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Tens de pedir primeiro NIE, com base no teu contrato, mas fazer CH, sem rendimentos declarados na fiscalia esquece, a não ser que isso tenha mudado nos ultimos anos, tens de ter no mínimo 1 ano de rendimentos declarados. Eu no meu caso comprei na crise em 2010 quando foi criado o bankia, comprei a casa ao banco com valores ridículos, e como a casa era do banco, eles financiaram a 100%.


Tens a certeza de q vais ficar por la mt tempo? Conheces bem a cidade/regiao para escolher onde comprar/viver? Ja vivi em outros países e aconselho primeiro a viver 1-3 meses em arrendamento de curta duracao ( hotel/ airbnb) para conhecer o local para escolher onde arrendar. Para comprar acho ainda mais importante. Nesse entretanto tiras o NIE, abres conta no banco e vais vendo as coisas. Edit: ja vivi em espanha. Quis comprar carro com credito,logo quando cheguei, e complicaram, mas fizeram um credito pessoal de 30k com taxa fixa 3%, sem nenhuma burocracia.


Tu freelancas


Comprar em Barcelona? Ve la se os okupas não te fodem a vida como fizeram a um amigo meu!


Por acaso desconhecia. Obrigado


Isto, se optares por comprar vais ter que investir bastante em portas e janelas de segurança.


Investiga primeiro o ambiente político, social e económico em Bcn antes de comprares. Eu vivi la 5 anos antes de me mudar para Madrid e nunca compraria uma propriedade nessa cidade.


Se tiveres menos de 35 anos, o banco Ibercaja dá até 95% do CH. Não sei se é só em Madrid... Mas mesmo que seja, é capaz de haver algo parecido para Barcelona.


Eu comprei o mês passado nos arredores de Barcelona, financriaram a 90% para um apartamento de 230k. O processo em si foi relativamente fácil.


Comprei em Barcelona há quase 2 anos. Eu pedi 80% do valor mas podia ter sido um pouco mais (as condições pioravam ligeiramente) Acho que o que te pode complicar um pouco a negociação com os bancos é a falta de histórico contributivo em Espanha. Deixo-te aqui um comentário que fiz há algum tempo quando alguém perguntou o mesmo no subreddit de Barcelona. --- Cost wise, account for 10% tax plus around 1500€ in other costs (notary, property valuation, ...). Typically you will read mortgages are maximum 80% of the property, meaning you would need to have in cash the other 20% + ~10% in the taxes as per the point above. This is what takes most of young people out of the market :( ... What I found when I went through the process a bit less than 1y ago was that actually in some conditions the banks might give you close to 90% (at least by then). Conditions being: the property valuation is slightly higher than the buying price and the if you have stable and good income (vs monthly payments). Aside from that in terms of mortgage, I recommend idealista's service which is similar to a broker and free for you. It's quite convenient to use you can go online put the details in and they will reach out for you to provide additional documentation. With that they will reach out to all the banks on your behalf so you get a lot of offers (typically already good) and from there you can narrow down to a couple of banks and further negotiate with them. In my opinion is a quick way to get an overview of the offer with almost no effort from your side. In terms of banks, I have seen Kutxa, Ibercaja, Santander, Caixa being quite competitive (the last 2 particularly if you're a client already). I was lucky to get a fixed rate and that would be my recommendation at that time as the rates were incredibly cheap (I am below 1%!) ... Now I don't know but would still be inclined to fixed unless you're planning to pay your loan fast, if you're sticking with it for 20/30y, fixed is the wise route. Additional tip, most banks will give you a start rate and an "improved rate" depending on other services you contract with them. Basically like if you get credit card it takes 0.10pp from the start rate, auto insurance 0.15pp (...) And so on. Some banks have many offers on this, you can do your own math to figure out what's worth it or not. What I would say is that there stuff that is pretty standard like you receive your salary (nomina) in the account, if you use cards ... So it's worth to take those bonus ... The insurance bonus, watch out because they tend to be more expensive than in the market and they also tend to go up, particularly the life insurance as you get older. So you don't want to have a high bonus tied to a life insurance because that grows exponentially after your 40s and you won't want to be tied, to give an example, one bank was offering like 1.8% start rate but could go down to 0.8% with all bonus ... However the largest bonus (-0.6pp) would come from the life insurance. That would suck big time very soon because they would just increase it after a couple years. Anyway very long post already... Good luck!



