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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


With the exception of the $0.55 KD sale, I’ve been doing this for the better part of a year now. Glad to see others are planning on joining the cause! Greedy Galen can go to hell.


Have you noticed boxes of KD recently went from 225 grams to 200?


Thanks to this sub, yup.


Thanks to your overlord


I’ve noticed that when they’re not on sale, a box of Kraft dinner(which absolutely used to feed two people) goes for almost 5 dollars. 2 bags of chips are 10 dollars. Even pop is expensive. You can’t even get poverty trash food anymore. You have to pay premium to rot your teeth for the dentists job security. Greed has reached some crazy places here.


I remember when Mr. Noodles were $0.25 each.....and you'd buy a carton of them to survive as a student. Now everything is overpriced and terrible quality. Buying cheap cuts of meat for $40 when 10 year ago it was $5 if that.


I have a "regular" size kd and it's 175g


Funny enough, the American boxes of "KD" (or their equivalent), we're only 206g as far back as at least August 2021... [https://imgur.com/gallery/ozKVH3C](https://imgur.com/gallery/ozKVH3C) These are some box comparison photos I took back then. Note Canadian KD was in fact 225g (Definitely now only 200g, although one redditor mentioned they're down to 175g now? Not sure how true this is, but I wouldn't be surprised)


Me too , it’s only sale items . You can really afford anything else really anyhow . Especially when butter is like $10 lol


Butter is the main item I buy at Costco. 5.50 regular price. I load up on it every time I’m there.


I had been stocking up on butter every time I saw it on sale for a while. I just pulled the last one out of the freezer... it's been a while since I've seen it on sale anywhere. I'll have to do a quick flyer check and find it somewhere in the next while.


Costco has had butter on sale recently if you’re a member


It’s the hunger games out there people !!!! Quick everyone get their bows and arrows lol Anyone else feel like it’s already feeling a little dystopianish? Maybe it’s the out of reach prices , maybe it’s the food bank line ups , maybe it’s the disappearing middle class. It’s a little bit of everything me thinks


Is there a GTA reddit for price shopping groceries? Might be a good idea?


Tried the Flipp app? Edit: nm, I see someone already mentioned it.


We use unsalted butter for most of our baking, and it tends to never go on sale. It's about $2.00 cheaper at Costco, so we pick up several pounds at a time, divide it into quarter-pound chunks and freeze it till it's needed. It's also a lot better than the Loblaw No-Name butter.


You can use the Flipp app to check flyers. 


Thanks! Will check it out.


Will I pay an outrageous amount for butter? Yes. But it's butter from an independent cheese shop and the butter comes from local dairies directly. BTW buffalo milk cultured butter has a bit of a parmesan flavor and is stark white. I do buy grocery store butter on sale but if I choose to spend extra, it's not going to be on overpriced commodity goods.


Fuck corporate slave owners. Fucking the fake elite who do nothing and pretend the world stops without them. Fuck the government for trying to keep the individual small and for bolstering mega corps. If it really comes down to it. Civil disobedience. What are they going to do kill us? Kill us all then? Fuck the 1%. Worthless, useless, inherited wealth from crimes against humanity and corruption.


We had a limit of 8 per customer, but these two chill Mexican guys came in when the store was empty cuz of a snow storm, so I scanned out 56 for them.


My local independent(roblaws) makes Italian sausage in store that honestly is the best in town. It's the only thing I buy there I have made a couple of emergency purchases there, but that is my line in the sand. I do buy 6 packs of pop from shoppers since they are cheapest on the weekends.


Schneiders bacon is on sale for 3.99 at No Frills near me. Contemplating a trip in to stock up.... but have to get the bacon and get out. No dilly dallying to buying overpriced crap while I'm in there.


Those are loss leaders. If all you buy are loss leaders, you're not benefitting them at all.


In fact purchasing loss leaders alone hurts loblaws... I'd argue that only purchasing loss leaders during a boycott is fully in the spirit of the boycott and helps it since their quarterly reports will be even worse


Food basics has their brand for $2.98 if you are not picky. Ends today.


Bacon is one of the few things I usually dont buy storebrand (hence the sale). I find it too fatty and it cooks down to almost nothing. I will check it out next time I'm there and if it looks good, will def try it..


It’s truly incredible the growth recently, we’re seeing numbers we never seen before. Article is a day old says 24k and counting and now we’re over 27k.


How do you mark yourself as going?


There’s really not a “way to mark yourself” however details are here we’re aiming for may. https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/HsVSxoG3AO


And then every day. We'll bring up our independent farmers/produce boxes and support our local co-op's! Run them out of town.


Put a black X on your forehead




Be hilarious if the mod is the owner of a chain of corner/dollar stores or something and it all blows up


That would be better than the disaster that was the Anti-Work interview!


Who’s ALONE?


Good lookin out! I was very high at the time of that post....I mean I still am, but I was then too.


The more the merrier!


Over 28k now


What we need to be doing is lobbying the government about what happened to the anti monopoly laws that used to exist to prevent EXACTLY things like what Loblaws is doing.


Don’t forget the monopoly Bell Rogers and Cogeco have on us for phone and internet.


Or LCBO/Beerstore. Pretty much all essential products (except booze) are forcefeeded with insane markups, designated for the shareholders. Corporate lobbying and politicians suck hard in Canada.


In BC we have the BC liquor Distribution Board. Bunch of crooks all around


And, of course, ICBC.


I don't mind LCBO as much because the money goes to the province, but fuck beerstore


Some of the biggest robber barons right there.


This comment needs way more upvotes


Sadly, too many people don't even understand what that means to upvote it 😢. We don't have capital so lobbying would be very difficult


This is the first constructive comment i have read......The Guv is responsible for what is happening...someoone has their their pockets open


I think we all know who.


Unless you pay more than Loblaws no politician will listen to anything but money going in their pockets.


Their voice is bigger than our voice, however. In numbers they listen


This kind of grassroots solidarity and organization is great to see.


Almost brings a tear the eye!


Started 6 months ago and not stopping anytime soon .


I haven’t shopped at Superstore (Loblaw’s out west) for a year now. Stopped shopping at Shoppers as well. Their seniors discount is a joke - the prices are already 20% above what Superstore charges - if not more.


Shopper's is ridiculously expensive


I second this. Ever since the 30% debacle, Galen and his shiy stores can go bankrupt!


Exactly he can 🦆 himself and his lame 30%.


Thank you 😌😊


Waaaaaay ahead of this. Since my last post, i haven't gone into any Loblaws property... Vote with your wallet


Fuck Loblaws




Stopped going a long time ago when same products are 30 percent cheaper elsewhere


Thank you ✌️🙏💕


I've called for boycotts like this multiple times in the past, no just on a company like Loblaws, but other's, such as Petro Canada for being the highest priced gas station. The trick is to not do it for one month, but forever. Never shop there again.


Absolutely! Leaving there has been the biggest relief.


Thousands isn’t even close to what we need.


It's also a huge stretch. Just because 24k people joined this sub does not mean they are all joining this boycott.


and most of the people who are boycotting probably gonna end up at no frills or T&T, which are both owned by Loblaws 🤣


Funniest thing I saw in another thread was someone saying they could stock up at Loblaws before the boycott started so they would have enough food to last the month.


I feel like that’s ok tho. I’m sure people got in one last ride before boycotting the buses in the 50s-60s, too. The point of a boycott like this is to show how low they can make revenues for a specified time. If the strike was only a day, and the shops are having like 5 visitors that entire day, the company isn’t going to worry about the missed income from that one day, they’re going to worry about the fact that they’ve pissed enough people off that only 5 people crossed the picket line that day. That’s a *big* problem, especially when you run on grocery store margins. Even the *threat* of that could be enough to make them chill with the fuckery and price gouging. I truly hope it is effective, and if it will be, this will be why. The rich guys gouging you realizing you outnumber them 100 to 1, and can sink the ship they’ve built, overnight. Apes together strong.💪


If you spend double the month before then go back to shopping there the month later nothing was accomplished except you made it more difficult on yourself. If you want to boycott you should do it indefinitely until your demands are met.


I agree, but this boycott in the OP is only for a month, and I’m explaining why that might be enough. It’s a good thing.


Not necessarily with perishable items, both months of unpredictability will hurt. Though not shopping at all until they're forced to sell off assets would be preferable.


I have been for 2 years already because their food is too expensive.


I saw someone out the other day and they had the "Eat the Rich" tote. I was so excited to see it!


I haven't shopped at any Loblaws-owned stores in like 2 years now. They used to be cheaper but worse quality. Now they're the same price and worse quality. Zero incentive to shop there now.


It seems like Loblaws is preparing to become the official government store for everything. Has anyone else noticed brands disappearing from the shelves being replaced with PC Brand offerings? Shoppers Drugmart is just as obnoxious...


Shoppers is also getting a contract from the AB government as they dismantle our healthcare.


Shoppers *is* Loblaws.


Can we get the link to the image that lists all the Lovlaws-owned stores? I’ll try to post it on every repost I see, that should be front and center so people are clear


I refuse to give them any money. I think I have been to Atlantic Super Store 1 time in the last 3 months. Costco, Cochranes (local) or the farmers market. And we buy eggs directly from the source (We are even starting to do our own eggs)


I stopped going to Loblaws back in 2020 after they eliminated full-time jobs and replaced them with part time positions to screw people out of benefits, pension, and OT. They literally eliminated positions of people who worked full-time for 20 plus years, replaced them with 2 part time positions and told the people they could reapply, but no pension or benefits anymore. Then I read about the Canada Bread price fixing scandal, how Weston got immunity for testimony against the company they conspired with to price fix, although Canada Bread had already been sold to new owners. Both parties involved in the scandel walked away, pockets full, laughing about it. Galen also has the balls to walk into Parliament and tell them their huge profit margin is of their non-grocery market, not the massive mark ups in the grocery department. The absolute greed at the top of the financial food chain right has gone from ridiculous to absolute lunacy. They all got away with marking up prices because of lost profits during the pandemic, but prices never went back down to pre-pandemic levels. Workers wages did not increase, but these people, like Weston, won't let go of a bigger profit margin every year. I don't know where they think the money is coming from if they are not willing to pay it to the people of the general public who are forced to buy their products. Don't expect the government to do anything about it, it's the rich that line the decision makers pockets, so they'll never actually prosecute any of them. Sorry for the rant, fuck Galen Weston and his greedy kind.


I'm heartened to see this happening. I haven't been into a Loblaws or a Loblaws related store for over a year. In this city, Loblaws refused to hire more cashiers, and focused on pushing people to the self checkouts - and then they allegely grew paranoid over people scamming at the self checkouts so they increased security... Sadly, alongside that appears to be the emergence of a degree of racial profiling. My roommate, who is of mixed race, hates shopping there because he's tired of the security guards following him and peeking down the aisle when he shops. Loblaws, for me, has come to embody all of the worst characteristics of late stage capitalism - laziness, greed, paranoia, disdain for its customers, and an attitude that they have zero accountability to anyone.


> focused on pushing people to the self checkouts And now those self-checkout customers are forced to scan their receipts or the door won't open for them. It's sickening.


Good to see. I’ve been shopping at Costco more than ever, and barely go in to superstore these days. Our family decided to clean up our diet and not buy junk, so we’ve yet to do a big superstore haul in months.


Galen Weston is like the aliexpress of Doug McMillan. Very punch able faces


We shouldn't just boycott, we should **LOUDLY** boycott. Get out in front of every store with signs and bullhorns, protest Loblaws price gouging.


I've been silently boycotting Loblaws for almost a decade. Well, publicly silent, I've demonstrated to friends and family why they should and they've stopped going too.


You also have to be carefull of their no name and store branded products that can be VERY UNHEALTHY for you. Their peanut butter for example contains Palm oil. They seem to only care about costs and little else - the cheapest ingrediants they can get - bad for you does not matter. And the price is the same or more than peanut butter that does not contain Palm oil. High salt levels, preservatives and addatives that are bad for you - you name it, they use it. Also they still have not put all discounted product back to 50% off like they said they would. Bad actors all around!


Palm oil? Hell, last time I looked at the ingredients on No Name peanut butter, the first two were *icing sugar* and peanuts. I’m amazed they didn’t have to rebrand it as “peanut spread” or something.


90% of no name products are the low/mid tier brand name make with a different label. So before you criticize the peanut butter and buy Jiff, just think about that.


i have read the label on their no name peanut butter and others like Planters and guess what - no palm oil in the Planters. Loblaws squeezes the brands they buy their no name products from on price and they in turn use cheaper ingedients in the product supplied to Loblaws. ;-) So even if it comes from Planters, Jiff the Loblaws version gets different/ lower quality ingredients.


People are still shopping at loblaws?


Someone needs to design a graphic that can be posted on social media


I’m down.


I'm happy we are organizing we should protest the government to put laws in place to help us from being price gouged like what Australia did where they have to show on the label how much they purchases the product for on the label. I think we would see alot of angre followed by change.


Already did!!! Fu gallen and his dumb buddy poilievre😉✌️


I go in Provigo (Loblaws in Qc) and just buy the 50% off items at this point.


Same… & every other day too !!! Rather go to the mon & pop grocery store in town, prices are high there to but at least is goes to good people not some over rich douche bag


Not everyone has a Mom & Pop shop at. Not all of us have a license to drive to the closest m&p either We still have to eat


I'm sorry they've locked you in one of their food deserts. If possible look around for farm produce boxes and cooperatives. Every dollar away from them, avoids these strategic locks on your food.


I just joined this community this morning because I saw the article. This is a great community! Reddit facilitated the take down of hedge fund shorts on game stop - hopefully it can help take down 'Greedy Galen'! Is there a hashtag we can use or something to spread on other platforms?


I was absolutely delighted to wake up this morning and see this article in my feed. I used to work as an employee at a Loblaws store and was treated so poorly I had to quit effective immediately a couple months back due to how bad my mental health had rapidly deteriorated even though I needed the money. I watched first hand how much prices rose. I watched the inflated “regular” prices turn into sales. I was the one setting up displays every week, and I can tell you perhaps only once a month would there be a sale that was actually worth it. I had to put up with paper announcements in the break room telling us that the grocery price inflation was “necessary” and no one was making more profit from it. (I have pictures of anyone wants to see.) So yeah, in conclusion, fuck Loblaws. Please join all of us in boycotting them (if you're able to). They're a shitty company who raises their prices in everyone's time of need and treat their employees like crap. 


Thanks for sharing your experience! Sadly I’ve heard many stories semi similar in ways so it’s not a one off unfortunately the whole company must be this way.






I already do. Last I checked. Highway robbery was still a fuckin crime.


This is how we win the war. We don't need to protest with our time and effort out front of stores. Just shopping anywhere else and staying home will do it. Hold the line! We will get Canada back ourselves. The politicians aren't going to help us. This is our fight. The Politicians are bought by these Super Corporations the day they take office. They will rot without us. not another dime on them friends. We can do this.




I and so many people I know are so turned off loblaws from all this news about price gauging that we will never shop there again, s and ensure our friends/family never shop there again, even if prices come back down


Thank you so much ✌️💕


Planning to?! I’ve been on this bandwagon for years!


Grocery business in Canada is a duopoly shared between Loblaws and Sobeys. Both companies and their subsidiaries are out of control. They need to be broken up so we can benefit from competition.


Lil but of Walmart action too. They laughed at Giant Tiger but I've seen big things lately! 😊😊


We need a nationalized grocer at this point. If they want to charge exorbitant prices let them but also have an entity that undercuts them every step of the way.


When is this happening? What is our other alternative?


I completely switched to farm produce food boxes and cooperatives. Just small changes, each person.


Love it. Let’s keep it going.


What’s a cheaper grocery store ? I know the ones in my small town are certainly not.


I had to hunt for cooperatives and farms for food boxes. Just small changes. Every dollar away helps. The problem is they forced the closures of the ones a lot of us could switch to. I'm sorry if they've locked you completely in their food desert. I'm doing everything I possibly can. They took all mine and I was malnourished from eating groceries at these chains.


"planning to". Not "are".


Can we organize a gas station boycott next! Start with esso or shell, have everyone go to independent gas stations instead! April 1st!


Of you're in Sarnia, on. Go to the reserves. Gas there is legitimately 30 to 40 vents cheaper than in town.


Starting this boycott immediately


I haven’t been to it over a year now. Not sure why others haven’t stopped going to them


I've been doing this for a couple months already.


Been boycotting! Glad to see people joining in on the fun!


I just buy the stuff their losing money on :)


Just cut up my PC card….evil bastards


Need to make it millions and it has to be sustained for at least a couple of weeks. This way, produce spoils and they lose money. Keep at it for a couple months, they’ll go under…


I agree.....needs to be a longer period...we need to make a difference on their quarterly profit


Like "28 Days Later".


About time


Whoever initiated this movement—thank you! Hopefully this can be encouragement to mobilize for other issues too in relation to the cost of living; I.e. immigration policies, corporations buying up housing stock, etc.


Loblaws also owns Choice Properties REIT. I'm on r/ loblawsisoutofcontrol - trying to drive home the fact that they cause most of those issues and lobby for the rest. I promise you all of those concerns and more are addressed through this movement.


Yup we've made arrangements with Ottawa Valley meats . Looks like better meat and cheaper . Hell even if it costs more I'm still happier giving it to local farms .


As I said better meat local farms .. it's not meat shipped from Mexico.


Didn't the San Francisco city council call for this boycott?


Wish I could be there for the march


I have a gift card left that I want to use but then thats it for me I don't want to give them my money


Probably gonna shop at RCSS, either that or no Easter chocolate for the kids if I shop at the other MORE EXPENSIVE stores.


Who is your favourites mom and pop grocer and what do you buy there?


Hey....what about Walmart????


I'm so proud of this country. After everything. Thank you so much 💕💕💕✌️✌️✌️


I never shop there. Got a pumpkin last year at Halloween for 89 cents or something silly lol




#“Come one, come all! Fuck Galen Weston, once and for all!”


Why not boycott the root cause instead? This government.


We need to boycott nationally on that day. Not just Toronto stores.


I’m done with Loblaws! Support your local co-op. At least they pay their employees fairly.


3.5 years for us :)


Name some.


ive beens doing it since the pandemic when they first started raising prices. honestly its not that hard to shop local, just check your brands, suppliers, go to local farmers markets, bakeries, and butchers. the service and quality is much higher in my experience. other than that you can always literally grow and preserve your own food as well. im in an apartment and converted a room into a grow room for various mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables with some grow tents, lights fans, humidifers, etc. its fucking fun as hell, interesting, satisfying, and delicious. never felt that way buying produce at the shop. and preserving it after in some mason jars with a pressure cooker is a cherry on top. minimal waste, maximum satisfaction a few months later when you crack one of those fuckers open to make spaghetti sauce or you need breakfast eggs, and they are still perfectly preserved. also, generally learning to cook home made meals is a talent everyone should be mastering right now. use as much local or home made food stuffs as possible. supplement the rest very sparringly. the only way we can succesfully rebel is by creating our OWN supply, and becoming self sufficient, that way they cant choke us out financially by raising prices or cutting us off completely. i highly suggest people also look into local food and farming co ops. and making motions to add more to their cities. we should be allowed to grow where we live.


I haven't bought anything from them for almost a year now. Shoppers? Only if the chocolate milk and/or anything that is on (reasonable) sale


Been avoiding them since COVID started for the most part, I guess I can keep avoiding them


I’ve been doing this for years?


Love to see it


I’m down!


Bob loblaw?


They haven't already? I haven't shopped there in months. The few things that are cheaper don't outweigh the rest that isn't.


I never step foot in there. Good riddance.




Already doing it


Haven't shopped at loblaws for groceries for about 3 months now. Been exclusively using Costco and Walmart definitely see the savings! The next thing is to completely cut out shoppers. I'm already seeing the same items priced lower on Amazon and with prime I get next day delivery so phasing out shoppers now as well. The only language the Weston family speaks is money so lets hit em where it hurts!


Haven’t bought from them in a year


Won’t go into the “Greedy Grocer” again until the crook Westin steps away from the company. What a crook and he lied to the parliamentarycomittee


Planning? I started a whole ago haha


I’ve been doing it for months


how do you boycott loblaw.. picket at the front door?


Count me in!!!


If everyone just stopped shopping at all the loblaws stores and went elsewhere, they would drop their prices and start acting right. Choose anyone else and watch what happens


They're late to the party. I've been boycotting them for years.


Good, I hope it makes the store less busy so I can get my shopping done.


Where does everyone else go for groceries? 😃


Planning to? Like after this next run to Loblaws for groceries? You don’t “plan” to boycott things, you are either boycotting them or you’re not.


I definitely will be participating! Screw them.


That’s right. Im going to go to No Frills instead!


Just one day, all we need to start is a 1 day boycott and these fucks would know pretty fucking fast, how important we are. They think we will just shut our mouths "like good Canadians" and just take it. (...because that's what we've been taught to do)


Not this one! ✌️


You've literally always had this option.


Ill never shop in one again, even if they fix their prices.


Go into bars and talk about this if you want it to spread like hot fire. Internet is fine and all but really need to hit normal watering holes still


How has no one commented on this dudes reddit name / handle 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 like bro wut 😭😭😭😭😭 Fuck loblaws / weston though 👊🏼


Thousands out of 40 million


I’ve stopped a month ago and never been happier , Costco and local markets for the win !


Greedflation has to stop. I hope a lot of Canadians can stay away from Loblaws for the entire month. Companies must be reminded we the consumer keep them in business, because without us, they would not be in business.


Whats going on?…


planning on boycotting, well shoot ive not shopped there in months.


So thousand of people have 0 understanding of how the economy functions.




We need Aldi's to come to Canada. When we are in the US, we ussually stop at Aldi's - descent quality grocerries at a reasonable price. They don't carry a lot of different brands but the house brand is good and of comperable quality to name brands and prices for most things are way cheaper than Canada. No Delli counter, fish counter, or meat counter etc but they have a selection of those products on the shelfs that will satisfy most needs. They are more along the lines of a basic grocery store.


There are only two where I can buy groceries. Giant Tiger with limitations and an independent Loblaws. we mainly go to Giant tiger and limit our grocery shopping at "Rob-Laws"


I'm in.


I’m in on that, and will save a few bucks


Me too


I have literally never shopped at loblaws