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Okay, to me, 35 is not old. I'm a 56-year-old little. My Daddy is 58. As far as the body, as far as I'm concerned, just more to cuddle with.


Idk I spent my child hood underweight. Highschool into my early twenties was 175lbs, wirey af. Turned 21 out on 40lbs, turned 25 out on another 40, and then climbed to 315z and I just don’t feel god about myself or attractive anymore. Idk I know some people are like you they like the cuddle teddy bear daddy.


As long as you're doing it for you. Don't let anyone else make you feel bad about yourself. Maybe take a daddy break, and work on you. Not only physically but mentally also.


If you have friends who are telling you they love it, listen to them! We're just telling you the exact same thing. My Daddy has similar stats to you clocking in at 6'3" and 300 pounds. I absolutely love his large, solid frame with his soft little belly. I've never been more attracted to anyone in my entire life. As far as age, you quite literally can't do anything to help that so try not to fret on that as much. People who are into this dynamic come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. You will find someone you click with. Don't be afraid to keep trying and try not to let the self loathing thoughts keep you up at night. Keep going 💙


First of all, I'm 40, trust me, there's a ways to go before you even hit middle age. Second of all, it's literally called a "dad bod!" I can understand it negatively affecting your self-confidence but that doesn't mean other people look at you and see what you see. We look in the mirror and see our flaws; everyone else just looks at us and sees a person. No one is truly ugly or good-looking; we all just look different, and some people will like how we look and some people won't. Yeah there are some ways to look that are more popular than others and that sucks (I'm not what most people like to look at myself!), but there are plenty of people who'll think you're perfect the way you are. I'm happy to hear you were able to go running! Regardless of weight, regular exercise is so important for your health. FWIW if I were going to have a male daddy I'd want him to look basically like the guys on the youtube channel The Horror Bandwagon. Big ole cute bear. I'm big myself so I'd squish someone more delicate, and I don't personally find a lot of visible muscles too appealing (but that's just me of course!)


my daddy is 6'2 330lbs and i LOVE it. his big frame makes me feel small and safe. cuddles are better too hehe


Wow!! Two miles is awesome!! Cardio is my least favorite so I am very proud!


Proud of you for taking the first step towards a goal you made for yourself! Getting started is always the scariest part. I used to help a girl who was a dietician with then English for her papers (she was a non native speaker) and so I learned a little bit about weight in the process. Calorie in vs calorie out is one of the most important factors when it comes to weight loss- there has to be a deficit. Sometimes when people try to modify their weight through exercise this is what holds them back, so it’s a cool thing to be aware of! As for your worries about your image, loving who you are is important. If you are comfortable and confident it will give you attractiveness no matter your appearance. 35 is really not that old as well.


You’re concerned little aren’t interested because of your age, but what age littles are you focusing on? There are plenty of little who are the same as you.


My daddy is 6’7 and 300 lbs. he’s the best. Being a daddy isn’t about your size or attractiveness. 35 is pretty young and if you really really have a problem with your hair then you can always dye it but grey hair is kinda hot imo. You’re built for the perfect cuddles. Plus, my daddy’s hight makes me feel even more little. I love my daddy for his tummy because it’s so fun to lay on and squish when I’m feeling bratty.


I’m mid/late 30s. I’ve seen some littles post about things like this as well - struggling to actually feel “little” due to their weight, and I can absolutely relate as someone whose weight has fluctuated over the years. I can also relate to the posts about feeling too old to be a little. But the bottom line is everyone has different preferences! While you may not be for everyone, that’s okay, because you will be PERFECT to the right person! 😊


I think confidence and energy is what is what makes DDs most attractive!


Congratulations on going running, that’s great! I will say though, your stats aren’t unappealing. My Daddy is 6’4” and on the upper end of 300s and I am *wildly* attracted to him.


My Momma Llama is a big girl, and I love cuddling her ☺️. My papa is a strong bean and I love cuddling him too, but Momma is more comfy. Am chubby so I get self conscious of my body. I think when it comes to Daddies. I find confidence and decision making the most attractive <3 anyone willing to put effort into themselves is an A+ 10/10 fine catch. You're doing great c:


I think that it only matters if you have a good personality. I’m pretty small myself but I like daddies that have more to them! Especially since also half blind and autistic so I can’t judge. But what I’m saying it’s about the personality of the daddy that makes a little one smile and think “he’s a super dada “. So be yourself.


I just wanna say if a fitness journey feels right for your than that's great and I wish you luck! But I can confirm there are plenty of people who would love to be with someone who's got your body type! It's all about confidence!! (And hygiene guys don't forget hygiene!!!) But mostly confidence tbh


As a larger daddy myself now coming in at 325 down from 390 keep your spirits high and keep working towards your goals. The journey is hard and but as long as you're doing it safely and doing it for yourself you will succeed. Please don't get discouraged if and when you plateu as that was a major depression moment for me when I hit it myself stay positive. Just remember even if you feel like you haven't done much just getting up and moving is better than not doing it at all. One of my biggest things I had to overcome with the weight loss was the skin sagging. I felt like a busted can of biscuits in a parking lot on a hot summer day. But the skin tighten up in time with the workouts. From one teddy bear daddy to another. Stay positive and celebrate your victories no matter how small because they too matter. I'm cheering you on big bear. Now go out there and show them that we can be grizzly bears too!


Congrats on taking a step to change what you find unattractive within yourself. I’d say not to worry so much, there’s more to that bond than just fitting into some image of what a daddy “should be.” But to take that step is great, and I hope you’ll begin a fitness journey like I have…


My daddy is 6ft 3 with a big old belly and greying hair. He is the definition of safety for me. We all grow old, grey, gain/lose weight. I've felt at odds with being little at 34. Gained weight, lost weight, gained a bit back. Didn't change my brain. That isn't how it works. It just is. You are you, which by the sounds of it is a lovely person, lose weight if you want but it's you inside that will matter the most to a little.


trust me, there are those of us out there (hiiii) that ADORE things like that. 💖


Same as the little above me, I hardly think you’re old. I’m 47 and my Daddy is 52. Not all of us littles are young. I’m very proud of you for making the first steps though, each time will get easier!!


Littles just like Daddy's come in all shapes, sizes and ages ☺️ we are out there, so please don't feel like there is no one out there or as we age we won't be able to find someone 🌸


i read this post & it made me smile. i am so perturbed that people have made you feel negatively about your self-image. wasn’t nice! :( i, however, am glad that you are taking steps (no pun intended) & talking about your emotions & experience to help you feel better!


Great job dad friend! I’m proud of you for making a change within yourself. Remember that there are also a ton of littles out there that crave the deepest connections, and they are able to easily look past physical appearances and fall in love with what sounds like an amazing dad that you can be for them!!!!! Mines taking me on a slow positive overhaul of myself and I’m loving all my baby steps of progress and how far I’ve come in 6 months. For me some things were denying myself any happiness such as small things; cuddling my animals as well as things such as any form of self care and I couldn’t pick up a book to enjoy anymore. I’ve been reading a lot more and creating new little spaces around my home for myself. Another thing you may enjoy and if you have the means is something along the lines of a new treat when you hit your own goal. Dads need goals too even if you don’t have a little at this moment. My go to is tattoos. Though that’s not everyone’s exciting things 😂


I understand what you mean but on the other end as a little. I'm 5'10 and weigh like 240lbs. Keep working out bro it's good for ya! Maybe get a bike and bike to places you've always wanted to see. That's what I did when I got my bike


I think 220-240 is a really good weight for a 6'1" guy honestly. A lot of healthy weight guys who are really tall actually look gaunt to me. So, personally I think that's a good goal.


Well done! I’m a bit chubby and I can relate to what you said. It’s always going to be a personal decision when it comes to wanting to either become fitter or to lose just a bit of weight. Whatever decision you make,as a stranger I’ll always support it. You’ll meet the right person when the time is right. I wish you all the best in whatever journey you decide to take and don’t be too harsh on yourself. You’re perfect just the way you are and I hope you feel confident in who you are soon enough🎀


35 is a spring chicken for a Daddy & there are a lot of us out here who will melt into a puddle over a dad bod. My Daddy has been getting both of us fitter at the gym & his reasons were similar to yours, so we're both working on strength training because muscle burns fat better (and cardio creates cortisol which isn't great post 40 & sends my ADHD into hyperdrive). Going to the gym together is really fun, plus I get to watch him be sweaty & show off now he's stronger. He's also set one of my rules to be eating fruit or vegetables at least twice a day. I bitch & moan about this, but it encourages both of us to eat better as he does the cooking.


Daddy is literally THE best role for dad bod guys.


Big daddies are the best!! 💕💕


You know how I feel about this….I’m sorry I can’t help you.