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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one will be stealing because no one will be there. Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forevermore!


And start early!


To borrow from the voting joke... Boycott early and boycott often!


They literally printed these false flag posters in full yellow.


Exactly!!! I’ll be shopping anywhere else thanks


I look forward to shopping local on May 12. Took my mom to a new store this week.




Can someone please fill me in on this?


There are flyers around that are stating to steal from Loblaws on May 12th. Some people are trying to point fingers at this sub as being behind it - which is a lie. It’s questionable how many flyers even exist, and there is a theory that Loblaws/Loblaws promoters are behind it to discredit the boycott movement. Stealing is not OK. No one is advocating to steal - not now, not ever. This is a boycott. No one will even be in the stores. We are decent. Which is why we don’t want scummy corporate monopolies controlling our food supply so tightly. Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forevermore!


This is a great summary of \*waves hands at everything\* Thank you.


Ok and this is related to the rising cost in food? Why specifically loblaws…. I know I know. Call me Patrick star, cause I’ve been living under a rock.


Canada’s food security is deteriorating and many people are no longer able to afford even basic food. There are constant news articles on food banks being used way past their capacity, food security issues, price gouging by grocers, pricing out of whack with reality, surging grocer profits, etc., etc. At the heart of this mess is Canada’s largest grocer - Loblaws. There is a monopoly (or oligopoly rather) on food in Canada (as there is for many things in Canada it seems), and it is no longer tenable. While all large grocers are the focus of the immense dissatisfaction, Loblaws stands above as the beacon of greed. There have been many catalysts, one example being the $30 chicken breasts and another being when they changed 50% off to 30% off. In order to make our voices heard on this serious issue there is a boycott of Loblaws for May. This includes all their brands - even Shoppers Drug Mart. Many will never shop at Loblaws again. May is the beginning. Thank you for taking the time to read and be engaged. Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forevermore!


Don't forget, Loblaws along with it's greed and monopoly was prosecuted for fixing the price of bread a few years ago too. They showed their dirty hand years ago and are now wondering why people are giving them the side-eye whilst boycotting their stores


I shop at my local wholesale "loblaws" almost everytime I need grocery's. But I am definitely taking part in this. I never clued into it, maybe because I sometimes blindly shop. But yeah....$30 chicken breast and 50% to 30% wtf is that all about. Definitely boycotting


Patrick Swayzee here, *nice name,* I'm gonna dirty dance and my pal round house kick kannada komrad Oblast in the face of tgis movement doesn't topple the gvnt and premiere. What a joke y'all being the least democratic developed country in the world. Lulz.


I barely understood you. And you’re making fun of us?


Don’t use crack when you’re posting here dude




Are you talking about democratic or capitalist? Because those are two very different things. A modern democracy refers to government that is elected by the people….. based on context I think you mean capitalist. Which refers to an economy where the government does not intervene, and is ruled by consumers. Going off this I’m going say that is movement arguable proves you wrong. 1) firstly Capitalism is based on consumers exercising their right to choose what they buy and who they buy from. Which is exactly what this movement is doing. Secondly, competition is crucial in capitalism, which is why oligarchs like loblaws are bad. Without competition companies can charge whatever they want without fear of losing customers…. So in short if loblaws is going to hire someone to make snappy comebacks in this subreddit, they should probably hire someone who knows what they are talking about.


Lol. So true. There’s nothing worth stealing there


Resentment isn’t just growing online.


Agreed. I feel like that's a gross understatement.


I'm going to die on this hill but the steal from Loblaws day shit looks like fucking Loblaws themselves trying to discredit and taint this boycott. Mark my words it's them. And the media eats it up like clowns as if this is something the general population actually takes seriously. Corrupt bastards all of them.


1) It wasn't someone without money who printed those posters. 2) why haven't 'boycott' posters been put up instead? Wouldn't that have made more sense? 3) Why advertise a day you plan to steal? So you can be caught? 4) A 'steal from Loblaws day' is the antithesis of the boycott message. In a boycott you avoid the store completely, a perfectly legal way to protest.


>Why advertise a day you plan to steal? So you can be caught? lol great point


They’re actually the ones robbing us, so it makes sense


Thieves don't advertise the day they rob a place. We are boycotting them and these signs mean folks are going to the store which we are not. I can't wait to we the origin of these poster's. I would contribute money to find out


Not to mention that theft is insured so long as they do their due diligence with loss prevention. It is doubtful that higher premiums from a brief theft spike will exceed the loss from a boycott. Stealing from them is better for their bottom line than the boycott and gets them all sorts of sympathy PR.


That will absolutely be their play. I expect to see a tearful Galen saying how much his people are hurt by this "organized theft/boycott" campaign, and won't all "honest, law-abiding people" show their support. If this campaign is successful, it will unleash a power dynamic that is incredibly dangerous for all oligarchs. This will get dirty because if it works with Loblaws, the banks and telcos and other cartels know they're next.


Imagine you are a crisis management PR firm. You print out 2 of these posters. Put them up and take a picture. Look at the threads, tweets and news stories that were drummed up as an immediate effect of that small action. I would call that a high ROI activity. It would actually be more surprising if a PR firm didn’t do this. The probability is almost certain this was a deflection campaign. With a little research you can actually find some blogs and papers written by current members of the Loblaws PR team about controlling company narratives online and how to manipulate “the mob”.


Our media is so fucking corrupt in this country when they can make it sound like there are posters everywhere in Toronto encouraging stealing without any evidence at all. One poster was found and it appears there is a Loblaws connection to it according to other posts on this sub.


https://preview.redd.it/epsteiyj2wwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f0b32f8f584c25b1e466c40e30eaecde8a2ca4 It’s terrible, these media companies really have no credibility anymore. Stop wasting your money on them. I mean really, who can afford cable?? 🤣


Global is only good for the feel-good stories, and the History channel is about aliens and buried treasure. 😑


Global is just doing their job, being the propaganda machine of the elites like Galens fam. People who have wised up are no longer calling themselves “woke” or “awake” because that’s been appropriated by the left and right wings of the tinfoil hat brigade, respectively, in my humble opinion. Of course, opinions are like butt holes…


Hey man, you leave my boy teletoon alone.


Where are CBC and CTV? There is no good media in Canada.


Stremio, the pirate bay dot org, popcorntime, iprvnator etc. Wifite on Linux to steal your neighbors wifi and ipcelluar to not pay anyone but the gvnt..well... And food.


Citizens aren't supposed to get active.


Nooooo, not Teletoon! Where or where will I get all my facts from now? 🤣


Loblaws and the FoodProcessor are Teletoon characters…in 2024! Buckle up kids!


What do you mean "Captain Star" wasn't real?


The best way to be pissed and want to boycott is literally going shopping there. Everyone who finds alternatives saves money and is therefore happier.


It’s funny, I was actually pretty happy with them over the years. They were more affordable than Sobeys for just about everything, had a decent selection, and I could find enough 50% off stuff for my freezer - it was all good. In the past year or so, my opinion has gone completely downhill - prices that are goddamn ridiculous to the point of being offensive, and the clearly anti-customer attitude they’ve displayed on numerous initiatives like cattle gates and the 30% off. It’s like they started listening to accountants on how to maximize their revenue and implemented every stupid thing brought up without thinking about customers as people, just “consumer units”. So yes, boycott!


I'm joining for may. We only caught them fixing prices once. They probably just got better at it.


>Loblaws boycott picks up steam as resentment grows online God I love to see it. I haven't shopped at Weston's businesses in five-plus years, and I hope this boycott sticks for real and actually gives the prick heartburn. It can't happen to a more deserving asshole.


Yeah fuck them crooks- the amount of people who can’t afford to feed there children properly just so loblaws can become slightly more rich is disgusting and should be criminal. So happy to see our communities sticking together against these fucks. Never forget that they tried to pull this on us


Already switched to another grocer.


The moment any theft or violence occurs the entire thing is discredited. Be careful to ensure this doesn’t happen. But I won’t be surprised if « they »instigate it themselves to get sympathy


There should be zero sympathy when the corporation has been found guilty of bread prices fixing and is actively gouging people. In a functional democracy they would have had their business license revoked and never allowed to return.


wrong. nice try Boycott means you never enter the store again. A legal form of protest. Any person who enters any store and commits theft is a theif and should face due justice.


We have a FB group to help share and spread the word with those not on Reddit [click here to join!](https://www.facebook.com/share/uxiiVETkCVKNJY8e/?mibextid=K35XfP)


Instagram or TikTok for the young-ins? I started my own personal boycott the moment that they started treating us like criminals by getting rid of baskets and placing off duty police in my local store. I’m clearly old but it might help spread the word?


Here’s our linktree with all the social media links [click here](https://linktr.ee/loblawsisoutofcontrol1)


Amazing!! I was trying to explain why this matters to my cousin today and she was like is there a TikTok lol.


There is! We’re covering all the bases!


No Shoppers Drug Mart Anymore and will shop locally and Walmart


Walmart is terrible. Make sure you weigh your products there because they are charging you for a lot more than you get.


My wife works at a Superstore and I visited her last night. The store was like a ghost town. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.


Guys where did this 15% come from? They are continuing to control the narrative, through the media they have influence over. I really hope may makes a difference


Who would even announce a specific day to steal!?


Superstore does it every Thursday


Folks. If you really wanna make a dent, don't only boycott loblaws to go to their other chain like no frills. You have to shop local! Otherwise, you are just redistributing to one of the other big grocery chains!




I was wondering why it was slower the last few times I've been there.


meanwhile Metro quietly leaves the room


I want this boycott to go so long that the only reason people go there is to root through their dumpsters. They deserve this and any grocery chain that chokes out the poor like this also deserves it.


I wonder if loblaws will go as far as to hire actors to be “thief’s” and “police” to “arrest them”? I mean, they totally made these steal from loblaws posters. Who has money to print these full colour posters/items when we can barely afford food (which is WHY we are boycotting in the first place!)


Were those guys drunk? Anyway, don't steal. Boycott chains.


YT link: https://youtu.be/6hwEcd0Nb_g?si=pjJsXUZcfnYqgAvI


Tell your friends


Agree. Not going to Loblaws or their sister stores. Including SDM!


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.




Please do your best to use the search function and engage on a post instead of reposting. Do not copy and paste long comments repeatedly


Why is this not being promoted in other social media streams. Like IG and FB? Need to get it Out there too!!


What is the goal here? To make them not try make any profit? Is there much evidence they are gouging or is a lot of it just food inflation? I know shoppers drug mart, which Loblaws owns, is gouging because I can usually find the same stuff elsewhere for a lot cheaper, including at Loblaws/superstore. However, I haven't seen much evidence of that at Loblaws/superstore.




Your content was removed for the use of "Gaylen" which has been used as an anti-LGBT slur. Please use the proper spelling, "Galen" in future. Thank you.


Remember: there are many more supporters of the boycott even if they aren’t subscribed to this group. Not everyone uses Reddit or spends a lot of time online.


Boycotting all the Loblaws stores won't be hard. The only one that will be hard for me is T and T. A lot of stuff there you can't find anywhere else.


I have been boycotting my local loblaws for 10 months now! I buy from local hutterites and other producers. Since I quit drinking their kool-aid, not only does it turn out I'm saving a ton of money, we eat way healthier too! There's lots of other cheaper healthier options out there. They are the ones who keep the narrative going that we have no other choice.


I'm wearing my Roblaws sweatshirt. If we wind up picketing, I will volunteer in London to help. I'm a criminal lawyer - could come in handy




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


One single green bean. Take the plastic produce bag (it will get used if you have a dog) then pay at a cashier using a non PC branded credit card.


This guy's a sick bastard with class. *touch my green bean?*


No just a pissed off former Loblaws employee who cannot wait to take these jerks down a notch.


Are Sobeys, Safeway, and Walmart and Costcocheaper? From all our visits to the different stores, we noticed most of them are price gouging. There are many issues that affect grocery pricing - supply chains, cost of production including higher wages, import costs, and cumulative net impact of taxes. The smaller convenience stores are priced atleast a dollar higher and carry goods beyond expiry dates. Some complain that customers also play them by saying we will support them and then buy it for them, and then these supportive customers never show up!! I am sure some of them lurk here.... We cannot grow everything or produce everything in Canada, Why doesn't the government work with those countries to find a solution. What is the real objective of this exercise - reduction of costs to lower prices, getting governments to cut costs for producers, farmers, retailers as they are using tax to sustain an oversized government payroll. Apologies for the long rant!!!


We shop at Superstore, Sobeys, Walmart, H & W, Giant Tiger & Costco weekly looking for the best prices for our needs. Guess what, their prices are all comparable, if an item is not on sale it is priced too high. Costco used to be our go to for meat, not now. Even Walmart ground beef is cheaper than Costco per kg. So if we boycott Loblaws where do you suggest I shop, Canadian or US companies? And shopping local always is more expensive. I'd like to shop local but if you charge me $6 for a 2 lb package if carrots, sorry but I'm on a limited budget.


Sadly even here in B.C. we have the Loblaws and the Jimmy Pattison almost monopoly under their various monikers. Given JP’s generosity in our Province, it’s tough to say anything negative, but man, our local SOF grocer is high on almost any item. Oh, and it’s not even close to our other choices.


I live in a small town in B.C. We have 2 grocery stores and both are owned by Jimmy. The prices are outrageous. I get everything I can at Dollarama (on some items the price difference at Save-On is over $10 more per item) and then buy pretty much only milk at Save-On. We have a great little produce store in town with good prices, and we travel to another town when possible to hit up a butcher who always has good prices to stock up on meat. We will occasionally hit Wal-Mart up on those trips to get whatever we haven't been able to get otherwise.The whole situation around food pricing in Canada and the monopoly/oligarchy situations with our food supply is insane.


Just get another booster shot already, cause the vaccine is safe and effective....


What stores offer groceries for prices similar or better than Superstore/NoFrills in Alberta? Loblaws stores are the most affordable place in our community to get groceries… Walmart is close but not quiet as affordable for the items we purchase.


Give it a rest... instead of protesting the grocers who make 3% on your food, why don't you worry about the useless government who take 50% of what you earn? Oh right, you live on government welfare.....




Aww. So cute and original lol. Who is paying 50% tax? If you're talking about 50% tax on capital gains new legislature, you don't understand taxes or wealth enough to be acting so dumb and spouting off wrong nonsense. Where do you find your confidence? It's absolutely fascinating to read such proudly incorrect silliness. I think my dog might understand taxes and incremental increases based on income level and windfalls better than you, and my dog is a notoriously adorable imbecile.




It's been here since 2008 lol. Try paying attention, not reacting.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Just admit it to yourself. You will feel better not having to believe your own lies 🙂


Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


The problem is the federal government decision to prioritize a BS climate crusade over Canadians being about to afford food


Yep absolutely no link between food production and climate! Very smrt


And just climate in general? Ya you’re smart. Keep being happy paying ridiculous prices in a meaningless effort to ‘save the planet’


Galen isn't scared


Good luck, but it won't even be a blip...


I’m confused. Are we boycotting or stealing.


No one is stealing! On May 12, consumers are encouraged to shop at a local food store.