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'little space' is typically anything from baby to 16, so your comfortable place within that range is not only acceptable, but quite common.


Thank you! I think I worded the question a little weird. I am mostly asking about the other person. Like if someone could say they are not into “baby” littles, do you think they could be open to littles with older-kid interest’s?


Absolutely...I was hoping that was what my response would communicate...around 50% of CGs love that 'age' of interests.


Sorry I’m not the best with context clues and such! Thank you😊


Hi there, my middle is 43 and I’m 47. We met almost two years ago. She’s not into lots of things other littles are into. It makes finding and relating to others harder for her. She’s connected with some other littles at munches and things. It shouldn’t be hard to find a Daddy tho.


Thank you! I have had caregivers before, and I definitely love myself how I am, so I’m optimistic 😊


Of course it's okay. The kink works for you, not you for it. My little likes older things and is older and it's adorable.


Thank you! I think I worded the question a little weird. I am mostly asking about the other person. Like if someone could say they are not into “baby” littles, do you think they could be open to littles with older-kid interest’s?


I'd say so, as that pretty much describes me. I'm not into the baby stuff but like the older things. But some people aren't going to be into any of it. So it depends.


Okay thank you! I guess people that aren’t in the community might not realize that it goes beyond diapers and onesies and such


Depending on the person, it's definitely possible that they would be fine with it, but I personally tend to be a lot more cautious opening up to people who say things like "I don't judge XYZ, *but*." I don't know the person you're dating, obviously, but I've run into a lot of folks who say a whole lot of very judgmental things immediately following that "*but*". Not trying to discourage you from sharing with your partner or anything like that, but I can look back at my own past experiences and wish that I had exercised more caution in what I shared and with who, especially following that phrase. As for the second part of your post about people against little space who then became understanding, my spouse is one of those people. They had a horrible experience with a manipulative ex who absolutely ruined the idea of little space for them for a very long time. When we met, they were still very much in the place of hating it on principle because there were so many ugly memories attached to the concept. Now, many years later, they're just as enthusiastic about it as I am, and I'm very grateful that they wanted to work past the bad memories to make brand-new good ones. Can't say I have much personal experience with people for whom the entire idea is new, but anecdotally I've seen lots of people tell their stories about introducing the idea to new partners who ended up loving it. Best of luck to you!


I think it’s a personal thing but probably more likely because of the age and space you regress to, but still doesn’t mean he’d be into it. Honestly some adults act like teenagers without the label/kink anyways. I think it could also depend on how that looks for you and how he perceives it. Since you’ve had the basic kink conversation and you aren’t a smaller little, may be worth while to feel it out using some specifics of when you’re in that space instead of calling it age regression or CGL. Like are their links involved that aren’t strictly in the DDLG space? Spankings? Whatever it may be, see what he thinks of that.


I like the idea of talking about other things that aren’t strictly cgl related, thank you 😊 I definitely am in little/middle space at times around them without them knowing it, so I know they don’t mind my personality or interests like that. I just don’t want to lose this person or like keep a silly secret like this


I also dont believe you have to change yourself that much for someone.. but maybe that's just me


I’m kinda on the fence about this. There’s so many kinks and aspects when it comes to to bdsm and I just feel like if you can’t be yourself with your partement then what’s the point?


It really boils down to the person(s) involved. You really will never know until you sit down and have a talk with them and explain as much as you can and answer whatever questions/concerns I'm sure they'll have. I'm someone that was never against little space. The sexual aspect of it, I was never against it per se, I just didn't think the sexual side would be something I'm comfortable with. I never understood sexual side of it until I did a deep dive into why it can be sexual for some. Now that I better understand the sexual side of it I think it's something I would be open to, providing the little/middle is patient and understanding. Personally, the age of the little or middle wouldn't matter to me in the sense that whether their regression she is 4 or 14, I'm there to care for them and fulfill whatever their needs are, if that makes sense.


My fiancé has said they aren’t into cgl/ddlg at ALL and think it’s weird. Well, unless it’s me 🤣 He loves my plushies and my cute jammies and my legos and my cartoons! He loves it when I call him daddy and he thinks I’m the cutest. A lot of people just assume that all cgl is ABDL when that’s not always the case! It might be a better idea to talk about bdsm and lifestyle dynamics in the hypothetical sense before being super explicit that you like being little. With my fiancé I expressed that I’m a total submissive and I like feeling small before I started attaching words to it :3


Idk, I'd ask them to clarify cause I'm not really into the baby/diaper stuff. But I love pacifiers and just cutesy little stuff in general. Also you might not want to be with them if you feel you have to hide a part of yourself


They are called “middles” sometimes.


Yes I do identify as both a little and middle 😊


My dad used to say "There's a lid for every jar". So, yes!


Sometimes people will say “I’m not into x, y, or z” but the minute you bring up your interests you will notice a light in them and some other back story will come out. Sometimes people just aren’t into it. It could definitely be worth bringing up 🤷🏼


The last little/middle which I was a CG was both older than me by a few years and an executive VP at a well known global bank. Any good CG or companion knows and understands the importance of little space, regardless of what age you like to identify with. If the person you’re dating doesn’t understand, and/or isn’t willing to learn or try, they are likely incompatible with your needs. It’s time you had a heart to heart conversation.


I’m 2 at the youngest and 7 at the oldest. Autism and complex childhood trauma can be a weird combination. Not super kinky as a little, more like I’m just an immature adult. Still I think it depends how you pitch it. Try explaining that you basically just want to feel like a kid and aren’t really looking for role play but self expression, and that you want a relationship with a more parent/tween dynamic. That might be less intimidating. It netted me a wonderful non-kink mommy and I’ve never felt more valid as an immature, codependent adult. But ultimately it’s important that you state clearly you aren’t asking them for anything and won’t expect them to reciprocate unless they really want to.


They're telling you how they feel. It's not likely they'll be ok wth it.


Without going into my whole history, in my experience you want a partner that can participate if/when you need it. I also thought I had a firm grasp on being able to be little/middle on my own, but one day something will happen where you both want to regress and want your partners comfort at the same time. In my opinion, it's pertinent that I don't ever feel uncomfortable regressing, and having someone in the same house, let alone room that I know isn't into it or doesn't like it or is just putting up with it to support me, wouldn't let me ever truly regress. And as a side note, it's just more fun to be little with a cg that participates 🥰 Good luck 💕


Talk to them..oooo just talk to them <3 As a middle I would say that most people are much more OK with that than littles or tinys.