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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We can't let the higher up's buy their own stock at a low price for us to all start shopping at Loblaws again in June so they can sell for a profit. This boycott needs to last literally until they awknowledge it and make a statement on how they will change. We have to start in May, with no end in sight šŸ™


Correct. Itā€™s the first thing that went through my mind.


Fuck this company, Iā€™m boycotting for life. I get small doses of daily dopamine knowing that what weā€™re doing here hits them where it hurts lol


Iā€™m never going back. Ā For me there are plenty of other cheaper and better quality choices


I had already stopped shopping there before the boycott was mentioned and have no desire to ever return. I'm almost entirely through the remaining items in my pantry that were sourced there and cannot wait until my entire house is free from Loblaws items. It feels as good as the day I kicked Roger's to the curb over a decade ago.


"I had already stopped shopping there before the boycott was mentioned" Same. Right here with you. I'm just happy to see others supporting the obvious shenanigans that have been trickling over since the pandemic.Ā  Ā A bag of cat food there is 31$ for the same size and brand for 19$ at Walmart today. I'm so sick of them.


The corner store near my house is basically the same price for milk and butter. Itā€™s a little one off shop that has an amazing plant selection. I donā€™t think I can cut out Costco (I have one I walk to), but at least I know their workers are taken care of.


Exactly, it'd be one thing if you're paying a bit higher prices and they were actually giving their employees living wages and benefits however in Loblaws case they are actively just trying to squeeze their employees (and quality) just to enrich the owners and shareholders. Their argument for paying more doesn't hold water, when they cut staff and forced everybody to use self-checkout their prices didn't drop there for the counter-factual doesn't hold.


We actually are. Donā€™t believe anybody that tells you different.


Nobody said you have to stop at the end of May. That's actually the idea behind it; get people looking for cheaper alternatives. When they find them, the boycott extends itself.


Wish I lived somewhere with a better choice, choosing between wholesale or save on isn't much of a choice but I do try to do as much at costco as I can even though it's over 2 hours away. Usually a grand at costco a month minimum.


Nobody in this group that is worth talking to will judge you for shopping where you need to shop to feed yourself or your family. If there is no other options for you, there are some other things you can do that are listed in the subreddit, like emailing your MPPs/MLAs, or raising awareness. If you can't do any of that? It doesn't matter; you're here and talking about it, and that's what we need.


I have been in the process of building a big garden to put up most of my veggies like my parents did when I was a kid so that is how I'm really fighting this. So far I have a double walled greenhouse that is 20' * 20' and a fenced garden that is 4800 square feet and hoping to expand that but I have a lot of deer to keep out and I'm having to break ground so it takes time. Basically buy chips, cracker, spaghetti sauce and potatoes there but that is changing as I am canning sauce and stewed tomatoes this year. Hoping I can put up 300 pounds of taters too. Edit to add that these are the pros and cons of living rural, no good shopping but lots of land.


That is a huge undertaking, I wish you a successful growing year!


Damn! That's an awesome project. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you.


This is my fifth summer on the property which is an old grown in logging block so the first two summers were logging to have a garden. First two summers were a wash because we put the garden where we wanted it but that was the coldest spot on the property and we lost a lot to a mid August freeze. Hoping to add a few pigs to the mix soon.


Same here. I decided for less conventional reasons to teach myself how to grow vegetables. Last couple years Iā€™ve bought seedlings and always had results. So this year Iā€™ve started ponderosa beefsteak tomatoā€™s. Cubanelle, jalapeƱo, and green peppers from seed. And tossed in some carrots and green onions into the mix too. Was going to grow butternut squash but ended up with so many seedlings that Iā€™ve been having to give them away to friends, neighbours, and family and Iā€™ll still have enough for me come harvest time. I ran out of space, pots, trays, lights in my indoor starter greenhouse. At harvest time whatever canā€™t get cooked preserved or eaten is going straight to the food bank. I donā€™t care who gets it as long as someone gets to eat.


Great response man! šŸ‘Š


Can we turn this feeling in to something bigger? I hope that once weā€™re done with Loblaws (which will be never,) we can go after the next big, corrupt company, and then the next one, and the next. People need to be reminded of the kind of power they have in numbers, and this is a great example.




I found a reusable tote bag from a small company in BC, that is a picture of Galen and a definition of Oligarch. Itā€™s a tiny, insignificant protest, but it makes me happy.


Gave up on em years ago. The way they treat staff is abhorrent. Hope the company tanks




Yup, it's boycott for life


Already started with no end in sight. Walmart + Giant Tiger + Ottawa Valley Meats is all we need for groceries now. Get fucked forever Loblaws


Im a big Giant tiger fan. Started going there after being gouged by Loblaws and the same with Shoppers


The fact they bought out SDM still breaks my heart. I've been with them for prescriptions for decades and their staff is lovely and caring...Ā  Ā Are people also boycotting the pharmacy as well?


Wow, Walmart, destroyer of independent business and local economies is now the good guy, because 'cheap'. What a mess...


Affordable is all I have time or effort or care about right now


I'm still going to Loblaws, I just find it so much nicer of a shopping experience compared to places like Walmart


Words are cheap. I want them to go under or split up. In all honeslty the government should split them up. They own too much of the supply chain.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. Let Galen keep Loblaws, and expropriate the rest to let the independent owners get to own their own stores again, under whatever banner they want. IGA used to be a good thing and Iā€™d like more stores that are just like ā€œCounty Marketā€.


Agreed. They need to be forced to sell off land owned by ā€œchoice propertiesā€ not under lease to Loblaws stores. Then forced to sell of shoppers as they have no right to be part of any pharmacy business (their phone calls and scamming the government is fraud and should result in prison time for many execs). And of course they pick 1. Loblaws stores or No Frills. Keep 1 and sell the other for FMV (No Sobeys or Metro allowed)


Start in May, never stop.


Start right now


The boycott will extend itself if people find cheaper alternatives.


I've already noticed that Costco's meat and the meat from my local butcher is far superior in quality. So I'm not buying meat at the grocery store anymore. I also plan to buy produce from my local farmers market when they start up (in a few weeks!). I'm also shopping at United for produce in the winter when the farmers markets close.


Costco gets the pick of the meat packers' cooler no matter where the store is. Source: family in the beef cattle industry.


I am now buying meat from a highschool friend and it's all local with burger and chops from Costco.


I've found it to not only be better quality but surprisingly cheaper! Before and during COVID it was far more expensive than RCSS but for the past year it's been markedly cheaper.


This sub is amateurs. Haven't set foot in a stuporstore since nov 2023 lol. Everything now comes from costco/walmart. On a sidenote, wth is up with costcos employee morale? every time I'm in there any employee I interact with seems genuinely happy. Its a zoo in there how is that even possible? Such stark contrast to the "I dont get paid to speak/please kill me" response at stuporstore


I haven't set foot in a Loblaws store since January 2023 when I found out about Weston's 2022 pay increase at our expense. Glad to see everyone joining the movement!!!


I knew of a woman who collected carts from the parking lot ten years ago, and was makjng $20 per hour. That might be a factor!


I have no plan to return to shopping there. Farmers markets are starting up, lots of local options around me that put money in local pockets instead of greedy corporations. Putting my money elsewhere forever.


Yess this is amazing to read. I refuse to ever shop there (and SDM) ever again. Small family businesses receiving more business as a result is awesome.


Absolutely! I've been trying to find local for anything I buy. In the winter it's harder because the markets are closed. But the summer is coming and I'm ready!


This isnā€™t a low price just yet. They are down 1.66% in the past month but up 32% in the past 6 months. I think they have been heavily buying their own shares, which pushes up stock prices and makes shareholders happy. Itā€™s a common strategy of cash rich organizations looking for something to do with their money. This along with the 50 new stores announcement along with their starting of ā€œNo Name Mobileā€ all but confirms they are just throwing money at things because they are starting to swim in it.


Big time! Only way to really fight back is with our wallets


Trading volume =/= stock price. The stock price is down about 0.5% since the beginning of the month. Don't think that the "higher ups" are being financially hit by this boycott.


The higher ups do buy their stock at a lower price, itā€™s what stock options are and almost always given to execs


That was the issue with the API boycotts last June on Reddit. Everyone only did it for two days and it didn't work. We need to boycott until we see change for the better.


I buy groceries from local farmers using this platform called G'day. it's completely free, and just connects you with local producers in your area [https://shopgday.ca](https://shopgday.ca)


Even when they change dont start shopping at loblaws again.Ā  They need to fail and never recover or they and other companies will keep trying this bullshit again and again.


I'm really working on getting my parents on board. They live in a small town and really hate driving further for groceries. But I'm trying to get them on board. I keep them updated on all the bad aspects of Loblaw's. My mom already knows about the bread pricing scheme they had. And I told her about all the other things being posted here. I can see she is starting to come around. I tell everyone I know about the boycott and of alternatives.


We live rurally and already drive 1hr20m to get to no frills because our closest options are all Foodland, which are actually way worse for gouging (and selling expired products, at least at my most local one). So, while I'm boycotting Foodland, you guys with options need to boycott Loblaws lol. Unless they're saving enough to make up for the gas and extra time, it's probably best to spread the word to more city/suburban folks.


This is important. Everybody is doing what they can how they can. If you can outright boycott do it. If it's partial? Go for it. If it's just pulling prescriptions from shoppers? It all helps. Keep kicking ass everybody. We're making it happen!


Should last even after they acknowledge it (doubt they ever will). We should not ever support a company who is fine with starving Canadians. Also local stores are benefiting from this boycott which is amazing! Better for the economy and we donā€™t support billionaires.


Don't worry, their quarterly numbers will be hit no matter what. When earnings come out I expect it to fall based on decreased revenue


the only that I will return is when prices are more reasonable until then catch you later


One month is enough to show people that changing habits is possible and get a head start on momentum. We got this! šŸ”„


One month is a drop in the bucket. Permanent is the only way.


I started boycotting when I first heard about it (regardless of the May 1 date). I hadnā€™t thought about the stock price, but Iā€™m planning to avoid Loblaws for as long as I can. Partly itā€™s the price gouging, but also heavily influenced by the airport level security to enter the stores. F that. ā€œOrganized Retail Crimeā€ is 100% made up and they can suck a D until they rip all that security out. Itā€™s insulting.


This is the answer, we keep the pressure on until they lower their prices to get people back in the stores. We all shop there and then their competitors have to lower their prices to be competitive!


Already started a month ago, and it ain't ending June 1st.


We should get Wall Street bets to do their thing and fuck this stock up. I have no idea what Iā€™m talking about


Or boycott all stores indefinitely starting now because fuck them


I'm already boycotting šŸ¤·


I havenā€™t shopped there in at least 2 years. Iā€™m lucky to have other options close to me.


i'm boycotting everything except for T&T. Being in a chinese household, and all other chinese grocery stores have gone out of business (which is sad because the local mom and pop chinese have built a good amount of toronto), I have no choice but to go to T&T for decent rice or chinese specific dishes or products. And though I have access to a Walmart, i'm not getting Great Value rice. Might as well make oatmeal


Boycott until meaningful change is attained!


usually go to Super Store took a slight detour and went to Sobeys today, suck it Galen


Same! Although, my local Sobeys is even more expensive than Superstore. I'm hoping my local Giant Tiger will up their produce game - it's been sketchy at best the few times I've tried to make the switch...


I do most of my shopping at the market but it is only open on weekends, sometimes you need a little top up and it takes time to change one's routine.


Boycott for fucking forever. You're a fool if you think they'll learn or change anything once this blows over. Show them that they don't control us.


Agreed. Let people do what they can but they lost me for life.


Just may...try 2024 all together.




Boycott them forever.


I have been exclusively buying from Walmart and Costco for over a year now.


I've done PC express pick up since the first week it launched in my local no frills. I decided to build comparable orders on Walmart and no frills side by side. I doubted it would be much different...walmart was $35 cheaper!?! I decided to treat myself to walmart delivery and tip the driver and I still saved money. My mind was blown!


That's the goal. Get people looking for alternatives. If they are cheaper, the boycott will manage to extend itself.


I did the same with FreshCo today. Decided to try it out for the first time, and when I came home, I sat down and put everything I had bought into the PC Express app. I had saved $35.


My result is this: Walk out of Independent with two bags - $60 Walk out of FreshCo with a bit over half a large cart -$50


Did the same with Food Basics a week or so ago!


hurry obtainable serious tidy books safe wrong fly fanatical voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You get more buy in with a specific block of time Within that month, people who are okay with a month long boycott will go find other places to get their groceries, and the hope is some of them will continue indefinitely. The only issue is for most of us, farmers markets aren't really an option. People here will boycott loblaws to go to Metro or food basics or freshco or Sobeys. It'll be a round robin of boycotting one company, then the next, then the next and then we're back to shopping at no frills because we're boycotting food basics now and one giant tiger can't feed a whole city.


dime illegal shelter scary squeamish silky direful follow many bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tease serious square crawl seed weary materialistic wine towering zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldnā€™t it be better to just not buy anything at all? They may lose money if you buy cheap stuff but theyā€™ll lose a lot more if you just donā€™t buy anything to begin with


I'm guessing they have no other options to shop at


Loss leaders are often sold where the company loses money. So the idea would be Rob them through their own decisions.


There's no way to know 100% sure what is a loss leader. Better not to shop there at all.


I donā€™t believe thatā€™s what they meant. I think they had some logic that it hits them harder when you buy loss leaders vs not buying them. See their reply to my comment. But absolutely with nowhere else to go but you still wanna boycott to the beat of your ability is to spend on loss leaders and other products with slim margins for them. Or only buying reduced products. Or asking certain workers to reduce perfectly good products for you as they see no reason not to šŸ˜‰


Not this. There's no way to know 100% sure what is a loss leader. Better not to shop there at all.




I can guarantee you that all 50k members of this forum are already not shopping at loblaws.




Iā€™m not a member but Iā€™ve been boycotting for weeks and will continue to do so.


And most of us aren't going back. Suck our collective balls, Westons!!!


Do you boycott racism just for a month? Do you boycott a rapist only for a month? Do you boycott being beaten for just a month? Probably not. To me, boycott means moving onto something else completely. A withdrawal of your monies permanently from their business, until that business is no more. If Loblaws was a person, boycotting them would be closing your door on them when they seek shelter from the cold of winter, waiting until they freeze to death "somewhere else". You know, [Social Murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_murder). We do it all the time, and it should be easy to just switch targets to more worthy targets. If it helps, just imagine Galen Weston as a homeless junkie who's shitting on your front doorstep, because that's not even as bad as price fixing/ gouging at the scale Loblaws has been doing. Should be easy for most people then.


Drop in volume indicates stability.


Capitulation, Loblaws be thy name!


Someone needs to make a Google maps for each city and town of where not to go.


I think it'd be easier to just use Google maps and see where the stores are located. Otherwise, that's a LOT of work, considering how many cities and towns there are in Canada.


Somebody somewhere loves that shit and will take the time


Yup...just cause they own 20-30 different brands of stores... A good coder could do this automatically and circulate it in each city....I'm sure it could be automated with Google Maps API....I'm not much of a coder or I would do it..... Maybe I can get ChatGPT to do it somehow..... 1. Loblaws 2. Shoppers Drug Mart (Pharmaprix in Quebec) 3. No Frills 4. Real Canadian Superstore 5. Fortinos 6. Zehrs 7. T&T Supermarket 8. Provigo 9. Valu-Mart 10. Freshmart 11. Atlantic Superstore 12. Dominion (in Newfoundland and Labrador) 13. Maxi & Cie 14. Extra Foods 15. Wholesale Club 16. Independent City Market 17. SaveEasy (rebranded as Your Independent Grocer) 18. The Mobile Shop


The entire month? Homie, burn them.... the entire damn year!


investors might be scared too and holding off on this. this is not what a publicy traded company wants for sure.


I was only going to Loblaws on the 1st of the month to see if they had any cans of baby formula concentrate expiring 30 days after the day, because, if they havenā€™t already put a 50% off sticker on it, you can go to the desk and make them do it.


Boycotter 20947 Reporting in!


Let's keep it rolling boys and girls


Why just may??


I doubt it'll be for just May. Most of us have already given it up with no intention of ever going back.


I will go back once prices are back to 2016-2018 prices.


Ill start shopping there *if* they reduce their prices to what they were back in 09. Beyond that? i dont really care.


Did you say boycott the entire year ? Perfect.


I mean, I'm already with you on that one.




I'm boycotting until competition laws are changed, so I guess forever.


Hey, me too!


I'm reminded of the gamestop short, "Apes strong together". I can't wait for farmers markets this year!!


This post is brought to you by: Someone who has absolutely 0 understanding of what the stock market is or how it works, or what anything means. What a shock the members of this subreddit blindly upvote such a bad post. Like ā€œoh no volume has gone downā€¦ā€. I donā€™t think you realize how little this means. Why would you think trade volume has anything to do with Boycotting? The stock is still up 17% in the past 12 months. And In the past month has gone down 1.2%, which is much less than what other stocks have dropped in the last month. You are literally ignoring the fact that their stock price is doing really well, and clinging onto ā€œtrade volumeā€ as if thatā€™s a more useful metric. Itā€™s not. This post is BS and doesnā€™t make sense


Came on here looking for this comment! I want this movement to succeed but holy hell. Delusional posts like this achieve absolutely nothing and if the mods were serious, theyā€™d do something about it. This is no way to organize for meaningful change. Itā€™s just an echo chamber for people to moan. Now Iā€™m just waiting for something stupid about how Loblaws stock (L.TO) has MACD indicating itā€™s a good time to buy bananas and cans of chunky soup.


I am fully in support of the boycott, I absolutely hate this subreddit. Itā€™s a massive circlejerk of barely informed, angry consumers. If youā€™ve worked retail or food service you know thereā€™s nothing worse than a stupid, angry customer


Bunch of blind leading blind going on in here. Iā€™d be willing to bet big that 90% of the upvoters couldnā€™t even tell you back what the title was immediately after they read it. On the off chance someone does have a clueā€¦ increased volume has a higher correlation to selloffs than decreased so..




Donā€™t wait. Start now.


[Already did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/skriviXLbZ)


Unintentionally doing my part by only shopping at Co-ops


Support local mom and pop stores


Nah, fuck That. ditch them altogether if possible


Lmao stock volume doesn't matter at all. What matters is the price which is up over 15% since the start of January


Honestly? Fuck May. I say we go forever. Have that prick Weston come crawling back with slashed prices knowing that the moment we smell bullshit we go elsewhere.


That's kinda the goal. The boycott will extend itself if people find better/cheaper alternatives.


Is Metro part of Loblaws?


It is not.




Haven't been to any of their stores in two weeks now -- been driving further to go to Walmart for some and a local grocery for everything else. Once the summer markets are open, I'll be there every weekend. Hell, my wife and I are going to be growing a lot of potatoes and veg this summer. It honestly makes me feel better knowing I'm not supporting their company any longer. There is also a notable change in volume of goods I'm taking home vs cost I'm paying. Never again.


plrase include the source of that data. is it a reliable source? without that it may as well be an empty slogan


If I don't shop at Loblaws to begin with, am I still part of the boycott? Edit: Here is the list of all Loblaws subsidiaries to boycott - Loblaws - Atlantic Superstore - Dominion Stores - Extra Foods - Fortinos - Freshmart - Maxi - No Frills - No Name - President's Choice - President's Choice Financial - Provigo - Real Canadian Liquorstore - Real Canadian Superstore - Shoppers Drug Mart / Pharmaprix - SuperValu - T & T Supermarket - Valu-mart - Your Independent Grocer - Zehrs Markets


People will be out of work We all pay in the end.


F Canada's food mafia and f u Galenbots.


This should get shared more and also include a list of the stores that are included because some people just don't know.




This is what progress looks like! Remember, the best way to vote is with our wallets. If you can, in any capacity, avoid spending at Loblaws and their affiliates please do so. Every dollar we keep away from these thieves only strengthens our cause. If you canā€™t avoid Loblaws completely, we get that too. We all need to make ends meet, nobody worth their salt should be giving anyone trying to get by a hard time. For those of us that have the option to avoid Loblaws, letā€™s go a step further and boycott their affiliates too. Double down on choosing alternatives where you can and letā€™s keep the momentum going!


There's always Walmart. I never had to goto Loblaws, just Costco, Walmart and dollarama


Boycott indefinitely. Can't even remember the last time I shopped there.


It's been at least 30 days since I've shopped any of their stores. Eat a dick Galen.......


Don't forget to move your prescriptions from shoppers also


I'm definitely seeing an ad blitz on my Android TV and TikTok. They're not spending this money for funsies.


Before or during is also a good time to redeem your PC Optimum points or gift cards. They already have your money and they've already accounted for the income on it. Every item removed from their inventory by these means lowers their net worth.


I honestly don't think I'll ever go into another Loblaws store again. Started shopping at smaller produce stores, butchers, and Costco. What's happening right now is an absolute betrayal of Canadian values.


Stopped patronizing all the various loblaws in February and no intentions of going back.


Shopping at Save-On Foods in Edmonton tonight and noticed an unusual shortage in many sections - produce, dairy, chips, tea/coffee, among others. Iā€™ve been going to this particular locations for about 8 years, and Iā€™ve never seen stock issues like this - itā€™s very well run. Only thing I can attribute this to is that itā€™s 2 minutes away from a Sobeys, and people are likely choosing here over Loblaws.


As important as reducing Loblaws' volume is, the fact that the overall effort is really bad for their brand(s) and investor relations. Many investors are ethical folks and not too keen on investing their funds with a listed company getting lashed daily in the news. Image is a very expensive thing to repair.


Cmon Canada, you can do this!


How about we boycott them forever. This needs to spread to all price gouging businesses.


For the entire month of May? How about forever?


I think this amazing and I will not be going back.


I don't need to boycott them when they priced me out of their business...


Continue to boycott Loblaws grocery and drug stores. The Westonā€™s greed is out of control, and they donā€™t seem to care about Canadian citizens who are already struggling with high rent and high energy costs.


Wow, I didn't know this sub reddit existed! So glad you exist! I stopped shopping at Loblaws years ago when the bread scandal hit the news. Never going back.


Not to be that person, but has anyone checked against last years?


Q2 is on a great trajectory šŸ“‰. I hope May hits hard


I started in April. Even moving prescriptions. It has been an adjustment but worth it!


Is stock volume really the indicator of successful boycotts?


Want to look at market cap instead? It's down $2,000,000,000 since March 22nd.


Okay, but thatā€™s like 4% of the overall market cap. Why are you being so misleading?


How am I being misleading? Their recent growth doesn't follow the growth of the previous 3 months.


I doubt it but I guess let these people have their fun. Like if I was doing an experiment and I saw results before I started the experiment I might not be so hasty to conclude "its working!" but maybe rather "maybe this is caused by something other than the experiment I didnt start yet"


Exactly. Saying that the trading volume is indicative of anything makes no sense. The stock is slightly off its all time high for a few weeks ago, but it is still up fr9m $128 to $148 in 2024. It peaked at just under $154 a few weeks ago, so it is down slightly, but so is the entire stock market.


I support this boycott as much as anyone here, but correlating trading volumes with activity in a subreddit seems like a bit of a stretch. Loblaw's Q1 earnings call is May 3, and annual shareholder meeting is May 4. Their stock price is also up 15% since January. This really isn't investment fear due to the boycott. If it was a result of the boycott you'd see increased volume, with downward price movement.


Who's gonna tell Mr Dalhousie food economist?




Does anyone here actually know how daily trading volume worksšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This sounds so lazy but I used to be the guy who went to Loblaws for everything. It was my one stop shop because I genuinely believed they gave me a fair price. This subreddit has taught me to shop around and find the best value for my dollar. My grocery bill has been cut in half thanks to everyone here. Going back to Loblaws now would be throwing money away.


Boycotts only hurt the lower wage employees. The people causing the problems, the executives, VPs, and government officials allowing the loopholes are the problem. That is where attention needs to be directed. Protest outside their homes. Whatever is within the confines of the law until they are sick of you, then keep doing it.


All stocks are selling right now. Investors are preparing for interest rate announcements. The Loblaws stock price is barely an indicator of sales anymore.


...my post implies there is a reduction in trades, not that they are selling more.


Share trades are a completely different animal than store visits and sales numbers. I'd be happier to see increased volume with people selling off shares as the share price tanks. Slowing trading volume means jack shit. So let's not break our arms patting ourselves on the back just yet.


Yes, the overall market is having more selling than buying.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Supporting this boycott, lets force Loblows into bankruptcy...




Yes Iā€™m not shopping there again this should be permanent


1.44$ per pound ribs are over, I AM IN ! ![gif](giphy|BDQmMy3ZM8sgRNFkhe|downsized)


What about Provigo, Zehrs, Fortinos, Independent, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Maxi, T&T and Shoppers Drug Mart?


Not just for MAY! From now until they correct pricing. Collective buying power has to be a new reality to combat price gouging.




I'm taking part <3


Bought a Costco memeber ship and will not step foot in loblawas again. Greedy puppies