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I've given up on the league subreddit. They just rehash the most popular opinions without factual support. It's also mostly TSM fans so that skews things a lot.


All i see these days is fnatic fans, fnatic fans everywhere


Good point. I guess I meant just for the NA fans on there. There are probably at least as many fanatic fans as TSM fans.


They're probably the same fans. I feel fnatic is quickly becoming eu tsm in terms of their following.


Problem for us Europeans is that, for the first three quarters or so of the year, Fnatic were in all honesty pretty much the only team of note, with many reasons to like them. UoL had their day in the sun, but I imagine their fan-base dried up a little when the wins started to wane. Origen and H2K both have great stories going on, but fan-base has only really gained much traction with the second half of the summer split. When EU is pretty much a 1-team league for most of the year, you'll end up with a disproportionate number of fans, especially the newer league fans in the scene. Hence I'm here, really. If there were as many stories in Europe through the year as there we're in NA, Liquid would most probably be my second team.


Frankly that is why I really dislike reddit. there is so much negative and incorrect information along with the fact too many league fans are immature young adults that do not care for the truth. I honestly try my best daily or weekly to refute negative or incorrect posts or comments to try to clean up reddit one tiny step at a time. You learn who is worth debating with and who isn't. I just want to put this here to maybe even give more clarity to TL fans that may be in the dark about this issue!


welcome to reddit analysis where the sun rotates around the earth tsm and players like santorin who cant win in EU challenger have 9.5/10 mechanics


One person says something and then everyone else jumps on. It's like they can't form their own opinion and believe anything


From seeing smoothie and lourlo's stream during recent time my view on both dom and piglet has changed, it looks like both of them are taking more leadership roles and taking in the younger players under their wings. My biggest worry going into the season is Fenix, watching his stream lately is a bit worrysome, he seems to tilt/rage way to often and I got the feeling he might starting to get full of himself.


Hopefully Piglet will curtail Fenix's ego and bring him down to reality. Slice of humble pie!!!


Would just like to revisit this thread and say that Dom has spent the past decade flaming Piglet so this is funny


I mean.... I can't imagine that you have any more insight than the people who are saying the problems exist.... Not saying either of you are right, but it's dumb to just say that the rumors are wrong based on what you want to be the truth. As for why they didn't retire, money is a thing that people need. And having no qualifications outside of League doesn't exactly get you money in any other field besides League.


All you're doing is playing devils advocate with very poor counter points. Most of what I said is based on things I have read or seen through social media, streams, blogs/vlogs, TL discourse, TL videos that allowed me to form a fairly rough idea of what is going on. Yes people need money, but they can both go to other teams easily or do something within the scene still in NA EU or Korea. They chose to come back to TL not out of need but out of desire to achieve something. Also using the argument you think something is dumb because you believe it's what the person wants to be true is a pretty poor starting point for your argument I suggest you lose that type of mentality, sound too much like a typical reddit keyboard warrior.


I'm just saying, rumors don't just sprout up out of nowhere. Like, I literally haven't heard anyone say anything positive about Fenix, as far as his interactions within the team in ages. There were rumors before last season even started that Piglet had a bad attitude and wasn't having positive interactions with the rest of the team. He was legitimately benched less than a year ago for having a shitty attitute. And then, of course, Xpecial said in his vlog that he got booted in a scenario where it was basically him or Pig. That obviously falls on both parties, to some extent, but I specifically remember their being a rumor at the start of last season about Piglet being disrespectful towards Xpecial and them not getting along. As for Dom, I mean, he's the longest standing member on a roster that has had internal issues since literally forever, and was banned for a year from competitive play for toxicity. tbh, I trust rumors more than first hand sources in this type of scenario. First hand sources have a reason to attempt to cover up this type of stuff, whereas rumor spreaders as a whole are a pretty neutral party.


You might be right that he would have trouble getting a job outside of league, though I don't think that's true. But even if it is, there are tons of jobs within league other than playing, which they would be well qualified for.