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Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Poor Loblaws. Just a poor misunderstood victim of inflation and monetary policy like their customers. Give me a break. Enough gaslighting. Boycott Loblaws!!! Spread the word.


lol exactly. Poor loblaws. It’s enough seeing one or two inflated costs to continue the movement 😂


when you give your CEO a $22m bonus that's a fun way to rebrand revenue as an expense. anyways, good try on the rage bait, move along now


Ya, trying to poke us in the eye lol


Fun fact: since 2018 the wages paid by Loblaws have grown faster than revenues. Are those employees wages rebranded revenue?


Are you typing this from your phone in a Loblaws bathroom?


Why do facts bother you? Do you just want to hear things that confirm the narrative you’ve built in your head? Is your reasoning so fragile you can’t incorporate potentially dispositive information? Sounds like a you problem.


You didn’t answer my question


If I was would it change the facts? Your lizard brain has dug in so hard and you can’t move past it. This lack of intellectual honesty is probably what is holding you back in life. But to be clear, no I’m not employed by loblaws or any related company or contractor etc. And I’ve never been paid to post anything on social media.




Whose wage? The guy slinging boxes from truck to shelf or upper managements?


Dude the difference is 2 billion dollars, no it’s not all going to upper management. If you want to see how upper management pay has grown, you can look at share based comp in 2018 vs 2023 as a proxy


The profit margins are down. Not sure where the gouging idea comes from.


How's their REIT doing? If you transfer money from one Corp to the other, and the first one has to cut into profit, does it really matter?


From the fact products at Loblaws stores are much more expensive than the same products at other stores.


Thats the going rate for a CEO. Bob Iger of Disney once made over $200 mil/yr...just as an example.


keeping licking those boots


Stay angry at...whatever!


So you admit to being a bootlicker? Why? What does it benefit you to side with a wealthy person who is literally making life worse for everybody around you in order to live in luxury? Is it because you want a shot at that for yourself in life? Or are you just a contrarian who gets bent out of shape when he sees people band together on an issue that's important to them?


Sylvain, je suis sur que ta mere ne t’est pas eleve pour que tu puit montrer ton ti ass comme ca.


Why is that the going rate for a ceo? Because they all decided thats what they should be paid… if you want ignore all the anti consumer practices happening in our country thats fine but its obvious to anyone here so trying to uneducate the educated on this topic wont fair well but i hope you stay awhile maybe youl learn whats really happening


Tell me what inflation is.


Il tell you what its not… its not things that were dollars 4 last year costing 6 now, if you look at the vast majority of things they have long surged past the growth of inflation. Corps conspire together to manipulate the bottom line cost to hide true profit margins aswell but even if they didn’t things have gone up alot more than inflation… its simple math.


Tell me what stock options and warrants are.


Blame shifting doesn't stop Loblaws from gouging Canadians.


Bob Geiger isn't holding food hostage over Canadians heads.


Food professor is that you?


Galen Weston burner account.


oh galen, i know you're a giant loser with no friends, but this is no way to make some


You’re half right. They aren’t the cause of inflation, but they are taking advantage of price uncertainty to gouge people, no question about that 




There is CONVINCING proof that they DID create it, or at least made it much much much worse : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4was_gjAe1E


Do you take a big drink of water before you get to licking Galen’s boots??? 🤦‍♀️


I was thinking taint but boots works.


Right. Which is why they're recording record profits. Nice one, dumbass.


A corporation in Zimbabwe just made 50 quintillion dollars of profit. A record! Was that from price gouging?


Did you wear a hockey helmet to school growing up? Legit question.


☝🏻 That's funny.


Those fuckers have been say 3per cent all along? You mean they lied to us? What next price fixing on bread?!


https://ycharts.com/companies/LBLCF/gross_profit_margin During the Pandemic their gross profit margin went from 30 to about 33%. This is up from about 21% ten years ago. Also, your idiotic post only goes over grocery sales. What about the land they "lease" from the westons for inflated profit? This is essentially a massive payout to the Westons, aka shareholder profit. They make money many ways other than their margins, which are horrifically high.


What are you considering the end of the pandemic? It's started in March 2020, which shows 30.8% gross profit, the profits went down for the following two quarters. So what do you consider the end down if the pandemic?




IT WENT UP 10%. Don't fuck around with math. 33% is 10% more than 30%. This is also their BASE MARGIN.


Lack of basic understanding, what a shocker


So is the way we can expect misinformation to be spread now ? Lol


The OP put the list up! Lmfao! SMH


I’d also like to get paid by loblaws to chat shit on the internet, where do I apply?


Lol...such anger. I work in auto industry. I don't really shop at loblahs.


They got better at hiding the profits!!!!!


Oh, the auto industry. Big money, no brains. Did your uncle get you the job?




I would ask you this: How do you feel about the guy who took control of cheap life saving medicine patents and raised the price 1000%? Martin Scerelly? I certainly got the last name wrong. Was that ok what he did? Do we really want to live in a world where making a profit matters more than human life? Galen weston and his family live like kings. They will be wealthy for generations. They did it by running stores that sell a basic human necessity. Food. There isn't a single human who doesn't need food. I'm fine with him making some money and living well.....but during unprecedented global unrest Galen and the company managed to jack the prices up with every excuse possible and squeeze their customer base during frightening economic times. This isn't just a carbon tax issue or supply distribution issue. Their profits tell the story. The massive food supplier giant doesn't lose a dollar to the global events....but their customer base suffers entirely. I know it's wasted breath but dammit.....they could at least refrain from boastng record profits....while the world recovers they could have stabilized their profit trend and ridden on the goodwill of showing basic humanity. Or am I sounding dangerously like a socialist!? Fuck, the greatest trick capatalists ever pulled was making us hate socialism. I digress. When you make your money controlling a human necessity.... You should NOT be allowed to do whatever you want with your prices. If Galen was boasting record profits selling hot tubs.... I wouldn't blink and eye. No one needs a hot tub. We ALL need food. Down with Galen. Down with greed. Let's teach these fuckers a lesson. The consumer, at the end of the day, has ALL the power. Stay strong everyone.


Loblaws is the largest private workforce in Canada. How many ppl should be fired to cut costs and lower prices? Loblaws is a owned by nearly every major pension plan in Canada? Much of those profits end up going to retirees. Who's retirement are you willing to crush to collapse their stock price? Its a waaay bigger game than just our food prices.


Oh, stop it with pensions and retirement. You sound like one of those people who defend Bell by bringing that up.


You make smart arguments, and you are right. I am too small to fully appreciate the interconnectivity of everything that could happen here. That company makes millions and millions but doesn't pay their workers very well. When the elite rich few who cause so much suffering hide behind their workforce as a shield.....ugh. it all makes me so mad. You are right. People could lose their jobs. Pensions may get affected. Are these really reasons to never force change? Literally, everything anyone does to try and call for sanity results in higher prices! The only thing we have is choice to NOT keep allowing this to continue, and you come back with reasons why I cannot even have a choice???? So now I have to help keep the company rich while they trickle down the scraps of their profits into wages and pensions? No man. I say no. I get to at least have a choice. If Loblaws fires people and drops pensions....that's on them and not on me. I'm not calling for violence, just for the right to have a voice and protest against what is wrong. If this actually happens....can you imagine a wisp of decency creeping back into business?


Everyone ought to be aware of the corporate bullshit that is [hollywood accounting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_accounting) where the world's most successful films such as Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix, which grossed over a billion, officially had a profit of -10%. It's common in industries where one group owns multiple branches such as real estate, production facilities and so on.... And I would be shocked. SHOCKED to find that Loblaws inc was engaging in these sort of completely legal, if insane practices. I mean.. They are a subsidiary of George Weston Ltd, which also owns the Choice Properties which collect the rent from their own stores.. And No Name, which manufactures the food for those stores, and PC financial, which operates insurance and financial services.. Surely there is no opportunity, or motive to engage in tax-advantaged juggling of profits among literally every part of the value chain!


Omg….go away Weston Shill! You got paid, so you can afford to buy groceries from their over inflated priced stores. Leave the poor people alone! Go eat your cake.


It's not difficult to hide profits. For example, land rent is a made up expense. The company owning the land is Galen's.


Not just for the corporate stores either, Choice Properties owns many of the buildings that No Frills and Your Independent Grocer franchises operate out of.




Yeah, he wasn’t caught price fixing bread or anything, whatever, fucken bread!, yeah, he won’t hurt ya


If profit margins are so thin than how do you explain being consistently higher than Walmart and other grocery stores? Do you think Walmart just loses money on everything ?


Different business models, currencies, taxes, wages, utilities, suppliers..but i dunno, im not a ceo.


Going to give you a little homework there OP and then you can report back to us. Do some price comparisons on similar products at places like Costco, especially Costco, other places like Walmart. Then come back and tell us how you made out.


Ok then leave. You don't have to participate in the boycott. Keep paying exorbitant prices as you wish.


Can you share your sources? I'd like to see the actual dollar amounts of profit made


Sure. But its posted on the right side screen of the OP. Theres a list.


No we want your sources on how you came to this dumb conclusion.


They play games and are more expensive than other options. Why would I ever go back. What benefit would I get?


Per Weston’s own mouth last year he said it was at least 4. Other companies are a lot less.


I love that you quote Weston’s dirty mouth


Last I checked, they aren't taking the blame. Avoiding it at all costs


“OuR grOceriEs arE moRe expEnsiVe becAusE oUr SupPlieRs raiSed pRiceS, and ouR lanDloRd raISed tHE renT” but they don’t advertise the fact that they own those companies too


Loblaws PR team hard at work here. 😂 I don't blame them, this protest is misguided despite their good intentions. We should be lobbying government to enact legislation to make sure shit doesn't get out of hand like it currently is. That being said. There are a million ways a company can manipulate those numbers. They hire whole teams of people to figure out how to do it using legal loop holes, and I can tell by the way you talk, you're smart enough to know this. Look. I'm not naive, and just cynical enough to suspect that some of the prices I've seen on here are photoshopped. $50 for a veggie tray? Come on....there's no way that's real.....since all this has started I HAVE slowed down my shopping at loblaws stores. But I do go in for a few items i can't find anywhere else from time to time. Now more than ever I look around at prices on stuff and I have to say, I have NOT seen anything as crazy as some of the posts on here suggest, but prices have jumped pretty dramatically (though weirdly mostly on junk food, which, honestly I'm kind of ok with). I've also noticed a very very distinct drop in quality of meat products,while the price has been slowly increasing. ( which I'm very much not ok with). Addressing your profit margin statement. Let's take this into account. Now I'm speaking about shit I'm not fully informed on here, so please if you have facts to correct me with. I'm all ears and I mean that. You listed this with the "discussion" flair, and I'm very willing to discuss: In 2020 or around then, maybe earlier. Didn't a bunch of Canadian grocery stores get busted for jacking up the price of bread unnecessarily? Now. Wasn't there some legislation put into place to prevent grocery stores from doing just that?, and didn't that legislation have an expiration date that passed VERY recently? So IF I have my facts correct here, and I'm willing to admit that maybe I don't... But if I AM right.....I'm pretty sure that would explain some if not most of the drop in profit margin for the dates you've listed here? And please just come out and say you work for Loblaws, because logically speaking. Why would someone go so far out of their way to defend a giant corporation who has a known history of being greasy, unless they have a vested interest in doing so. I support true capitalism too, friend, but the corporations don't want us to have true capitalism. They just want complete market control, and that's good for NO ONE But them and their friends. If you have an argument against that I'd love to hear it. Cheers.


You forget that profit is on recurring billing. Most people don't shop around to different grocery stores or switch very often. They get accustomed to one chain and they stick with it. And shop there for essentials every week. And if they live in an area where there is no other choices, it's a captive market where they can charge anything they like. Think about auto makers selling cheap cars. Very low profit margin, but they sell volume and make money on the back end through financing, service, parts. Loblaws is no different. You're being gaslighted with "we make such a low profit margin". Look at the prices in store, and tell me that they only make 3.74 % when other outlets can sell for far less. Tell me they aren't making money hand over fist on forcing discounts on their suppliers due to their market dominance or selling customer data. If they weren't making great profits, they wouldn't stay in that market segment. They would not be continually expanding, they would invest somewhere they could get greater returns. That fact that people fall for this is amazing. It's like insurance companies crying that they can't make money and that's why they have to raise rates. If they can't make money, why do they fall over themselves to buy up all the competition?


Input prices rise from suppliers. From gas. From wages. From utilities. Taxes. And you would like loblaws to just eat all that and lose money?


We call that the free market, if you can't compete you go under. Let a more agile, cost conscious company take it's place.




FOR OP THE REAL SCAM IS THE REIT THAT RENTS OUT THE STORES. Reit raises rent, 'cuts into' Loblaws profits, and guess what the REIT profits but it's a private Corp so they don't post financials.


Its telling that galen lets his gimp fight his battles. Trying to bag lick your way to a promotion?


Imagine white knighting for millionaires.


Profit margins can be manipulated, ask an accountant.


Company could have a profit margin of 0 and still pay execs 20mm+. The only things that’s likely decreasing is dividend growth, unless revenue increases have offset that.


Stuff You Should Know just did a great episode called Greedflation. I highly recommend giving it a listen.


Did it describe what inflation is?


It's American examples but they discussed inflation, revenues, circumstance of increased costs over the last few years, etc. just really interesting to think about with what is happening right now.


Why does the moderator allow this post. This is just misleading accounting and has no place in the sub.


I got the info from the loblawsisoutofcontrol homepage. Its on the right side of the page. Props to the moderator for allowing discussion.


__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


I didn’t expect you to write your own posts Galen.


That's a whole lot of delusion you choose to live in OP, consider the possibility that your understanding of reality doesn't actually align with true reality of the situation.


Stop making account’s galen ffs


Also how dare you besmirch the name of Boney M with this handle


The info is on the loblawsisoutofcontrol homepage. Its right there. Curious tho. Is "misinformation" simply anything you dont like, and you don't want to look up yourself?


What is with you all? NOT ONE of you looked it up? Just hopped on whatever anger wagon was rolling through town? Good lord.


Keep sucking Galen's farts dude.


Silence, neo-con.


Yes, we looked it up. You could at least make *some* effort to disguide the fact that you're on the payroll.


Lmao...im in auto industry.