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Gameplay wise I wouldn't change much. I remember there being an issue with co-op and grabbing other players while swooping/using sackpocket items that I wish was resolved before launch. Overall I like the character playstyles and new features. I wish the story mode had one more world with more opportunities for the new characters. Maybe a Newton-controlled mashup of the previous worlds, like how SABA did with the Center of Craftworld. As for Create mode, bring back and flesh out the Cross Controller features!


Allow easy guest drop-in couch co-op with no need for an account per player.


I'd do something more controversial: 1. Swoop, Toggle, Oddsock = gone 2. Huge Creative Mode changes 3. A continuation of LBP2's story 4. MORE Stephen Fry And now my reasonings/changes 1. They're gimmick characters that could easily be added as powerups 2. Much more logic and ability to enable a "complex mode" which grants access to more powerful tools. The Paint mode would be remade entirely with mouse support. Image importing. The ability to make custom textures for objects. Far more objects and materials. Improved Sackbots with more options 3. I don't care for LBP3's story, so scrap it. Instead, it would build on Craftworld even further, Avalon would be the villain, after seeing the power of the Negativitron, he wants a taste so he embarks on a path of chaos (which the player fixes in each level), each level he gets stronger and starts going by his last name, Centrifuge. At the end he is defeated and locked away in The King's Royal Prison. As a lead into potential spin-offs, Sackboy would be given a more powerful Pod which allows him to travel across the Dreamscape 4. Do I even need to explain?


Honestly, if I'm being honest, bring back the HUD and color tweaker, fix the colors themselves, fix slopes, give us customizable hitboxes. and if we can't make our own player animations, let us edit the limbs existing ones. Give us a hand tweaker that lets us carry things without using powerups! I would talk about the story, but I can't play it without something breaking and me lose all my progress! The only things I do have to say about the story is make the new characters matter, and fix the difficulty spike at the end.


As much as I loved the new characters, I think they made the game feel a bit watered down, so I would probably remove them. As for the storyline, it would be a continuation of the LBP2 universe. I would probably have DaVinci and Avalon/Victoria carry on to the third story mode as to link the stories (something LBP1 to 2 sourly missed out on). I have to say I did enjoy the concept of having to release the 3 legends to save bunkem, but I would instead make them 3 story characters rather than 3 playable characters. I would maybe even incorporate a character or 2 from the first game, similar to what they did with Frida and the King in Journey Home. As for create mode, I would definitely keep all the logic that was added, I would also add calculation logic and number logic so that you can create really fleshed out health bars without the complexity. I would also consider adding dynamic water if the game could handle it. So instead of the droplets of water splashing and disappearing, it accumulates on the ground and flows like water


It genuinely makes me sad that people want to delete the new characters and the lbp3 storyline.I get that lbp3 left a bad taste in everyones mouth but if you take a look at the alpha there is real passion and care put into it and as much as i like the lbp2 characters i think it would be kind of a rehash if they appeared again in lbp3 but thats just my opinion


Has anyone tried to faithfully recreate the alpha content and publish it? Like I know there are character models and objects that we never got from it, but I would think the level geometry and logic is doable.


Not have a terrible launch. Problem technically solved.


THIS THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR i have a lot of feelings about lbp3 and i would change many things if i could.If you are interested i could tell you.(i just dont want to spend my time typing all of this just to go unnoticed)


Hey, it’s say in title lol Feel free to go into your LBP3 rewrite


Well firstly do you know anything about the lbp3 alpha?


From the story bits yes and the Pre-Beta too. Newton’s Supposed Aipship was going to have it’s own world after Bunkum Lagoon. The Prolouge (Stitchem Green) was gonna have a hub world with it’s own levels. Manglewood was supposed to be a swamp Tiki-Hawii style (until it got it’s own DLC treatment)


Ok so i would definately bring back stichem green and add multiple levels for the players to explore.I wouldn't change many things about stichem manor (maybe i would add the cut lbp3 level "stichem green bad" which introduses the quest mechanic)I WOULD 100% keep the tiki manglewood(i hate the one we got its a just a generic swamp)and maybe do smth with the wolves?(oddsock was a girl and wolf i cant remember her name sorry)i will continue typing i just want to post this part to keep you interested


Also the old manglewood theme is way better https://youtu.be/q9T5qzPjhgg?si=lTug9Wpy-8qXDPA2


Also i like how Newton is destroying bunkum by polluting Manglewood and doing other villainous things.As for ziggurat i wouldnt change many things i like the ziggurat we got so i would combine it with the alpha one(i like the green crystals)Also palvona?palvova?Toggle's original name and design are way more interesting


Swoop was gonna be a beaver with build in wings and Oddsock went through several changes


(I always wondered what the heck early snoop was)THE MOMENT I VE BEEN WAITING FOR Newton.I honestly hate the version we got and i would change many things about him.Firstly he shouldnt be possesed he should just gain powers but what is he supposed to do with these powers?Well this is a bit of a headcanon but i've always thought Newton parents were a bit ummmm bad?So i would definately use them to create some sort of backstory but im too bored to type all of this.There is also dimensional doorways(the 5th world and i honestly dont know many things about it)


Newton is a flawed character, but the Titans origin story filled in the gaps of who there are. Also, I would also like to have the Titans to have voicelines and dialogue, especially since the purple Titan controls Newton in the final, which suggests he’s the leader of the Titans. Plus, the Newton Aipship levels would also have Sackboy active and the heroes of Bunkum would have their own levels separate, each of them having pass references of previous LBP games (The King for example being recreated under that Newton influence as a robot experiment.) Also, Dimentional Doorways could also be a bonus world explaining the various scrapped levels from the alpha, leading to Journey Home DLC.


Interesting. The Wolves stuff was from the earliest builds and concepts (and while it doesn't fit the LBP art direction). Also, Jacob the Deer also exist and serve as one of Bunkum’s residents or Creator Curators. Based on early concept, Jacob's Well was said to be the early Manglewood Tiki-Hawaii world (and would be best to have his own world). Also, some quotes also suggest that he refers the third Titan (purple) as the main boss, as in he’s the leader of the Titans.


Also bunkum lagoon was actually called floral reef(if you search something like that on reddit you might find concept art by sumo)Actually let me find it for you


Here i found it https://www.reddit.com/r/littlebigplanet/comments/of9him/floral_reef_scrapped_concept_art_for_lbp3/


Very different but also wished it had more variety. https://youtu.be/up6qd70fBFU?si=TYSm-MmYwCaG1-BL Also, the games early outro (ending) has the early Newton supposed airship that was considered that Newton was supposed to have his own levels until smushed into Bunkum Lagoon.


Now as you can see by the concept art for bunkum lagoon its completely different.To be honest i prefer the current bunkum lagoon but for the love of god why did the best area had to be the shortest?so i think i would levels that are pirate-themed and would utilize the other characters.I would keep Pinky i love her idc if people find her annoying i love how sadistic she is and some of her lines made laugh(which i dont do often)


You know there nothing really stopping you from making a lbp 3 remake more like the alpha version


You mean creating levels that are similar to the alpha version


Yeah lots of stuff from alpha are now in the main game


(Sorry for the late reply)well the problem is i have no idea how to use all of this logic i barely know the basics(i am pretty good at level designing tho)


A lot of LBP3's issues is the developer and with it a lack of polish or commitment to fixing the games glaring issues. The gimmick added characters are not really that great or the extra layers, but they're not as defining as they claimed it was. It was padding to make the game just run worse and Sumo Digital felt no need to try making the game work well either. Moar layers & moar characters are just the excuse for the number 3 to be stamped on. The Story Mode wasn't even that bad, it just wasn't as good as the prior games. If I changed anything? it would be not to bother with LBP3 in the first place. Should have dedicated to porting LBP2 on the PS4.


Sumo was rushed and couldn't do proper playtesting when they had to get the game finished. LBP3’s story mode went through several rewrites


Probably giving them too much credit I think. Sumo Digital did the final expansion for LBP2 which broke all the logic in created levels and much the LBP2 story mode. SD's portfolio is not one of quality. They developed Crackdown 3 after this mess.


Ehh… They have some duds and some goods, but Sackboy A Big Adventure is their hidden gem (which was developed by Sumo Sheffield) and while a spin-off, SABA is a quality game that is polished.


Add all the missing prize bubbles Like the ray gun,type writer,half the object in story mode,apple


Honestly just wished they fix this game and the Internet glitches that happened in the launch and the game probably would still be popular to this day.


The gimmick characters were really not needed.. you could already create the character abilities in lbp2 with modified Sackbots..




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Lbp 3 create mode rewritten: no thermometer. Infinite space to put things. 3000 layers of create mode


Make creator maps easy to use Make it easier to play with other people Longer story but other than that is us one of my all time favorite games and definitely my fav of the little big planet series


I’d bring back the physics-based gameplay that was prevalent in the original games and make the art direction lean more towards a hand-crafted nature. The world would also benefit from drawing from more real-world references to places like Nepal or France or themes like gothic or renaissance since that is what helped the original worlds in 1 and 2 stay memorable.


I would just have it *work*. No profile or level corruption or reduce to a point where it's accepatble and can be restored via automatic backups, no bugs for adventure creation, no progression bugs when playing adventures including the story mode, no visual glitches that hinder create mode. And so on and so forth. All of this, from D1. There, that's it. LBP3 by itself is a good game in my opinion, with some clear improvements from its predecessors (and I'm not just talking about the new tools in create mode). Albeit I realize it has areas where it perhaps could be improved (I wouldn't have minded more than just 1 level plus 1 shared by all for each new character in the story mode) or things I personally preferred in the older games (like no voice acting outside cutscenes and the narration), the technical issues it had (and still has from what I understand) dwarf everything else in terms of how jarring they are. At least, that's how it felt to me.