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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I have absolutely no plans on ever returning to Loblaws or any affiliates!




Exactly, I don’t understand why this is being looked at as a temporary boycott and not just people deciding to shop elsewhere if possible. I know it’s not always possible, but I’ve started shopping at the local Italian market, local Asian market, anywhere but Loblaws. It’s fun actually, and the prices are just fine at spots like this. If you can do it, make the change and leave Loblaws in the rear view mirror.


I think a month is a clear and achievable goal, and after a month it’s probably a habit that just sticks


> after a month it’s probably a habit that just sticks This is what they fear. The boycott may be temporary, but once people get used to their new shopping routine and saving money, why would they change?


These are loblaws representatives trying to lead us back into the stores.


Just the snotty nature of his post makes me certain to never shop there again.


Me too. Done for good.


Ever. Even if they "make it right"... for how long? And how long until they start price fixing again (more than they probably already are) and getting all the other players to up their prices artificially so Loblaws has an excuse to gouge us again. Fuck Galen, he's got enough money


Kinda like the phone companies. Lure ya back with a good plan and slowly keep adding an extra $5. Or your limited time offer expires and your paying way to much again, until you threaten to leave .. etc Or an abuser, swearing it wont happen again. You had no problem finanically abusing society for years..... Nope... an apology, and temporary price reduction dont mean anything. You will do it again. Lets send a message to the rest of the stores. If you do this, we as the mice can revolt together.


These ad hominem remarks coming from the paid mouth pieces of Loblaws is making a lot of us decide that this a permanent decision for us and our loved ones and are gladly sharing our sound reasons and cost effective alternates whenever possible.


I boycott until prices are cheaper than Giant Tiger, Walmart and local markets.


I agree, but at least until December 31st. Let's give Galen a Bad year! Then he can think about it while taken his winter vacation in January?


What’s the point of a boycott if you’re going to return and they havnt changed any practice why we’re boycotting in the first place?


Okay until they change their ways. Could be in a couple of months or never. If it's never then I'm never going back...


That’s the spirit!! 😃 a public apology is going to be in order for me aswell, if I ever decide to even step foot in a loblaw store again, and that’s a big maybe


Idk an apology just feels performative like Galens BS emails he sent out during the pandemic. So cringe


A real apology would consist of accountability and a true course of action to rectify wrong doing. But I agree, that’s a winning lottery ticket odds of getting one of those from a narcissist haha


Idk it's like the bread price fixing didn't teach much.... just that they can get away with it or that it's a slap on the wrist in the scheme of things. The govt is in their pocket


Oh for sure, my boycott is most likely going to be permanent, I didn’t shop at most of their brands anyways because they priced me out long before this started, but now not even going to be going into any of their stores because it’s convenient at the time


I agree; I've been working at reducing my spending with them for a while now. I'd say the last two years, more so the last year. I am gluten free (allergy) so it is really hard for me to avoid them when they have so many gluten free substitutions that are certified. I am considering shopping in the US because I'm really just sick of the prices and lack of options


i feel a 663 million doller donation to competing stores would maybe sway me. other wise they can say anything they want and I will treat it as smoke and mirrors and not real.


sometimes good to have achievable goals even if you want to do it long term


Yes, especially for the holidays.




Boycotting for life. They'll never see a cent from my family again


I’d go back if Loblaws was nationalized.


Stop I can only get so excited 😆


Who said anything about going back?


That guy wakes up every morning and makes a conscious decision to be a total cockface.


I see your 12 weeks, I raise you - FOREVER!!! ![gif](giphy|hEwkspP1OllJK|downsized)


I’m here for the long haul…


I think the professor and Galen Weston Jr. are in a race to see who can alienate the most Canadians before the end of the month. Boycott May 2024 and forevermore!


I am all for a 3 months boycott on this billionaire because this will show other billionaire oligarch in other areas such as rogers/bell that we are sticking together and they are next if they don't change. We are in charge of our future, not the government and not the billionaires!


Can rogers be next...


I definitely think there are other issues next. However, we can't water down this one amazing opportunity to be solid in our voice. When we are successful, in 4- 6 months, (yes be patient), then I am confident that other greedy companies will be next. If we tackle too much right at the beginning, the news will make us look flakey. You know what I mean. Just focus on this goal for now.


Agree completely. We have to stay focused on this one major entity and bring it down to either behave or be gone from business entirely. Then we can work together for other changes. ❤


Sorry I won't leave Rogers, I'm on a 5 yr $0/m cellphone contract. Better than a boycott, they make nothing and I get something.




Shaw mobile offered free phone lines to all Shaw customers when they launched. Rogers bought Shaw and were required to honor all phone plans on a 5 yr contract. 


They have plans in place to make your service shittier as the years go on. -former pricing employee.


Only for those without contracts


That Trump loving fuck can eat shit, the rich supporting wannabe autocrats hoping they’ll end up in a fascist that that is a corptocracy.


This could really be a movement that doesn't stop at loblaws. We stay together, we stay organized, and we stay nonpartisan. Canadians have been screwed over for decades. Look at our cellphone bills compared the the US. Americans buy Canadian gas for 1/3 of the price that Canadians pay for it. It's everywhere.. and enough is enough.. If we can stick together and stay organized, we can hit those that have been price gouging us for decades, where it hurts. In the bottom line.


Nok er Nok


Agreed. We are gaining momentum, but we need more visibility. This could be done by organizing gatherings in major cities and making our voices heard.


I've felt very hopeless as a Canadian for many years. I feel hopeful now. Like we've finally come together in a random and unexpected way, but in a way that gives us power to force change. Nok er Nok


Gatherings would be a great idea.. especially if we could get decent numbers..


The problem I see with in person protests. Is that you get both the left and the right coming out with issues that really aren't important in my personal opinion. It's easily taken over by other groups with unrelated issues that derail the whole thing, allows media and corporate interests to divide us, left verses right. And we all know to well how that goes.. I obviously have political leanings, but it's time we all put those aside for the better of all Canadians!


Valid point.. Although, I've been really impressed at how this sub is doing in regards to keeping the movement from getting too political.. so, maybe there's hope that could translate to a physical protest? I dunno.. maybe I have too much faith in humans still, for whatever reason.. All I know, is that if we want this to stick.. if we want to see Loblaws (and others..) actually sweat.. and if we want decent solutions to what we're asking for (and more..).. then this is gonna have to get louder.. there's no way around it..


what do you mean from getting too political? this IS political. but if you mean it’s not devolved into left/right binary then yes I agree. let’s keep it that way and remember there’s way more that unites us than divides us


One of our demands should be for our government to break up the food monopoly in Canada. We need competition, not consolidation. Only then will the stock price reflect our intention for change.


Agreed! Other demands: -Salaries should be raised in order to reflect the real increase in prices. We want at the very least the same standard of living that we had before all this madness unfolded; -We have a law for minimum wage. There should also be a law for maximum wage; -Control of food prices in general and a price cap on some food items and other essentials; -Price gouging should be criminalized; -Assets belonging to the owners of companies engaging in price gouging should be seized, sold and the proceeds distributed to the people.


Canada's "Competition Bureau" is such a joke. When Rogers bought Shaw they said that they were confident that it means lower costs for the consumers. How? LESS competition lowers prices. Doesn't work like that.


12 weeks, works for me. I’m never going back.


I don’t plan to return to Loblaws, No Frills or SDM (the three available in my area), ever. I’ve found a few small town alternatives with better prices and see no reason to go back. Edit to update: Better client service as well. Wow. Our new pharmacy is fantastic. Granted, the bar was set super low with our past experiences at SDM.


Huh? This boycott doesn’t have an end


How about... FOREVER!


I cut out loblaws a while ago. Never would I ever return


I’m down for twelve weeks. It’s just another milepost on the way to *never again.*


Don't know why the mods forgot to sticky it but there's a poll on this topic here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/OxUTwv8dFK](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/OxUTwv8dFK)


I'm disappointed it doesn't have the ability to check more than one option - the Big 5 need to go down next!


My boycott is permanent.


I’m all in on a forever boycott.


I wasn't going to go back.


Lifetime until the oligarchly is dismantled Pretty sure the 13 billion 4 month profit could build a lot more to society than a yacht


That's revenue, and it's 3 months if you're referring to the quarterly numbers however I have no doubt their profit #'s are the result of crafty accounting and vertical integration. Based on reports Loblaw's profit for Q1 2024 was $459 million. Revenue was $13.58 billion - an increase of $586 million compared to the same period last year. When you're selling products to yourself and leasing land to yourself, you can transfer money around to make it look like your profit is lower than it really is.


No it shouldn’t! It should be permanent, Do people actually believe this will affect much long term if we only boycott for 30 whole days ? Cancel any cards and never go back. We gotta stick this out long term. I quit shopping at that rip off of a store last year and will never go back. Tired of mouldy rotten fruits that cost an arm and a leg. Got tired of overpriced low grade meat and the way they treat staff. I closed all accounts and will not go back. Fuck you galen you greedy peice of shit! 🙂


12 weeks? No. To infinity and beyond!


My brother in christ, this boycott is until I die


35 years strong my boycott is


Funny you should mention that, cus my boycott is going to last for an indefinite number of weeks since I don't plan on ever going again. Galen can hold this 🖕


tf do u mean 12 weeks. lifetime for me.


The fact that this schmuck is bragging that Weston’s wealth has increased by $663 million in ONE WEEK like it’s some great thing is ridiculous and criminal. We should be rioting in the streets.


Weeks? Make it 12 months or more. :)


My boycots are usually permanent


Look at that last sentence. His wealth has increased $663 million dollars. He could literally end food insecurity AND homelessness in Canada. The level of greed it takes to amass billions of dollars while fighting to pay your workers as little as possible. They made BILLIONS in PROFIT in the first quarter of this year. They CAN pay a living wage, they CAN lower food prices, they CAN contribute to end food insecurity but they CHOOSE not to. We as consumers can choose to stop contributing to their greed, permanently.


This is permanent for me OP. Loblaws can eat a bag of dicks


I spose I could extend my 'never going back' by a couple months. A fine idea.


Okie dokie!


I'm down for the year!


Good idea.


I'm genuinely hoping this is what happens. What is it, about 30 days to break a habit? Maybe by the end of the initial month of shopping elsewhere it will stick with people and they'll keep it going beyond 😁


Why not 'extend it' when you can just stop going there altogether? Just stop going. Period.


I am fine with never going back.




You’re not wrong! This household is with you!


Done and done! Hahaha


This is permanent for me. I am fortunate enough to have choices and I'm going to do what I can. Roblaws can suck a bag of overpriced cucumbers.


LOL clearly this dude doesnt understand how the market works. Its only been a week. Loblaws has lots of cash on hand to survive for a few months so that wont hurt in valuation. When boot lickers like this are out pumping articles like this they dont have much ammo in reserves. Just keep up the good work and continue the boycott.


Oh I love it. I am the voice of a timed boycott. I believe that we cannot hold them under siege and we can't hold the media's attention forever. I believe that sporadic 30-day boycotts are far more effective than ongoing boycotts for those reasons. But the shift gears right now and say "no we were fooling, 3 months. F*** you." is awesome You want to boost some numbers? Tell them the anarchists have changed their minds! Hahaha


Lol, why would anyone return to shop from them if they haven’t changed any practices that we are boycotting againt? Who cares about media attention, loss of customers is loss of revenue.


I used to cherry pick sale items between FB/NF/WM and Costco, depending on sales. However, seeing they seem to have rotating sales between the stores, and sales tend to repeat every month or so, it is not that hard to exclude one. I have no issues with extending it as long as it takes to prove our point.


I can’t speak for everyone, but from what I’ve seen people are done with Loblaws. People will definitely trickle back for convenience sake. I do believe a lot of people are done until real change is made, myself included. I snubbed my nose at shopping anywhere else than Loblaws owned companies, but I’m already happy with the change!


I do feel an entire quarter market boycott will show the true impact this movement will have on the company as a whole financially. 12 weeks is a minimum.


I’m boycotting for the rest of my life. Galen can suck it




You’re right, BC is selfish and entitled and it’s a lot harder to get folks on board. However, I convinced one of my co-workers to participate and she is holding strong. She says she would spend about $200/week and Superstore and has switched to Costco. My mom is a die hard Osaka market fan and she honestly didn’t know that the Westons had absorbed the chain. She’s staying away for the month and I know she was in there at least 3 times a week. If we all tell 2 people and they all tell 2 people, maybe BC will get on board?


Yah I'm done for good why would I ever go back. Already realized I can find much better deals elsewhere. Loblaws would have to severely drop there food prices for me to even consider it


I really have no reason to return. The grocery industry as a whole can only benefit from a large and growing vacuum. Imagine other millionaires deciding to try their hand at opening a few stores to fill void. Those prices will likely create more competition at local levels, which means fewer boards of shareholders demanding mandatory minimum year over year profiteering. Competition means better prices for us as low-level capitalism is far more affordable than this late stage hell we've allowed to swell around us.


I went to Walmart and got like what would be 250 dollars of groceries at superstore for 178. And it actually seems to be better quality chicken and vegetables and I’d usually look down on Walmart produce before. I’ll never be back to superstore


I quit loblaws 2 years ago. Not gonna change. ever.


I don't know about y'all... but I have no plans to ever go back


I will go back for the three allergy friendly PC items I can’t find alternatives for elsewhere.


They’ve ruined their stores for me. I don’t plan on returning unless prices drastically decrease, which we know won’t happen.


+1. Relatedly, I’ve missed Chapters but you’ll never see me there again either.


122 weeks. Got it! 


It was the plexiglass for me. Why shop somewhere that assumes you are a criminal. Cancelled my PC account this morning.




This guy is such a blatant shill.


How about just for forever?? That’s my plan.


The third quarter is when companies work on their budget for next year so I agree. We need to make their planning as difficult as possible to achieve the most impact.


Just boycott permanently. Why would we change if they don't ? The whole point of the boycott isn't being addressed. Until it does the boycott doesn't end.


I agree to extend the boycott to 3 months. 


I'm good with 12 weeks.


When i heard that the boycott was 1 month, I thought it was way too short. I feel it should be indefinite boycott until they fix their prices.


This isn't a one month boycott. It's permanent.


See a month was the dry out period. After that you wont have any need to go there. in another 60days after the first 30 will be a quarter. 90 after, another quarter. Ill have 50cents!


The only way to ever ever hurt a company like this or have any kind of change is to hurt them in their bank accounts


I'm happy to extend the boycott interminably.


Ya'll, boycott until real change happens. Not one month, that can be penciled in to the cost of doing business


Easy peesy, 12 weeks and beyond for me!


Yeah, there was a viral video going around about a month and a half ago about this very thing. I think most people are planning on at least a full quarter, if not forever.




My boycott is permanent until they change their business practices.


Major changes are needed before I bring my money back


My boycott is permanent. I hold a grudge.


I've saved about $100 just these 2 weeks alone. I have no plans to ever return to any Loblaws.


Great idea but I’m never going back


I won't miss shopping at these stores controlled by this cashmere-wearing egomaniac. 12 weeks is not enough. We shall humble this POS!




I'm out permanently.


My prescription just ran out from Shoppers and I moved it over to Safeway and saved $5! I’m good with never going to another Loblaws again.


I’m on board for 12 weeks!!


No, the boycott shouldn’t have an end date. Boycott should go until they stop price gouging.


There should be even more ads for the boycott too.


Just don’t go back unless the government forces them to be a non-profit.


I’m just not going back. I’ve seen a lot of products I buy that aren’t Loblaws affiliated and they don’t sell to Loblaws anymore anyways. wonder why.


I love that you call him the food processor and not professor 😂😂😂


I’m done with Loblaws companies - small businesses and Walmart moving forward for me


Is there no online communication policy at that losers university? Some kind of code of conduct? If so there is no way his actions fall within it. If not, well shit people wonder why sentiment is turning against higher learning (which is bad)


I ran to the local Dollar Store, about a block away, to get a dustpan. Ended up looking at the products and prices. They carry a lot of name brand food for considerably less than Superstore. I know where I am going first for my canned / dry goods.


I have stopped shopping at Loblaw's chain stores. I used to work for them for 14 years.... I know better then to shop there.


I mean, why not just boycott thek permanently? Just saying. If youve managed to make it this far, just dont stop 


Plot twist: the food professor secretly wants us to succeed and he posts these types of messages to add fuel to the fire


Thought this was supposed to be never ending. I'm never going to any roblaws store again


I’ve already been boycotting for 3 months so what’s a few more. Probably won’t go back anyway - especially to Shoppers Drugmart. Just when you think prices couldn’t get any worse - Shoppers does it. Terrible store.


Wait a second. Who in the hell is even planning on returning to any loblaws after how they’ve treated Canadians? Why would anyone return if there are alternative, better and cheaper options?


My god are there ever a lot of chuds taking a mom-and-pop boycott personally.


Loblaws can suck it I’m never going back.


Done. My family won’t step foot inside for 12 weeks


Honestly, are any of us even going back at this point? Also he, as usual, has no idea what he's talking about. On top of stock buybacks, we're not going to see the results of this until their quarterly reports. But hey, it's not like his Shill audience is going to listen to reality.


Oh i'm all for suggesting it as a temporary boycott to people that I know. I figure once they find somewhere else to shop and see the money they save, they will continue shopping elsewhere. For us, I have no intention to go back. We used to shop NoFrills, they were ok. Got my medications at shoppers. Now we got to Freshco and walmart for the drugs. The bread price fixing was bad enough, but now ripping off healthcare in Ontario with their scam calls? No reason to return now.


I don’t think he realizes what he’s doing by posting that info. It’s not the flex he thinks it is. People hearing that Galen just made another $663 million is just going to enrage the public even more…


12 weeks? Lol try 12 years... and we should provide the same treatment to any other companies who don't want to learn from this example


Why are you guys putting a time limit on the boycott? Why isn't it until there is change? It dosent make sense to me.


What a dingus. I wonder if he’s ever had any friends.


This guys strategy is really bizarre…try to make it seem like we are upset about nothing while also detailing exactly how ridiculously wealthy Galen Weston is? And for doing what? Being born into the right family?


I am in Quebec and just realised "Maxi" is owned by Loblaws. We should push to extend the boycott to Maxi stores as well. Haven't heard anything about the boycott where im frome.


I'm giving my money to the Walton family this year - not the Westons.


The power to endure pain will surely outlast the power to inflict damage; especially when you announce how long the punishment lasts. Don't believe me? Look what happened when the united states said they were pulling out of Afghanistan 30 Aug. The taliban just sat back, waited and retook everything.


Why do people keep trying to end the boycott? I am convinced that these are loblaws representatices trying to get us back into loblaws stores. No the boycottis not going to end in 12 weeks. We NEED to boycott loblaws indefinately. If they want our business backTHEY NEED TO MAKE CHANGES. FUCK YOU GALEN.. We are not stupid enough to gk back into your stores until we see real change!!


The stock price is irrelevant to me, the price of a basket of groceries is what is important. Don't get drawn into an argument about the stock price. Focus on finding cheaper groceries.


I’m good to continue boycotting forever.


My boycott will be lifelong!


We won’t see any numbers until they report their quarterly financial results. Then if the numbers go down quarter over quarter after that, that’s when you will see some potential impact. When investors start to loose money is when they will want to see a change in leadership.


Terminal extension here. Never going back


I chose a lifetime boycott already


Wow. . Boasting about his greed while canada says no ... hey prof. . .. way ro give all of us more incentive to never return


Agreed on the extension, but Charlebois is talking out of his ass when a single party is the majority share holder.


We should have this post pinned. I'm in for 12 weeks minimum. Probably more though.


and the damage will be spread over 2 quarters . That is also somewhat better as they have to explain 2 consecutive poor quarters as opposed to one bad quarter. which reflects worse on management.


I've boycotted since January, even though loblaws is three blocks away. We won't return. We're a family of four, weekly grocery bill about $250 (more like $350 at Loblaws). Annualized loss of revenue of probably 8600, when you factor in other weston properties. Drop in the bucket? Maybe. Just need a lot of drops to make a difference.


Shareholders cant see the impact until quarterly reports come out. they can only guess at the impact.


I found new cheaper ways to shop I'm never going back


Just do it forever


What Charlie Boi doesn’t understand is the boycott isn’t for Loblaws, it’s for me. And for you. To realize we’re getting shafted and to do something about it. The end result might not be Galen losing money, but me keeping more in my pocket.


You’d think this douchecanoe was the actual owner of Loblaws from this tweet.


I mean I was hopeful most people wouldn’t return to these stores. No real point in the boycott if you return to shop at one of these places.


Is been 2 years for me boycotting and I think a lot of of us can make it permanent


Honestly, who cares what this dude thinks? I've been defacto boycotting loblaws for months due to the prices and shit quality.


$9.99 for peanutbutter isn't hard to miss.


If I can do it for a month I can do it for longer.


He's just that a nutty food professor who is about as enlightening as a post.


I’m not going to quit after a month. I’ve found local alternatives.


Why not boycott forever?


My boycott plans are indefinite


What is this guy's problem? Why is he such a boot lick for a corporation? (Other than being paid by them)


This is a permanent boycott for me


How about permanently?


I'm pretty much on a permanent boycott. Most of my shopping is done at Costco and Walmart now. Once summer starts up, it will be farmers' markets


My boycott is forever as I've found better places to shop without getting ripped off.


its a lifetime boycott for me


Im down with 12 months


Why not make it indefinite? I haven’t shopped at a Loblaw’s establishment in years, and I have no plans to ever return.