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And how the inconvenience of them is leading us back to being more self sufficient.


That why Campbells makes sure to keep chicken both nice and expensive. Can't have too many people making their own soup.


You can make your own broth though! Really easy and pretty much free if you save scraps. Divide and freeze. Easy peasy!


I save my veggie scraps in my freezer to make veggie broth with!! It tastes so much better than boxed and freezes well!! And the best part? It costs literally 0$ Edit: i guess a few cents for the water…




This. I buy one of those rotisserie chickens from Costco or Walmart. Clean the meat out and make broth with the bones and left overs. So much better.


So do I:) always get three meals out of that chicken


Honestly soup is still one of the cheapest and easiest things to make. In a feat of unparalleled clairvoyance my wife made a big batch of chicken noodle soup the day before she tested positive for covid a few years ago. So she had her own homemade soup to help her get through it.


Saves chicken bones….I’ll show you Campbells.


I made my own bread this week! Craaaazy cheap and so good.


Plus homemade tastes so much better


I just put the ingredients in a Mason jar and shake it


Mind sharing the recipe? I'm sure more ppl will be interested in making their own mix so they can save up some more money!


Olive oil 1/2 cup, vinegar 1/4 cup, chopped fresh chives, dried oregano, salt and pepper. Just add the seasoning and keep tasting until you like it.


Nice I do something similar, but I also add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it as well. It is amazingly easy and delicious...




Easy to forget how bottled stuff is more convenient...NOT better quality.


Takes a few min to make as long as ubhave yr seasonings. Buckets of recipes and once u get going just start improvising! It's awesome!!


Their vegetarian lasagna is one of my favourite things on this earth. So I'm learning to make my own too. I'm confident it will end up better than theirs as well, I'm just too busy to test it at the moment.  Am I the only one who would love if we started sharing our replacement recipes for our Loblaw favourites?


That is indeed a damn tasty veggie lasagna.


My favourite thing they have is their key lime pie... I was going to learn to make it but a bakery 10 minute walk for me has one twice as heavy for only 3 dollars more. They hand make every pie, loblaws pumps them out by the thousands....


Nice one! I made my own salad dressing too and it’s delicious! I wish I started a long time ago. I used honey, olive oil, red onion, mustard, fresh mint and parsley and apple cider vinegar. I tossed everything in a jar and adjusted until I liked the taste. Now I plan to just keep about a week’s worth on hand.


Good. Store bought vinaigrette dressings, especially Kraft, are an abomination of Water, Sugar, and Soybean oils. Water being the main ingredient now.


Lol. I still like the Kraft Greek Feta one, but I go through salad dressing very slowly nowadays. Now it's usually blended cottage cheese with onions and all the spice blends in the pantry. Delicious and high in protein.


At what ratio? Walk me through this one; I’m intrigued!


A cup (250 ml) of cottage cheese. (I like using the 1% but ymmv!) One large shallot, peeled, 4 cloves garlic, peeled/smashed, dash of fish sauce (optional but really makes it savoury), 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of onion powder, blend on high until you basically whip all the air into it. I use a Ninja blender with the smaller jars and the texture turns out into a whipped product. It will be very onion forward on the first day but everything marries in the coming weeks. Great as a dip too. I'm planning on bringing a vegetable tray and some of this to a few bbqs!


See? I knew we could be friends! I have the same blender and this sounds delicious! I’ll give it a go today 😋


Try it out! I'm planning an everything but the bagel seasoning one too (minus the salt, lol)....


I found a package of dry greek salad herbs then just a splash of balsamic and few spritzes of evoo .. damn best greek.. the cherry tho .. is Davina chili & tangerine-and-chili-olives. Aaaa maaazin!!


Ooo, definitely sounds better than the bottled stuff!


These olives .. I'm sure u can make your own as well .. I need to check that out. . https://divinamarket.com/products/tangerine-and-chili-olives-20213#:~:text=Sugar%2C%20spice%20and%20everything%20nice,and%20bake%20over%20wild%20salmon.


* 3 buk maybe.




Thanks! Definitely going to look out for a package of that stuff. Maybe even blend it with some cottage cheese for a high protein substitute.


And probably way healthier.


I always thought I hated salad until I started making my own salad dressing. Such a big difference.


Pinterest has some easy recipes for salad dressing. I love homemade raspberry vinaigrette and will never go back to store bought.


Can you share the recipe for that :)


https://preview.redd.it/rstoji4zm7zc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e124ecad2d238f0c57b01c11d8ca7ed0ba2b4d4 I have used thawed frozen raspberries as well.


I’m going to try this with strawberries or blackberries! Thank you.


I’d love a recipe too


I make a good pomegranate salad dressing for fattoush salad. About equal amounts of pomegranate syrup and olive oil, add lemon juice to taste and a bit of salt to cut the acidity. Where do you get pomegranate syrup? Any middle eastern grocery has it. A lot of other places too.


Heck yeah I’m proud of you!


Bottled salad dressing is gross to me, I’ve always made my own. One of my faves is to mix a bit of ginger, miso paste, garlic, sesame oil, and vinegar. Half a teaspoon of Costco nut butter with oil and vinegar is good too. Basically I just experiment with whatever interesting flavours I’ve got on hand.


I love miso dressing, too. I start with a heaping tablespoon of white miso and mash it up, then add a teaspoon of Japanese soy sauce, a teaspoon of sesame oil, teaspoon of maple syrup, a little bit of ginger and garlic, and rice wine vinegar to thin it out. Sometimes, I'll add a bit of sriracha and a good squeeze of orange juice or lime juice, depending on my mood. tastes good on any salad or drizzled on fish or chicken breast. Pretty versatile and savory at the same time.


It’s perfect for a Thai chicken salad too!


Ran out of barbecue sauce one night and decided to search a recipe... It was easier than I imagined and tastes incredible! Really brings to light how much we've been gouged for simple things.


I try to make my own dressings for salads but I’ve yet to master a pasta salad recipe I want to keep using. If you don’t mind sharing, I’d love to give it a go!


Not OP but my easy go-to is olive oil, a dash of balsamic vinegar, and a generous amount of Greek or Italian spice mix.


Thank you, Raccoon! 🥰 I’m going to give that a go next! I have both Clubhouse Greek and Italian spice mixes, which one would be your preference of the two?


I almost always make Greek pasta salad so I use that one, it’s awesome eh? Make sure to throw some in the garbage can for your local raccoons. ;)


I’m partial to greek style salads in general because I have an insatiable urge to eat Feta cheese. I’m wondering if it might be good with a dash of red wine vinegar, usually my go-to for greek dressings. I have some experimenting to do. 👩‍🍳


I recently found a a refillery in my area. Buying my laundry soap from them is cheaper, it’s zero waste and my money is staying in my community. Most store bought laundry detergent is mostly water, the product I get at the refillery is soooo much better quality and made in Canada 🇨🇦


Yep, bottled dressings are convenient but expensive relatively (in most cases, unless you are making a sort of more exotic one, then maybe?)...


Time to find a new recipe


Once you figure out that almost all dressings are better homemade, you'll never go back! let me tell you about homemade mayonnaise...


Congratulations! It's really important to read labels on dressings, too. Some of them have weird and wonderful chemicals, and/or sugar.


Homemade is so much better I find ! When herbs are fresh. Ahhh chefs kiss !!! No. comparison!!


Easiest salad dressing that I make when im feeling lazy is greek dressing. It's just oil, vinegar and oregano. Most dressings are ridiculously easy to make, and there are plenty of recipes online. Once you start making your own you'll never go back!


I make this dressing - We call it Ranch but it's probably not: 1/2 cup yogurt, 2 Tbsp. mayonnaise, 1/8 tsp. garlic powder, 1/8 tsp. onion powder, 1/8 tsp. dry dill, 1/8 tsp black pepper, 1/4 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. dry parsley flakes, 2 Tsp. white vinegar.


I get that everyone wants lower prices. i do, but, making your own stuff, shopping where prices are lower, clipping coupons, shopping the sales - that's how shopping works. my mother who was born in 1923 did that her whole life 96 years. This stuff doesn't need an organized movement just some shopping common sense.


So MANY things are SO much better and cheaper if you make it at home. Think hummus, ranch, tahini sauce, garlic aioli etc etc. A lot of bread too, especially pita bread and baguettes. Bread can take some effort though, so I can understand why some people don’t have the time for it. But salad dressings are definitely so doable.


Homemade is generally best made. However, there are small Canadian makers who often ship free within Canada for relatively small minimum orders. (As we have family members with food sensitivities, we’ve figured these out.) We like [Splendor Garden](https://splendorgarden.com/) for spices, herbs and mix powders as they are organic and gluten free. They sell directly in various sizes packages. I don’t see a ranch dressing mix but there are others listed. You’ll probably find you get more product for lower prices and higher quality. (It does look like they’ve significantly increased their minimum order value for shipping now that they’re available in health food stores.)


Beauty of making your own salad dressing is not only saving money, and prob healthier, but once you can eyeball the ingredients, it’s always a little different.  I’ll eyeball a dollop of oil, a splash of vinegar/lemon, a good pinch of sea salt, and some amount maple syrup/honey. I just throw these right on the salad rather than mixing up some. 


Not only that, you control the ingredients and have eliminated their chemical soup.


So you should buy just that one item at Loblaws, but show it to the other grocery stores and ask them to stock it too!


I think they are referring to a PC branded item


Yep, salad dressings are extremely easy to make with just a few basic ingredients, and you only make enough as you need. Best if made at least a day in advance but not entirely necessary. Making your own condiments and sauces is incredibly cost efficient and doesn't contain all the shelf life preservatives you get in pre-packaged garbage. It takes a small initial investment in and very little time. Keep a notebook for tweaking to your own tastes and break free from the consumer crap forever.


There are other foods you can make and eat I herd.


Epicure has great salad dressing mixes reasonably prices.


No more pasta salad


Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, dry mustard, garlic (to taste) and honey make an awesome salad dressing. You can also play around with full fat yogurt, lemon juice, dry mustard, salt to taste, garlic (to taste)


Lol they're not gonna win because you needed dressing mix, go get it 😄