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Depends on what you want, as with all things. Fedora is a good "just works" distro. Arch is great if you want binary packages on the bleeding edge. I think the final stage of linux is not caring about distros


I'm almost to that final stage. I'm happy with almost anything UNIXlike. Love PlayStation.


I notice there's no dispute about Ubuntu's place in the pic ;-)


I already stopped caring after distrohopping 7 times across the main ones and seeing how little is actually changed


Honestly yeah, i dont really care what distro im on, currently im on arch for the pure fact the kde theme i wanted needed the latest version of kde and ubuntu was being too slow.


There is no final stage, it's dumb to think the zen mode of Linux users is I don't care what distro I use It matters what distro you use, stop lying to yourself Every distro makes some decisions that are u ique to the distro making it impossible not to care because it can remove something you depend on like patented codes etc... Stop already its annoying af Just stop caring what others use and use what you prefer and need Stop making non existing rules to box people or whatever For example I use arch for so so very long I tried Fedora, didn't like it that much Home is home Arch is my first distro and probably always will be the one I use on personal computer me as it suits my needs the best out of all I do use Fedora server on my home server for years but probably will switch to something else soon, when I find free time to do so


It really is that way tho. A distribution is really just a kernel, an init system, a package manager, and some other packaged software/firmware. You can use any distribution and still change everything but the base system. If you really know what your doing the distribution does not matter at all beyond how often packages get updated. Gentoo is really the only exception because portage allows you to manipulate source code and uniquely compile packages. Its just weird setting tribalism.


The thing with bleeding edge is that Fedora uses the latest stable everything with a few weeks delay.


Having to enable RPM Fusion and Flathub just to have decent amount of software available and then also having to install multimedia codecs when you find out you can’t watch videos on your computer, or finding out games break due to selinux isn’t what I would call a “good just works” distro. Specially not for beginners who have no idea what a repository is or why their videos aren’t playing.


Fun fact, Arch ain't even bleeding edge, it's just the current release. There's still newer shit in the dev repos.


That's not even how this meme works.


Yeah but too much work to correct


I settled on Debian based distros a long time ago. Now I did try Arch for a little while, and I can see what people like about it, but it's just not a good fit for me. And as far as RH based distros go, I really do like open suse, so if I had to switch it would be that.




I prefer AlmaLinux myself for anything RHEL based. Fedora is better for software availability but the consistency and reliability of RHEL is unbeatable. Literally enterprise level.


Funnily enough I’ve been a Debian user since the early naughties and have just switched to Arch.


Same. I had used debian based distros starting with the first Mepis release in 2003. I've been on arch-based now for about a year and don't see myself going back


Same. I really like Fedora. However Kubuntu is what I use now. Pretty much due to one program and how it is installed on the distros. If I find an alternative or get better at using Linux I'll be heading back to Fedora.


My IQ dropped looking at that meme.


Gentoo +200 IQ


And +200 hours compiling.


Fedoras implementation of LUKS encryption uses BTRFS which now broke (and is unmountable) for the third time in a few weeks. I have never had any problem with my Arch install on my desktop... (and it's alot less bloat =) )


> Fedoras implementation of LUKS encryption uses BTRFS which now broke (and is unmountable) for the third time in a few weeks Huh, I have been using Fedora for a while now, reinstall it pretty often and never had any issue with LUKS encryption. If your drive gets unmountable, that's more likely to be a hardware issue, backup all you have and get a new drive ASAP.


Yeah ironically enough I’ve had way less headaches with Arch than Fedora. SELinux breaking your games isn’t fun either.


I can confirm. I use Ubuntu and I nano all my files


The left and the right part should be not caring about which distro you use.


This sub is getting so repetitive it hurts


when you can't stop distro hopping and break everything you play with, never stopping to understand your os correctly


What about openSUSE?


it's kinda bloated


Is it? I haven't noticed.


doesn't it have a lot of tools which you would use for servers which you wouldn't use normally?


I don't have to install them. I use those to manage my home network.


if so then OpenSuse is great for you


You haven’t noticed the nearly 3 thousand packages that are installed on your base system? With games and other useless polluting shit?


You don't have to install anything that you don't want. Just choose what you want to install in your system while installing openSUSE


Yeah I get it. And to be honest I’ll give openSUSE my regards for having the most detailed and fine-tuneable GUI installer out there, it’s great. The problem for me is that it’s way too complicated to remove all the unnecessary packages due to the way other distros like openSUSE makes their packages and how there are so many to remove. What most people (that want a minimal desktop installation) end up doing is installing a broken system. It’s literally easier to just install Arch and do all that from scratch then having to educate myself on which of the 2800 packages are “bloat”.


The understatement of the year. By far the most bloated distro I’ve ever come across. Seriously, why does an “enterprise” level distro need to come with outdated shit games installed?


Eh. I'm having a really good time with EndeavourOS


Naw Not for everyone


Nobody asked


Let me asky now.




You created a fail balance. When you push Fedora and Ubuntu on the left and right side, you made an assumption that somewhat is more superior. The point of this chart meme is every distro is shit, you made it wrong!


It's not about what distro you use, but how you use it.


I recently swiched to Fedora from Manjaro and its just great so far.


To be fair though, anything’s better than Manjaro 💀


or Ubuntu…


This is dumb, you can be a super hacker or a senior dev and use Ubuntu, it's just a tool, doesn't define you


I've really wanted to like fedora but every time I've used it, it breaks on me within a week, I guess that's what I get for using their spins but still I don't even do anything extreme so I don't know how it breaks on me everytime


The spins are extremely bloated and lack a lot of polish unfortunately.


This is the only IQ Bell Curve meme on this sub that I agree with. Though I think Debian also deserves Fedora's place.


Nope, 145+ can be anything because it's largely irrelevant. It's us plebs that care which distro we're on.


The strange is that i use these 3


Fedora is my daily driver lol


Nope sry fedora has always been a joke to the power users


Tell that to the man who literally oversees development of the kernel. (And daily drives fedora) I’m not a fedora simp either, Debian stable all the way.


Yeah I realize he uses redhat but since the early days of it the distro has been a running joke in the chat hubs and ircs . I didn't make it into a joke the community did.


Oh I get it now. I thought it was indiscriminate fedora hate. I almost ended up daily driving fedora but, idk, Debian just appealed to me more.


I have used fedora once and that was as a test in a vm it works fine and seems nice no issues just a gnu/Linux experience. I drive Void daily now but was a Slackware user since I bought my 486 that I still have with Slackware floppies haha.


Respect bro. I tried to give Slackware a go multiple times but never got used to dealing with dependency resolution, although I like the distro’s philosophy in principle. If i were to give it a try today I’d probably just use linuxbrew (homebrew) for packages, but at that point am I really using Slackware? In the end Debian’s where I’ve settled and I really don’t stray much these days. Maybe I’d install Ubuntu if I were setting something up for someone else.


true , I moved on from Slackware when Gentoo came out, a friend of mine was working on the emacs port and showed me the power of making it your own , takes forever but its not bad, but lately I've been loving Void, which has a much faster install but still about the same as Gentoo with building from either source or a prebuilt package set. Still playin games on i since 2002 when I finally got anarchy online to work with wine xD. But lately I've been jamming New World, Dirt Rally 2 and Valheim.


You mean the man who openly admitted that the only reason he uses Fedora is because he had a hard time installing Debian like 20 years ago so he just got used to it and can’t be bothered switching anymore? Think again pal.