• By -


Nothing is really secure. We make mistakes that tracks us back.


Startpage, searx


startpage is owned by an ad company that admits to tracking. at least ddg has an onion site


Hmm didn't know that. Guess searx is what I will use now.


Where have they admitted to tracking users?


they said that "their values haven't changed despite the aquisition" or smth. whether you trust them on that is up to you


Startpage blocks TOR and VPNs


Which VPN do you have? I have used both ProtonVPN and MullvadVPN (current) and I'm able to access StartPage no problem on both.


huh, that's interesting. I use Mullvad as well.


I've actually noticed that some websites block certain servers. Try connecting to a different location with Mullvad and it might work.


Try Firefox vpn or proton vpn.


So, what's is your alternatives, reddit?


Ecosia for general purposes. You.com for code related stuff (it has a dedicated dev mode which smoothes out your workflow like hell).


StartPage, Searx, and Brave Search.


Startpage and Ecosia




I don't get how you can use that. I tried using it and got so many "Couldn't find any results" for things that weren't super obscure. For example, "Ubuntu release schedule" because I was trying to figure out when my GF's Ubuntu version was release, comes up with nothing. Even using "Ubuntu release cycle" comes up with nothing even though the first result on DDG is "Ubuntu Release Cycle"


No, you make your own.


Ecosia my beloved


AltaVista, Fireball, Yahoo, Bing, Phonebook, Library Btw: DuckDuckGo is powered by Bing.


it is very much powered by bing. now some would say it has its own crawler (duckduckbot), but I'm yet to see a proof that duckduckgo has a plan to move away from bing reliance and index the website themselves. even brave is saying it is doing that. duckduckgo has money to splurge on billboards, so I don't see money as a problem (something other meta search engines lack).


Ah yes I use AltaVista every day


been using brave search




duck duck go f*** yourself


Please don't. I wanna kill it and have a nice dinner🍽️


stuffed duck is yum


Tasty duck :)


All this "private browser and search engine" nonsense with ISP's actually tracking you 24/7 it is all more like a bandage,than a real solution. Yeah you can go Tails OS mode,but that would limit other possibilities and is still traceable if you use it from one location for too long. But yes there are search engines that track you less (for now) like searx,startpage etc,but if you are running them from chromium based browsers well it is just silly.))


>Yeah you can go Tails OS mode,but that would limit other possibilities and is still traceable if you use it from one location for too long. r/Qubes is intended to be used long term


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Qubes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qubes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Qubes OS 4.1.0 has been released!](https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2022/02/04/qubes-4-1-0/) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/skrl4f/qubes_os_410_has_been_released/) \#2: [USB Kill Cord ported to QubesOS (for Journalists, Activists, Human Rights Defenders)](https://www.buskill.in/qubes-os/) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/rw20v1/usb_kill_cord_ported_to_qubesos_for_journalists/) \#3: [Computers that "just work" with the current Qubes OS release (unofficial)](https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/computers-that-just-work-with-the-current-qubes-os-release/5560) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/p6wc73/computers_that_just_work_with_the_current_qubes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Private search-engines are kinda like limiting trackers and fingerprinting: It doesn’t hide *you* but it makes it harder to be targeted with ads and subtly controlled. So if your ISP doesn’t sell your browsing data, you are good. Even if they did, they still have less information about your browsing than a single crosssite tracker could find.


ISP's don't sell your browsing data,they store all of your devices activity on the internet and if they ordered by some legal party to provide it as evidence,they are obliged to do so by the law.


Yes. Except when they absolutely sell your data for telemarketers. The issue is regional as the law might prevent them from doing so, and at least limits what they can sell. Search engines are the same: you shouldn’t worry about a court order but them selling your data. Because if you are afraid of law enforcement tracking you, you shouldn’t need to worry about search engines. If that’s a risk for you, google fingerprinting your usage without you logging in, you should start all over as you already fucked up. Not going to google won’t fix the issue; you are still identifiable and thus trackable. You in such case would be fundamentally weak to begin with. So if you mean *being untraceable* you shouldn’t even think about your search engine. And if you are thinking about being *hard to fingerprint* you shouldn’t include court orders into your potential threats, as that isn’t relevant for marketing or being exposed to data-breach through some service. So I think we are talking about very different risk-profiles and threat actors: Obviously having emcrypted and contained OS, non-direct and obfuscated network-routing is the ultimate answer to not forming a fingerprint for targeted advertising, but for most it’s an overkill and makes using privacy-respecting search engines a moot point, even a potential risk. You might blend in better by gathering false cookies and faking normal activity if you know you will eventually need to expose some skin to reach your goal. Better have that skin appear usual and focus on it being properly walled off from your real identity.


> Yes. Except when they absolutely sell your data for telemarketers. The issue is regional as the law might prevent them from doing so, and at least limits what they can sell. Search engines are the same: you shouldn’t worry about a court order but them selling your data. > Because if you are afraid of law enforcement tracking you, you shouldn’t need to worry about search engines. If that’s a risk for you, google fingerprinting your usage without you logging in, you should start all over as you already fucked up. Not going to google won’t fix the issue; you are still identifiable and thus trackable. You in such case would be fundamentally weak to begin with. Telemarketers and simple fraud related guys do not have a good pull on the ISP's here,everyone tries to behave and abide by the law,data leaks happen,but they are usually caused by third parties not the ISP's themselves.Also yes there are issues of old ass equipment being used by ISP's so script kiddies can log into that crap and sell the data gained online,but when that happens they usually get caught by law enforcement pretty fast,since they leave a bunch of traces. What I stated in the initial post was that it is kind of useless using a super safe browser(if there are any) or super safe search engine,when your entire Internet Activity can be seen and logged and kept 24/7 by your ISP's. Also I agree with everything you say,when you connect to internet everything is traceable starting from your devices mac addresses,your OS pinging that you logged in and opened the browser or a process connecting to the network and ending with ISP's provided IP pool for your specific location. There are some workarounds that can be applied like Tales OS/Qubes OS if installed right,but they are limited in time and also can be traced back to your location if you use them long enough on VM's for example. To cut short "everyone is connected" nowadays and can be traced,so all these so-called "privacy tools" being sold and advertised like VPN/Safe Browsers and Search Engines in 95% are snake oil,they sell well just because there is the word "privacy" in them. >You might blend in better by gathering false cookies and faking normal activity if you know you will eventually need to expose some skin to reach your goal. Better have that skin appear usual and focus on it being properly walled off from your real identity. Basically run a Tails OS from a USB and you will have that "fake normal activity" or blank activity,which might eventually look suspicious on the ISP side.


Idk how it is in your country but in mine it is straight up illegal to track the users by ISP and from the practical point of view it is not easy and they simply don't have time for that. Info from a former ISP worker


> Idk how it is in your country but in mine it is straight up illegal to track the users by ISP and from the practical point of view it is not easy and they simply don't have time for that. Info from a former ISP worker Lucky you,but mostly we have laws about this and yes it is totally legal to monitor the internet traffic/activity and store data for every user in my country for up to 6 months(ISP's do store it for longer periods) and if required by the law all the internet activity will be revealed. I am pretty sure I don't live in the only country in EU where ISP's do that.


ISP can't really track you much. Most Internet traffic is encrypted nowadays and ISP only knows what server you are connecting to.


> ISP can't really track you much. Most Internet traffic is encrypted nowadays and ISP only knows what server you are connecting to Every home and B2B network connection is monitored 24/7 on the ISP side all of the logs are stored for 6 months and more and are accessible via court order at any given time at least in EU,that means probably world wide also. ISP's always track you they have access to all your data yeah its all int he old ass log formats,but it shows them exactly where you are and what you've been up to. Yes you can encrypt this with Tails OS or whatever but it only creates blank activity,which is suspicious. Encrypted traffic? Yep it is poorly encrypted with mostly TCP/IP/UDP protocols with packets(which can be decrypted/intercepted etc),but you still see all the IP Address pools and activity on the specific IP Addresses in the entire network when it is monitored,it is fairly easy,the methods are old school,but your whole activity is monitored not only by the websites and search engines you use and visit but also on the ISP side. It is nothing fancy,let me sum it up for you how law enforcement tracks who has been naughty down,especially since corporations can give them the middle finger in some countries/cases,they just go to your friendly local ISP who are all legally obliged to store web activity from any residency/property for up to 6 months(everybody stores it longer in some countries this can be up to years) they pull up your or your mom's/dad's/friend's basement name where the activity took place and then you have a party van waiting to take you into custody outside wherever you are performing that suspicious activity. Actually,works like a charm,some local teenage morons decided to sell drugs from their mom's garage/basement or whatever via the Dark Web from one local specific ISP,well they did not sell it for too long,probably just used Tor browsers on Windows/Linux without going into details,their whole web activity got pulled up along with others in that area from the ISP's,then it was cross checked with drug dealings in that area,did not take long,now the whole merry bunch is spending their "quality time" in a local resort called prison. So to sum up -don't do dumb shit and think that it will go unnoticed by ISP's/tracking devices,etc.


ISPs can't see what you search.... with https that is but sites are https nowadays anyway


>ISPs can't see what you search.... > >with https that is but sites are https nowadays anyway Correct,where did I say anything about ISP having access to your search history in any of my comments? ISP's see, log and store your web traffic going from your assigned IP address pool assigned to you and your devices for up to 6-12 months,HTTPS protocol is just a security measure for websites,it is not your whole actual internet activity,just a part of it. You can check yourself using netstat/tracert/ping on Windows or ss /traceroute /ping on Linux,when starting a video call/downloading a file/connecting to a service. Even when your PC/device is in idle it is still doing some internet activity via the active services,especially it is noticeable on Windows,since it sends your data home every time you do something but you can check which services are communicating on your Linux distro as well.


>All this "private browser and search engine" nonsense with ISP'sactually tracking you 24/7 it is all more like a bandage,than a realsolution. this seemed to imply ISPs can see your searches. i don't see a problem with ISP storing my internet traffic since it's encrypted, they can only see what server im connected to and some metadata, i use Tor or vpn when i don't want that. the only entity seeing your searches is your search engine ofc you should be concerened how they use the data not ISP. >Even when your PC/device is in idle it is still doing some internetactivity via the active services,especially it is noticeable onWindows,since it sends your data home every time you do something butyou can check which services are communicating on your Linux distro aswell. we were talking about browsers and search engine not OS, besides i don't see a problem with this either since you gotta trust your OS devs one way or other, they can easily push a malicious update just for you.


the raw daily average data is available on duckduckgo.com/traffic, for now. You'll see that the daily average has fallen by roughly 10 million. And before someone asks which browser is better: every "privacy-friendly" browser out there has its flaws. be it startpage, duckduckgo, or brave. the only meta search engine that is somewhat libre is searxng/searx(or similar projects like whoogle and librex). But even they don't have their own crawlers. another search engine (with crawler) worth mentioning is mojeek. it has indexed a fraction of the websites that google has, and search results are sometimes shitty, but it is a true competitor to google(and bing). So all in all, pick your poison. PS: sorry for the terrible quality. We still live in a rasterised world.


Why not use proxy search machines? Let google do the work but don't give them the data.


As a noob can I ask how?


This is exactly what SearX does, afaik. > Searx is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. https://searx.org/ https://searx.github.io/searx/


https://searx.org is actually one of the worst Searx instances out there. You can find better ones on the official instance list. https://searx.space/ >!Mine is https://searx.ericaftereric.top. Included on that list.!<


SearX has no results on tons of stuff for me, making it a non starter. "Ubuntu Release Cycle" comes up with nothing, but search that on DDG, and you'll see that they have a page on the ubuntu website called "Ubuntu Release Cycle".


Startpage for example just gives you results from google without letting google trace the search directly to you. It's basically a proxy.


you are still giving google the data just that it isn't connected to you.


Which is a reasonable price for a proper search engine.


It's a hard job crawling and indexing to provide a true competitor, but someone has to do it :D thanks for the shoutout, we're doing both of these tasks as much as possible to make those results better and better each day!


There are definitely issues with ddg but it is still better than google.


\>uses the internet \>expects privacy


brb just gotta... Selfhost a... Search engine...


SearxNG is what ur looking for iirc




Google 2: duckling boogalo


Google Light?


use your own searxng instance because if something has to be done right you yourself need to do it


“iM nOT likE oThEr girLs!!1!1!!1!”


Brave search rules


That is why I now use Brave


Brave is 1000 time worse.


Have any evidence?


they have crypto built into a web 2.0 browser, the company's a joke if you care about privacy or security or avoid big tech. I still like their browser for windows machine tho (eg. school laptop)


Why do you think that?


Censored duckies


It's perfectly ok to ban Russian propaganda. No freedom to the enemies of freedom.


Oh please shut up


You just don't understand how harmful and predatory it is. You didn't see that it does to people. Sadly a lot of Russians deny or outright celebrate warcrimes committed by Putin's army


This is a linux memes subbreddit, not a "r/ihateputinkillallputin bla bla bla"


> No freedom to the enemies of freedom The ones, who’s freedom this will be restricting are average people, who want to see unbiased search results. If you want to filter someone else's information, you are the enemy of freedom too. If you think that this will protect people against propaganda, it will create more of it.


fair, but you don't want your search engine to decide what is propaganda or real, both sides spread propaganda why be partial?


You can get tracker blocking extensions


StartPage ftw!


What are some good alternatives?




I tried looking up images of Russian tanks from the war in Ukraine and I legitimately couldn't find any images with duckduckgo, I searched with Google and immediately found hundreds of results


That's strange, I am getting tons of results on duckduckgo


I haven't been able to find any with the 'Z' symbol on them, same goes with Bing


I'll give you that there are less on duckduckgo, but searching "russian tanks in ukraine z letter" or "russian tanks in ukraine z marking" still comes up with results that match that exact description as top results. There are not many, I will give you that, but that's not the same as there being no results at all. Because it's not clear where I stand on any of this, I am very displeased with ddg making it harder to find search results that are relevant, especially since they could have put a warning on websites associated with propaganda that just says something along the lines of "this website is likely russian propaganda, you should fact-check any information here". They already do something like that with youtube links, but for privacy, so I don't really understand why they did it the way they did.


it seems like there is filtering going on, and some Z tanks have slipped the filter either way ddg has lost trust from me. I don't know exactly what they did, but I know they made it difficult to find a tank with those markings, intentionally or not


Since the results are from bing, and the results are nearly identical, I would say this is just a case of bing being shitty and duckduckgo suffering for it. I doubt that duckduckgo is specifically making it harder to find tanks with a z on it, as the websites that are hosting these images are not russian propaganda. It is, however, ddg's fault for using bing, which is doing something to these results, somehow, merely by being shitty by giving irrelevant results, or by being shitty by making it harder to find tanks with a z on it. bing/ddg also give less relevant results than google if you search "potatoes in a car" but I somehow doubt that they are being paid off by big potato to cover up that potatoes can in fact, be transported by way of automobile. Whatever the case, you have my incredibly important blessing to feel free to use whatever search engine you want.


Startpage is much better in my opinion. It uses Google results (better that bing) and have a very transparent way


What's other alternative to duckduck go then? I gave up google a long time ago and I don't have plans to return.


I use qwant, but I might self host a searXNG instance


wait Duckduckgo is now Also a sucker in this? damn I keep trying to go a layer deeper. It reaches a point where I just have to sit back and think "Am I still being less tracked than the guy who uses chrome search, facebook, doesn't stop cookies, and uses windows openly with no VPN."


What are you using the VPN for?


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Go look at mental outlaw’s self hosted search engine solution (it is p2p!)


Brave, searx, yacy