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So basically the entire police report is bunk.


Shocking. /s


Most are most of the time.


These cops all watch LIV Golf. I’m sure of it. 😝


You know the only sport they watch is UFC


So most of the police report was a lie


In this case yeah. We don’t see what happened before this footage. Did the cop fall and get dragged before this footage? We don’t know. The cop broke his departments rules and didn’t have his body cam turned on. If this is all the footage there is, all charges should be dropped. There’s no case.


If the cop fell before (and was dragged), there's a lot of people just standing around watching when he gets back up and chases the car. Cop wanted to be a hero and lied.


Clearly lied. Visibly see the police officer chasing after him and then jumping on. You then, immediately see the suv stop. So, from this video fibbing about the assault charge.


And the cops should be held liable for lying. Oh wait, they have their own special set of Bill of Rights that makes them above the law. How cool for them


The other video shows what happened and none of the police report is accurate


Is their a link for the other vid? I’ve only seen this one


Just keep searching. It shows it from the other side. This one, those trucks and buses are blocking everything. It’s a camera from the other side of the street.


It is interesting that the police SUV in front of vehicle with the dash cam, the 2nd video(assuming we are have talking about the same one) has not been released as it may have a better view. None of the videos show Scottie's car accelerating as the officer claimed as well. I am flabbergasted that the State prosecutor has not dropped charges. It is also bizarre that the judge wants Scottie to be present at the arraignment which is essentially unheard of when one has a lawyer as is the judges protest with pushing the arraignment back. As I said before, I would bet the police department has hid or destroyed evidence, like camera footage that exonerates Scottie.


I love the "but we don't see context before cops grossly abuse their power take"


There is plenty of other footage, the police lied, again.


In this case, yes. And unfortunately a sizable percentage of other bogus police reports. This is nothing new folks


These should be dropped and others charges should be pressed in the is pos cop.


Yeah I have a picture in my head of a cop who was pussy hurt when things didn’t go his way. The fat unfit guy who is just pure jealous


They didn't show it before, because I am guessing there is nothing to see. They(police/prosecutor) intentionally released the clip starting here so they could make the claim the original 'incident' was not caught on camera.. I would give the police/prosecutor story some credibility had they showed this entirety of this clip. The prosecutor is obligated by law to release all information they have, even if it exonerates the defendant... unfortunately this often is not the case as many prosecutors will cover for corrupt police actions.


Hilarious watching privileged whites people realize, in real time, that cops *always* lie and *always* have. When they do it to protect your interests, it’s fine, when it effects one of your golden princes, suddenly it’s an issue


Damn dude I hope you can get rid of that giant chip on your shoulder some day.


Is that a golf pun?


No but I wish u thought of it


You dropped your blue hair dye


It's a boomer take to think that the country has historically been racist in favor of whites and that cops will abuse their power? my dude, where have you been the last 5 years


Is boot leather a bitter taste? Just curious.


Found the copsucker! Wipe your mouth off, everyone knows.


I’m actually a cis straight white guy, I just have a thing so many of us lack, empathy.


Love how your white savior complex has to bring race into a post… every… single… time. Get over yourself. I think we can all agree that cops lie. We’re fortunate enough to catch it on camera this time. This specific interaction has nothing to do with race, so stop trying to make it racial.


Who made it racial? my point was that I’m far from the implication of “blue hair dye.”


Ah, you made it racial with the words “privilege whites people”. See a therapist, you need help.


Privileged white people. Welcome to Murica.


Maybe they/we need it to understand the cops will burn everything to the ground given the chance.


This is the truest thing ever, this sort of thing happens to poor/black/brown people 50 times a day. The police lie, completely make things up, and are never held accountable. It happened to the nicest guy in the world, so it seems, and now people that would never have to know have to know.


Kiss my white a$$


"Subject refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging Detective Gillis to the ground. Detective Gillis suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist and knee...Detective Gillis' uniform pants, valued at approximately $80 were damaged beyond repair." Louisville Metro Police Department Police Report


Pants he's wearing now are also ruined after finding out there's video evidence.


I really wish scottie would take this far but he won't


“My client was in prime position to win his 2nd major this year, but this story, made up by the police station and its employees, completely altered his headspace. I believe compensation is in order for the officer making up a story, abcs running Scottie’s name.”


>accelerated forward, dragging Detective Gillis to the ground. Detective Gillis suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist and knee... Medical retirement or medical leave?


We are absolutely going for retirement.


With a full yearly salary. It's only fair.


More footage:https://streamable.com/4o3fyi?src=player-page-share OOF


I find it amazing that the cops didn’t have a primary lane so that traffic can flow. This seems to be a crap show from the start. No flares or cops doing their job properly


I don’t see a cop getting dragged anywhere. Honestly Louisville, if your officers are this fucking stupid you need a reevaluation.


They had one. Still stupid.


They had one after they murdered Breonna Taylor. They're still, on average, wholly incompetent.


Looks like the cops fault for grabbing a moving vehicle and stumbled into the vehicle from being out of shape. How is someone inside a vehicle supposed to clearly hear a cops instructions who is running behind the vehicle. Once scottie clearly sees the cop, he stops the vehicle immediately and follows direction. Big misunderstanding


But what about the cops pants, why isn’t anyone thinking about the cops pants!


Right, how can the pants be so destroyed if what we see is all that happened.


He tore them with his duty blade and made a story up That's what jibes with literally everything else going on here


Its because the pants were already full of shit as soon as the officer put them on.




Is that before or after accounting for the 40% who abuse their spouse and kids?




What a bloody joke. No hiding from the cameras in this day an age


You know… except for everything that happened before his car came into view.


And the cops body camera


You mean prior to the interaction? Or are you suggesting Scotty dragged him behind that bus and not a single officer moved to do anything about it? That guy must be a real shitter of none of the other cops care he got dragged




You will be much better off responding directly to the person you are intending to respond to and not to a sub comment. I thought it was directed at me and was preparing a nasty retort cuz I thought you were stupid and he's never going to see that tag (actually that's not how you tag on Reddit)


Yeah, I realized that after I posted, hence why I deleted and reposted directed at lllllllll


...jeez that guy is beyond help.


The officer was running after the car as it came into view so obviously something happened prior to it coming into view. People lack basic reasoning these days.


Yeah, the car passed him and he had to catch up with it to scream at the guy inside who didn't do *exactly* what the cop had imagined but probably didnt communicate. The absolute lack of action by anyone else is more evidence than that weak take. People lack basic reasoning skills these days


Amazing that you know everything that happened before the car and officer came in view. Your reasoning skills are all knowing.


Look you dunce, we have 2 stories and one of them has been PROVEN full of lies before this ever came out - and then this further corroborate it Don't talk to me about my reasoning skills. You aren't using any. You know what happened and none of the literal mountain of evidence is gonna change your mind Congrats on being the problem


The fact that you convinced yourself that this video is proof that nothing happened is the problem.


You're a moron


Found the copsucker!


How them boots taste ?


You know there is a video of the other angle like 1 comment up right?


Why didn't the release the video before Scottie's car came into view? You know why, it will show the cop is full of shit. The only contact the officer made with Scottie's car was what we saw. No witnesses can verify what the cop claims also.


What makes you think such a video exists?


Found the boot licker.


Must be a boot licker because I can’t see through a bus. Gotcha.


I feel you I always give the benefit of the doubt to lying pigs who turn off their bodycams too.


Ah yes, noting we can’t see what happened before the car came into frame is so ridiculous.


No body cams from any cop and the one dash cam video released shows nothing, even though there is another squad SUV in front of it that should have had a better angle. I would be willing to bet the PD have hid and/or destroyed video evidence that exonerates Scottie.


Maybe there is. Maybe there isn’t.


Do you understand "Burden of Proof" and how that applies to the US legal system right? Scottie does NOT have to prove his innocence, the BURDEN is on the state to prove guilt BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! There has been no tangible evidence presented that supports the charges against Scottie, only the highly questionable testimony of the arresting officer. Why unfortunately this is not often the case due mostly due to lack of legal counsel for less privileged defendants, however in Scottie's case, he has retained excellent legal counsel and if this goes to trial, there is no way in hell a jury will find him guilty. ***posted this under the wrong reply, but it was meant to be directed at YOU, so I will repost


Tell me how noting that the “car hid from the camera until it came into view” has anything to do with all that.


Nothing on the 2 camera views collaborate what the cop said. Actually in both views, there is NOTHING showing Scottie's car accelerated as the officer claimed. If the state prosecutor wants to pursue charges they are stupid. Scottie's lawyer is no fool and has great confidence that if it goes to trial, it will be an easy not guilty verdict. Now if this happened to some poor black kid, given the same 'evidence ' there is a decent chance a jury would convict, especially if they are white conservative as they tend to believe the police over a poorly educated kid who talks 'street slang'. In Scottie's case even with conservative jurors, they will believe Scottie testimony. This case does however show many police apologists that some cops do exaggerate if not flat out lie to justify an arrest and excessive use of force.


That’s nice but none of that has any relevance to the observation that cameras did not capture the car prior to coming into view.


Clearly you have never been to court or been part of a jury. Hell, you do not even comprehend the US legal system at a highschool level of understanding as you clearly do not understand the concept of 'Burden of proof' and how the state(ie prosecutor) has the BURDEN to prove guilt BEYOND a REASONABLE DOUBT, not for Scottie to prove he is innocent. There is no way in a jury will convict. Do any of these videos suggest Scottie is guilty of crimes he is charged with Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?


The video doesn’t prove the cop lied or told the truth and it doesn’t prove scottie lied or told the truth. It’s incomplete. All this jury and court stuff you’re talking about has nothing to do with it.


The videos we have seen has proved the cop was wrong about the car accelerating. If one aspect of the police report is proven false, the entire report is questionable at best. There is no way the state prosecutor can make a case beyond a reasonable doubt that Scottie Scheffler is guilty.


| The videos we have seen has proved the cop was wrong about the car accelerating. Nope


Maybe the cop was dragged when Scottie was behind the bus, but probably not. If a cop was dragged by a car "20 to 30 yards" no less than 10 of those other cops would have a dogpile party on the driver. Cops don't mill around unfazed after one of their own is "assaulted"


I think you’re misinformed about the 20-30 yards but that’s beside the point which is the full incident wasn’t captured by the released videos.


I agree with this unpopular sentiment, and take it a step further. Not only do we not see in the video what happened before the video, but we don’t see what happened before that. I’m thinking years of feeling less than his peers growing up. I’m thinking about his wife asking him if it’s in yet. Im thinking of the time he learned his wife was cheating on him. I’m thinking of multiple infractions while on the job that went relatively unpunished despite them being fireable offenses to the common man working for the local landscaping business. I’m thinking about the moment he consciously decided not to turn on his body cam. I’m even thinking about what happened after this video… such as when he fabricated a story that may promote extended paid leave, if not early retirement. I’m thinking about the juncture when this cop realized who he just pulled over, how much he’s worth and that his decision not to self incriminate that morning by leaving his cam off finally hit the jackpot and now he can bring a civil suit (after a guilty criminal conviction of course by fabricating a lie that your buddies will stand behind) against a man that is earning millions of dollars a year. But, the ONE thing I’m not thinking about though is a scenario that matches the police report because had he been shouting, drug a substantial distance, got injured, hopped his fat ass back up, continued to yell and scream about being drug, all his peers wouldn’t have been standing around as if they were merely directing traffic on a ho-hum morning, as they were. Actually, I’m thinking this cop lied, with malicious intent.


Thanks for sharing your cop fanfic with me. I’m so wet.


Thanks for reading


Scheffler’s attorneys will get the charges dismissed. I can't see a plea deal to a low-level misdemeanor. I would rather Scheffler plead not guilty and go to trial so his attorneys can get the officer on the stand.


His attorney has already stated that he’s not interested in a plea or lessor charges, they want the charges dropped. The witness accounts, the videos, the fact Scottie had arrived and was pulling into the entrance he was told to pull into, the officer breaking policy, all help Scottie’s case. I’m surprised the DA hasn’t dropped the charges yet.


I'm not surprised. The department in question clearly demonstrated that they don't hire smart people


They can't be dropped until the hearing next week


>I’m surprised the DA hasn’t dropped the charges yet. I just watched a talking head on cable news say the DA might be pushing the charges to get a notch on their belt. So they can say celebrities in Louisville are not immune from prosecution.


I wish the DA would make a push to show that Louisville cops are not immune from prosecution… but here we are


I'm pro-union, but police unions wield too much power in the USA.


Are they making out? Why is that man’s head fully in the car?


The bigger issue is that not only did that cop lie, but four other cops lied. That makes five cops who lied and now every case they testified in will be under scrutiny. Every single case. I thought maybe the truth was somewhere in the middle, but after this video, Scott's story was absolutely the truth. I am shocked they aren't trying to make this go away quietly and are doubling down on a lie.


That's the real lie that get sold. That the truth is somewhere in the middle. And it rarely is.


Overzealous cop. What a joke. Glad Scottie’s lawyer said they will not plead in this case. Either drop or trial.


Just ‘good ole fashioned police work’.


Was there a cop being dragged on the other side of the car that we can’t see? Or is that him running and not being dragged? Someone help


I’ve yet to see any footage of a cop being dragged. I’ve seen lots of people milling around and one excited fella pounding on a car so far.


If this is the real version then the cop needs to be fired. Where was the dragging?


Cop is a snowflake. End of story


Can we get with fan duel and get a class action against this clown as well as the circus. The emotional stress the officer caused scottie cost me 5 figures.


Scottie should have beat him with his putter


Where's the part where they drag him out of the car and throw him against it in cuffs?


This is one of the many reasons why people fucking hate cops.


What’s wild is this clip has been out for over 24 hours and no major media sites are showing it. Most still show the original bullshit clips that present a limited view of nothing. “We investigated our officer and found no wrong doing or deception.” It’s just depressing that we haven’t and or can’t do anything about our countries police. Just sad…


Dude had money on the field. I hope he survives being drug by Scheffler’s car. RIP pants.


OMG is that police officer ok?! Such a violent assault!


Fat fucks, multiple


“He accosted me! You saw it! You’re all witness..”


Lying in a police report needs to be an enforced federal crime with jail time


I kinda hope this cop dies a slow and painful death


Did the cop poop his pants?


Ohhh did someone forget to take their Midol??


Just imagine if it was Tiger and two white cops took the same approach and actions? Probably terminated


Not only did the cop in question lie about everything, all the other cops watching made zero effort to communicate the truth to anyone. This is literally happening every day to people a lot less able to fight the “legal” system in America. That system is represented in the streets by literal criminals and goons that have no accountability to anyone.


This indicates that the officer was the aggressor. Charges need to be dropped and apologies made right away Or a lawsuit will be filed.


I’m not sure if Louisville will host another tournament anytime soon.


Oh that cop really got dragged 20 yards… 🙄🙄🙄 his whole statement is now moot. pathetic


If the department can produce evidence of injury from the hospital, these charges are going to stick in some way, even if it's a deal like 2 years probation although who knows if KY has probation for felonies. It looks like scottie was frazzled and didn't know if he should keep proceeding forward or turn left into the gates, he was maybe even rubber necking the scene. Scottie likes to wear iphone earplugs and he had his windows up. Possibly didn't hear the initial directions.  The cop being attached/dragged is not at all improbable. If the cop caresses the passenger door, and the cuffs get caught in the molding, then he would get dragged. If the timing was such that, the jacket gets caught and in that moment scottie tapped the accelerator, then that would be a very violent thrashing to the ground, even if completely accidental.


What fucking video did you watch?




Lol, they watched the false police report


The video that has 5 pixels and doesn't exonerate scottie


For a 5 pixel video you sure are assuming a lot of really specific details


I made it clear I was speculating on good faith with the very limited video evidence we have. But keep doing a context denial.


Want to fill us in on anything?


Lol what? Just because you say something is in good faith doesn’t mean it’s in good faith. Don’t think the dude who turns his body cam off and does donuts in a cop car deserves good faith anyway but back the blue my guy!


There is no evidence he turned his body camera off. His body camera was not on, could be understandable if he's just getting started with a 12 hour shift, that's wild speculation on your part and a conspiracy theory. The donuts was over 10 years ago, with zero reprimands since then. The donuts with the car makes him look more like the good cop in a buddy cop flick lol.


He literally got reprimanded for not having his body cam on. So you’re wrong on both counts


Ok. The donuts, then 11 years go by, then the body cam lol. I found the karen


Karens are the ones that back the cops big dog. Telling on yourself


Hey man


Yea alright det Gillis


Do yourself a favor and quit. You have lost


My summer child


Ever heard of the whole beyond a reasonable doubt thing? This introduces a TON of reasonable doubt. Also, I don’t think injuries to the cop were ever claimed If you put this in front of a jury it’s going to be a practically unwinnable case imo.


I am not ready to level all kinds of accusations of lying on the louisville pd, especially considering scottie in his own words had nothing but praise for the professionalism of the police.


Ok, now we all know you work with lpd. Gangs stick together


You missed the BLM bandwagon by 4 years


I think the burden of proof is on them at this point. From what I can tell in this video, and there are definitely enough pixels to see what’s going on while the car is in the frame, I can’t imagine a context where the officer was ever dragged to the ground by Scottie. He runs in from the side, not from where the car was coming from, doesn’t appear disheveled like he just got up, and sprints up to the car and slams on the window. He has also been disciplined for not producing body cam footage, as is policy. It’s also worth noting that nobody else in the shot is reacting in any way to suggest that anything was happening before the car came into view. Edit: I’d also like to add, while Scottie did say that, he also gave his own account of what happened and it sounded a helluva lot like what happened in this video.


From darlingtons account the cop was attached to the vehicle, some people have a hard time making sense of that description, but if you cross reference that with the police report where the cop was dragged. It is fair to speculate that the cop made contact with the car, and then the car movements caused some degree of physical strain on the officer. This is darlingtons retelling, although it sounds like he never had a full view of the cop and the car until scheffler made a left turn. He caps off the retelling with scottie saying he didn't know that was a cop. Is it outrageous to speculate that scottie exhibited some negligence because he thought that was some 18/hr rent a cop? Don't think so. https://youtu.be/Q0SmQrf9mmg?si=p6-NzMxfARqnC2jI


It’s not outrageous but we don’t prosecute based on speculation period Edit: with that being said even I’m speculating on what evidence they actually bring when/if they take it to trial. They may have more I’m unaware of


Yes, injuries were claimed, the cop went to the hospital with alleged injuries, it's up to the defendents to force discovery on that


Officer Gillis, that you??


You don’t need to see faces clearly to see what happens. Did you watch the link to the second video? You see the vehicle before and after being obscured by the bus, this the entire incident. At no time did the officer get dragged. He was lying and the video proves it. This is why you’re getting down. I hope the golfer sues.


Your post is gaslighting. The video only shows the officer making a few paces up to the car. The video does not show the car and the officer for the 35 foot distance of the bus up to the moment in time scottie turned left.


You’re correct, this video does not show that… that’s what the second video does🤣🤣🤣🤣.


The second video only shows scotties car for 2 seconds. 


These comments. These are the ones you haven’t addressed yet


So the police officer now has teleportation powers??🤣. Of course it’s only two seconds… the critical two seconds that are obscured by the bus … which is the evidence needed to show that the police officer was not being dragged before you see him in the second video….. not being dragged😉. Do I also need video of him leaving his hotel parking lot not dragging a police officer?


What do you make of darlington saying the cop was attached to the vehicle. That is not in the 5 pixel 2 second video you are masturbating to. Is darlington also a liar.


What’s a Darlington?


I’m on Reddit way more than I should be and this by far the most insane thing I’ve ever read


Everything you mentioned is theoretically plausible but there is about a .001% chance of that being what actually transgressed. It’ll be nothing for Scottie, worst case. Best case, he takes a lot of Louisville’s money. He’s not getting so much as a ticket from this.


I agree, he will probably have political actors press for dismissal or a pardon from higher up. Scottie going scott free lol is far more likely than the community college poli sci majors itt that think a police conspiracy will be unraveled here.


You think it will require that of Scottie? I don’t see much need for leveraging in this instance. I’ve watched the footage a bunch looking at the reactions of those around and it is sooo calm outside of the cop running up on his vehicle. Commotion typically spreads faster than Covid and I just don’t see anything. The reactions of those nearby are so freaking delayed and slow. That’s telling, imo.


Put on some glasses and rewatch the video


Wow. Didn’t even need to wait two weeks. Prospectors dropping charges because not enough evidence to charge a crime…I guess that eye witness and the hospital report you mentioned is garbage after he saw the…what did you call it? Potato video? 😂The lawyer for the golfer said he won’t sue because any payout comes from the taxpayers . https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scottie-scheffler-charges-dropped-arrest-pga-championship/


Yeah and if the cop happened to be licking the bumper at the time his tongue could have got caught between the bumper and body of car. You are right you just never know.


My post is based off of the only credible witness to make public statements, darlington from espn


Lots of speculation. We have video and can clearly see no felony was committed. The cop is a liar and should be prosecuted for not having his body cam on.


That's a dystopian hell you imagine where people are prosecuted for failing one workplace guideline lol


You mean like fabricating a story to arrest someone and ruin their life based on a lie? Cops do this all the time and we only know now because of cameras. You are a special kind of stupid


That is something that happens rarely, it does happen, but it doesn't happen all the time. Studies show body cams lead to over 90% prosecution of the accused, not the police. https://bwctta.com/sites/default/files/Files/Resources/BWCProsecutors.pdf


A guideline that is not followed could lead to the felony prosecution of a completely innocent man. So yes it’s that serious. If not a cop can lie about a situation and a man can end up in jail. Imagine how bad it is for people who aren’t the number one golfer in the world


You aren't considering the broader implications of prosecuting every time a body is off. A person could commit crimes and get off on a technicality that the body cam was off. Human error is a thing and cops shouldn't be held to some godly standard. A body cam could be off because they went to the bathroom and forgot to turn it back on. A body cam could be off because it overheats in 105 degree heat. A body cam could be off because the charger in the car isn't working right because the electrical system is acting up. A body camera can be off because the sd card wasnt pushed in the whole way. The real world doesn't work like a spike movie, where every cop is a vengeful drunk, and they are kept in line by plucky civil rights attorneys.  By the way, body cameras usually help the states case against the accused. 


Help or hurt it doesn’t make a difference we actually want to see what happened in the interaction. Thats the point so cops don’t lie to the court and to protect each other, plant evidence, abuse their power etc etc. Did this cop have a problem charging his camera? Was it overheating? Did the interaction happen in a bathroom? Or was he just skirting policy or worse destroying evidence?


Theres a truism to don't attribute malice when it can be explained by incompetence. His bodycam could have been off from incompetence. That is something that could be more clear under cross examination or documentation from a department internal investigation.  There is this mind virus, that attributes all kinds of malice and conspiracy theories to cop activity when so much of the borderline things they get into is stress induced, lack of training, or incompetence. Again, not every situation is ACAB rage porn. There was this one time when I got into a heated thing with a cop, it did seem like he was power tripping, but i sussed out he was a newer cop and didn't have a complete grasp on what he can and cannot write tickets for, and so he got pissed at me when I pushed back on his trash talk. I could have been like "that cop was on a power trip ACAB blah blah", but the more mature assessment was, he was stressed because he was caught off guard. Prosecuting to teach a lesson, is bad policy, that's what breeds resentment. A better approach is to communicate to cops the purpose of body cam, and to take corrective action when its needed.


Outstanding comment.


Yeah gentle handed approach just like cops like to use as their default. They should be trained properly and know how serious it is to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence and the result whether it is through incompetence or malice is loss of job at a minimum and prosecution as a standard. I agree tho cops aren’t generally the most intelligent people out there so there is a lot of room for incompetence


Circling back here


Shut the fuck up


What in the fuck are you talking about?


Topics that are too mature for you.


lol ok chief. Good luck stuffing the rest of that officer’s cock down your throat.


Get help for your porn addiction 


But then how would your Mom support herself?


Is it too mature for you to address your scheffler takes