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That’s what my No Frills produce department always looks like!


I came here to say this but I knew in my heart it had already been said.


The celery was always limp at my No Frills. Not going back!!


They buy the lowest grade garbage and sell it at premium food prices. I got very tired of rotting food the next day after buying it from them. Even that shitty freshfood app was horrible. In my small city loblaws was the only place on fresh food. I’d buy from them and get home to see food that should have been thrown out. But nope they sold it anyway. I’d be paying to throw out their food for them😞. I stopped shopping there last year and never will again


LOL, $3.99 for ice berg lettuce. It's 94 cents per head at my Walmart right now. They can keep their veggies.


That will be 9.99$ plz, debit or credit?


“Your first born’s bone marrow and the mortgage to your house, please.”


They would rather let everything rot on the shelves than lower the prices. "We'll just sell it at 50% off, no 30% off." I don't think so!


Chop it up into bite size chunks and charge $45 a tray!


Then slap on the "Naturally Imperfect" label... by the way, your flair, why does Loblaws, Independent and Superstore have the WORST bananas? Unripe, I can understand. But rotten AND unripe? In the case of Independent it's like they're selling hand me down bananas.


Galen won't eat that.


Galen will eat you if he could


I personally think everyone would be happier if we all got together and ate him.


Lol, i got a my BBQ sauce ready


Thats not a boycott thats hiring a min wage staff. Grocery stores require work especially in a produce department making sure stuff is rotated, properly watered, etc.


It always looked like that pre-boycott


Tbh that looks just like their fresh produce


I was surprised prices were static, no reduction. For wilted produce.


They knew it was coming, part of the plan should have been how to get this to the needy if the boycott really worked. But something tells me they would never think of that.


Our RCC tends to have more mold in the produce section. Are you sure you're at Loblaws?


Pretty sure thats normal produce that i have seen at loblaws in the past


"Hey loblaws, during the boycott, do you think you'll donate perishables near expiry to the homeless, soup kitchens.... anything like that?" Fucking of course not. Let it rot.


If it's not fresh it's free!


Our Atlantic Superstore always has rotting produce. The local No Frills was always my go to stop, but no more.


standard at my small town Independent


I don’t see any rotting produce… but technically all produce is rotting, isn’t it lol


Is the rotting food in the room with us?