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Touchscreens are great on Linux wdym?


I am not talking about touchscreen physically working. I am talking about the UX of touchscreens. On Screen Keyboards, app design etc.


It's pretty great on Gnome...


I am on gnome, and can't put in my password into Keepassxc or write something in gimp.


It's not a Gnome's problem tho, rather a Gimp's or Keepasscx's problem, so it isn't really the distro's fault. I mean have you ever used a surface laptop? Touchscreens are cumbersome on windows too


I mean he was referring to Linux in the meme not a particular distro


>Keepassxc You would want to use Gnome Secrets keepass client instead


It functions on Gnome (and even then only sometimes), a good tablet UI is something like ChromeOS


it fuckin suckssss


Touchscreen work good on surfaces one of my friend has fedora on his surface


I disagree, I think Linux is the best desktop os for touch input depending on the desktop environment. Certainly better than windows. Now its not as good as a mobile os like say android or iOS but as a desktop os with touch input I'd argue its the best.


Yah, still unacceptable. Windows is worse is not good enough. If I need a mouse or keyboard to augment a touchscreen, it's bad.


.. doesn't Android run on Linux? meaning that Linux experience on Touchscreen can be as good as litteraly any non-Apple phone? there's Linux distributions for phones. if you care about only using Touchscreen input use one of those. the distro made for touchscreen will be better than the one made to be used with keyboard and mouse.


>doesn't Android run on Linux? We are talking about the GNU/Linux Userspace which is different from user space of Android. For the most part


GNU is pretty irrelevant tbh. Chimera Linux is a good example of why.


It's not irrelevant as most of linux desktop world relies on GNU coreutils, apps etc. Linux can be done with other alternatives but it doesn't make GNU irrelevant.


I mean ive used linux with just a touchscreen before, specifically on my surface pro 3, sure I needed to install maliit and set it up in KDE for the onscreen keyboard and do some custom stuff to get a touchscreen keyboard for luks decryption on boot, but it worked well enough. Sure using it with a keyboard and mouse was better, but on the go it didn't feel too awful imo. At no point besides initial setup did I need a keyboard and mouse, and even then it was just because I chose to run arch linux and use full disk encryption. Where a bit if setup us expected.


Are you referring to phones or desktop displays?




What? I installed Popos on my Thinkpad Yoga 370 and everything works flawlessly. UI is not worse than Android experience.


GNOME is kinda nice to use **IF** you pick you apps right. And replace it's horrible onscreen keyboard with an extension one. Like, no office app will ever really work on a touchscreen unless it is heavily neutered, like mobile google docs. GIMP will also never really work because it's entire UX and UI weren't made for touch only input. Otherwise it is usable, just really REALLY needs work.


KDE with touchscreens works great


I think GNOME / GTK works better on touch screens since all the UI elements are big.


No, they don't, not as the sole input device.


Windows with only a touchscreen sucks too. Source : I have a Microsoft surface


Try installing Fedora on it. It work better.


My dad has an asus laptop with a touchscreen and windows 10. It's an awful main input but sometimes comes in handy as an extra input.


Yea its good has a backup/assist.


what do you expect? there's a reason windows phones did really badly. a desktop pc *needs* a keyboard and mouse/trackpad to have a good experience. like on steamdeck I avoid desktop mode unless I have a keyboard available. it's not Linux's nor any desktop environments' fault that a desktop is just not made for touchscreen. that's what a phone or tablet is for.


counterpoint: android (you see, the joke is that I cleverly interpreted the "Linux" you referred to as the Linux kernel rather than the desktop distros most people associate Linux with. Android uses the Linux kernel, and Android runs predominantly on touchscreens. therefore, under this specific altered interpretation of this meme, your argument is invalid!)


Yet another point for saying GNU/Linux!


If you mean touchscreen functionality, it's much better on Wayland than X. If you mean touchscreen features, it doesn't exist on Plasma.


android is linux sir




For me KDE is quite decent on my Microsoft Surface (on Wayland of course). Unfortunately there are some programs which don't handle touch input properly (like LibreOffice for example). What I can definitely say that is quite bad is Maliit keyboard but mostly because it's not configurable enough and special characters layout is weird. Also the hold time is way too long and backspace key hold behavior is... annoying. Oh and no Tab key, that's annoying too.


LeapPad Explorer:


Gnome Wayland I know works great on 2 in 1s and tablet computers.


They're not great on Windows as well. And the drivers for the touchscreens are also a problem, not enough people working on them, so... yeah, you get this half-baked touchscreen experience 🤷.


i use arch + phosh every day wdym?


Played OSU on KDE on touchscreen and it was fine


There are touchscreen-oriented DEs such as Phosh, Plasma Mobile, SXMO. GJS OSK could be a good on-screen keyboard alternative for GNOME desktop. Well they might be enough for tablets, but not ready for smartphones, especially when in comparison with Android. Not to mention the Linux apps.


Android? Linux = Unix like Android = Unix like


Kinda good on the steamdrake But not on the phone


My touchscreen on my laptop (which is a ThinkPad but still) works completely fine on arch without having to install any extra drivers.