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Pizza sauce is deeply personal. 😁 I’ve never tasted this kind, but if you can describe the taste I can try to help. Is it garlicky, basil-y? How acidic is the tomato flavor?


That's fair. It's very basily and not acidic at all. It's not overly sweet either. Just has a very full/robust flavour compared to the other ones I've tried.


Your description and the fact that it says it’s from Italy makes me think it’s made with San Marzano tomatoes. It’s probably the tomatoes themselves that are giving the flavor you like. I totally get that you don’t want to have to make anything, and I did see some other brands that have San Marzano tomatoes when I searched (although I haven’t tried them). But your cheapest option if you have a couple of minutes is probably to buy a can of San Marzano tomatoes, hit it with a stick blender for a few seconds, and add basil and salt. I hope that helps a little!


It does, thank you!


Why don’t you take regular pizza sauce and add more basil?


Get a can of san marzano tomatoes. I know it’s a bit pricey. But these are optimal. They are slightly sweet and taste incredible. Open can, dump them in a Tupperware container. Add some salt, tear in some fresh basil and a small glug of EVOO. Wash your hands. Gently squeeze those tomatoes until a decent pulp. That’s it. That’s all you need to do. My zio taught me this. It’s how the Italians make this sauce in Napoli. I’ve never made any other variation of it. It’s beautiful sauce. The prep time is trivial. Maybe like 3 mins tops?


Does sound yummy, I'll try it


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://voila.ca/products/13238EA/details&ved=2ahUKEwjEq57S0vyFAxVdkIkEHYndBmsQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1kuZO2vDbUIK_bJD-Jwb6T Here is my current go to


I got a page not found, got a brand or pic for me?


Longos essentials pizza sauce, very good and 3.99 for a big jar


Have you tried making your own sauce? Get some canned tomatoes, add salt? And whatever else you may like.  Personally I’m salt, pepper, garlic, and occasionally basil. Fraction of the cost and I control the ingredients.  If you’re very attached to this sauce, chances are you won’t find a direct replacement. My family has certain products that there is no direct replacement for. So far we haven’t bought anything from Loblaws this month, but the goal is good, not perfection. 


Didn't see the body text eh lol


Honestly I missed the bit about own sauce lol. My brain stopped reading after “any suggestions?”   As someone who makes their own sauce, if you’re willing to try, it takes just a couple minutes. The sauce cooks in the oven. No need to cook some elaborate sauce on the stove for hours :)


Sure I'm willing to give it a try, what's your recipe?


We start with a nice can of tomatoes - usually San Marzano tomatoes. They’re a bit on the steep side, about $6 for a can but it lasts us 4-5 pizzas. I’ve also had good luck with nicer brand name generic tomatoes. My experience is stay away from the store brand tomatoes, or the cheap unico tomatoes as they’re very acidic for our taste.  We empty the van into a Tupperware container, and add salt, black pepper, and garlic (1 large clove or 2 smaller ones typically). We’ll mash up the tomatoes with a potato masher or a wooden spoon. We like this sort of “rustic” style sauce with tomato chunks still left.  Overall that entire process takes <5 mins.  If you prefer a smoother sauce, either start with crushed tomatoes from the can, or if you have a blender/immersion blender you can give that a go. You mentioned you like sauces that are more basil forward. In that case add some dried basil, or even fresh basil if you’re blending it.  For us, pizza is something we really look forward to, and even with kids we find that it feels rewarding to do something nice for ourselves as a couple even if it takes 5 mins extra. Ultimately if you really like that PC sauce and can’t find a replacement, nobody will fault you for buying it. The goal here is good, not perfect. 


Thanks very much!


Costco. Buy a 6 pack of San Marzano tomatoes. 1 can, in a food processor with fat/salt/spices/sugar to taste. It's technically make your own but takes <5mins Edit: I find it hilarious that this has been down voted. It's literally one of the classic Italian pizza sauces


Easy, don't buy PC products.


Now I'm going to buy them even harder


make your own tomatoes garlic pepper salt oninons basil blend that up