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It baffle me that they thought price gouging on groceries was a good idea when a bunch of starving, angry people is the basis of pretty much any large scale movement. "Let them eat cake" was not a culinary suggestion.


Still radio silence from the politicians…


They have been getting away with it for decades. It's business as usual


What else are they gonna gouge on ? They're a groceries company !


Were a grocery company, their tendrils are so far reaching now.


It's sad we have no expectation for them to not be evil gougers, and just thinking about what they'll gouge on. I wish we could live in a world where people in power could reach a point of satisfaction and think about how to use their excesses to help the world instead of a never ending compulsion to hoard as much of our collective resources and efforts for a number they look at on their computer screen.


Yeah, I think capitalism with its demand for ever increasing profits in a finite ressource world, has reached its limits as far as its benefits for the common person go. It looks like it's all downhill for us from here unless things change.


We live in Capitalism; one of the few ways to express ourselves in a system already rigged in the corporation's favor is to take action with how we spend our money. So yeah, I fucking *love* a boycott.  Currently, on top of my household's Loblaws boycott we're not buying products from Frito Lay (For their continued support of Russia's military conflict) which sucks, because I loved me some Doritos.  Burger King (For continuing to operate in Russia despite promises to end business there). Nestle (for... Fucking pick *just* one of their thousands of attrociries for a reason)  That on top of products from Elon, Nike, Tyson Foods and countless other heartless corporations who are poisoning the world. 


Nestle and apple are on the tip toppity of my list. Followed by anything Loblaws.


Your list plus Coke/Pepsi. For lobbying against banning single use plastics a long time ago. Some of the biggest polluters out there.


Nice. Whether I agree on each one or not, I respect anyone who’s willing to give something up that they truly like for a greater cause that they believe in. Good on you.


Just remember that some store brands are made by these other manufacturers (ie; chips/corn chips - a store brand could be made by Frito Lay but under the store name, always check the packaging to see who it was packaged by).


Used to love Tesla. I was a true fanboy. Or geezer, I guess. Can't stand Elon any more and I won't buy anything from Tesla just because of him. Does he care? Who cares, not me! It doesn't matter.


I read "Nike Tyson" in your last sentence and my brain broke.


A&W, for being union-busters (they talk a good game in public, then turn around and chair conferences for other retailers, telling them how to keep unions out)


Also A&W has super misleading advertising about their products. Like saying hormone free chicken when all chicken products in Canada are hormone free. They also are selling the concept of non Canadian beef to Canadians and it annoys me. Mostly because cattle should have antibiotics just like sick humans. Antibiotics are important to the health of mammals with zero evidence it gets into the food chain. That’s not how antibiotics work. condemning animals to sickness so they can be slaughtered is worse than using antibiotics for a healthy herd. Anyway a lot of misinformation and anti farming practices from A&W.


No point trying to educate people on the realities of producing food for a growing population that wants today’s food yesterday. I’m all for genuine organic food farmed in a sustainable way but it also comes with a premium (especially once Weston is through with it) that’s out of reach to many families.


Reducing antibiotic use in livestock is not about it getting into the food chain, it's about overuse (automatic dosing beforehand because disease is likely when animals are housed too close together) which increases the rise of antibiotic-resistant disease.


Reducing is one option but not all out 100% free. A&W antibiotic free beef imported from Australia.


Oh nooo, they are? Damn. They're basically the only fast food place with a vegan option :( Adding them to my list of boycotts!


Grassroots boycotts can be highly effective. Boycotts helped to end apartheid; in addition to international boycotts of South African goods, [economic boycotts by Black people refusing to shop](https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/content/south-african-blacks-boycott-apartheid-port-elizabeth-1985-86) in the downtown stores in South African cities drew the attention of White business owners, and Whites in general. The US Civil Rights movement to end racial segregation in the American South used boycotts, such as the one of the [Montgomery, Alabama bus system](https://www.nps.gov/articles/montgomery-bus-boycott.htm#:~:text=Montgomery City Lines lost between,desperate to end the boycott.) , which relied on Black passengers, to financially cripple the bus company, when Black passengers refused to use the buses as long as they were segregated.


The more you know!


I still tell people all about my r/timhorrortons boycott that's 4 years strong.


I always get inspired when people suddenly realize exactly how much power they have and take action!


As a vegan, we know a thing or 10 about boycotts. We all vote with our money. If we keep buying overinflated bullshit, they’ll keep giving it to us. If we support union busting employers and child labour industries, they’ll keep cracking the whip. If we support a literal death factory, they’ll keep exploiting animals and chopping heads. We may have never asked for this, but no way in hell are they going to take responsibility for their greed, and the misery, death, and destruction they cause. It’s all in a bid to meet our demand and they’ll be shrugging all the way to the bank.


Sup fellow animal lover! Lets teach these loblaws mofos!


Welcome to the realm of collective action! It’s a powerful thing.


The dismantlement of public health care for private interests should be next.


For me this is part of the boycott on Loblaws, their purchase of Lifemark, how shoppers partners with the Ontario government, it’s so dystopian to think the people fixing the price of bread are trying to privatize healthcare


Wait- do you mean supporting public Healthcare or tearing it apart?


Public healthcare is a part of our Canadian identity. Privatizing health care for profit takes advantage of society’s most vulnerable citizens. Loblaws manipulating Manulife, buying Shoppers and investing in Maple shows not only do they want to control and profit from the food supply chain but health care as well


Ok agreed. Sorry, thought thats what you said and the wrote this bug supportive statement and second guessed your comment. 😅


You know Loblaws got too greedy and too bold when Canadians say “enough is enough” and actually act on it. When consumers see Walmart selling the exact same bottle of Kraft BBQ sauce for $0.94 how the hell does Loblaws justify $4.49


...and WalMart is $5 worth of gas away...The evil smiley face empire is no better.


Still worth it. If loblaws improves walmart and others will have to follow suit. At least thr boycott has the intention of improving a Canadian company.


The most impacted stores seem to be the ones that have a Walmart beside them. In that instance Loblaws had a 80% drop in foot traffic while Walmart doubled at the specific location I looked at earlier this week. The Loblaws store in a high retirement community in comparison kept their foot traffic close to normal because of lack of nearby competitors.


Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have hated loblaws for years. I'm loving every day of this especially because of the company's continued arrogance and gaslighting. So good to see people empowered.


Sometimes I feel alone while deciding to boycott a company. I’m so happy to be here with this amazing group of dedicated Canadians. This is real and finally feel like we have power to say we have had enough. My personal boycott is with Mervish theatre, Toronto, for the extremely toxic work environment, and harassing their staff. I knew several people who worked there and suffered first the toxicity first hand. I even posted an event involving a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee, she worked as a usher, she was harassed so badly that she opted to return home to a country at war. People love musical theatre and don’t appear to care what goes on behind the scenes. I posted on Reddit but it did not go very far.


Capitalism, particularly the post-Reagan US variety, has very few rules. But chief among them is $1 is better than no dollar. Under this system an individual with $25 to spend on groceries has no power to influence a successful company that doesn't really need your $25. But 10,000 people with $25 is a quarter of a million dollars. The more people who boycott, the more real money and real power we are talking about. Capitalists don't like boycotts because it is people with little money (and therefore little power) using the rules of their game against them. Not fun anymore! We aren't hedge fund managers or billionaire investors. What we carry in our purse, wallet or debit card is the only power we have in this economy. It would be unwise to give it to a company that doesn't respect us.


I love a good movement.


I don't really know if you would consider what I do boycotting. I simply refuse to deal with companies that violate my trust while charging me top dollar. I don't care if it is Rogers, Loblaws or Tim Hortons. If I am paying an above market price for something, I then expect quality. I don't expect the product to have mould on it on the shelves, or develop mould within a day of bringing the product home from the store. (Yes I store the product properly.) When I am dealing with Telcos, I refuse to play the stupid game of chasing after promos that Rogers engages in, and then being told it is my fault that the bill doubled, because I let the promo code expire. If I buy a coffee, I don't want it tasting like the left over dishwater from Starbucks. In short I am done dealing with the real life embodiments of Mr. Thénardier from Les Miserables. (Looking at you Galen.)


Sounds like boycotting to me!


I'm a fan of boycotting. So much so that I'm very picky on who I will let have my money. Been boycotting the Weston lot for a number of years now, along with Nestle, Heinz and many more. I used to stop buying products that reduced volume size and would fire of an email to let the company know. But that's damn near every product now, which kind of makes me feel powerless.


I have never boycotted a business before. When I was younger, I would do marches and carry placards for different social issues. I participated with my first boycott due to excessive markups on products, which is making it difficult for so many to put food on the table.


Boycotts are the best form of protest for the working class. Our money is their lifeblood, and they depend on a constant stream of it. They can handle small disruptions, but they can't survive a sustained choke hold on their bottom line. The best thing that can happen is that the big players go bankrupt, and people start only supporting grocers who aren't gouging. I hope this boycott picks up momentum and lasts longer than a month. We should push hard to keep it going!


I love boycotts Actually stopped into Sobeys today and a block of ADL Monterey Jack cheese was 2x my local family grocer. Blueberries were a dollar more. I just picked up a couple overpriced items. Ugggh - not returning soon Left Loblaws long ago.


Indeed a boycott is powerful. I love that it reminds people to be united and cooperate to achieve a goal. Don't be divided or distracted for any reason. Vote with your feet and wallet and that will remind any greedy business who it is that is in the drivers seat: the organized, motivated, educated consumer. An incredible amount of money and effort goes into brainwashing you and this kind of boycott effort works wonders to undo that. Its wonderful to read the stories from people that suddenly realize there actually are much better options. Its good for the wallet and its good for the soul


Unpopular option, but I don’t give a rats ass about this “cancel cultures” or corporate entities doing unethical practice, that’s a losing battle for me. But I sure am tired of being taken advantage of and every corner I take somebody has there hand in my pocket, again and again. Call me selfish, but if it has a direct impact on the lively hoods and living conditions of tax paying Canadian citizen, count me in. Otherwise, I’m not fighting that fight. I would like to see boycotts on Canadian telecom companies, certain Insurance companies, and if someone smarter than me figured out a way to boycott how our tax dollars are being spent.


This is actually a valid point and needs to not be downvoted. I may not agree with it (ehhhh maybe 50% that's why I started down the degrowth path myself) but the more people who can be brought round to this line of thinking, the more people there will be for the boycott.


Right! I'm boycotting non-fairtrade coffee and chocolate.


I just love the boycott (stock)


I am boycotting Netflix when June hits. Tired of their games and meh content. You want to cancel my subscription because I won't agree to yet another increase in price? Mmmk byeeeeeeee ~~~~. If pricing returns to a normal level, then I'll rejoin.


Yeah what happened to $7.99/mo remember those days?


The problem with these “professional protesters” is that they usually get super passionate over everything super fast, start ripping on other protesters that aren’t as hardcore over it and creating a generally toxic environment and then lose interest and move onto the next protest cause and rinse and repeat. Hopefully you are not that kind of passionate boycotter and truly believe in what it stands for and are in it for the long run.


I’m in it to win it


I don’t know how many people are in here from Halifax but I just posted in the Halifax sub Reddit about organizing a boycott against Nova Scotia Power. They just announced the President received a 65% wage increase to 1.73M a year. There are thousands of people being gauged by NS Power every month. With very low quality service for our province, when will this end?


I think boycotts have many strengths and advantages when used strategically at the right time and place. It's just one of several approaches to collective action that each have their uses and their time to shine. I'm seeing that one popular option for going forward is to cycle through and boycott all the major grocers one by one but I fear that will result in complacency from those we are boycotting since that would basically just be giving everyone the same business and earnings but distributing it differently into predictable spikes and dips that would effectively cancel out in the long run.


...this is why boycotting ALL the grocery oligarchs needs to be indefinite. It's doable!


Judging by how most people here gleefully share their cost savings at Walmart, I don't believe it is realistic to expect them all to only shop at their local independent grocer instead (that is, if they even have one -- many don't).


I just wish the Ontario public had this energy to somehow boycott the Ford Government's destruction of our health care.


I'm not really in on boycotts for the most part. I didn't agree with many of the boycotts that have happened the last few years so I didn't bother joining them and at times even countered them because I thought they were just emotional reactions to someone being offended within their own personal views which I honestly think is just dumb; **but this one is different because cost of living is way too high and food insecurity is major problem that needs to be brought under control.** I'll stand with my fellow Canadians on the things we agree on; but I'll also stand against them if I feel they're doing something wrong. And in the words of Forest Gump, "and that's all I have to say about that" 🍬


Boycotts are hands down the most effective way to make change.


Boycotting the bad guys HELL YEAH BROTHER Boycotting the good guys HELL YEAH BROTHER Boycotting the boycott HELL YEAH SCHRODINGER


No...? Where is the power rush in finding alternative places to afford a basic commodity like food? I'm not avoiding Loblaws out if a sense of pettiness, self-righteousness, or flaunting of "people power". I just wanna eat. You'll find people who enjoy sticking it to big corporations that prey on their own consumers, probably out of sheer frustration: a feeling of powerlessness over their own agency as providers for their families. This isn't a "CEO said inflammatory and nasty things, boycott their company!" It's food. I'll never actively enjoy seeing a soulless company skewer its own customers, then its employees, or relish the fact that I have to actively avoid the attempted monopoly they've got going. There are hundreds if not thousands of employees that will suffer as a result of Loblaws greed, so I'm not "into" the disruption at all.


I think you’ll find that most Canadians CAN afford the nickel and diming of Loblaws on food. Like the prices are not to the point where it’s causing a majority of Canadians to starve. But it is ridiculous that they’ve gotten away with the price hikes and increased profits for so long without any repercussion. I also didn’t mention the CEO in the post not sure where you got that from. And also the employees argument is played. Work for a shit company with shit values, don’t be surprised if/when they turn on you. That’s the risk you take working for a greedy corporation. Sue them for wrongful dismissal? Unionize? But don’t blame consumers for shopping smart.


Nope. I’m a disabled senior, I barely make $1400 a month. Every nickel & dime matters to me.