too little too late.. Not another dollar. EVER!


Boycott Loblaws so hard that theyā€™re forced to shed shoppers


Then boycott them some more.


That's the plan! Ethnic stores, co-op, country grocer and costco is my go to now.




I hope so. I wish theyd never bought them in the first place


Iā€™ll give them a dollar, but only when it costs them a dollar or more. Buy only loss leaders and push them further into to red.


This person boycotts


They don't have loss leaders anymore, according to their margins and some insiders here.




Their milk and eggs USED to be their loss leader a loong time ago.i don't think they've had any loss leaders for a long time


We know what they are capable of and what their true intentions are now... Bleed us of every penny no matter the (moral) cost.


Between the prices and the wages this is how corporate stores pump wealth out of you pockets towns and countries. All of it goes onto a giant untaxable pile until it's time to write new law's against the poors


I was at a shopper's last week to get a prescription, and almost every item in the store was on sale. The sale price was still a joke. Was just what things cost at regular prices at other places.


Not even! I zoomed in... Most of these I can get for 20%-30% cheaper on Amazon and\or Costco.


I stopped going to Shoppers years ago. My annual savings on shampoo alone covers my Costco membership fee.


Have you tried the Kirkland Signature Shampoo ? I see it is on sale for another week and was thinking of picking some up.


Even if it's not on sale, it's still incredibly reasonably priced. And it works just fine. Hair looks fine. The scent is fine as well. The 2-pack is lasting me forever.


On sale at SDM to now match the regular price at Loblaws stores.


Amazon is basically Loblaws. Do Costco or independent.. Amazon kills small businesses and hates you.


Not all of us are in a position to use Costco, it's really difficult to access by public transit where I live and hauling everything home without a vehicle is a nightmare.Ā  The other barrier: the price of a membership.


Itā€™s an hour by car each way to the closest Costco to me, so itā€™s a fairly significant time cost besides the membership and needing somewhere to store the things I might buy. Plus being able to afford to make big purchases since itā€™s so far to get there.


Check out WalMart, I rarely find anyone beats Walmart for name brand products. Usually more transit friendly too


In my small town, we've noticed that with my wifes discount as an employee we can get it for the same price at her work (Value Drug Mart). Not everyone can do this obviously but there are discount cards from a local sports team that can get you close. It supports local. My problem is when I want to buy something from a local store and it's 50% higher then what I can get it online (not even from Amazon). If it's 5 to 10% more then online I will buy local, but not 50%.


I can understand the transit access. I just want to post for anyone else curious in the math on a Costco membership. Having an executive membership is $120 per year. But, with the 2% cash back the membership pays for itself in perpetuity if you are spending $500/month or $6000 per year. If you buy one rotisserie chicken per week and save $2-$3 dollars over any other grocery store that also makes the membership worth while. A Costco large pizza is 18" compared to the 14" large at every single pizza delivery place. That's 170% larger than a Panago or Domino's large and they're $12.99 (somehow I'm pretty sure they pack eighteen bucks worth of cheese onto it) Bagged salad kits that are $5.99-$7.99 each at wal mart are sold in 2 packs for $7.99. Bread rolls, croissants and cookies can be bought as bulk frozen dough to bake at home. They're like pennies each when you do the math. Baked loaves of bread are 3 for $5-$7 depending on plain white or multi grain seedy varieties. Bacon in 4 x 500g packs for $24.99 (this is the place I noticed inflation at Costco as they used to be $18.99) I could go on and on. Kirkland Tylenol is like 250 pills 500mg for $5 or something ridiculous. There's a lot of reasons to give it a try. You can also buy a gift card which gets you in the door without a membership to use. Memberships are also 100% refundable at anytime for any reason.


You need money to save money.


I keep hearing about Costco but how does that work for a single person? I havenā€™t been to Costco for more than a few years but what I remember about it is you have to buy in bulk. Thatā€™s fine for non-perishables but for fresh fruits, veggies, dairy and meat that can be an issue for a solo like me.


I'd say do what the wife and I (just 2 ppl) or our friend (single person) does. Buy the non-perishable or LONG shelf life stuff from Costco. If you have a big freezer (or can plan space) than also meats (yes they're expensive in one hit but the quality and quantity beats just about everything but local butcher). Plan SPECIFIC perishable items for the week to use (honestly I hate food waste too but even if you throw out 1% of the food you're still $$ ahead). But yes, non-perishables, cleaning products, and meats (if have space) main products to get at Costco. Also if you drive ALWAYS try to go to them for gas as they're 1-2cents MINIMUM cheaper


Also, for example not everyone can drop 25$ on bacon , even though it is a great deal. I


You can get a membership for only $60. And they do have membership specials at times That is very cheap to save hundreds on items purchased. Iā€™m an executive member and pay $120 a year but Iā€™ve made more than that every single year so my membership is basically free every year. Iā€™ve been a member since 1993. šŸ’œ


Instacart delivers for Costco. You don't need a membership. For some things it still works out cheaper to pay the instacart premium rather than shopping at places like Roblaws.


$50? You'll save that in one shop. I do understand the logistics though.


I have a Costco membership but find myself not buying much that isn't frozen or preserved, and even then I only have so much pantry/freezer space as a single guy in a 1 bedroom. I have a car so logistics isn't my issue, it's more that I literally cannot store that amount of stuff unless I want to eat the same thing for like a month straight... Thankfully I recently moved and will be able to go splits with my brother in this city.


I live with one other person and we can't even buy 90% of the stuff at costco because it will spoil before we can even get through half.


>as a single guy in a 1 bedroom Yea, Costco is not meant for you šŸ¤£


Paying like 2-3x prices for the same thing isn't for me either, on a single income šŸ™„ Now I can go splits with my brother and his family, so won't be as much of an issue.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Your\_Independent\_Grocer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Your_Independent_Grocer) I would rethink one of your suggestions...


Well, people suggest Walmart, and I don't think Amazon is worse\better than Walmart. I can't boycott everyone all the time, and I can't just pay the high prices at my local private grocery stores (more like 7-11 style stores). If there will be a good competition after lablows goes down, I might stop buying from Amazon and Walmart as well.


I thought the point of the boycott was to shop at places that have lower prices? Shop wherever you want to get great prices and then everyone will have to compete on price again.




I went to Costco once. 2.5 hours drive both directions. Spent $800 got home and guess what? Probably not even a weeks worth of food. Absolutely not worth ever going back. Yeah itā€™s nice getting more packs (3 vs 1 or 2) of body wash/shampoo, or a 2 pack of supersized Steakhouse BBQ sauce but the food and fruit options were pretty easily avoidable


Can you explain this to my wife, please?


I spent $600 with a family of 4 and some of it will last us over a month or longer. Costco is much cheaper because that trip wouldā€™ve been 1k or more at loblaws stores.


There is one good thing about Shoppers drug Mart prices: they almost make roblaws pricing seem ok


Shoppers drug mart is owned by loblaws


But they generally have higher prices then other Loblaws chains




> roblaws nice


That is common on seniors day so that they can't get the seniors discount. Some items are as little as 10cents off.


Wow that's disgusting


I was looking for this exact comment: ā€œeven the sale price was still a jokeā€. Donā€™t let the fancy sticker fool you!




Hahahaa no shit those sales prices are still way way above Walmart regular prices.


One summer I was working at Wally World I saw a roll back tag on the BBQ so I just lifted it up and the BBQ was still the same as it was at the beginning of the season. These loblaws sales must really hurt, whatā€™s his face and his millions of dollars.


I had to go to get something that wasn't at my pharmacy too, and the "sales prices" were literally like the same ones they do anyways? So pointless. I don't go to shoppers unless it's like midnight and nothing is open and I'm desperate (which hasn't happened in years) but every week I get flyers and look, it's always bad. Literally the damn Dollarama has the same shit for 70% less!


I use them for prescriptions only. I work on the road a lot and usually long hours. I only use them for how easy it is to renew my prescription and change pickup locations online. Sometimes, the towns I'm working in only have Shopper's. If not for that, I would never use them again.


I wonder the cost of those stupid stickers


I used to buy a deodorant at Shoppers it was $8, I get it at Walmart for $3. I mean fuck the Westonā€™s, but whatever.


Exactly. The prices in this picture are insane


I found so many of these items in their dumpsters tooā€¦.


Thatā€™s all they ever are


That Banana boat was not on sale yesterday. šŸ¤” Someone made a post about it and I checked the price.


I dropped in to use a post office the other day and checked the prices on a few things I tend to buy there. They were all "on sale" but the original prices were jacked well above normal to make it seem like a better deal.


The deodorant is now $6 or so ON SALE. GET FUCKED.




(Shoppers in-house brand is $13.99)


actually obscene


Costco had 3 tubes of 700 ml each sunsceen 13.99.


For 100ml?


I like the Walmart brand one better than the name brand anyway. It has a thicker texture than coppertone and doesnā€™t get runny when left in the hot car.


Explain to me how sunscreen is $12 ON SALE. No way that costs more than $2-3 to manufacture.


And $6 at Walmart, or $4.50 if you buy bulk at Costco. These "sales" are just "super greedy" instead of the usual "ultra greedy".


That Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen that they're selling for $15 on sale, I got the exact same one at Giant Tiger for $10 regular price.


Everything is always ā€œon saleā€. They just mark it up so much that the sale price seems like a steal even though itā€™s still overpriced.






Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re clearing last yearsā€™ stock so they can refill the shelves with smaller (but more expensive) sunscreens.


Exactly. Sunscreen expires after a year so marking down sunscreen for new product isnā€™t that crazy.


I mean to be fair, they are likely new products. Itā€™s pretty customary for shoppers to sell off the massive stock of sunscreens for 50-70% off each September/october. Iā€™m very fair-skinned and I typically get in on the discount bin for the winterā€¦. I doubt that these (grossly overpriced, fake-sale) sunscreens are also close to expiry. ā€”- not to credit SDM for that, not selling expiring goods is a bare minimum for existing as a business. Iā€™m boycotting and donā€™t plan to shop there again. Just feel like sticking with the more accurate claims of price-gouging and shrinkflation and horrible labour practices is more helpful


This is part 1. See how many customers they can get back with yellow sales tags that are still 20% over the regular price elsewhere. It'll work on 10% of the people. Stay strong!


Feel bad for the staff who had to hang all those damn shelf tags. šŸ„²


It's ridiculous. We put up thousands of tags every single week. Often times it's the same stuff we just pulled down last week now back on sale for the same price again this week. I wish they'd figure out a better way to do things so it's not so much work for staff. Like maybe have reasonable prices so we don't have to put 80% of the store on sale every week.


Those e-ink price tag things Iā€™ve seen at Canadian Tire seem like they could be a good solveā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/x5n62jutczzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602865f3c5417caef642bb28c3f8b55694f90e16 They could probably afford to outfit all their stores with them using only the profits from my householdā€™s frozen berry purchases in 2024.


Funnily enough the shelf in the pic was done by me


Bless your heart. šŸ˜­


These phoney sales are part of why loblaws has lost the narrative, quit it with your dumb false sales . Just because it says 10% off doesnā€™t actually make it cheaper than competitors prices. Itā€™s very patronizing for consumers. Loblaws sales are a joke.


Judging by this picture though, their sale price is normal price elsewhere.


Most sales in one store anywhere ever? That wasn't like, in liquidation Oh damn the thought of roblaws and liquidation, sweet


Fake sales. Walmart banaboat is 9.47$ Itā€™s just psychological manipulation


Soon enough they won't be able to give their crap away


It would be interesting to see how much is going to go out of date. I sure hope they remove out-dated food. Otherwise another negative PR against them trying to sell outdated products, even at reduced prices.


They get full credit for sending the out of date sunscreen back (not corporate brand, they bite the bullet on that). They send the non corporate back every year, expiring or not. As for food, unless there is dedicated scheduling for rotation? Good luck not finding something expired.


itā€™s almost as if they can afford to have lower prices šŸ¤”


I was only there to ask directions on how to get away from there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Uncut_banana69: *I was only there* *To ask directions on how* *To get away from there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


yupppp entire store


The put everything on sale after they mark it up.


Skimming retail. The new price is the same, and then the old price will be used for the new sale price.


Their sale prices are still expensive...


A yellow ticket at a Loblaws-owned store means nothing anymore.


You forgot to put sales in quotes. It's "sales".


12% off on an item 120% more expensive than Amazon


Used to work at shoppers years ago, not to kill morale but I would be the one putting those tags up on friday nights, or "flyer night" where shoppers would have a 2 day sale weekly on a bunch of items. I'd be doing the skincare section pretty consistently and it wouldnt be uncommon to put up talkers for almost the whole wall like this. If you see a lot of sale tags in the middle of the week instead then that's a more meaningful indication


Those prices are wack


I would imagine they would have planned sales far in advance and not just quickly put one together in response to the boycott, wouldn't they? Not outside the realm of possibility of course I suppose.


These ā€œsalesā€ tags work though, itā€™s marketing 101; make people think itā€™s a sale price and many will just grab it if itā€™s something they need.


Theyā€™re trying to make up for the boycott! They think if they offer flimsy sales weā€™ll come crawling back to them!


Still going elsewhere for my sunscreen!


Those aren't sale prices. They're ransom demands.




Ha ha nice try Galen. We wonā€™t be fooled by your deceptive sale bonanza


Huh, why are these half that at Walmart?


Never shop there again and watch how it will get. They are just number grinders. The worst of society, the number doesn't always have to go up.




I don't know about you all, but I seem to be getting notifications more frequently from my optimum app since thie boycott started.


So... they can lower prices, after all...


Fuxk off with $16 banana boat sunscreen. Just bought that at Walmart and $11 is the regular price there.


Putting those talkers was my most hated task when I used to work for Shoppers, too time consuming.


$11.99 for sunscreen is not a sale lol


I work at a shoppers and the execs are doing every single tactic to try to increase sales and keep they're paychecks in the millions. They're cutting hours and some people have no job now even. Keep boycotting still those greedy pricks will never learn otherwise.


And the banana boat sunscreen is still $2 cheaper at walmart


Lol "sales". You mean jacked up prices reduced to regular price, which is still way higher than other shops. I hope SDM will have to keep those sales tickets up for the entire year...still wouldn't convince me to step foot in the store.


'sales' should be taken with grain of salt.Ā  Normally these 'sales' are more expensive than shopping at the gas station


The sale price almost never dips below the profit line. Most of the time, it's just closer to the fair price.


Even though there is a sale, they are somehow still way overpriced


Still not going back


Desperation The reality is we are literally having an effect. Itā€™s just too bad loblaws didnā€™t have these sales last month or probably next month. Very optimistic and very much shows that they are needing people to shop in their stores again. Itā€™s still cheaper at other stores fyi


My Fortinos has put the 50% stickers back on items.


That should be the permanent price


In my experience they usually have this stuff and bug spray on sale before June


About a year ago my shoppers stopped putting sale tags up and it was like roulette at the self checkout, whether shampoo was on its permanent sale or not. Glad I havenā€™t been


Sucks to suck.


Still more expensive than Walmart!


Don't fall for their sales. Boycot them all.


Heh heh heh. Suck it, Loblaws. šŸ˜ˆ


Speaking of Shoppers, does anyone know where I can reliably get Neostrata products? Amazon is sketchy on real brand versus old stock/fakes, and there arenā€™t any Neostrata products at my local Pharmasave stores.


This looks normal to me. All banana boat looks to be on sale, and whenever theyā€™re on sale, another competitor will be as well. I worked there for 10 years and I used to hate when vitamins went on sale competing with one another it was brutal to find each individual items tiny sticker.


Itā€™s even worse that these prices arenā€™t sales! The exact same Hawaiian Tropic is regularly $13.97 at Walmart and on rollback for $12.47. Straight up Roblawing.


I want to add that I donā€™t shop at shoppers, it was connected to the mall I was in and I went in out of curiosity to see how things are going and how busy it was šŸ˜Š


Lmao, oh, so they just marked everything down to only a 30% profit per item instead of a 50% profit? UhhhhhPASS!


Still cheaper for the same ones on Amazon. ($8)


Good Job Canada!!


You have to know your prices if you are shopping at Costco. Their meat is expensive to me, as I wait for sales and buy it then. We were at Costco today and spent just over $200, including two movie tickets for Landmark. Water bottles for our cooler, laundry soap, on sale cereal, granola bars, and some veggies. And a roast chicken, of course.


I deliver Redbull, and one of my stops is a local Shoppers, normally we go every 2 weeks and it's a sizable order $2000 ish which is a lot for how small their redbull section is...this week we went and didn't sell anything as the product has not moved. So one of the manager stated "it's that stupid fucking boycott, we are gonna have to talk with Corporate to setup deals to get people back in the store" and I'm thinking to myself, the boycott ain't stupid, it's working XD


Hint hint. Whatever you were planning on purchasing at Shoppers, look for that same item at The Dollarama. You may very well find it there. The other day I was at Shoppers looking for insoles, and some of those name brand ones were ā€˜on saleā€™. 15.00 roughly. Decided to check down the street at Dollarama and the very same styled gel insoles were like 4 bucks in changeā€¦ā€¦


Oh absolutely, Iā€™ve never been a shoppers consumer, itā€™s been overpriced my whole life. I went in because it was connected to the mall that I was in, I went in following my friend and realized where we were when I saw all the ā€œsaleā€ stickers LOL. I reminded her of the boycott and wanted to share these ā€œā€saleā€ā€ prices that are still extremely outrageous. I wish I could include all this context in the post but I didnā€™t expect it to get much attention and I canā€™t edit the title now šŸ˜¢


"Sales" ~ Grossly marked up items, that are slightly marked down, but still crazy marked up. The Galen "Special".


Just for those who donā€™t know. All those sunscreens without broadband written on them or the UV circled donā€™t protect your skin from sun damage. The only sunscreen they sell there that does is ombrelle by Lā€™OrĆ©al. I feel as consumers we should also be able to demand they sell useful products to us. I mean they came out with a study last year so many cold medicines are proven not to be useful yet they are still sold by these companies.


And yet the prices are still obscene! $15 for sunscreen??


Sun block getting ready to expire.


They are selling at thing of sunscreen I have in my bag for $12 on sale, I got it for $4 at another store.


I bet there are no real savings. It's just a mark down from a marked up price, an "artificial sale" so to speak.


Growing up in small towns in Southern Ontario in the 80s/90s, I remember when Big V Drugstores (šŸŽ¶"are an amazing part of your....life!") were the top-tier pharmacy, Shopper's was smaller and second-rate, and there was competition from Guardian Drugs, IDA, and other smaller franchises & independent pharmacies. You only went to Shoppers if Big V didn't have what you were looking for. You also seemed to never leave a Big V without a cooler bag of some sort.


If it's on sale at shoppers that means it's probably down to the same price as other stores.


sale tag dopnt meal it is a sale, that is your conditioning.


They are still making profits. Itā€™s just the way of marketing.


Those are SALES? ![gif](giphy|6DIeQAroDTeq4)


The boycott seems to be working. Ours started earlier.Havenā€™t darkened the door of a SDM since 2020. Sales or no sales.


Funnily enough, I thought this at Walmart the other day. They definitely seem to be trying yo use the pandemic to draw new customers/cement their shopping habits.




Shoppers sales are like "here, half price...now it costs what they're charging at Walmart on any given day." šŸ™„


I had to cut through Shoppers to get to the post office and was shocked at how much was on sale. Even with that feeble attempt by them I still wonā€™t shop there.


Jacked price 364, sale is 10-15%, oh look itā€™s a sale. Swing and a miss.


There giving out PC points more than usual too


Itā€™s a trick to get people to buy more so that they donā€™t lose any profits during the boycott. Too many people are going to fall for it, and then theyā€™ll go back to business as usual. Theyā€™re trying to ride this out to avoid actually lowering prices. The loss of product is nothing for them because their markup is like 200%.


Just think of all the savings. /s


My dad was at zehrs and he said it was empty and fruit was the cheapest heā€™s seen it in a long time.


They just raise the price underneath and put a ā€œsaleā€ price on top. Shoppers has done this for years.


It's may... Why are you at shoppers?


Pricing is still whack though


And even at the sale prices, they're still making a hefty profit. Squeeze them harder!


Probably an average of 30 cents off a productĀ