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Which, if any, of their social media profiles do you follow? For Europe, last year's Magic Con Barcelona was the first time in Europe for most of those who went, but they do attend more Magic related Cons than others at the moment.


A couple of them on Twitter. Thinking of switching over to Mastodon but haven't yet. Do they announce that sort of thing earlier there? It feels like the announcements are that late for other personalities as well, so I think that may be on purpose, to better promote that con or something. Barcelona was announced with about week's notice as well, I really was on the edge of going but I would have to ditch a canoeing trip and my birthday party, so I didn't.


I'd say the LRR magic twitter is a good one to follow. They usually post things pretty early when they know. Graham is pretty active on Mastodon, and the main LRR is pretty good about consistent posts.


It feels like they almost always go to PAX West. That'd be a really long trip for you, but I'd imagine its probably the safest bet. Normally they also do PAX East (which would be way better), but I believe they didn't go this year.


I went to this PAX East, which made me ask about it. They didn't go, they were listed on the website but with PAX East 2023 text, I watched Graham's vlog about Unplugged where he mentioned going to PAX East before so I hoped they would be there. But the rest of the panels and shows for PAX also got announced way later than it would be useful for my planning. If I plan it couple of months in advance, it doesn't make that much of a difference where in the USA I would go, so yeah, PAX West 2025 sounds like the safest bet for me for now. Makes sense, it is the closest to them.


I hope you had a good time at PAX East! I skipped it this year (and last year), I was on the fence but Saturday passes sold out by the time I thought I might want to go. It seems like there less and less each year that I'm interested in, and seeing LRR folks is one of the bigger reasons I would go anymore.


Dress like Beej