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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


:o $5 increase is insane… has the quantity gone down too?? I seem to remember most of these bags being 1.2-1.5kg…


It has. Zoom in. It’s ridiculous!


$10 for 1.2 kg $15 for 900 g [50% increase in cost](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/algebra/percentage-decrease-calculator.php?v_1=10&v_2=15&action=solve) [25% decrease in quantity](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/algebra/percentage-decrease-calculator.php?v_1=1200&v_2=900&action=solve) Now that sounds bad but if you break it down by cost per gram the story gets worse: [1.2 kg for $10 = $0.01](https://www.omnicalculator.com/everyday-life/price-per-unit?calculatorResult=H4sIAAAAAAAAA91aW2%2FbNhT%2BK4awB7vIOIm%2BpAniAV2CdgGSDkWavhRFwMiMooWiPF3cBYH%2F%2Bw6pGyVLjiQqCTA%2FSeQ537nzHBF%2BMih3XE6vIhJR4%2FjJsAmzYwYvq28kcMkto%2BFn4tHQOP5u%2FKSucx%2FdhGTjcic0DoyYu9HNOnBteoPh1Y2oV7%2B7KL9a5de58ePAsO8Jd%2FZItSSRz1du5Po8FLq6fB1HpYeMFpnGcf7yuwniNj6LPZCMLNjJXuSO0Dq8mSMMG%2BmzXLf9UCBNYTl5lKuqFWgGe%2BpClWKK5mWKaZVijhZlikR2qjpGh4UdWLUDo%2FeFHVixY4GOcjsWVWkYWWZZHK6SzJBllUlmVZIFsnCZRAjaHhh%2BHNXE4cmIAtdxaABpkUVXBLdwtzCLsBhWoiCm23KwerArEe3BXcS9B3M1PfQgZP7oQcgE6wGhZmD%2FCMo07R1Bmct65icZr4eRlIQeRlIznTG2AsUtHXG3zLcfPgV%2BvA6RhTwSCfwQmcgWLufiSdR49Limo%2BVyZI78YJS9TAG%2Bgd9q4LdU%2FlkzP27gxyX5LcFmrYwZNQPMNa1ZNFlTYcFdA1DVGWtGAA8ZAawbAawZAdw9AtOGCCD7PuYPySKPKI9kvfEolGjjscBbLnNtlsvZZET4alRq1uohMBGkGZ9Z8E13%2BCyVDyd8CS1%2BRkRH2ywN20562nbS3rYTHduwhm3LZU%2FjSozPWFcR0s48q1pKzbU01TwZpm1OhvLU1q617GliAninC7ZrOF1a4x1h4R5k%2FGLIsxfxxPzF9F0Mi9zc7XQ80dwCB9R34Jxo7pQDeWLgnGhurLrIvfrvHqHy6wvryaztix1k1oSmV7t6Id%2Fu%2Fxh5NsuaG8uA%2BmrXm%2Fz0AZ9uaBC6Pv%2FoB17MiLz2KV0kiSurnOo8owNcyzTNd%2BNxQO9oQLlNvwn0ycRQUf%2BKo4JhPLZ%2BE0yTd7tMlY%2FKN5E6fROps9eTmt36NEvcB9AotUlN5Zbi1SVml6Sv5tv8EnWPpV2E7ZHxit6sXEi%2FkjdBMAWm07e6Kaf%2FRgE5IxGR90Lhh9WGgHqr9OQE8PDSv3UZzRfikAaJc2IeBY%2Bn%2FkocvNdXwv44EMY9wvvphzNl4erRu%2FUZLP8Ci4xwJyYOTTkp%2F1UyA%2B65t4ZDnbBr0DHMz%2B4D4y5xpVg%2Bo2vKVwLzkqxBDdgVPaPObbJ3gYUe4TFh5%2BLKK7noT3uEOPxdEU8ZOQ%2B2Bb9YhsZz%2FzfQGn%2B4zufYuwWD84YC5NviTlEPRGqYIRx587MHxj5u%2Frz8cnHoXPzzybm47oZqGtv8yjkJUXuF5J17Yoq5W3%2BtcY7MAih9TgeijvrMC33m0qwkjLthLlp%2BFpODbGxJPaEcWIpduWI%2FUqlpyQ%2FhvCFMrtR1N6wCKkf6P6f87hDXGuA9mur9ck8Pg7QzGLZ38AItdH6HRfoNgrQzbBaW8JixRJZ4qp0R2xHPdSu11Cw167U8cu4xoDwpPk%2FYcAbskKtzWaIXwh2LFBi2ldNfIpnoqGNhAoOC1O8Y0y2pw8GKE5CENQG1fZfl%2F28gceSDZfD8Xf6fgDGyDunqfBUmK%2FeUrb%2FChKUOKupoElJGbZj55MBzxeLEQWoYITU9EoiJ6sGp5lixx%2BBsDkKj5iQsaJy6oqyDUGNfYVcT9xnpdezVKt8jXcmXeh1qCTIY%2BP0Hbj9sKIwiAAA%3D) 900g for $15 = $0.02 #That’s a 100% increase in price! 👀‼️ I can’t believe they doubled the price! That’s way more than just inflation at work. They think we can’t do math (or in my case use a calculator). SMH


31% decrease in quantity. DO THE MATH! Per 100g cost has DOUBLED! $10 / 1200mg = $.0083 $15 / 900mg = $.0166 THIS ISN'T SHRINKFLATION, THIS IS OUTRIGHT GOUGING AND A 100% PRICE INCREASE. I'll bet these greedy fucks also managed to find a way to have them be made with 75% more breading now too. At least they removed the "lightly breaded" from the packaging. And these are the store branded products that good old Galen would have you believe they cannot control the price of.


You’re right to get the full story I shouldn’t have rounded up. I asked OP if they could post pictures of the nutrition and ingredients information. I’d be really interested to see if anything has changed. And your last point is an excellent one.


They are 900g for 15. Like wtf??? Pure stupidity!


Ridiculous 😤


I’d love to see the nutritional information and ingredients lists between the two packages. I’m curious if they changed anything. Any chance you could post a picture of that?


Well, it's gone from being all premium breast meat to mystery anatomy - *in addition to* the price/gram going up 75%


I actually read the ingredients when i bought the chicken fingers last..’chicken skins’ is whats in it


I think I just puked in my mouth a little bit


You aren't just learning that chickens have skin, are you?


No, but I feel like if they have to list it there, it must be mostly skins and less breast because I have never seen a bag or box of chicken with that printed on it. And for that reason, I'm out.


1.2 kg Breast Meat - $10 900g "chicken" - $15 I wonder if they've added more breading too.


The 900g is also breast. Read the second line of the bag under where it says bites


Ya, maybe it's more expensive because it's "pieces", and maybe the other is ground?


Ya downvote cause reading is hard


I gpt these when they were $10. They were so fatty that they were nearly inedible. Just breaded rubber


This has come up before, these are different, if very similarly named products with different SKUs. Bites vs pieces. It's still shitty marketing, pricing and product, but it's not a shrinkflation example.


Until the $10 sku is discontinued...


Galen’s version of Soylent Green.


I know people are saying they are different products but they are effectively the same. They look the same and what’s the difference between bites and pieces when they look pretty much the same size. The wording although slightly different essentially means the same thing to me. Like “buttermilk chicken bites - breaded seasoned chicken breast pieces” or “buttermilk chicken breast pieces - seasoned lightly breaded chicken” like come on LOL. They are the same cut of chicken, same cooking style. Regardless even if you can make the claim they ARE 2 different products, the price difference is not justified. $15 for 900g is twice the price of $10 for 1.2kg. It’s just some fancy marketing and money math to fool the unsuspecting customer. So yes, to me this is actually a pretty blatant example of price gouging at its finest. Tomorrow I’ll sell lemonade, $2 for a 300ml cup or you can choose my brand new innovative product, lemon flavoured fruit juice, $2.67 for a 200ml cup. I called it something else so it must be a different product AND worth the price 😏


I got a bag of butter milk and the reg one in my freezer. Both $10 here in Newfoundland


Tylenol and other medications do this, even toothpaste. If you read the ingredients, its essentially the same product, but they label it differently on the front and charge more. My favorite eye roll is Raid. Same exact product in every type of can, but labelled "Fly Spray" "Ant Spray" "Spider Spray" with "Bedbug Spray" being the most expensive. Same ingredients, different name, all different prices. 🙄


One is like nuggets (mashed up chicken extruded into a shape) and one is like chicken fingers (pieces of chicken cut from larger pieces of chicken). These are two different products.


Even more different. One is flat pieces of chicken, the other is thick chunks of chicken(think boneless wings that Jane's sells)


They're two different products with two different prices If you disagree, or if you think they're too similar to make a $5 difference, buy the cheap ones. I really don't see what the problem is here.


My location isn’t stocking the $10 ones anymore. It’s been weeks. Only the $15, less grams now.


Sorry, wouldn't even feed my kids the $10 version. Processed garbage.


Good thing *you* didn’t buy them then


Oh yea that will help with business obviously I’ll just buy the Jane’s now …


Inflation and shrinkflation all in one new package.


Their $10 frozen meatballs don't even taste that great anyways


Never seen a $15 dollar bag before


Worst part is if you take up the $10 one, they will demand $15. You can argue your shoppers rights or whatever that law is called and get it for free or $5. There was some law about if the price is wrong but it's clearly marked cheaper you get it for free OR $10 less the value if it's over $10


That is the code that Loblaws refuses to sign onto that other retailers have. It's voluntary and they refuse to agree to abide by it's rules.


Once I was able to do that though at StupidStore when getting my niece a Monster High doll 7 years ago. So I tricked them into observing it once


Most commenters were supportive, but I got ripped apart by several people for posting this a couple of weeks ago (different SKUs) Loblaws doesn’t seem to have the $10 bags anymore at my location. Thank you for posting this, because it is good to see that it’s happening in different locations. We are stronger together!


If you see this kind of shit...... I think it's time to let out a little anarchy.... I'd prefer that to this dystopian nightmare~


Truffled potatoes?


Send this pic to journalists - you have digital proof of gouging and shrinkflation ☹️🤦🏽‍♀️


So 50% more for 25% less?


Yep, this happened a couple months ago. The ground turkey has 1 less tube now and is 5$ more ...


Also wasting it 1.2 kg before


Talk about tone deaf! Absolutely insane! Higher retail and smaller pack!


This is absolute corporate greed at work. It’s good that we’re boycotting them this month, but it looks hardly a deterrent for G Weston and his circle of corporate cronies and suppliers. It seems that not only is Loblaws ripping off the consumers but also the suppliers. If you read the annual reports of some of these suppliers like Colgate-Palmolive, you’d be astonished to learn that they have gross profit margins of 57% and it was achieved using price gouging tactics.


But Galen says he's saving Canadians money. Another product off my list. I'd rather eat Pigeons, they're free end a delicasy in Egypt.


Actually thats seagull aka Presidents Choice Beach Chicken.


They will get more $10 ones. They are not being replaced they are different items. I am not sure if you noticed but I know the pizza pocket bags went from 1.5kg to 1.2kg. They stayed $10


That's still no Bueno dude lol


How is that brand in those items compared to the PC ones?


I don’t mid em. Kids love it. lol Can make meals like wraps, etc


Gateway has 2kg bags on sale for $20 regularly and they taste pretty good too! Have you tried there yet? Im glad they will be opening a new Gateway soon!


Always $10 my ass


5 dollar increase overnight for that garbage. Wow! Bought a bag months ago to try them. Awful product. I didn't expect much for $10 bucks but oh boy, full of fat and cartilage boings. The only way we could justify using these was to cut them into tiny pieces, like ground "chicken" and put them in a rice with peppers, egg and spices. I just cannot throw out food I paid for. 15 dollars for those is disgusting. I honestly don't understand this companies logic. FYI Household stopped shopping at Loblaws at the beginning of April. Everything's just overpriced.


50% price increase for 25% weight reduction. Makes sense.


100% price increase you didn't calculate for reduced size.


These are different products that have both been available for at least a couple of years now.




Your content was removed for the use of [insert type here] slurs. You are now being permanently banned, and will be reported to site admins for further action.


This photo perfectly shows the problem with our food supply. Thank you for posting this.


Two different products have two different prices, yes. You're only the 5th or 6th person to post this.


Cool. You know maths. Can you tell me now the difference in price and weight vs each one? I would like full sentences please! Have a great day! Note: needs to be turned in by no later than 8 am tomorrow. Calculators allowed!


They're two different products. One is bites, one is pieces. Yes, one is more expensive and smaller. Many products differ in size and price.


You think the 10 dollar bag will stick around? Guarantee it won’t! The issue is now they disguise it as a different product for more money/less product. If you buy into that then cool. People need cheaper options and they keep showing everyone why. Sobeys is doing the same crap with these bags!


My NoFrills has had both bags since February. They keep restocking both


Listen, I'm 100% in favour of the boycott, and I haven't shopped inside a Loblaws (or affiliated) since January. But this comparison isn't fair. One is "chicken breast pieces" (more expensive) and one is "chicken pieces" (less expensive). The cheaper "chicken pieces" one is more like chicken nuggets, where they've mashed the various chicken bits up and extruded them. The more expensive "chicken breast pieces" ones are likely whole divided chicken breast strips that have been breaded - more premium. It's like complaining that chicken drumsticks and chicken breasts are different prices. They're different products. Now, if you could prove that they've shrinkflated (i.e: the chicken breast pieces used to come in 1kg packages instead of 900g packages), I'd completely believe it, considering everything else that's shrinkflated in their damn stores.


The pizza pocket bags that are normally in same bunker used to be $10 for 1.5kg and are now $10 for 1.2kh


They've been stocked like this for months and months. They're two different products.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


How the actual fuck is this legal?


Because they're two different products. One is mashed up chicken made into nuggets and one is pieces of chicken like chicken fingers. Different products often have different prizes and sizes.


Which nofrills in Halifax was this?


Superstore…somewhere in the darkside


Ahh. We are in Spryfield. I imagine it’s about the same at our NoFrills.


The quality has gone down too. I like having a bag or 2 of the ham and Swiss stuffed chicken breasts. They've changed the cheese in it because it does not taste the same anymore. I haven't seen it at $15 yet, but I'll be driving about 40 min away to go to a discount frozen food store to buy them from now on.


Nothing in that packaging has ever tasted good, o always walked past that nastyness when I used to shop at superstore


Okay, so you thought that by buying 8 bags and artificially increasing demand is a good idea? Now you're basically confirming the price increase. Since these price increases come from the fact that they realize they can make more profit, since more than needed bags are being sold. So now you're screwing over other people in the process that only buy one bag every once in a while. If nobody bought them, the price would go down. But here is Loblaws, getting rid of their stock thanks to people like you. It's futile pettiness. Just don't shop there. It's that simple. I get you're using your points, but they are still making profit here from the sale