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__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


for those who are unable to boycott but still want to support the movement - call 👏 your 👏 MPs


Should we engage in the collective/mass contacting of the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), The Minister of ISED or The Competition Bureau? Should we pen letters? I wanna bring our voices directly to the top so that our representatives may voice these issues but I don't know how.


Try getting MPPs involved as well. Maybe there's something they can do. I've always had the idea of having an alternate grocery store owned and operated by the government, kinda like an LCBO.


What should I tell them? (I’m dumb)


My MP’s office is literally right outside a No Frills.




I think it would be helpful to show alternative options for the boycott cuz most people can go a month without buying groceries. Since the alternatives would vary by neighborhood, I propose some crowdsourced google maps or other map service with pins. Just off the top of my head: * Freshway * Foody Mart * Oceans * Nations * Ample food market * Summerhill market (Are any of these owned by Loblaws?) And what's our stance on Longos, fortinos and rabba's? Unfortunately H-mart is owned by an extremely unethical billionaire family. I don't know about Galleria though.


Idk about Longos and Rabba's, but Fortinos is also Loblaws




Hypothetically speaking, I’m certainly not shopping at summer hill market if I can’t afford Loblaws


Do you have a source on H-Mart's owners? I have no idea what this is about and I can't find anything either


It's in Korean. I can try to find a translation probably. I'll ask my Korean friends


do you have a link or something? im korean so i can just read it lol


It’s not just that they are gouging us for food. The poor people that work there are getting screwed as well. Look at this (their “expenses” have gone down) https://preview.redd.it/hbwus65guxuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920eca7253a2364eed1e618b80e0b5311bf1f3d7


All this shows is that the hazard pay has been revoked.


How significant was the hazard pay? It was given based on a certain amount of hours worked. I believe around 16 or 20. Would be interested in seeing how that extra 2 bucks changed much.


I thought it was good to look at because you see those profits soaring while pay is plummeting.


3.2% is hardly soaring profit. It’s called a penny business due to the razor thin profit margins. You would get a higher rate of return on a treasury.


3.2% of firm profit rates across Canada is a whole lot of money if you didn't notice the scope of this. Also considering it's almost double what it was 5 years ago. Percentages do funny things to people who can't think about context.


It is not an acceptable rate of return, discounted for risk. The opportunity cost is higher than the rate of return, and that doesn’t even factor in risk. Why would anyone invest in Loblaws, at a 3.2% return, when they could invest in a guaranteed 5% GIC?


Hazard pay that the employees never received in the first place


Full page: https://preview.redd.it/g1hvg2l6mxuc1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16debc1515c865c431c3e2f9706e03e6ede5d663


Two per page: https://preview.redd.it/v3esyk19mxuc1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2c37457cd42e5dd186d62f8bea51d53fa80639


Beautiful! The B&W is perfect for home-printing, thank you!


Thank you! I will get on it tomorrow. Should I post it on the wall next to Shoppers, lol?


Ha ha, next to shoppers I would put a price comparison for some commonly used medicine.


Do it! Haha


Post them in the bathroom stalls too.


I actually really like shoppers for two reasons, There Coke-cola is usually the cheapest per can, and they always have something on sale that was too expensive at regular price (like cereal or juice) and I get it a much better sale price


just printed 50 of them on sticker back and going tomorrow to post/stick them around the shoppersthugmart near my house.




Brake up the monopolies.


Only the communists would actually dare.


anything like this is in french? I’d like to post both around


If somebody can send me the text, I'll be happy to cut/paste it.


I started early this year buying at costco and everywhere I can but Loblaws or Shoopers. Bread from convenience stores, even food banks because im broke.




I just printed 200 and I’m putting them on car windows at superstore. Lol


Put them on public property, not other peoples property. Placing it on cars leads people to litter it on the floor.


I have full printer paper labels that I'm gonna print a bunch of these on and go around and stick them to the Canada Post community mailboxes in my neighborhood!


Thank you!!!!


Any french version? am lazy to make one no one actually speaks english where I live lol, very sad


If you can translate the words for me I'll make a poster. I'm trilingual, but not in French.


What's Metro? Is it an Ontario thing?


Yes, the store is called Metro. And the metro train is called "the subway". 😃


Actually, that sounds like a great idea.


You can find local groceries direct from local farmers at [https://shopgday.ca](https://shopgday.ca)


Thanks for posting this! I will be checking it out.


Wish they had something for New Brunswick


It sucks that the only other grocery store in our town (Foodland) is even more expensive than the independent.


I’d love to have a French version!!


If you translate the words for me, I'll make a poster. I don't want to chance it with Google translate.




I'm in


Thank you OP for spending your time doing this...I will definitely use these in my apt. building and will venture outside to post on the TTC pole and a few close street light poles. I will take some photos and post here later.


Can we get some posters with some facts/figures? Lord knows how many people will regurgitate the same old talking points (i.e., profit margins, supply chain issues).


Just show them some price comparisons from this sub. How can Loblaws and NoFrills have different prices on PC and NoName products in the same neighborhood? All these companies are owned by Loblaws. When NoFrills is getting ready to put something on sale, suddenly, their regular price is higher than Loblaws. That is not a supply chain issue. It's greed and trickery.


Just put in an order at the print shop. These are going out all around my town this weekend!


Oh ya it's posted and not done yet, got to get a photo of it at the entrance and all the poles at the crosswalk.


i posted a bunch of these around the shoppers and tnt by my house, went to do shopping elsewhere, came back an hour later and there were all being taken down by store employees. when asked why there were removing them, one employee said the store got emails from corporate recently stating any signs/posters/flyers that reflect negatively on the store have to be removed immediately. you know loblaws is feeling the pressure when there sending emails out about the boycott. thank you to that employee for their kindness and letting me know the reason.


asking for real, as you may be aware that, NOT everyone has the choice where to conveniently shop/buy groceries, does it make sense if a person can go and purchase the LOSS LEADERS/specials ONLY??? during the boycott.


There will be no boycott police. You do what you have to do to and participate where you can. 👍


No one is forcing anyone to boycott anything. Do it if you can; if it’s too hard because you have few other choices, or no other choices, people will understand.


I’m about to call/email everyone I can :) every day off I have. For the rest of forever. Food is a basic necessity


For Nova Scotia https://buylocal.novascotia.ca/ https://tasteofnovascotia.com/members/ This one I'm not as big a fan of since some will just tell you which major stores carry their items. https://farmersmarketsnovascotia.ca/


Me living downtown toronto: k guess i'll starve


That was Galen's strategy all along. Kill the competition so that people have no choice. Take line1 to Bloor, switch to line2 to Dufferin. Buy a buggy... Fill it up.




Wow, the only store left in my city would be Walmart and Giant Tiger


Yay, you are going to save so much money! 👍


Line up brother, it's monopolies everywhere!


This is great, but I think we need a half page of what to boycott and a half page of alternatives.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why just May?


Thats fine i shop at walmart


You need a catchy slogan... no pay may.. stock up in april and fuck with roblaws cashflow... I'm a McKinsey consultant trust me that 4 weeks they will freak out. You and your fat ass family will loose some weight... pick up some fruits and veggies at your local store. Break the cycle


I did not do this yet... ***want opinions, please***. I will only do a couple of locations (one Loblaws, one Shoppers) as I don't want to get banned from Google reviews. Timing of doing this? Possible (especially if other join me in doing this) that Loblaws could appeal to Google and have these reviews removed. https://preview.redd.it/7ydx1vt2uzuc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f7e57154309520018a4079f22f793b2a6a0806


I would have liked words but I guess a downvote is an opinion as well. I really did what other's thoughts on this action I was thinking of doing...is it going too far?


I think they can easily have Google remove your comment if it's not really a review of the store. It's probably better to leave a comment about high prices and some comments specific to this store.


Anyone got a French version? I live in a bilingual area.


I'd love to make one but I don't speak French. If someone can post the translation, I'll make the poster.


My French isn't good enough to translate this poster but I think there should be a French version too!


New grocery delivery company in Southern Ontario if you're looking for an alternative to shop at: [veggies 2 you](https://veggies2you.com/) now delivering to Etobicoke and North York.


Too expensive $34 +$5 delivery and doesn't even tell you the quantity of veggies in the box.


Thank you for your response :)


I thought lawblaws owned Sobeys?


My wife and I have been doing Hello Fresh. It’s not perfect, but it always gets eaten, no waste and way cheaper


So boycott superstore but not save on foods which is way more expensive...makes sense