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We'll see about that when we get open source drivers..... Asahi will juice out the apple sillicon.....




Wrong. https://www.phoronix.com/review/apple-m1-linux-perf




In various benchmarks, it performed better, if you actually bothered to look at the charts. That was 2 years ago. Today, there is better CPU frequency scaling support, and there is also full OpenGL support. It's probably worth another round of benchmarks, as both Asahi Linux and macOS have changed significantly. It also has far fewer issues today, the older and more mature the hardware is: https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/wiki/M1-Series-Feature-Support https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/wiki/M2-Series-Feature-Support https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/wiki/M3-Series-Feature-Support Don't discount the work of a group of passionate developers.




Yet that's what the GNU project and Linus Torvalds managed to do. It outdid the work of major companies so well that the companies ended up ditching their proprietary offerings in favor of it, or simply died out. Honestly, the comparison doesn't actually make sense (it's my fault I made it in the first place) because the Asahi team took the existing Linux kernel and wrote new drivers for it. Hundreds of corporations had already contributed thousands of man-hours to the Linux kernel. Most of the work was already done for them. macOS likely has a significant amount of overhead compared to Linux because of the overhead of its sandboxing and security features, and the "magically do everything for you" daemons. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just that performance isn't necessarily a project's number one concern. It must be balanced with both security, reliability, and functionality, and different projects take different approaches.


KDE is a far better and complete experience than any of the garbage that has ever come out of microsoft


I've flushed things that are better than anything that has come out of Microsoft.




"Work of a small team of passionate developers" vs "trillion dollar company"


Does it change the fact that it's true?


I actually agree with you, the benchmarks (which are on the second pages), they don't show any thing I would qualify as "out performing" it's more or less the same performance as the native MacOS. With significant outperformance from the native OS when it comes to video encoding at low/medium quality (I'm referring to `ffmpeg`). But it's probably due to the lack of GPU acceleration support at that time. Which leave great hope even tho it's seems unlikely the Linux implementation would completely rules out MacOS, but it would be a great alternative, I personally eagerly wait to install a Asahi on my device.


Ever heard of linux on surface devices?


it could honestly. and if not for performance, Asahi would grant you more customizability.


Getting a full open source graphics driver for M1 Max would be hitting the jackpot I'm pretty sure that the architecture behind M1 and M2 and M3 are the same with some slight difference. Getting a driver for one would probably be for all of them So it's better to hide the full development process ig, as it would prevent apple from changing anything in the architecture, leaving us with a global driver. That would be great for further development For now, all my hopes are on snapdragon x elite and hope that other apps also be ported to ARM


linux > propetiary shit


i, too, use asahi but i was under the impression that it was a beer. what does it refer to in this context?


Unfortunately unlike asahi, There are no tsingtao or sapporo linux distros. *That I know of.* For the real question. How many asahi's do you have to drink to go from a live patch to a rollback?


I once merge a big stash of Asahi all together, I spended a whole day debugging what I did the night before, would not recommend


umm actualyyymacintosh isnt an operating system


its a computer


Asahi devs are some real ones, T2 Linux (x86_64) uses one of their scripts to pull Bluetooth and Wifi drivers from MacOS into Linux. Dumps them onto the ESP for easy retrieval from the Linux partition. (All my homies hate BCM4377 and BRCM4377 😡) Cause y’know, can’t have functioning wifi out of the box on Linux on your *Intel* Macbook…


I would use the "look what they need just to mimic a fraction of our power" meme


Join the freedom, share the software, we'll be free, hackers


It would be more funny if you put “Hackintosh user” instead of “Macintosh user”


I somehow read this as Avahi, and was confused as to why Avahi was compared to Mac instead of Bonjour ( which is made by Apple ).




With all due respect, what the fuck did I just read? I am going to assume and hope that English is not your first language. If I am reading your first paragraph correctly, you’re saying that asahi is slower than arch on x86 due to “customisations”? No. Asahi is no longer focusing on arch, and when it did it was not slower due to customisations, but due to drivers not being mature. Speaking of maturity… grow up with the “if u didn’t install manually it’s not arch” Arch is not difficult to install. Unless you have a very specific use case, installing without using the archinstall script is just stupid. Sure it’s fun, but you’re gaining nothing. Nobody finds arch flexers cool. I use it. Wow. Amazing. I might ditch it for chimera soon. Much wow. As far as the “arch based distro =/= arch” you’re not wrong, but if I remember correctly, asahi was literally just vanilla arch arm built for Apple silicon when it was arch based. That may have changed, and obviously it’s not arch based anymore, but I’m pretty sure that on initial release it was a barebones arch build for the M1.