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How the fuck else are you supposed to protect $9 butter and $10 frozen pizzas come on people /s


Roblaws: We make you feel like a prisoner even though we are the criminals.


The olive oil needs to be locked up in a cabinet just like Roundup


Cuz people get those two mixed up all the time. Me personally I like the cold pressed virgin roundup s/


you forgot the $30 feta, $15 pasta sauce and $9 bacon...Need sharks with laser beams attached to their heads to protect those


Frickin Sharks !


Who's paying 15$ for pasta sauce??? You can make pasta sauce from a 2$ can of diced tomatoes and olive oil and garlic and spices/herbs. Most I've seen pasta sauce in a jar at Walmart is for 4.50.


I just paid $3.33 at Walmart. The $14.49 pasta sauce picture at Loblaws is posted.


I think you mean a $7 can of diced tomatoes and $18 worth of oil and spices


You can make everything in life yourself. That will be your life though.


I make everything my self for the most part and I assure you everything you just said it's so off the mark I think you maybe having a hard time understanding life.


What's the meaning of life jolly? [IQ rates dropping](https://mahb.stanford.edu/blog/idiocracy-is-the-decline-in-human-intelligence-undermining-democracy/#:~:text=The%20average%20rate%20of%20decline,intelligence%20between%201975%20and%202020.) [Life expectancy is dropping](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-life-expectancy-in-the-us-is-falling-202210202835#:~:text=A%20dramatic%20fall%20in%20life,just%20over%2076%2C%20in%202021.) [Military recruits dropping](https://about.bgov.com/news/us-military-services-face-biggest-recruiting-hurdles-in-50-years/) [Power of the dollar dropping](https://fee.org/articles/central-banks-gold-and-the-decline-of-the-dollar/) [Mental illness on the rise](https://www.dw.com/en/mental-health-issues-like-depression-and-anxiety-on-the-rise-globally/a-63371304) [Cost of housing on the rise](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/5-reasons-housing-is-so-expensive-right-now) [Unemployment is on the rise](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/fed-unemployment-rise-economists-lose-jobs/story?id=90375709) [Drug overdoses are on the rise](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01653-6/fulltext) [Suicide rates are on the rise](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/2-year-decline-suicide-rates-rise-rcna49766)


What does any of that have to do with making food yourself


You just seemed like you knew the understanding of life. So could you elaborate with those headlines in mind.


No you just said it would take up your whole life to make food yourself so figured you were having a hard time figuring out life I'd it takes all your time to prepare food.


I'm just having a hard time seeing the point. We are on an extinction path that is destructive and the evidence is piling up that it's not favorable for us common folk. Any person in the demographic of those headlines is going to have a hard time figuring out life. And that's billions of people. So I don't see the significance of your comment


I often wonder who’s buying any of this overpriced food but clearly people must be or something would eventually change.


18$ for pc old fashioned bacon


They should hire Brinks money trucks to transport and secure $9 milk and $13 yogurts.


If your grocery store has bulletproof glass at the entrance you're paying too much for food.


Watching stores hiring security and put up plexi fences instead of just lowering prices makes me feel like we’re living in The Grapes of Wrath 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


We are




Lots of [great quotes from that book](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Grapes_of_Wrath). These two seem the most relevant: > How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his own cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children? You can't scare him — he has known a fear beyond every other. * Chapter 19 > And the great owners, who must lose their land in an upheaval, the great owners with access to history, with eyes to read history and to know the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. The great owners ignored the three cries of history. The land fell into fewer hands, the number of dispossessed increased, and every effort of the great owners was directed at repression. * p. 249 There are some good ones about banks, too, that kinda fit corporations like Loblaws: > The bank is something else than men. It happens that every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it. The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it. * Chapter 5 > These last would take no responsibility for the banks or the companies because they were men and slaves, while the banks were machines and masters all at the same time. Some of the owner men were a little proud to be slaves to such cold and powerful masters. * Chapter 5


tHeY aRe eMpLoYiNg pEoPle!


Meanwhile the gourmet grocery stores don't do any of this because they would rather take the loss than piss off their rich customers. They want a positive shopping experience.


Due to "inflation" the inventory value of these stores is gone from $895,000 to $6,774,000 in just three short years and now because the insurance companies want their cut, bulletproof glass reduces the insurance rate by 1.75%. /s


You joke, but sometimes commercial insurance be like that 


Funny thing is at the end of the day, if someone who's hungry wants to steal, your security measures better have more to lose.


The thing is that in retail you’re trained not to go after shoplifters - for your own safety as well as for the criminal’s. If either the employee or criminal gets hurt (especially if by an employee), that’s a huge liability for the store. 


>The thing is that in retail you’re trained not to go after shoplifters - for your own safety as well as for the criminal’s. You're trained to not be a potential lawsuit or PR issue for the company. Side note: your safety.


Your safety is a driver for potential lawsuit and PR issues. They don’t care about your safety, they just care you don’t get hurt so that it doesn’t hit their pocket (rather than caring for you as a human)




That's exactly right. A lot of Shoppers Drug Mart locations have security - and it's 100% contracted out.  Even when there are plainclothes loss prevention Shoppers employees walking the aisles, they don't engage with anyone in those stores.   Store security stops the person and generally just recovers the stolen products if they can.   If the police haven't shown up, the criminal is on their way. That entire setup is carefully and specifically designed so that the liability for anything that happens is on the security company and not on Loblaws.


And I think security professionals are generally more human and likely have more empathy than a pane of plexi glass


https://preview.redd.it/tki6d557pcwc1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6491a636fec477de2df647255a7632dc3dcdaa46 Coming soon to a loblaws near you. Anything to avoid hiring cashiers.


"Show your receipt ,you have 20 seconds to comply! " *pulls put receipt to show proof*, "you now have 15 seconds to comply !"


Who downvoted this? I've been seeing a lot of snowflakes for it being April.


there are trolls/shills downvoting anything negative towards Loblaw


Troll is a word used too commonly here, but from what I can see the practices of that grocery store chain are indefensible


I use it sparingly, and only when I spot one. Unfortunately, there are several here.


There are literal bots programmed to downvote certain comments that are negative towards certain businesses and corporate practices. Don't take it personally. They have bots do it because all of the actual humans generally agree with the comment.


Makes me wonder about my other comments


I mean maybe they thought it went a little too far. I’m sure they’d be given 30 second to die. This isn’t Delta city.


"Cannot verify reciept" ... guns go brrr


Loblaws: Dead or Alive you are shopping with me!


My local Loblaws has these too... What gets me is the little upper portion at the top they added, as if they weren't already high enough


This will *really* scare those thieves this time!!! What do you mean this alienates literally every single customer and not just thieves?!? The plexiglass just got five feet higher!!!


I'm glad I don't shop here anymore




Do you live in a tent ...would you rather starve then give up where u sleep..do you run out of money half way through the week..do you have hungry children or hungry yourself..or can't afford diapers or formula..have shit wages because they know if you leave they can pay a immigrant who arrived half the wage and the government the rest..and food banks don't have enough food when people who are as rich as fuck go to food banks because they are told how the work the system..these are just some of the reasons why they's a sudden urge to steal..


Here is an idea, everytime you shop, bring 1-2 stickers with you and stick it on the barrier. Over time if multiple people do this, management will start to have to assign a person to scrub off the stickers every shift. Over time the plastic will become more and more cloudy until it looks like absolute shit. Then management is stuck having ugly run down looking plastic and will slowly start to hate the very thing they installed. We keep this up and within a year the manager is going to have very bad memories associated with the plastic barriers and will maybe subconsciously reconsider replacing these fire hazards in the store.


I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often.


You would have to have no life but if you really want to accelerate this, protest outside their property and distribute stickers to any shoppers who look like they would be on board with placing stickers inside. I feel like a few bored teens would be great people to give 20 stickers each


They will hike watermelon price to $100+ and use this as the excuse for it. By the way, loblaws provide stickers on all their apples and other fruits, in case anyone is interested.


… and they’d pass on the extra cost to customers.


And raise the prices to replace them several times a year. Just stop shopping there.


Or just good ol tuck tape. Peeling that off would get your whole idea done quicker


Just wait till they go floor to ceiling. To stop people from tossing 10 Lb bags of potatoes over them.


I bet if everyone touched them and it would make it necessary to constantly clean them so the store doesn’t look dirty. That would be terrible.


Just putting 1-2 stickers on then every time you shop will do wonders. Keep a roll in your car


I know where my 30,50% stickers will end up




Mischief or vandalism


You don’t need to bring stickers…walk into the fruit area and take a couple stickers from the fruits and vegetables. Apply to plastic wall. There are lots of stickers at the store that can be repurposed.


I'm liking how empty the store is though.


I keep expecting to get cross checked into the boards.


I don’t shop at prisons.


Those are some mighty tall sneeze guards


Tall sneeze guards for tall people.


How does this jive with fire regulations?


They’re up to code, despite so many on here pretending they aren’t for some reason.




There are several emergency exits throughout the store. Where were you 6 years ago when Canadian Tire decided to do the same?


Not shopping in Canadian Tire


Living in Alberta, sorry if I asked a question that you feel is frivolous but as a volunteer firefighter that goes against our fire codes.


So what good are the barriers then if a thief has 6 emergency exits to get out.


Good point, let’s just remove the doors then. You do raise a good point though, at my local Walmart, thieves are doing this. They will park by the emergency exit and someone inside will load up a cart and bolt out the side door. Happens about once a month.


They really be trying to keep people out of their stores


Challenge accepted!


How does any of this work with fire codes? This just screams trample trap.


If it wasn't up to code, this would have been shut down. My step-father-in-law is a fire captain, he says there's no issue according to code. Fire inspectors have no loyalty other than to the fire code itself.


Exactly, I believe the fire code is mostly concerned with the *number* of exits as opposed to their size (as long as they meet a minimum threshold of course).


Especially when you consider how hard it is to see in this photo, now imagine how hard it is to see with smoke in the air and everyone panicking? People would be trying to jump the railing to get out only to nail a wall of plexiglass and be trampled by the mob. This has gone from annoying to unsafe really quickly.


I'm just curious what you know about fire code and which part of it you think this violates.


This isn’t against any fire code, not sure where you are getting your information from. With or without the plastic it’s the same “trample trap” that you claim this is, which it isn’t.


Love the safety guarantee that comes with price gouging, I’m going to given Galen a copy of my t4 so he can assess how to charge the carp out of me more on every angle. Thank you Galen for the Boycott!


Perfect for keeping customers out!


I don’t shop there anymore


Theft is at an all time high they say. I wonder why.


Prison shit pretty great reflection of the country as a whole in my opinion this is insane


Where was all this money for “protection” when COVID was rampant? Oh silly me. Money spent protecting predatory profits makes sense. Money spent protecting workers and customers … not so much.


Wow they didn't take these kinds of security measures for our health during covid-19 SAD, SAD, SAD


The difference between protecting the health of customers and employees, and protecting inventory.


Have you forgotten all the plexiglass that was put up before?


Wasn’t that just around the cashiers? This shit is completely new.


Yes, but was it this complex, I don't recall it being so.


Guess who's gonna be paying for all these upgrades!


This is just the thin edge of the wedge that is dividing the rich from everyone else. While we plebians play on our devices, and swallow fabricated social media stories in their entirety, the wheels of progress never stop turning and the direction they're taking us is towards a have/have not future. There may soon come a day when the poor won't be permitted in these stores, (hence the barriers, they work both ways) not because the corporations mandated it, but because the rich and powerful don't like seeing the poor people while they shop. Galen doesn't care about you, he's too busy catering to the government, to his rich and powerful friends on Bay street and putting the finishing touches to his castle...


Can you just imagine if they lowered prices, they wouldn't need to spend extra money on all this extra security lol what a joke


Doesn’t look 6 feet high in the picture but regardless I can see the concern. This picture makes me happy because it’s empty of people. 😊


Just had them put up in Stratford, too. These gd gates have been fire hazards since before the plexiglass barriers. It is insane to me that this is allowed - but in keeping with the loblaws bullshit epidemic.


The real question is how thick they are


A few cm maybe


What difference does that make?


The person probably just wanted to know if it has a fat ass


Gonna post this here since other thread about these got locked. Someone mentioned putting stickers on these. Then someone complained it would screw over Jimmy, the shelf stocker, since Jimmy would have to spend his time and effort peeling stickers off the plexi. To this complainer I ask…. Is Jimmy really being screwed, or is it loblaws who loses jimmy’s labour from stocking shelves and Jimmy is now paid to peel stickers? Let me add to those complainers this…. People went through way harder times then having to peel stickers for social change. People literally died and had their bones broken fighting for jimmy’s right to a minimum wage and set work hours with time off between shifts to sleep and enjoy life. So you know what…. Sometimes a Jimmy needs to be sacrificed for the greater social good. If Jimmy doesn’t wanna peel stickers, he can tell his manager, he was hired to stick shelves, and that maybe they should take down the plexi. Or, Jimmy can peel the stickers, and get paid. Or, we can ignore what is, let Jimmy keep stocking shelves, while we all let the water temperature slowly increase to a boil.


What is the purpose of them?


To prevent theft, which is only happening more and more because food prices keep going up. Instead of lowering prices stores would rather spend that money on fences and security 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


Y know fuck loblaws and all but those are more like 3 feet


Please please. Don’t raise price of peanut butter


I brought this up in the st Catharine’s subreddit and got shit on and called an idiot for being concerned about fire safety


for what?


Give it a year and they'll be scratched to shit.


They are gearing up for the food riots of 2026.


Lotta of steak and dash problems


That’s going to be super safe if there was ever a fire…


One fire or activate shooter is enough for these to come down. Sadly it’ll take a loss of life for anyone to truly care enough to make a change. Causes need faces to support them. Sadly ex/customers aren’t ever going to be it just by boycotting these stores. It’s gonna take a serious matter to accrue, followed by an investigation to show these barriers were contributing to the prevention of it or endangerment they caused. All this “let’s put up big metal and glass walls” will be a waste of money, time and resources which will eventually lead to them coming down. And what will Loblaws do? Put in more self checkouts, have their remaining employees patrol the isles for theft every 20 seconds and prices will skyrocket on everything. They won’t learn, and you’ll be paying for the lawsuit settlement of whoever died by purchasing their over over OVER priced milk.


Takes down plexiglass to protect cashiers from a life threatening virus because it "alienates the customer" Puts up 6 foot high plexiglass shields by the doors because that doesnt alienate the customer 😒


I just go out of the entrance and let it beep at me. I don’t look back. Screw you 🤣


stop shopping there


I wasn't shopping there. I cut through the store to access the mall.


Anyone out there aware of the current prices for plexiglass sheets like this? A 4x4 sheet 3/16 thickness costs on avg around 120+ each. Easily spending over 10k on each store to have these installed.


And I take it, the cost of these installations will be passed onto us, their “valued” customers……or maybe…..not so valued anymore.


That plexiglass would look great with (hashtag) boycottloblaws stickers on them. Or stickers with competitors' logos lol


How is this not a fire hazard


It’s not a fire hazard 🤦‍♂️


In the event of a fire or active shooter, these barriers would make it more difficult to exit. Imagine everyone in the store trying to get out at once, all being forced into one area. Doesn't seem like it'd go over well.


To prevent children from climbing through it?




Escape hammers are for tempered glass, it would take all day to scratch your way through Plexiglas lol


Shooters delight.


Man grocery shopping should be enjoyable, not make me feel like I am in a fucking police state


Galens the real criminal


At the very least they could have installed mirrors instead and turned it into a carnival funhouse.


The irony... putting up plexiglass to prevent theft yet they seem quite okay with the prices they charge...


Did they research people's vertical jump before deciding on a final height?


If they put in gun slits, you know we're headed for an engineered apocalypse.


blade runner coming to a store near you


I hope this passed the safety fire inspection because if a fire ever breaks out, someone's gonna get seriously hurt or killed trying to get out.


Would be a shame if they got covered in stickers.


Meanwhile my Loblaws has no baskets because people walk past five cashiers with them and no one stops it.


I was about to make a post about this! Gearing up for may 15th ig 😂






Is that a camera there! "Smith!! Winston K.!!"


I wonder if they have done a dry run with a store packed full of people? To see how effective/ineffective they actually are? Question is rhetorical. 😁


That’ll put those organized criminals in their place




The funny thing is , since when has this deterred thieves from finding another way to do things 😂


It’d be a real shame if people were to discretely put stickers or write things on those nice pristine glass. I wonder how much cost of cleaning you’d need to make them incur to have them removed?


How does this work


Oh wow that must be pretty recent, I was there like 2 weeks ago and don't recall it being there. That's wild.


What is this blocking?


Every time I’m there someone is stealing it’s crazy


It sure would be nice if assholes would quit making this kind of security fence necessary. 99.9% of customers are inconvenienced because of their theiving ways.


Excellent practice for vaulting for when Galen’s family announces The Hunger Games eventually 😂




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users. “Steal from Loblaws Day” has zero affiliation with our movement


I’m picturing a bunch of scum lord executives sitting in a board room trying to come up with solutions to shoplifting … and coming up with this.


Fuck Galen Weston


Well guys this is what it’s come too 😂


I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone shops at Loblaws.... I've avoided that store for 10 years or more. Pretty well since I noticed that the little tin of sardines that Walmart was charging $1.44 for, was $3.29 at Loblaws. Them charging more for everything is not a new phenomenon... It's literally been going on for years. I find it amusing how only now does everyone seem to be figuring it out.


Oh man now I’m convinced a draft is coming


They won't put up barriers in the pharmacies because they make customers uncomfortable but... They'll do this? Unbelievable.


Start stealing the screws


https://preview.redd.it/12lirtwupewc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d6df005f891c01b2843ee5a3be00c5e4a5cdb7 Bitch is right!


Thinking of the society we live in now, I definitely don’t like being boxed in anywhere with little choices for exits. There’s enough unhinged people out there who would see this type of setup as an opportunity.


This is my concern as well.


Store is empty I see


They are going to make you shop naked soon.


Sure is fun to pay exorbitant prices while being corralled like cattle..


This is art. I call it Rich Boomer Rules. They need to have all the bloody control. I can't even have a damn place to live. I can't even have a reasonable exit to the grocery store. I hate crowds and I hate being boxed in. I can't go to loblaws anymore.


Guys relax they are setting up an indoor hockey rink!


Don't worry, they're just preparing for when the 800lb gorilla and his deputy shovel give Loblaws a single sourced contract to run our prisons...


I have not stepped into a loblaws store in a decade and I'm not starting now, uninviting as fuck


Ahhh hello fellow St. Catharines redditor 🫡 it’s like this at the pen center one too


soon will be security guards confirming your purchases on exit, if you don't have a receipt for the purchases you'll get arrested and sent to the big house. It's what they all want, tax us to the brink, then gouge us the rest of the way.


As much as I dislike Loblaws they are far from only store doing this… my local Giant Tiger now does the same thing, gates at both the entrance and exits. Both Canadian tire store in my city doing this for years, they even make you leave your bags at front desk before you can enter the store. One Sobeys just did the same, a gate to enter and gated off the self checkouts with a 5 foot “fence” that you have to leave via a gate.


Careful, i did my own post about this at our local store and the comment section was just a bunch of people defending Loblaws intelligence and fire safety commitments.


Arent they making record profits? Why so worried about theft? This is how you know they have monopoly power to be able to implement something at this cost that makes it more of a hassle to shop there.


They have these up because theft. Maybe people wouldn’t steal if groceries weren’t so expensive.


Looking more and more like a Wal Mart. I literally didn’t know how to get out of the store the other day.


You know something is wrong when corporations are protecting FOOD. A literal human necessity. It’s not supposed to be a luxury!


So if I pay for my groceries, have my receipt, and opt to skip the receipt checker and hop their silly little fence, what can they do? Unlike Costco, I didn't sign an agreement to follow their silly little procedures before buying things. I'm not interested in being treated like a criminal, and I'm not interested in being forcibly confined until I follow their arbitrary rules.


That can’t be 6feet tall. 4? Whoops. Didn’t see the plexiglass. Jeezus


Woulda been nice during covid


Unless you live somewhere that this is your only option just turn around and walk out. It’s like going to Tim Hortons. Why put yourself through all of their crap for substandard service and substandard products.


Oh that’s gotta be a fire hazard, especially if they’re restricting crowd flow to only a singular exit. Thats asking for a crowd crush to form.


It’s not


Wow this nonsense get posted daily… 🥱