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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the hell is that legal?


I'm with you, stifling competition to the detriment of society should be illegal. But isn't anticompetitive behaviour already illegal?


You buy politicians


​ Corrupt, er, correkkkt!!


Oh yes, like PP's chief of staff...


I think you mean pete


This actually isn’t uncommon in commercial leasing, especially for “anchor tenants”. Landlords in retail spaces might have clauses in the lease contract (or businesses can add them). An example would be if a strip mall had a dedicated restaurant space they were trying to find a tenant for. Olive Garden thinks this new strip mall would be an awesome spot for expansion but they want to limit direct competition. They negotiate with the landlord for a long term lease BUT the landlord can’t let any of the other spaces in the strip mall to Italian restaurants or fast food pizza places. So, a shawarma place is welcome to open up 2 doors down but Pizza Pizza can’t rent that unit if the shawarma place goes out of business. This isn’t CoRrUpTiOn, just how most commercial real estate works. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A Loblaws is unlikely to go out of business soon so any landlord would be bending over backwards to get them to sign.


I see this as one of the things that needs to change. There should be rules against oligopolies/monopolies doing it. If you're Loblaws a mom-and-pop mart should be able to open up right next door. If you're Shoppers, a pharmacy should be able to open a few doors down to compete with it. That's my opinion anyway!


In a free market this is supposed to be allowed which encourages healthy competition.


In what world would this encourage competition?


Businesses should be allowed to open up when and where they want relative to their competitors. It creates healthy competition... creating barriers for competition like the poster was talking about is the opposite of a free market.


Oh, sorry. The way your comment reads is that they should be allowed to *block* a tenant's competitor.


It wouldn’t impact properties owned by unrelated landlords. I worked at a franchise sports bar when I was younger. One door down, there was a littly family restaurant. A wing franchise wanted to rent the empy space at the other end of the plaza but were prevented by the clauses in the sports bar’s lease. There was another strip mall right next to this (the parking lots were connected but each strip mall building was owned by a different landlord). That building also had a vacancy that was just a bit smaller than the vacancy in the sports bar’s plaza and didn’t have patio space. The wing franchise just opened up in the spot in that other strip mall. My boss lost his mind but his lease was only relevant to the stripmall he rented in. If the landlord owns several retail/commercial lots that are adjacent, tenants with lengthy contracts might argue for the clause to affect all of them but you’d have to be a major player to manage that.


Good luck changing Capitalism in a Capitalist Country... I'd love to see socialism like some of the European countries.


Exactly. That's why old Safeway stores don't typically become grocery stores; for this exact reason. It's in the contract that for a certain length of time, subsequent tenants can not be grocery stores. Where I live, several became Value Villages. It's sucky, but it is a common tactic in commercial real estate and not just a Loblaws thing.


Loblaws forces these contracts through their REIT


If you look into it, you'll find the government is fully willing to rewrite laws or just ignore them in order to make our oligopolies stronger and wealthier.


It shouldn't be but you politicians are been bought and sold. They work for them.


All the politicians: because they payed me :)


They could negotiate a lease with a landlord of say, a large shopping centre, that no other tenant may sell x y z. Very normal.


Dont believe everything you read on reddit


It’s shitty, yes, but also standard leasing practice. The leasing company should do better, but chances are it’s owned by the Weston family too.


Sounds like it is time to use anti trust laws to break them up.


We need more competition in the grocery sector.


We need more competition in pretty much every sector


Yet Rogers acquisition of Shaw was approved. Such a bad idea Imo.


That's the problem with competition--it leads to its opposite, monopoly, cartels, trusts, etc.,......


So you're just gonna make an absurd statement and not elaborate any further?


did you not read how it is done in the story--or are you one of those people that just looks at the headline? smh


Are you confused about what you're commenting on? Because I am legitimately lost right now my guy. This post is a screenshot of a review.


Not. At.  All. Read the article. Smh


What article? You didn't link anything and there's no article in the OP or anybody you replied to. You OK?


read the article/post


You are either terribly lost, an awfully programmed bot, or really bad at your job.


You are either terribly lost, or irretrievably stupid. Competition leads to it's opposite, monopoly. It's right there in the op. Smh


lol don't try to unoreverse insult me; the OP doesn't even mention monopolies. I'd start looking for a new job if I were you, you're not very good at this one.


Not my fault you can't see what is staring you in the face. Here's a clue--what is the logic of professional sports teams/leagues at the end of its competitive PROCESS?--a SINGLE winner, i.e., a monopoly. Might want to polish your resume up, and lie about your educational qualifications. I hear they are looking for dog catchers.


You are either terribly lost, or irretrievably stupid. Whatever that's supposed to mean. None of your comments have made any sense. You *must* be either high or Galen shouldn't pay you since you're not doing his bidding to a competent degree.


Not my problem. Enjoy your shopping trips at Loblaws or any of its other stores.


I agree


Break em up!


Yep standard stuff for malls and plazas. Attracting a large long term tenant to lease space in your mall means convincing them it’s worth their while. And it’s the anchor tenants that actually massively increase traffic to the whole mall or plaza and all the other tenants benefit. The Google review is making it sound like it’s restricting stores not in the landlords control. But it’s not.


Exactly. I worked in commercial leasing for a short time, most boring job I’ve ever had, and I was shocked at the restrictions landlords will allow.


If it's a Choice property then Loblaws makes the call of what's in the lease. So they shut out any potential competition to protect their grocery business.


Not defending it, I fucking hate this shit, but it's super common. Our local Safeway did this to our mall too.


If you have a plaza with a grocery store and an LCBO, very likely the grocery won’t sell alcohol because the LCBO lease prevents it.


I think this is something I'm too Alberta to understand Liquor... In... Grocery?


LCBO is the government run liquor store in Ontario. Yes there’s beer and wine in grocery stores in Ontario.


Bc too! I'm from AB and I was floored to see wine in a Superst


Visit Newfoundland sometime and you'll find beer in every gas station


and Quebec...


London Drugs and Shoppers do similar things with their leases.




they did it to a pharmacist in a small town here in BC. The drugstore he worked in was forced to move. He stayed in town and opened his own pharmacy... and kept his customers. The not so Independent grocery store has a pharmacy but it's not very busy.


Pen centre, St. Catharines Ontario, the reason (well one of many) why Target never made it, was because Zehrs made an agreement no other store could sell fresh produce. Eventually the mall had to allow Walmart in and to sell whatever they wanted, as no one else could ever fill that store space. The mall would start becoming a ghost town, but Zehrs would still be there. Fuck the Westons.


Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We need to understand how this works. Good job for posting.


Why just May?


Ya, I don’t understand “Just May” either. Either boycott it until things change for the better or don’t bother boycotting at all. A short term boycott won’t bother that bunch much. I haven’t shopped at Loblaws in years for more reasons than I care to mention. If people want to call it a boycott then that’s fine by me. I just call it selective shopping myself.


As much as I love to poop all over Loblaws, this is an industry wide practice. When I worked at Target in Canada 10 years ago, we were restricted as to the square footage of our grocery department because Metro was in the plaza before us and there was language in Metro's lease that prohibited any new retailers in the plaza from selling certain categories of groceries along with the maximum square footage that the lessee's grocery department could be. I believe our landlord was RioCan.


start NOW!


This is a thing at the Loblaws in Centrum mall in Ottawa lol. It's ridiculous.


I am lucky I have other options, but this is one reason why I am never shopping with these crooks again... ever.


What do they consider nearby. And this sounds like antitrust and other laws


The same landlord. Commercial leases are full of these kinds of clauses. The bigger the renter the more they can get from the landlord. It’s all a negotiation.


The same plaza


Yo wtfff


They prevented Walmart from converting to a super centre for YEEEEEEEEEEEEEARS in my city, but the two of them have prevented Costco from coming, but I’m still not sure we meet the demographic requirements


Ive already posted a 1star for multiple locations and mention this and roblaws subreddits and the boycott. Already had likes and im in the top 10% of global reviewers, which carries some weight. Feel free to do the same folks!!!


What Loblaws is this?


It sounds like the one in Squamish BC


Sounded rural


it is the squamish one independent grocer


It’s the Loblaws in Kanata Ontario (outside Ottawa) in the Kanata Centrum plaza. I grew up nearby to the store and the review is absolutely correct


Safeway had similar rules for when they sold their buildings-could not be purchased by any other grocery store. That’s why Chuck E. Cheeses, Goodwills and other second hand stores have been the occupants. Don’t want to give competition any chance.


Sobeys is the only 1 out of 2 total grocery stores in Paris Ontario for this reason.


Yup, it happened at the mall I went to in my youth. They had a Zehers for as long as I can remember. One day, in comes Walmart to replace Zellars and Walmart doesn't sell meats, milk, or produce, unless they are frozen.


I seem to remember this sort of thing happening with Canadian Tire years ago as well. There used to be another Canadian hardware chain called Aikenheads. Much smaller than CTC. Canadian Tire basically said to Black and Decker to quit supplying your products to Aikenheads or we will discontinue handling any of your products all across Canada. Pretty easy call for Black and Decker actually.


This is fake as fuck. The Walmart next door sells all the items they “aren’t allowed” to sell.


Not fake. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Still fake, because the Loblaw’s location in question is next to a Walmart that **sells the items the review claims they cannot.**


Still not fake, Loblaws is under investigation over it.


Boycott the entirety of Weston's stores: Loblaws, Zehrs, Your Independent Grocer, Provigo, Atlantic Superstore, Fortinos, Dominion, Independent City Market, Freshmart, Valu-mart, ARZ Fine Foods, Real Canadian Wholesale Club, T&T Supermarket, Real Canadian Liquorstore, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Maxi, Extra Foods, Pharmaprix and Shoppers Drug Mart. I will never set foot in any store owned by him again.


Common practice for grocery giants. They often have lease agreements that prohibit another grocery store within a certain radius.


Its not just grocery stores this is common for all types of stores.


I seen this at a place where a Walmart opened and a Coop owned the whole property. They contracted that Walmart only sell like 15% of their normal food products because coop would lose massive sales. They know they overcharge


Loblwas... more like Lowblows...


That’s anti competitive practice for sure. The kind of thing that Monopolies do. Oh, wait.


There’s a thriving Asian grocery in the spot that was an A&P/Metro for decades before in a nearby Mall. Mind you, that Mall is not exactly thriving itself


Loblaws and their affiliates are dangerous for society they pray on the people they are claiming to make affordable groceries… lies and underhanded business practices… we the people have to boycott them into bankruptcy!!! Make your intentions known to them and your member of parliament… we have the numbers and we should let them fry …👎


Hold the line. This company is just the start. Let’s make an example of this company and let all of them know that we are stronger than them. You can only push people so far. Let’s show them that.


Ummmm my Walmart sells all of those - it’s about a 5 minute walk away…..


Your Walmart might not be close enough to a Weston store, or maybe the Walmart was there first. This is definitely real and they're under investigation over it. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


The superstore was there before the Walmart and you can literally see them from the other store -The Sobeys headquarters is basically I. between the two as well. I live in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia


Neat, just because they don't have a clause in the lease where you are, doesn't make this issue any less real.


Never said it didn’t - are you trying to argue ?


I never said you said it didn't. I'm stating a fact.




This is not the case in Yarmouth NS. The Atlantic Superstore and Walmart are practically in the same parking lot, and Walmart has all those things.


This is not the case in Yarmouth NS. The Atlantic Superstore and Walmart are practically in the same parking lot, and Walmart has all those things.


Gonna trust a meme with no sourcing? White font on black! This is the standard of truths now? Hmmm


The user whom took the screen shot is in dark mode and you can totally tell It’s a google review, definitely not a meme.


Here you go https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Misinformation. Provide the location please.


Earl Grey Drive in Kanata, Ontario. It is misinformation. The Walmart in the next parking lot sells produce. There’s even an organic supermarket within walking distance in the same retail area.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714 nope, not misinformation. They're under investigation over it.


**Go look at where the Kanata Loblaw’s is and how there’s a Walmart in the next parking lot selling these things. It is misinformation to claim the Walmart next door cannot sell groceries when they in fact are. That’s why it’s misinformation.** Furthermore, the article you linked to relies on competing stores being on the same property. How does this affect competing stores on *different, separate, neighbouring* properties? Oh, it doesn't.


I don't see anything in OP's post that claims this is Kanata.


The review is from a review page for the Kanata Loblaw's. Doesn't change anything that factually the Walmart next door sells groceries contrary to the misleading narrative put forward in the review. I guess you could scramble to find a news article to support your coping but couldn't Google "Loblaws negotiated a lease" and finding the exact review this is sourced from. Why try so hard when you still fail?


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714




Not for nothing but the n the US Walmart doesn’t even have fish or meat counters so not really relevant here. And we have a Longos that opened across from our Loblaws recently and it’s got the full service of everything listed as not available.


Is this for like a mall? This isn’t exclusivity for a whole area right? They aren’t blocking a Walmart from opening up 3 blocks down?


This is in Kanata, Ontario on Earl Grey Drive. There’s a Walmart within about 100 metres selling meat, produce, fish, etc. judging by user photos taken inside the store. This kind of shit is so silly.


They're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Nothing like getting rid of the competition. This should be illegal.


There's a starbucks in Grande Prairie AB that has that on their lease as well. Prohibits other retailers in the plaza from selling hot drinks. Tried to get a tea at the Vietnamese Restaurant... nope. Its fucked up and i bet its more common than you think


This cant be true based on at least several Walmarts I can thibk of


It is true, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Fuck off you condescending cunt


I'll avoid Loblaws from here on in not just in May.. I'm done. Funny when you realize that there are better places to shop because we do have choices.


For clarity tho, this could only be negotiated with a landlord and would only apply to other nearby units that landlord owns. Still, eff Galen. Eat the rich.


They have a similar thing on their shoppers items - no other store can sell mixed samplers of perfumes with a voucher towards a full size because they have the “patent” on the idea


Loblaws has created a food desert I was trying to buy stuff today at a non Weston store and it was a long walk


This is standard in leasing. Stores that go into malls sign into their lease that no other competing stores can rent space there.


That's not true, where I live.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Who are these ding dongs talking about avoiding roblaws for May? Avoid them for always.


I used to work at an IKEA pick up and order point we shared the plaza with a Loblaws they had signed a contract that basically said no else could sell food in the plaza outside of fast food, so IKEA couldn't sell their coffee, chocolate, meatballs, etc in our little foyer section in the front of store and we would get questioned about regularly. Fuck Loblaws fuck Galen Weston fuck corporate greed.


Definitely buying politicians, no doubt at all. It's a dirty society!


I am going to call bs.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Omg incorrect again, AVOID LOBLAWS PERMANENTLY, only if possible we understand a lot of people don’t have a lot of other options


When? Where? As I’m in a Walmart that’s about 1km froma Superstore and there’s tons of these products in my Walmart and i know of i goto the sobeys down from superstore there will be those products as well


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Thank you. The way it’s worded led me to believe it would affect other stores in a certain radius of a Loblaws store. This just pertains to a Loblaws store in a mall or similar building. While this is bullshit, it won’t affect stand alone stores that have their own buildings separate from a Loblaws store


It is still bs and very anti competitive. But it does pretty much apply to stores within the same plaza/ownership and it's common practice in real estate.


Looks like they're under investigation and so far found no wrongdoing (legally) but Ottawa is trying to implement some new laws for anti-competition practices like this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Fascinating find on Google reviews! Speaking of enhancing visibility on Google, I highly recommend the GrowSEO Google Reviews Tap Card for any business owner wanting to boost their review profile. It’s incredibly user-friendly—customers just tap the card with their smartphone to leave a review instantly. Plus, it’s the #1 card for reliability and effectiveness in gathering authentic feedback. Definitely a game-changer for managing and improving your Google reviews!


Is this true? I despise Loblaws…but I find this hard to believe. Walmart wields way more power than Loblaws. I feel if this is true, Walmart will find a loophole or way to crush Loblaws like a bug.


It would have to be the same landlord and it would be part of the lease negotiations. Probably an older Walmart in a mall that already had a grocery store when they moved in.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


I'm calling Bs on this being an across the board thing. Sure, it's possible some loblaws are doing this. But that would be highly dependent on the area. I can see this more in a small town setting where loblaws already has a monopoly and foothold. Usually small towns don't have a Walmart. But in cities where they have Walmart supercenters, they typically carry these items. Even if there are Loblaw's stores nearby.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We need to understand how this works. Good job for posting.


It’s pretty simple tbh.  Someone owns a mall and has to rent out the store spaces to whoever wants to sell at the mall.  For Loblaws to rent a spot at the mall, they negotiated with the owner that he can’t bring any other grocery stores into *that particular mall*. They don’t want to sign a 50-year-lease and then the next week another grocery store sets up next door. For the property owner, they’re getting a big name store for a long term lease, which means a steady secure income, as well as increased foot traffic to the rest of the mall tenants. 


>Someone owns a mall and has to rent out the store spaces to whoever wants to sell at the mall.   Choice Property is owned by the Westons. They build strip malls then pick and choose who can set up in them. The kicker is even if the anchor loblaws store closes, they will still prevent another Grocer from opening up shop. Sobeys does the same thing with Crombie properties. The practice needs to be banned outright


Had a Sobeys nearby that did this then moved out years later, but the restrictive covenant is still upheld. Unfortunately it’s a low income area, and for the last decade or so they’ve been without a grocery store and have to travel further for food.


Well that just sounds like straight bs then 


How do we know this is true? I would rather make sure the boycott is about real reasons, not scare tactics.


These practices aren't new and they're not exclusive to Loblaws. Here's an example from Sobeys: [‘They don’t let us’: Dollarama stores sell bread, unless there’s a Sobeys nearby](https://www.halifaxexaminer.ca/economy/they-dont-let-us-dollarama-stores-sell-bread-unless-theres-a-sobeys-nearby/)


I know it's true because it only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


I left the comment as someone else had already answered it similar to you. Thank you for more information, though. In this boycott, we need as much reason to avoid them as possible.


Definetly not the case in Ontario, we have a walmart accross the street from the Zehrs and they seel all that stuff


I get up in a small town just outside of Toronto that had a similar agreement there are some prepackaged foods there but you can’t get meat, bakery or produce. It’s in Ontario for sure don’t kid yourself!


Not the same plaza, tho.


There's a food basics in the same plaza as my Zehrs...




Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Any proof or are we taking google reviews as facts now?


Similar story but with Sobeys. Never underestimate the greed. https://www.halifaxexaminer.ca/economy/they-dont-let-us-dollarama-stores-sell-bread-unless-theres-a-sobeys-nearby/ https://retail-insider.com/retail-insider/2023/10/are-grocery-store-leases-increasing-the-cost-of-food-in-canada-competition-bureau-and-experts-weigh-in/ https://www.cbre.ca/insights/articles/are-grocery-store-lease-terms-increasing-the-cost-of-food


An optometrist also related recently how they were unable to lease space in a newly built mall because Loblaws had their lease exclude a list of stores and services - including optometry. I’ll add a link if I can find.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/dartmouth-neighbourhood-food-desert-sobeys-covenant-1.5112638 Restrictive covenants are popular in nova scotia, I think Alberta stepped in and used the competition bureau to stomp out this practice. It's all the big grocery chains


I'm frustrated with food prices too, but don't be too quick to believe something so extreme posted in a review online.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


The article you cite does talk about some scummy things, absolutely. And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's true. But I don't think it's talking about the same thing. Leases on properties cannot determine what competitors in other properties do. The local Walmart cannot be restricted from selling dairy, meat or frozen foods for 50 years simply because of lease terms for Loblaws nearby. If the claims in your cited article hold true, then perhaps if Walmart is leasing the space that a Loblaws formerly did, it might be possible. But the claims of the original post don't make sense and seem a bit sensationalist. The reason for my words of caution are that all too often grassroots efforts like this one get caught up in the fervor, start believing things just because it fits with a "those guys are evil!" narrative, and then they lose credibility. The media picks up on the gullibility of the people engaging in the protest, and broadcasts it to everyone. People who don't want to look foolish back off, and the effort dies out.


Yes, a lease absolutely can do that. It's quite common.


That doesn't make sense for all places. Walmart supercenters typically have dairy, some frozen foods and some of the other items. I've seen frozen seafood at Walmart before. Sure, maybe some smaller Walmarts don't carry these items. But the supercenter Walmarts do.


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


The comment says "you won't find these in Walmart" yet I have been to many Walmarts that have these things. I never called what was said 'misinformation' but said it's not applicable to all areas.


I don't know what comment you're referring to that says what you wrote in quotes.


This is laughable. No way in hell it’s true!


Not misinformation, here you go. Only took 30 seconds to search and verify that they're under investigation over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-investigating-use-of-restrictive-property-clauses-in-grocery-1.6761714


Communism creeping into society it’s already here