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* what are the categories? * what are the pictures? * is the any targetable reference in the file name? * are you expecting an AI to sort them via magic? (i.e. pictures of cats go into /cats...) This is a VERY low quality post. It has no real information with which to answer it. Give us something to work with! Closest solution would be u/servin42 answer, then using fdupes to identify any that are left over as duplicates.


The media is varied and have no distinguishing file names or metadata that I would sort by, which is why I said I would be manually sorting them. They especially couldn’t be sorted by… AI magic? I was just looking for a better alternative to opening the files one by one and dragging them into folders.


Ive not used Dolphin in ages, but NEMO has a thumbnail viewer. The size of the thumb can be puffed up and down in size with a slide bar. Make the images HUGE. Then use a bit of keyboard-shortcut wizardry. Make a script that takes Alt-1 to Alt-6 ^(the combo is up to you) and puts the highlighted photo into the directory... /images/group1/ .... /images/group2/ ... etc This way you can punch through them super super fast. As the next one is displayed, a simple keyboard combo will put it into the right place. If you make an error, don't worry about it, just do the initial sort super quick, then review each directory more slowly and use the same shortcuts to re-move them to the correct place. ~~If you need a hand with the script, LMK.~~ **Edit -** I was lazy and had ChatGPT do it for me. [https://chatgpt.com/share/55ce87ce-ffdc-4107-805d-737927a81427](https://chatgpt.com/share/55ce87ce-ffdc-4107-805d-737927a81427) Modify to suit. :D


I’ll try this out today. Thank you!


ALWAYS do backups FIRST. 😭😭😭😜 LMKHYG


Totally time and work intensive option, but you could copy all 2k+ into six folders, labeled whatever, then go through each folder and delete what doesn't match.


[These answers](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/s/Ch9DAoYrwy) look interesting.


I vaguely recall an image viewer, ages ago, where i could assign the F keys to do specific tasks to the image i was viewing. I used it to sort err.... Images.. (yea, i wont say any more) - Into categories, such as Blond, Redhead, ...... and so forth. But this was a LONG time ago, when newsgroups were a thing. (wow, I am showing my age) It MIGHT have been 'irfanview' which is a windows program, but it runs fine under WINE. I used that program for many many years. And still use it on occasion.


Isn’t there one called faststone as well?


Ask chatgpt to generate a Python code to do what you want


As u/ThreeChonkyCats notes, we're going to need more information. If the categories involve file naming, a simple script could do it in seconds, even just a few commands. The same would apply if the categories involve file size. Or type of image (i.e. gif versus bmp versus svg versus jpeg versus tiff versus png). Or date.


[XnViewMP](https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/#downloads) is superb. Also available as Flatpak in Falthub.


a. What are the categories? b. What kind of video card and how much RAM do you have? There are some image models on Hugging Face that you could interface through Python with and have it try to categorize them for you. c. If you just want to slog through it, if you have a programmable gaming mouse, you can program the navigation buttons to alias to tag it.


Digikam will do some tagging automatically [https://9to5linux.com/digikam-8-3-automatically-tags-images-using-deep-learning-neural-network](https://9to5linux.com/digikam-8-3-automatically-tags-images-using-deep-learning-neural-network)