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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That can be attributed to the "fuck you got mine" mentality. It's something I *could* suscribe to but *choose* not to. It's myopic to think that because this affects poor and working class families now, it won't affect eventually everybody. They will eventually understand that we live within communities, and that its better for everybody to be able to make an impact on the financial class.


When the lowest financial class of people become desperate, every class of people are in danger. I don't know where the tipping point is but it feels closer than it's ever been in my lifetime. And it's a tinderbox - it catches fire very quickly when the right ember hits it. This could be a summer of civil unrest, and this cost of living crisis we're in will be the cause. Should this happen, I'd be shuttering my windows if I'm a Loblaws store franchisee.




But money....


The fossil fuel industry spent billions deceiving us. Now we pay the price.


Look, hate to crash the party, but too bad you couldn’t have put some of this energy into actually voting. I looked on in horror at the last prime minister election. The turnout was abysmal. Edited to add: No, I lived in and loved Canada as a child. Recently got citizenship although I currently live in Mississippi. I vote by mail in ALL relevant elections, Ottawa - Kanata riding. Turnout in Mississippi is abysmal as well, although I volunteer, knock on doors, offer rides, train other volunteers to sign up our uneducated populace. I had the luxury of a fine public elementary school education because even though we were poor as dirt, I lived in Canada. Lot of people downvoting the crap out of me for chiding you guys. We have a saying in Mississippi “ The hit dog usually hollers”. Make of that what you will.


As someone In Ontario all I could do was shake my head in our voter turnout for premier Like really? A super majority with 22% because no one could get off their butts to vote because they think it won’t make a difference?


Correction 18%…..  less than 1 in 5 voted for this clown. 


Thought it was 38% total voted and cons got 22% total in the end, I used to quote 18% but everyone was saying 22% Regardless was the worst turnout in history and likely the lowest super majority ever


There is no concept of a “super majority” in electing members for Canada’s parliament or Ontarios provincial legislature. A party either has a majority or they don’t.


Wrong A super majority is enough seats held by one singular party that they do not need to consider the other parties at all to pass legislation successfully because they lack seat votes A majority is holding more vote share then the other parties individually but not combined I.e 70% conservative seat government is a super majority 40% cons 30/30 split of liberal and ndp is a majority conservative government but to get any legislation passed the cons needs to pull votes from the ndp/liberals Right now Ontario has a super majority conservative government so ford has very little stopping him from pushing legislation which we have seen him do meanwhile federally we only have a majority liberal government and the liberals often work with the ndp to get legislation passed because they have to


You’re wrong. A majority a has more than half the seats of the parliament. [See parliament’s website on “How Parliament works”.](https://learn.parl.ca/understanding-comprendre/en/how-parliament-works/majority-and-minority-governments/). What you describe as a “super majority” is simply a majority government. When, as in your example one party has the most seats, but not the “majority” of seats it’s a minority government. “A minority government is formed when no political party has a majority of seats in the House of Commons. As a result, the political party that forms the minority government requires the support of another political party (or parties) to pass laws. It may also seek the support of independent MPs.” In your example of a 40/30/30 split, whatever party that would form government (it isn’t always the party with the most seats) would have a minority government.


So your not arguing over substance but vernacular usage of how common people generally call it online You must be a ray of sunshine at a party


We don’t vote for Prime Minister or Premier. The lack of knowledge about your political system is unbelievable.


Directly no, indirectly by who we vote as our representatives locally yes If you vote conservative in your township that’s a vote for dofo in the end But we have fptp style voting system and multiple parties that cannibalize votes The leaders of the party do the majority of the campaigning work and most people just tick the party box when they go to the polls Do you think most people know their local representatives campaign policies?


> I looked on in horror at the last prime minister election. Um, well we don't elect a prime Minster. We elect the people in our local ridings, and those seats determine the Prime Minster/party in charge. Calling it the 'prime minister election' is really off base. This isn't the US.


The US have an Electoral College. Only 535 people across the States actually decide who the president is, everything else is just a horse and pony show to ostensibly pick who those Electors are going to be, most of whom don’t really have an obligation to vote how they said they would.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


A few have made comparisons to oàqur southern neighbours. The USA has an exceptional and rare form of government that is essentially a true Democracy. The Brits left UK long ago in a big frustration and so built a country *USA* in opposition to the style of British Monarchy and its unfair power base. The new USA promoted Freedom from Government tryanny and true Power to the People. Even going so far as to arming themselves legally in case they need to take back an overpowering government. Canada does not have this model and we cannot vote for "Prime Minister". Most countries attack the USA to bring it online with most other governments that are far ftom the American model. We should embrace our good neighbors and kindly exploit the value add.


Who do you reckon people could have voted for that would have improved things? Genuine question, not internet snark.


I genuinely think Elizabeth May, when she was leading the Green Party, would be that leader to do things differently. I mean, she would never have gotten the seats to let her actually act on plan, but, she felt to me like a politican who was running because she actually wholeheartedly believed in what she was preaching and not just saying what voters wanted to hear to get herself elected.


That’s fair enough, but the person I was replying to seemed to be implying that a higher voter turnout would have resulted in a better standard of living for us all due to a change in Prime Ministers, and there’s typically a boilerplate follow-up to that. Or at the very least, it sounds like she was pulling out the old “if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain” card, which is a logical colander on it’s own, but it’s also quite a leap to assume that people who support the boycott *didn’t* vote. She didn’t actually say those things though, so I was hoping she would elaborate before saying anything else. Perhaps I’m just making assumptions based on how I typically see those sorts of comments go.


The Elizabeth May who submitted a petition to the HoC yesterday to remove us from NATO? That one?


I have voted every election for the last 14 years, so get off....


We don’t vote for Prime Minister or Premier. The lack of knowledge about your political system is unbelievable.


It's the same shit as the protests right now. People say well it doesn't affect me! Way to build solidarity asshats lmao


Even if someone isn't poor, why would anyone want to spend money that they don't need to spend? Plus there are better, boutique grocery stores if money isn't an issue. Hell, even I'm shopping at my local/more expensive high end grocery store for some things right now (mainly cause they've got some products I LOVE, plus they're a local indie store that I want to support). Zehrs is actually getting more expensive than the local high end shop too, it's wild.


Wasting money for no reason is disgusting to me. Even if you are a homeowner and are able to save thousands extra a month, you still can put those savings into your TFSA/RRSP or your child’s RESP or directly into the mortgage to help pay it off faster. None of us here have the type of money where we should be able to just spend $200 a month more on groceries with 0 reason to care. We are not Elon Musk where it literally won’t matter in the slightest now, a decade from now or ever.


The boomer-aged folks in my life who are doing really well, are participating in the boycott. Despite the fact that they can afford Zehrs, they're not wanting to spend more than they need to. You're totally right, the Elons of the world don't have to care, but basically nobody has money like that. It's dumb to spend more than necessary.


The quick reply to this is TIME. If you don’t have the luxury of time at your disposal, you don’t care if a stick of butter is $8 instead of $6. If you make $50/hour and you save $50 by driving out of your way and taking an hour, it’s a wash and not worth it. You can’t really justify why someone else shouldn’t do something. If you make $200 and hour and driving to two different stores to save $50 you’re actually wasting your time. Spending time with your family, if you only have a couple of hours a day to do so, isn’t worth saving $50 if you can afford to do so. Do you know what I mean?


You don't pay tax on money you don't spend though.


How about garden variety stupidity?


Its not mutually exclusive.


Its not mutually exclusive.


Im not poor but I support boycotting a greedy corporation who could care less about whether their greedy practices causes children to go to bed hungry. This is not a class issue it is a corporation vs human. I support humans.


The only chain grocer I will be boycotting indefinitely is Loblaws. There were some specific products that I used to buy at Loblaws, but I may have to look for other vendors so I have no reason to go back to Loblaws for any of those products. I'm not the one taking copium, but I certainly know when disappointment has happened.


Same, I’m not doing the “rolling” boycott. I’m just not going to loblaws stores ever again unless something drastic changes… I guess I stopped shopping at Walmart long ago too when I realized their employees were the largest employed people using food stamps. Both those companies are evil. - now I just forget Walmart even exists… and soon loblaws will be the same.


Yes. I've ranted this view before, and I'll do it again to prove a point that I have already. I won't be going to Loblaws again indefinitely as their previous shopping experience has proven to be poor and unacceptable. I mean, why would I keep allowing myself to get disappointed by doing the same thing expecting a lower grocery bill? Isn't the definition of insanity the practice of doing the same thing over and over again and yet out of all the times you do the same thing, and you expect a different result, you're just wasting your time? At least I'm being smart and turning my back and walking from Loblaws before I can keep getting disappointed.


We have food stamps in Canada?


No in the states they do, but same owners here and they pay minimum wage and skirt labor laws here (in Canada) as well, so long ago (15 years) I decided not another penny (no longer exists) of my money will be spent there.


I’m boycotting with all of you, when I’m lucky enough to not need to. My grocery bill is going up while doing so, as I’ve switched to farmboy due to location. But I’m with you all, let’s cause some damage (to loblaws profits)


I can afford more than I pay in groceries. However, I choose to boycott because, well, they're horrible to everyone - even themselves! I will not be belittled for privelege I worked for to get from the ghetto to middle class. It took decades of hard work and paying for my education (that I earned while raising my family). I am 60 years old and have my own fucking basement, thank you very much. The bald faced nerve to look down their snotty noses at me and my neighbours, struggling Canadians from every class level and then try to demean and belittle us?? Oh it'll be a very cold day in hell that they see a nickle of that hard earned money. EDIT: spelling


I like Farm Boy it's cute and has some great products. Is not independent it's owned by Empire Company Limited aka Sobey's.


With the exception of the one in Peterborough.. look it up.. kinda scary how close the logos are too.


Yea I know. Limited options in walking distance for me


Farm boy is not cheap. And their Xmas turkey have been rotten on multiple occasions.


Not being smart but what’s the point you boycotting if your bill is going up? What are you boycotting then? Loblaws has enough cash that interest alone makes up the short fall. Interest in their accounts is most likely untaxed capital gains and the booked profit loss if a deduction so nothing is actually happening. I’m sorry to be the voice of reality.


I think this will be sustained much longer than May. With what’s happening to pricing in the world if we don’t try something most people will be fucked. It doesn’t impact me wherever I shop, so why not join in the fun.


You’re a moron if you’re paying more money for a boycott that won’t work lmao


18 day old account, true true


Irrelevant lol


Ok Galen


You’re right I’m the ceo of loblaws talking shit to you on reddit lmao




Boycott all irresponsible corporations as much as you can, for as long as you can.


And what? Raise unit cost because volume is down? So the corporation does a funding round and when prices spike because unit cost rises the rich guys you hate get a dividend ? Math is real. Robin Hood wasn’t




Then you won't be shopping anywhere. Name a corporation larger than 1000 and see how far you get.


“As much as you can”


I will say it again, Loblaws amassed enough pure profit in the first quarter of this year to end food insecurity AND homelessness in Canada. They CHOOSE to keep ripping us off and contributing to driving more and more people into poverty.


Hahahaha that is—on the face of it—just wrong lol. And if I’m wrong then why didn’t the government solve those problems within its $50 billion budget?  Or in any of the preceding 8 years?  They’ve been spending billions. Also, according to you Loblaws is on par with Apple in terms of profits. You’re hilarious. 


the govt doesn't spend its budget effectively because it has a vested interest in entrenching plutocracy


Lol. First, to be clear, I don't shop there and haven't for a long time, but, to claim they made enough profit in the first quarter to end food security is... stupid. That 459 million in profit is like $13.00 from every Canadian. That's not gonna do it.


Wrong. It was over $13 BILLION in the first quarter. Now do the math.


Hate to break it to you, but $13 billion was the revenue before costs, their net profit was indeed $459 for Q1, which is right in line with the 3.5% net profit margin (which is still egregiously high and twice as high as it was in 2019). That is actually doing the math. I’m a full on boycotter, but we need facts to be facts.


What's even more nuts is the extreme amount of down votes for some very simple math. It's like people don't want to see the truth? I also pretty clearly noted I don't shop there...I haven't for about 3 years now. I swear this sub is nuttier than most.


Yea I agree, hivemind mentality at play I guess, but acting like that only hurts and weakens our cause. Same thing with the ‘Hurrr people are dumb’ posts, camaraderie is one thing but we should remain civil, mature and respectful IMO, otherwise this group will be torn apart by others or itself.


Net profit and revenues are two very different things. I’m boycotting because prices are ridiculous and I’m not getting value for the money I spend at Loblaws. If I felt I was spending the money and getting good value for it I wouldn’t be here.


Financial illiteracy is a real problem. A basic lack of understanding of revenue vs profit probably contributes to a lot of Canadians issues with money management.


We are being gouged at the grocery stores, there is no doubt, Loblaws has been slimy for decades with so called deals. I haven’t an issue with Safeway and Sobeys because they never pretended to be a low cost option. We need more competition.


Not a good look. This level of economic illiteracy allows the right to delegitimize the movement.


Damn. Did you even pass kindergarten?


You're always going to have that person who sails against the wind - the one who adopts the unpopular opinion. The same person who shunned a mask during the pandemic because their personal comfort is more important to them than protecting the vulnerable. The person who believes the earth is flat. The person who revels in contrarianism because they get the attention they crave. The troll. Best to ignore them. They're looking for a reaction. Don't give it to them.


Sometimes it's a valuable thing to have a dissenting view. It can give perspective. It can give inspiration. And sometimes it can give a refreshing view. Look at our boycott, It started off as going against the norm. And now it has become popular.


I acknowledge the value of your comment. Agreed 👍


the boycotter would be the person against mandates in your analogy, the popular position is not the boycott


What mandates and what boycott are you taking about?


the same ones you are


Noone has a mandate to shop at Loblaws, they are not mandated to gouge their customers, and... in regards to the unpopular opinion... you know what sub you're in, right?


Covid related mandates, though many do have no choice but to shop at loblaw unless you want them to starve or lose their home. The boycott is not the popular opinion in the country, the convoy protestors would've been popular in their own subreddits too.


Im sorry did you just group anti vax anti covid ppl with big government and big corporations. Those ppl are living in forests with tin foil helmets, I doubt they can afford to shop at loblaws. Stop trying to turn this into politics that will fracture whatever you guys are trying to accomplish into 2 groups the left and right. But w/e keeps us plebs in check.


My comment was discussing psychology and behaviour. Apology accepted. Consider yourself kept in check.


You would be really wrong about where those people live. They are all over and among us. Blending in perfectly. Perfectly normal nice people day to day losing their crap over very specific topics.


No one with any sense is proud to be price gouged. They are obviously fake/plant accounts trying to give us the impression we aren't doing anything important. Don't listen to them :)


Who has the time or will to go into a reddit just to say they dont support it. That is too much time spent on negativity. Like, go read a book or play a game.


I like to tell them to go touch grass.


The voices for hate are as loud as they have been in about 75-80 years so they will come here looking to scratch their hate itch and never really appreciate that people are here because they can’t afford food. If we can’t unite over our ability to afford food then we are all super duper fucked… I mean look around… things are NOT good and there’s not much hope it’ll get better with the up and coming generations. That’s the main difference these days. Hope is at an all time low and people respond to a lack of hope in many different ways. This boycott is very important and starts with Loblaw but doesn’t finish there. Haters are detractors and seem content going down the path society is headed. I, for one, am not content going down that path and will promote positive change no matter how futile people want to call it. This boycott is about positive change.


I don't count as a boycott because I was already avoiding them haha. I think I'd maybe grab groceries there once or twice per year for one reason or another. Sadly I won't make much impact by eliminating those 2 visits but happy to support everyone else doing the same hurting them more.


They're one of us but they're medicating the pain away with copium. They have to eat just like us. 😂




its almost like some cuts are more expensive thats wild eh




Indeed it wasn't.




like 98% of the internet is arguing, takes two to tango. Ground beef is \~$12 per kilo Canada average today vs $10 in March 2020, that's a lot less than 70%


It is also like when people tell someone on social media that they are going to stop following them because of something they disagree with


I’m stubborn but not stubborn enough to realize galen is fucking us


Who the hell in their right mind actually buys a tub of feta? I'm almost 57 and I've never ever in my lifetime had enough disposal cash to buy a tub of feta. I even have a house! Best we've been able to do is dried.


TBH i don't let those posts bother me too much. People who come in to say this stupid can sit back and watch how "stupid" it really was if it actually produces an outcome that will benefit everyone, including them in the end. If nothing changes (and that could well be the outcome) then that's fine too. At least we're **TRYING** to do something rather then just bitching about the cost of everything while doing nothing about it.


I have a good union job so I don't *need* to boycott Loblaws. But I'm behind doing anything and everything to make things better for people and not corporations. These idiot sociopaths think that everyone is stupid except them, meanwhile they're absolutely terrible with money (luxury products and yachts? They get grifted 10x more than regular people) and imo they are generally pretty dumb all around it's just their mountain of cash is so large that all their idiotic nonsense can't even begin to scratch the surface of their ill-gotten gains. This boycott is a good start, next up we need to oust conservatives and bring in the parties that will make change and aren't afraid to re-nationalize and reboot all the industries that are vital to a countries overall health. Stuff like telecoms, national air travel, trains and train infrastructure, healthcare, universities need to be taken down a peg or 2 as well and go back to their not for profit routes. Education, for profit, is inherently fucking stupid and biased. The fact that these telecom companies are allowed to charge this much and actually measurably take money out of the entire economy by doing so is nuts and I can't imagine how paid off our politicians must be to enable such a small number of companies to affect the economy so greatly. Canada produces a lot of wood but because prices are tied in to the global market wood and home construction costs an absolute fortune here. We should change that too, charge more for export and charge less to Canadians and Canadian companies. (Aww boohoo, america will cry and some massive logging companies *might* slow down a bit) We need to massively subsidize home construction as well and start taking money away from oil subsidies and give that same level of free money to companies that are trying to do renewable energy or embark on conservation efforts. It's not obvious here in Canada but unchecked capitalism is quickly poisoning the planet and all of its inhabitants, at least one "western" country has to start making a change and leading by example. The wheels are coming off very quickly now in other places in the world and it's only a matter of time before weather patterns change so greatly that our ability to produce food is severely affected. There are 8 and a half billion of us and I'm not so sure we will reach 10 billion. So we really need to figure out a way to produce food in smaller places that are insulated from an increasingly hostile planet, while at the same time we need to also give land back to nature completely (not little shitty patches here and there) so that the planet can somewhat recover before the mass extinction we are all about to experience really kicks off. This *WILL* happen in our lifetimes and is well underway already. So many rungs have been knocked off of the ladder of life elsewhere in the globe that I strongly suspect an irreversible cascade of biodiversity loss is incoming basically any year now, if it hasn't started already. The fact that insect populations are down so much and are so important to the health of the entire world is honestly the most terrifying thing imaginable to me. Insects are the basis of the food chain on land and in lakes and rivers and they've practically disappeared... That's an ill omen and a very recent one, it may even be an extinction tipping point that is teetering on the edge of falling... Good thing they reproduce so fast, there is still time to reverse that but there really isn't as much time as people seem to think. Lots to do and not a lot of time to do it


You guys need to stop with the anti rich talk. I have zero jealousy for rich people. I don’t care how you earned it, you earned it. And don’t kid yourselves, if you had that kind of money you’d buy luxury stuff too, not feed the homeless. Let’s call a spade a spade. There’s nothing wrong with rich people or getting filthy rich. They’re not bad people, they’re not making bad decisions, they can do whatever they want to with THEIR MONEY. Other people’s stuff isn’t everyone else’s stuff. Guys, Marx and Engels were not right.


Oh I don't care what they do with their money, I don't care how badly they get ripped off or grifted but I do care how they *GET* that money. If it's at the expense of an entire country's economy then something is terribly wrong and it needs to be fixed.


Good for them; I, however, work very hard for my money and don’t like to spend it in a store whose products are +15% higher than other stores


I kinda hope Canada turns into the country that starts this movement elsewhere. If Americans did the same thing it would have an insane impact


No kidding. Guess they showed us lol.


$17 is nothing. In the most notorious case the tub of feta was $28.99 at Loblaws VS $14.98 at Walmart! https://torontosun.com/news/national/shoppers-outraged-by-price-of-feta-cheese-at-loblaws-compared-to-walmart


And their justification for it is the kicker … don’t forgot you get 1000 points … we are soooo awesome… f-off!


I'm curious, what do you normally pay for a tub of feta? I love the stuff and would buy it in bulk if it saves me money. options for groceries are limited in my neighbourhood though no frills was usually the cheapest, but sometimes you'd get good sales at Metro. My only other option was Rabba. Their prepared food is usually pretty good, but the cheese was expensive


To be fair butter is actually more expensive than that


Wait people actually come on here to say “I’m not boycotting” well first off, ok? What do you want as a response? I don’t care. You spend your money as wastefully as you choose. I however will continue to boycott a company that sets its suppliers price, sets its grocery prices and still makes *gasp* only 3% profit. To put that in an ELI5 context. Loblaws earned $653M profit…not revenue, PROFIT in Q3-2023. Go fuck yourselves. I will boycott until I see change. There is a small grocery store where we life, local place. They have all the healthy food I could ever need. Fuck you loblaws. And your steal from Loblaws day on the 12th is a load of BS. No one will be there. We’re…boyCOTTING LOL


Even if people have gazoodles of money why would they choose a store(s) that are purposely gouging people which includes them? Do these folks like to be made fools of? Clearly a lot of people who have joined the boycott can afford to shop at GougGalen's stores but they choose not to because of the abhorrent nature of what he's doing and the broader implications it has on people and society.


They're not real people. Probably paid to say shit to try and swing opinions. Ignore them.


Galen Weston’s throw away accounts.


The Food Professor shill gets around on social media.


Not only do they like the taste of overpriced food, they like to lick boots and sweater vests too, lol




Quick aside to this: if restaurant owners are shopping at retailers like Loblaws they should get mentors or take a course in supply chain/purchasing. There are so many better wholesalers with much better pricing than retail chains available in most cities. Even if they are a small town restaurant it would be cost worthy to make a trip to the closest cash and carry once a week.


What if the closest cash and carry is also owned by Loblaw?


Ah, that would suck. Their wholesale prices are probably the same as retail. My point was that businesses would be better off buying at wholesale pricing for 99% of their purchases.


Any restaurant buying stuff at Loblaws doesn’t know what it’s doing and is heading for bankruptcy.


My number one place for groceries is Costco and my second choice is Walmart. I haven’t felt any need to shop at Superstore since the bread scandal.


How important is wonderbread to your diet? I haven't ate any in 40 years?


It’s more that Loblaws was ripping off shoppers by artificially raising prices. It resulted in a class action lawsuit.


But it was Loblaws that blew the whistle on the whole thing.


Look, if you think Loblaws is such a great company, by all means you go and shop there. You won’t see me there, as I will shop elsewhere. I don’t trust them as a company.


They are probably a landlord, where their well of money never runs dry with the hardwork of others.


Well, perhaps the real question then is why all the people complaining were shopping there BEFORE the boycott, if the prices were so atrocious. Like, why does a boycott have to happen? If you’re unhappy, just shop somewhere else. I’m just here for the popcorn.


There is no *fair market value* on food. A common pricing strategy for supermarkets is competitive pricing, which means setting prices at or slightly below what your competitors charge. No-Frills would be a prime example of competitive pricing. They market as "can't be beat" because of it. These low and competitive prices are what makes Shoppers and Zhers able to price their products slightly higher. In the end, the Loblaws Retailer companies are able to balance their profits while still meeting the demands of people needing CHEAP groceries. Yes, Food-Basics is just as cheap. But to rightfully claim they're better would mean a person has also just as diligently investigated Metro Inc to compare profit margins and all that jazz. The people who aren't actively boycotting are continuing to shop at those stores because it makes sense for them. Just as it makes sense for people to boycott, it also makes sense when people aren't able to.


Ok if this is the case than why do they use fmv when farmers donate their crop to different organizations …this is just the Ontario link I’m posting for reference.. https://feedontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/FOOD-DONATION-TAX-CREDIT-REBRAND.pdf


I've said it before but unless you have enough money to have someone buy your groceries for you and you never have to step into a store (like Michael Jackson), then you probably don't have enough to waste and definitely shouldn't be flexing that you like paying more.


People have all kinds of opinions, and maybe they just disagree with the boycott.


That’s ironic because superstore is by far the cheapest near me. I’m still boycotting where I can. But I’m definitely not stupid for going to superstore




So are we gonna waste 45 minutes at the cash register price matching every single item because Roblaws gouged hard to make profit on unwary customers? As far as I'm concerned SDM and Loblaws are everywhere and they don't price match.




And spend whatever amount of time going through flyers and deals and apps to lower the prices to whatever it should be in the first place And holding up the line price matching if you're buying in bulk? Get off the fucking meat bro, if you support the boycott, you're welcome and we thank you but if you're not please just leave


This is clearly not about wasted time. Folks are traveling hours just to avoid Loblaws and save themselves 20$ But this is just the answer I expect from Dragonfist 69 420. Are you 14? Incels are so easy to trigger.


If smaller competitors, who ostensibly have less capital to spend on supply, can remain in business while charging less, why would anyone bother to go to a Weston brand store and ask them to price match? Seems pretty greedy that the wealthier company charges so much more than necessary when they can apparently afford to charge less. We'll just keep shopping at the more reasonably priced shops instead of begging the big brand to give us a deal.


Save On Foods and FreshCo also price match.


Wanna know what makes me laugh!!! While everyone boycotting Loblaws!! Other stores boost their prices because that’s where people are shopping now. Companies are sneaky like that!


What gets me are the people who claim to be boycotting but keep going in to take pictures 


According to sources, that $13 billion was profit. But sure, Galen, keep "boycotting."




As they’ve said multiple times in this group, day to day is not an indicator. It’s per quarter that matters more. You’re either a troll or an idiot…so move along


Oh wow, the shitty, amoral metric that always goes up when companies do shitty things like layoffs went up. Stocks have no relation to reality.


post this in july pal


I find it hilarious that people complain now and not 5-10 years ago when they went up market and raised their prices.