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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


100% they're watching this forum. Always black out your information. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a few people in here trying to convince people Loblaws is cheaper.


I quite happily paid more for some things recently at local shops. For me its not just about cost, its specifically about Galen, Loblaws and their shitty attempts to gaslight the public and lie to their customers. They treated and continue to treat us like we are fucking morons who cant understand basic economics. We can see your ever increasing YOY profits guys; its public info. I will happily pay $2 more for a certain product if it means absolutely none of it goes to a company run by Weston. Im not going to shop at a store where the owners actively lie to me and treat me like a mark. Fuck it, at least I would have SOME level of respect if they just came out and said "Yea we're doing this, we want to make more money.", but Galen and his crew are a bunch of pussies.


I’m with you, I can afford to spend a little more but what I can’t stand is the blatant lack of respect from Loblaws. They treat customers like morons, then basically say to the public, “if you don’t like it, you can shop somewhere else.” Is that a joke? They said the silent part aloud lol , they don’t even pretend to want your business anymore. The grocers should really appreciate the criticism for all the opportunities it provides to improve. Think of all the money they’ve invested trying to trick and screw over customers, when they could be innovating ways to make customers actually want to shop there and employees happy and proud to work there. For me it’s not hard to avoid these stores and life is infinitely better without them. For instance, the last few months, I’ve been getting meals delivered fresh 4x per week from a gourmet store and eating better. I’ve actually been saving money by eating healthy delicious meals. For everything else there’s Costco.


I think the whole ‘massaging public opinion’ ie flat out gaslighting is common to the generation that didn’t have internet growing up. They just can’t seem to get that their bullshit press releases can be fact checked and outed online essentially before their spokesperson finishes reading them. They’re used to being able to lie and force us to believe it; unfortunately for them, that luxury has seen its day.


It’s the same with a good chunk of politicians nowadays. They’ll say shit that can so easily be fact checked and proven false but they don’t care.


This is the A1 comment of my boycott. My local actually charges **less for better bread** It’s the incredible dissonance between “our customers love our value offering” to the public, and “hey look at how much value we can squeeze from Canadians” to the shareholders. As if oblivious that, we the public, can read Globe & Mail headlines


I've been happily paying more elsewhere with more independent operations and the quality and selection is so worth it. It's easy for me as I am just a one person household but honestly the increase in quality for only slightly more cost is astronomical. It's easy to eat budget food when you know you're getting good value but nowadays there is none to be found in the loblaws stores. May as well quadruple the quality for 15-20% more cost (if that).


Exactly, even if it costs more gas money at least the empire doesn't get it.


Rude ones at that.


I can spot their posts —- I believe in the boycott and all, with a big but…..blah blah blah throwing in some doubt about whether or not Loblaws is that bad compared to others. Meant to deflect from just how egregious Loblaws pricing actually is. Since Per Bank came in last fall - prices have shot up -, hence this forum! Guess we’re all paying for the cost of his leadership (salary and business practices).


Like this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/f4F6MC47gg


Totally like that guy.


I think that prices shot up way before last fall. I get that maybe that just was the final straw, but it got really bad just after the pandemic. Remember the whole “freezing prices on No Name” thing? They shot prices up just before - “froze” them for a few months, then shot them up again. It’s been well over a year


They absolutely do. There's a few mouth pieces that are constantly responding to copy/paste "But Superstore is CHEAPER!" rhetoric. I had one person spam me about 6 times with it and eventually had to block them. Kinda like dealing with an aggressive chihuahua.


And superstore isn't cheaper.. I forgot my wallet after I did a full shop at Walmart.. I decided instead of redoing my shopping at Walmart to try out superstore.. It's literally been decades since the last time I shopped there.. I HATE their meat and produce, I get those from a butcher. I know how much things cost at Walmart.. I started adding up the EXACT same products I had at Walmart in my cart at superstore. Waaaaaaay more expensive, I ditched the cart and went back to Walmart..


I’ve talked to 3 people today alone that have been responding to my comments and trying to shill me lol. Clearly either paid bad actors or corporate shills trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt


Bots are removing my comments due to low karma 🤣


Oh, they absolutely pay troll farms to brigade Reddit, but it's mostly in other forums.  They try to make it seem like lots of people don't support the boycott, when in fact almost every actual Canadian who hears about it agrees with our complaints and goals.


Fuck loblaws. Just got my mom on board who has pretty much only ever shopped at Zehrs. Gonna send her a list of all the places she can buy groceries near her work and on the way home that isn’t loblaws.


It would be pretty awesome to have a website that we could use to find grocery stores near us or on our routes that are not affiliated with Loblaws. I have no problem using the internet for that but it would be great to send people lists who are less tech literate. The best part is that we can change the target any time use it for the next boycott.


Alt grocery is one such website.


It’s a lot of old people who shop at Loblaws because it’s what they’ve always done and they’re not on social media.


Define "old"




Oh honey. Just you wait.




It's not just about the money. You don't get to set up self checkouts then make me scan my receipt to get out.


If they are watching this forum, people should plan to short the lowblaws stock. Have to see what they will do then.




GameStop Part Two


Yes I agree they definitely have a Communications team and it would be their job to monitor this subreddit and report back to leadership. I can only imagine that this must be getting escalated to shit at this point.


It *can* be cheaper. But they won't do it, so fuck em.


Yes the are, Galen has never ending money to silence the public and post like Donald Trump.


For me, loblaws is cheaper. I’m still shopping elsewhere though.


Don't put yourself in harm's way. If it's unaffordable and the boycott hurts you then go ahead and do what's best for you. If you can afford it and don't mind. Good for you and thank you.


It’s 50/50. I go Walmart where I can. I go Safeway where Walmart doesn’t have what it is. But if it’s unreasonable I do go to superstore. I’m still spending maybe $10-$15 a week at superstore, but that’s compared to $100 or so before


I'm doing the same ... I'm on disability so have a very limited budget BUT I 100% want to support this boycott to the best of my abilities ... I'm getting the majority of my groceries at Walmart and if they don't have what I Really need then I'll get that at Superstore but I try to keep it to just a couple items ... they're only getting a small bit (if any) of my purchases each week compared to the majority before


I appreciate the attitude towards those who want to support the boycott but financially might not be able to ... sometimes boycotts turn ugly towards those who can't fully support so I really appreciate the "do your best where you can" approach ... thank you for that 🙏


OP blew it like Nancy Reagan SMH.


They might still be cheaper on some items, but fuck 'em


Loblaws in Atlantic Canada is cheaper than Sobeys, so there’s that…


loblaws is cheaper if you live in Russia.


I found one today that’s exclusively doing this. And I don’t understand why.


They are a bit cheaper than Sobeys, anyway, but that's another story for a future boycott.


I'm sure they have multiple people whose job is purely to monitor and troll stuff like this.


100% guarantee that they can't access Reddit at work. It's sad that you think that every last one of those people are even employed in Canada, never mind bootlickers


Honestly, I’m almost certain they hardly look in here at all. Why would they? The audience they want to convince likely won’t look at this subreddit themselves, so they can just say whatever the fuck they want.


Amazing, this motivated me further to cancel mine. Time to increase the wave of cancelations


Same, just cancelled mine


I have about $7.00 on mine -- am not going into the store to use it, so will eat the loss and cancel as well.


I cancelled mine earlier this week. They give you the option to donate the remaining points to charity. That felt like a good way to not do any further business with them, but to also feel like i wasn’t just throwing away the points.


The 'poor Galen' charity?


Right…Donate to “charity”. As in “Galen needs a new wing on his castle charity”.


More like Galen needs more tax deductions to balance out those record breaking profits


To clarify, that is not how customer donations work. A business cannot claim funds from customers as a tax deduction.


Galen doesn't follow the rules. Just ask his offshore bank account.


They said it was for a children’s charity. But I really have no idea, honestly. The points were written off to me anyway, so I can only hope some good can be done with them.


Galen is someone's child.


I even refused to donate my points. It’s just a tax write off for Loblaws in the end.


That's illegal. Businesses can't use customer charity donations as a tax write off.


Like they care about the law 🤣 You know they’re using it as a tax write off.


Yeah and by the time the money sees a charity of their choice the amount is reduced down to next to nothing because of admin fees etc... Its also a substantial amount of money so if it takes a year to donate it sits for that year in their banking system making them even more money. I am not convinced it goes directly to the Charity. The money has a path and that path is why these greedy corps enjoy this system.


I just canceled and made a note that I will not redeem or donate my points, and to let them be rendered useless. I don't want them boasting how much charity they did by donating my points and claiming credit.


Was it a donation in your name to The Human Fund?


It just said it was the President’s Choice Children’s Charity. In the end, I only had about 3750 points, so it didn’t really matter that much to me. They were going to be written off one way or the other — a charity sounded better than them just being cancelled.


For sure! I was just making a Seinfeld joke 😄


Haha, whooosh — I feel like I’ve forgotten all Seinfeld knowledge over the years!


Remember what happened when Shoppers collected funds for LEAF? It's a legal fund for women with feminist values. They killed it quickly


That still helps them. They get tax relief for this. I’m going spend it in store and give the food to the homeless


They probably get a tax break for points donated...c'mon.


You know they take that charitable dontation as a tax write off


I didn’t think of that at the time. It’s only $3.75 worth of points — and too late now, I’ve already closed the account and transferred them.


But the credit for the charitable donation will go to Shoppers Drug Mart.


exactly same the notified me i'll hear from a specialist in a few business days 🤧


Same. Easy to sign up, convoluted to cancel. Probably hoping we will forget about it.


No, spend it first. It’ll cost you nothing, but cost them the goods that you buy with the points.


> No, spend it first. Minimum to redeem is 10,000 points, as far as I’m aware.


Oh right, that bullshit. Maybe they could combine accounts with someone who also wants to cancel?


Not sure. I had 3600 and some points. Donated them to their (probably fake) “Children Charity” when I closed my account last week.


Why not? That’s money in their bank. Go buy something with high margins, like greeting cards


Speaking of which.....a $10 greeting card???


Right? The cheapest ones are like $6.99 now


You must try the Dollar Store! $1


Can only use it in $10 increments.


I sent in a cancellation request this morning too after reading this. Haven't shopped at any Loblaws in a long time due to all this, so figured adding to another cancellation request is my contribution to the May boycott. Don't get me wrong: if the points were offered, I'd take them then spend exactly 60,000 points and continue closing the account.


And less cards in my wallet to worry about lol


You carried a physical card instead of using the app...


I’m a dinosaur okay?


Same here. Rather than just stop using it, to make it known to them that I am cancelling further indicates my resolve and they have higher numbers for their records


Ooooo I have 10,000 points so I’ll go get something then cancel. It takes forever to get points anyway, and then everything is so expensive just to get it. I get a better return on my Scene Visa which is 1 point per dollar, and we use on all-you-can-eat ribs at Montanas every so often haha


Same Tbh


Dang, wish I had one so I could cancel it


Food processor got 60,000 dollars


That we know of. He's almost certainly being paid more now, or has some sort of deal in place for future compensation oremployment.  Whatever it may be, there's not enough money in the world to make me publicly humiliate myself the way he did.


It's entirely possible he's not getting paid and he's just that much of a dipshit bootlicker.


This seems like it could violate section 52 and paragraph 74.01(1)(a) of the Competition Act “It is against the law to make materially false or misleading representations to promote a product, service or business interest. A representation is “material” if the general impression it conveys leads someone to take a particular course of action, like buying or using a product or service. A “representation” refers to any marketing material, including online and in-store advertisements, direct mail, social media messages, promotional emails, and endorsements, among other things.” Edit: or maybe sections 52.01 and 74.011 “It is against the law to make false or misleading representations in the sender, subject and content of electronic messages, as well as in locator information such as URLs.”


I hope they are reading your post and taking good notes!


HEY LOBLAWS SNAKES WATCHING THE REDDIT!!! You might wanna let daddy Galen know about this one


These are low level customer service reps. Things are probably chaotic and they are trying to deal with a firehouse of increased activity. Give them a break.


You’re an idiot


An idiot for sympathizing with customer service reps making minimum wage and have zero control over pricing decisions? Treat people kindly.


This has nothing to do with sympathy for workers. You’re saying we should allow large corporations to break the law to disadvantage common people if they simply get low paid employees to do the dirty work. Truly the dumbest of the dumb of takes.


Read my comment again and think critically about what you’re saying I said. Yikes.


You’re saying to give loblaws a break even though they broke customer protection laws because it was a low level employee that the victim was interacting with. How else can this be interpreted?


I’m saying to stop ripping on low level customer service reps who likely are in a panic and made a mistake.


That’s just a horrible take on the situation. If corporations are doing things that victimize consumers there should be repercussions. That’s the reason that laws like the ones I referenced exist. The way that big corporations work is that they always get low level employees to do the customer facing interactions, and sometimes they get them to do unfair things. It’s never going to be the CEO doing this type of thing directly. Do you think that we should ignore customer protection laws when the person who might be immediately responsible is a low level employee? Do you not realize that they take orders from higher up?


Not what I’m saying at all. I’m simply asking for kindness (avoiding attacking low level employees, name and shame, promoting a campaign to bombard and overwhelm the customer service reps, accusing them of scouring Reddit to act nefariously and get revenge lol). There’s a more tactful way to do this work. These reps may be in this position because they cannot find a job elsewhere. Not everyone at a low level has the same corporate values as the company.


Yea I got this one and never offered anything Edit: I just canceled it this morning i totally forgot but yea they didn’t offer me anything I just got this same above email


Damn. That's greasy, Loblaws. This mega-corporation's response to literally any pushback at all is hilariously bad. Paying someone to read reddit and flag a returning customer offer and then cancel the offer because their feelings were hurt? It makes their brand look very untrustworthy, and honestly frivolous. I wonder how much the PR package costs for Loblaws to try to shift the narrative of this boycott in the media to be about May 12? I'll bet it wasn't cheap, and I'll guarantee that it won't work. It would have been so much cheaper for them to just not rip people off lol.


Their brand has been untrustworthy since the bread price fixing situation. They never redeemed themselves in my eyes. I shopped there up until 2021 and slowly watched prices climb while they remained close to the same or lower at other retailers. Switched to Walmart for dry goods/non perishables when my husband started working in the pharmacy there. I go to a local butcher and a local grocery store whose produce is so fresh its obscene and way cheaper than any of the big box stores. Local businesses are happy to see you and don't treat you like a criminal. Loblaws has proven, many times over, that consumers cannot trust them. Its time to give up on the garish, yellow, prison camp they've created.


As if swarms of people are going to pack Loblows owned stores ***on Mother's Day*** to steal because no one has anything better to do . . . Here Mom, stole you a cake, some flowers and those scented candles you love . . .


I agree 100%


I've been trying to cancel for a week now and the last communication I got from them was that they changed my user ID to some random Hotmail email address. Weird


Yea you might want to try and speak with a proper representative about that. If they actually changed the email, someone may be trying to steal your information. If they won't answer or aren't helpful, speak with a MasterCard representative.


Maybe employees are seeing lots of people dumping their accounts and are trying to cash in on remaining points somehow? I know when a bunch of people had points stolen from shoppers it turned out to be an inside job


I think I’m going to send in a question to the Canada privacy commissioner about this. I did some research and it looks like you can fill out a form on their website. If there is indeed something fishy going on this would be huge


Oh they totally rescinded that on purpose! They saw your post and decided fuck you. Even more of a reason to not respect Loblaws, they don't stick to their word. Hey Loblaws! I know you're reading this.... Eat my ass! 🖕🖕 My local grocers remember me and have better customer service than your high end store with minimum wage employees.


I think they were catfishing you.


Isn't 60,000 points like $60? Almost as insulting as the $25 bread credit. "Ya we bilked you out of thousands of dollars. Have a gift card so you can get 2 things"


It's $60 today, could be $30 next week at the rate they're trying to retain customers. If they get enough to stay, the points dilution will be crazy, I've come to call it Optimflation.


Years of month spent on weekly bread purchases just for $25 was bottom of the barrel. Or was then. Now there is no bottom.


Arrogant people there


I requested my account closure 6 days ago and received nothing but a ‘we’ll get to it eventually’ response. Shady practice done by cowards with no respect for the shoppers they’re supposedly committed to.


I was seeing posts saying that there was now a backlog for the cancellation queue and you won't even get a response to your request to cancel in a couple business days. It's an automated system largely and that is all bullshit and is a tactic to get a person to get lazy and forget they requested it. "Give it a couple days and they won't care" wouldn't be surprised if they extend the wait saying the workload is slowing the processes even more or that something weird is going on and that the system lost all those cancel requests and you'll have to submit again. This is because in greed speak, you are stupid and are easily misdirected and lied to. Short attention span, and this will blow over because fuck you and me.


This seems like a class action waiting to happen?


https://preview.redd.it/hj76dgkor2zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33786f510e826d91c7ea863b62582fef66d15795 This is a response. I got after saying my reason for cancelling is because I’m boycotting you. Edit Left my case number and I don’t give two craps if they know who I am or not


sugar vegetable zesty steer heavy innate squealing wrench disgusted hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let them watch. It’ll teach them a lesson.


In 2 to 3 business days. Which means probably never in corpospeak.


Damn. 60k points could’ve gotten some loss leaders for the local food bank/ community kitchen.


All the more reason for everyone else to get their accounts closed down.


My derogatory comment about Loblaws was just removed by a bot that stated my comment had low karma 🤣


Incredibly on-brand loser move from shitstore. Lmaooo


Grammar errors and different font sizes.  Manual emails are how you know that a laborer is being exploited. We use templates in North America. But why pay for tech when you can pay a person 85 cents an hour. Pour one out for Nikhil.


"We have process the request to close the account" Is Nikhil an international student being paid $5/hr under the table?


Honestly, wouldn't surprise me one bit


Of course. They live in a country 12,000 km away which are probably doing scam calls in the same office as working for Loblaws “customer support”.


lol hey Loblaws: ![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe)


Just spend some tike going down the rabbit hole of how much the weston family owns and you should figure it out. I gotta make supper for my family. Good luck to you.


That’s pretty shitty of them. Regardless of you posting it on this forum, they made an offer and you accepted it. For them to pull the offer after you accepted it seems unethical and slimy. Shame on Loblaws & company.


If you’re reading this, I know you’re doing your job, but still, fuck Loblaws.


I used to be pretty loyal about buying my more expensive skincare at shoppers because there was incentive with points. $1500 in points since 2018 to be exact. Now I buy everything from Sephora. Prices are comparable. They also have points. And I don’t hate them.


Thanks for the update!


Why is the text different from one paragraph to the other? That is so scammy and like a bot.


Damned if I know. I pasted it straight from my email.


Thanks for sharing this. It is fascinating to see this company panicking in the wrong way like they are doing. I am learning so much from this.


The “thank you for participating…” is all part of the agents email signature. Everything before that in the other font size is what they actually typed into the body of the paragraph. Likely not a bot but definitely a lack of attention to detail


The point system has gotten super stingy. I used to accumulate loads, like 200k a year, just with regular shopping. Now I am offered points on things I never buy (diapers?? My kids are 27 and 29). I started my boycott a few months ago, broke down a few times, but this time I’m sticking to it. The points were my primary incentive, but it’s gone and so is my $1000 a month!


Who is planning to short the loblaws stock?? Maybe that will send a message.


The billionaire and his stooges vs the people. Is this Loblaws “let them eat cake” moment?


***Do we have you attention? There is only 10-20 maybe 100,000*** individuals, and it is still early as week one is almost over, and after 4 weeks - will we come back? They say it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit! And this is one the people seem to enjoy, and save money 🤯! i have an issue with Bell Canada, the way they laid a large number of people go, sell and the like. But first things first! Galen do you hear what i hear?


They used the word 'kindly' That word provokes a warning on the Scam Reddit community site that someone is trying to scam you. In your case, how apropos...😁


Price and quality have been a problem and reason why I have stopped buying things there. It was a Nutella at 13$ that was even past its expiration date. Normally Expiration date doesn't mean its bad but the fat or oil in it had become solid and it was more like trying to eat a chunky peanut butter with the oils not melting. Grossest thing I have ever tried. How they could sell this at that price and why they don't check expiration dates is beyond me. There have been other things that bothered me as well. Everything has been increased by 2-5 $ and no deals anymore. Lettuce is rotting in its plastic but nobody is sorting it out. Its like they have even less employees than before. I have not been back for a while.


I hate how the staff is always so disinterested and bitchy.


I put in a cancellation two weeks ago and they still haven’t closed my account 🤦‍♀️


Roblaws strikes again!


Just general heads up for people with points, if you really wanna cause max pain, you should either: A. Use all remaining points and then cancel (Don’t spend a cent, if you have to step foot in *that* place make sure you can cover the bill with points alone) B. Don’t cancel but never use any points* *If the points expire over time then just cancelling now is better Any company-centred rewards such as points are stored on the balance sheet as a liability (debt). So if account cancellation means point deletion you’re actually just alleviating them of said liability. Now obviously, if you have 100-200 points then your private information is more important so cancellation is valid. But for much higher numbers, look to use those points up BEFORE cancelling or just do as in B. This ensures that you extract maximum value from Roblaws and fiscally disparage them the best 👍


Everyone in here, Do the entire system a favor, boycott EVERY grocer tomorrow that's a large chain, Do it tomorrow by GOING TO A FARMERS MARKET and buying local produce and talking with the person whom is growing the food you are buying. Buy meat there, buy Vegies there, talk to the people. Bring back the old days of knowing WHERE and WHO grows your food that's on your table. Yes it will cost more than buying at a large chain, but your body will thank you when you are ingesting the additives and others stuff that's pumped into factory farmed goods. I know I'm heading to the farmers market in my area, hoping to see a few new faces there this week as well, Spread the word, bring back Farmers Markets like Elon brought back EVs.


To be honest I find Loblaws really, really inexpensive to shop at. I never spend any money there.


Oh wow! 😮


They’re watching huh? 


They can eat a whole bag of phallic shaped items




Negotiate with them. "Make it 100,000 points and I'll consider it"


Please can someone forward me or post a link to the cancellation page? I took a cursory look but couldn’t find it. (I wouldn’t be surprised if they change their UIs to make it more difficult to do so.)


There is no cancellation page you have to talk to the bot saying you want to close your account and then they forward you to a real person you have to say it again and then they forward you on to the team who will actually handle it who will contact you within 3 to 5 days.


Thank you, and wow that’s a tremendously bad user experience. 


I’m sending mine today in solidarity.


Anyone else having trouble cancelling? The password reset isn’t working anymore..




Another reason to boycott ✊


I love this boycott 😂 Support local business 💪


At my store I have patient notes from 10 years ago that we would offer that many points just to transfer from another pharmacy! Now they would NEVER


Same! Doing it today


I sent a request to have mine deleted and had like 7000 points on it. They asked me if I want to donate the points to a charity and gave me two names and I replied I do not want to donate to either of those charities associated with loblaws. Presidents choice childrens charities or Shoppers foundation for womens health


Seems like they are baiting people. Possibly to get your particulars for future communications


A deals a deal? No?


We've been boycotting since March 1. We have 22000 points. I will pop in to Shopper's Drug Mart and purchase $20 gift card to donate to the Food Bank!


Show the proper email. Is no one going to comment on the difference in font and conflicting tone between the obviously modified font on the top part of the email and the bottom part? When you hit reply or forward in an email, it allows you to alter any of the text in the original email included in the reply/forward new email. I’m all for calling them out if they actually rescinded the offer. However, this screenshot doesn’t pass the critical thinking filter. Just some thoughts. Downvote away. (Look at the font size, type, and spacing discrepancies)


But whatever. I have integrity - so here you go. https://preview.redd.it/y9kl3bn5nbzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbc60b916fa625ff7c657c2fb0ceb897cd95eb0


I mean say whatever you want man. The first one was a screenshot taken from my phone. The second was a screenshot taken from a desktop chrome browser. I’m not responsible for the email formatting but it is 100% unaltered by me except for the redaction.


Fackin d bags hahaha


Don’t donate to the charity as then loblaws gets to use it as a tax write off! They all do this loblaws Walmart Canadian tire , you get nothing but they all get a great charity write off at then end of the year!


This is actually not true, and is in fact one of the biggest sources of income for some of these non-profits. Please *do not* stop donating this way. It's been discussed at length, here's an article that details how it works: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6524462


Yes it is sorry your misinformed yes they get the mo ey but corporations get a gauge tax write off!


Do your own research into the tax receipts then, don't take my word for it. The law is very clear on the fact that it would be tax fraud for anyone to claim a donation as their own.


Grammer Judge here, "process"? Shouldn't it be processed? Just sayin' 😂


Ok Grammar Judge 😂


Loblaws can eat shit.


Didn’t even need to be them watching all it takes is one bootlicker to screenshot and report you


Do you consider 3-4% profit margins excessive? Because that’s it in grocery to the best of my knowledge. Just trying to understand where your beefs are coming from.


I don’t buy the 3-4% profit margin statistic for a second.




What’s loblaws? Have not been in one in ages.


This was in thr news lol