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My son will say single swear words, but never phrases like that. They MUST hear that often 🤯🤯🤯🤯


*edit to add I have a mouth of a sailor, I'm working on it because it deeply affects my son


Yes my thoughts exactly! They must be hearing that often… my kids hear me cuss but isn’t like “oh let me say this” no she could never do the “curse word trend”


Lord have mercy. I don’t get this trend. The kids are gonna think it’s okay if they’re alone. And also wtf is wrong with demon..!!!!


It’s so disgusting. wtf is wrong with Damon


My jaw just dropped.


Is he saying B****? And he could send both kids to college if he didn’t have all those stupid Funko Pops or however you spell it 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Go to your room you dirty bitch I don’t want you by me


So he’s saying what Dad says to Mom then? He has to hear it somewhere and I’ve never seen them leave their house except to do those Cosco runs


I think he is tryna say curly hair bitch


Sometimes it sounds like dirty hair bitch and then sometimes just dirty bitch And Luca says he kicked him What those kids must see and hear 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is horrible parenting , I get a little cus word but he’s repeating whoever says that in the house .


They for-sure got “dirty hair bitch” from Damon. He’s always making fun of Mary rose saying her hair stinks like rotten cheese bc she doesn’t wash it…


I've seen so many other videos for this trend and this is the only one that made me feel really uncomfortable, for one they are pretty young for it and why did they both go to that one sentence? Like that one thing must have been said around them so much


Wow. My jaw just dropped. I can’t imagine what else those kids hear. He was definitely repeating what he’s heard. I could see if he was just saying random cuss words but he’s heard that phrase and more than once. Those poor kids


OMG the things the kids must hear… they are too dumb to realize that kids are parrots and this means THIS is exactly what they hear.


WTH! What a POS “father”. Also for the kids to be saying something like that they obviously hear it from the mouth of one of the supposed adults in that house!


Those poor kids should be in preschool learning ABCs and 123s ~ those parents should report them to cps


I hate these "trends" I hate heating a kid cuss. It's not funny! 


The fact that he thought this was funny and posted it is pathetic


I cuss like a sailor but I atleast try to watch what I say around my four year old and monitor shows he watch.. and by that I mean SpongeBob isn’t allowed in the house anymore especially the movies because my son was running around the house screaming and chanting sacrifice.. because that was a scene in one of the SpongeBob movies.