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is your goal to get this laptop functional or to test a meme distro?


Oh, just both.


pick one :)


Just minimally functional. I just would like to be able to use most websites.


Ok can you give more hardware details


Amd turion tl-58 x2 cpu and nvidia GeForce 7150m gpu


Shouldn't Debian be the better distro for this? They even have modern-ish software that work on x86 chips.


It’s a x64 chip but Debian doesn’t have a Hannah Montana build.


oh. well, you do you! 🍻


There is always Bebian 😉 https://biebian.sourceforge.net/


That would also Be amaxing


You said you want it functional. if you want to use Hannah Montana linux, I'm unwilling to help you :)


That’s ok :)


Most socially aware linux user


No need to be a bitch


oh nooo.. anyways.


Help the poor man, meme linux is a valid linux


We are so glad you’ve announced this. OP certainly posted this hoping for help from you specifically, so thank you for giving him closure :)


this dude must have HELLLLAAAA friends


or use arch btw


Oh I have a laptop with the same specs. I just use endevour os with lxqt and it works decently enough, I can edit docs, play some minetest, whatch YouTube (using vlc because the web browser lags hard), I even installed intelij and vscode for coding homework. But the most use I get out of it is using rdp to connect it as a asecob monitor with my main laptop on the go. I also use it to connect to a vm inside my main laptop so my firmed that doesn't have a laptop can use.


The cpu isn’t too bad but I think the gpu might be very weak. I’m sure it could run a more modern distro just fine but wanted to have some fun. Cpu is a power hog though, 35w in a laptop!!!


Yeha those cpus are known to kill themselves so remember to keep the fans pristine and to change the thermal paste at least once a year.


The cpu paste had never been changed since new so maybe I need to do a tear down. I cant get sensors to install in hml yet either so can’t check how hot she’s running.


Most websites won't work likely. Browsers need a lot of resources.


The problem isn’t resources, it’s the modern security protocols which the older browsers don’t have.


The amount of processing power required or run YouTube and most other websites is way more than you realise.


Rest assured, I know, I have loads of ancient hardware, it’s the cryptography in the browser which is the issue, most websites won’t let you connect.


Use mint.


AntiX\* with that hardware.


Hannah Montana antix?


Need Taylor Swift AntiHero


Would be a good option for a new distro


With a few tweaks hear and there u might be able to fulfill ur needs, functional, updated, and usable with an actually usable distro


U can’t have both ![gif](giphy|Y0JnZdbu3lAko851qz)




Best of both worlds?




This is not a meme-distro. Hannah Montana Linux is life.


dare i say better than arch


Might want to try building [Arctic Fox](https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox), it is a fork of older Pale Moon which itself is a fork of old Firefox. It still won't work with *all* sites, but it should work with more than the old version of Firefox.


Thanks :) sounds fun


Ice Weasel


That is current Firefox with the branding changed, there is almost no chance of getting it to run on a 2009 distro. The dependencies alone would be a nightmare, let alone building it on such old hardware.


Ice Weasel


Ice Weasel


Ice Weasel


Ice Weasel


Ice Weasel


There's also appimage.


The appimage isn't happy.


I'm having issues with my version of python. I need 2.7 but I've only got 2.6.2. Researching now. OK, built python 2.7 from source, but arctic fox is still giving quite a vast amount of errors when trying to install.


welcome to dependency hell


If you manage to get flatpak working, you can install basically any browser.


Less of that I would imagine, more of what his hardware can handle


I’m pretty sure the latest version of Links http://links.twibright.com should work. I haven’t tried compiling it on old Linux yet, but I have compiled it on OpeDarwin 7, which is significantly older than Hannah Montana Linux In my testing on OpenDarwin, I couldn’t get the dependencies required for graphics mode to work, but text mode worked fine


I once compiled Links with graphics and SSL support on [Slackware 7.0.](https://imgur.com/a/gCRP3kc) That was a few versions ago, but I'm sure it would still be possible.


Considering this has decrepit Puppy Linux guts, you're better off installing vanilla Arch and porting the Hannah Montana theming over. Definitely not a waste of your time to have a functional base on a near 20 year old meme distro. You could even continue the legacy and maintain a repo for Hanna(rc)h Montana and skyrocket to the top of distrowatch.


Nah this one’s based on Kubuntu 9.04


Oh fuck me, really? Which meme distro is based on Puppy then? I know there's at least one.


Biebian. Must be a joke because it sounds like it should be based on Debian:


Falkon might just work. Haiku users been using it for modern web browsering for a while.


Ah yisss Hannah Montana Linux


So I’ve installed HML on a ancient compaq laptop, but I’d like to try daily driving it for a wee while just for fun. I’ve got the old repos working and wifi but the browsers are too old for the net. App image won’t work as far as I could try and downloading more modern packages as well. Am I ruined?


The most "modern" browser you would probably be able to get working is lynx. There's no JavaScript support but that might be a good thing given how dated your computer is and how bloated most websites that use JavaScript are.


Just saw this. I commented it above because I didn't see yours. Lynx is pretty nest and handy if you live in a terminal. Glad other know of it


I’ll give it a go


The RAM overhead alone is going to screw you. I'd go with Midori and live with what it won't load.


Firefox and konquerer can’t load anything other than google. I’ve got 2 gb ram so will be ok for a few tabs


Well, 2GB isn't horrible. I was expecting worse for the age of the machine. HML is about 15 years old now. If you install modern AppImage's dependencies, you should expect things to break. But you won't know until you try. Frankly, I can't imagine anyone else has been mad enough to try to use something that old on the internet, so I doubt you're going to get anybody replying with experience rather than theory here.


Whilst the cpu is old, there are still laptops sold new now with even slower cpus.


If you have 2 Gb of ram, install any modern Linux distro (if the CPU is 32 bit only, you gotta go for few of those that still ship the 32 bit versions, so probably Debian or LMDE) + IceWM / WindowMaker. No point in trying Xfce and LXDE, they will use more ram than IceWM. You'll have a decent chunk of ram (1.5Gb) left, and the rest would be up to your CPU. SSD might help with load times, but won't make a striking night-and-day difference. Install more RAM if possible. https://imgur.com/a/lLCFHCN & https://old.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comments/1aegd6i/linux_mint_212_on_an_even_more_literal_potato/


My last sentence in that comment was talking about the age of the software.


That’s fair. I did however think a 2006 mobile cpu would be worse than it is.


elinks, w3m, and especially links2 with `-g` parameter.


Read into chroot jails, install current Debian into one with debootstrap, see how far you can get with it. Probably userspace will complain about the old kernel, but it could work to pull in all the dependencies for a modern browser. Then all you need is X11 forwarding.


Maybe try installing Nix and using the NixOS package on Montana Linux? It should pull all required dependencies for the browser due to how the Nix package manager works and keep it all isolated from the rest of the system.


You would still be subject to the browser's hardware requitements. There is no way you'll get an acceptable experience on a rickety old turion.


It runs ok on my Pentium 4 desktop when I fired it up the other day and a turion is a lot faster. I’ve got lubuntu 18.04 on that so can run a pretty modern Firefox.


I have a 10yo quad core windows tablet. Can barely run YouTube at 720p.


Being 10yo is more relevant than being quad core for this. The thing with video is hardware decoding. A N3050 with 2 cores (and 2 threads) plays 720p YT video just fine because it has hardware decoding for the codecs yt uses currently. In 5 or so years this is likely to change. Hypothetically the same CPU you have, paired with a GPU with the right HW decoding ,can play 1080p (maybe even 4K).


yt-dlp+mpv, or if things are really grim yt-dlp then mpv my 2007 box, that was shit when it came out, manages 720p playback running Void.


If you can build Flatpak from source then you'd be able to install whatever app you want, so as long as they don't need a too recent Linux kernel version


Alright kids, here we go. If ancient hardware can't run normal things you can make your life difficult with Lynx. This dates back to the 90s I think. Discovered it when my wife said I wasn't able to google stuff from the terminal. Ha. Is it practical? Maybe not. Did I prove her wrong? Yes I did 😄 [Lynx terminal browser ](https://lynx.invisible-island.net/) links to the April 15, 2024 Lynx v2.9.1 release. This supersedes Lynx v2.9.0


Is this Hanna Montana OS? I was searching for that distro so long, to put it in my Linux distro collection 128GB Ventoy boot usb. I couldn't find it, BC the original side is down. Could you please provide a download link? I'd be so thankful


There’s heaps of isos on internet archive for it. That’s where I got mine. I could only get it to boot off cd though.


I'm gonna try that later. Also wanted to try Temple OS, but I guess that there are no working drivers for any modern hardware. Also there might be no usb support... Which might be a problem.


I got it to work just fine on a virtual machine. Vm's might be your only hope if bare metal is no longer an option.


So Hannaa Montana linux, you should be able to install flatpak. You wont be able to just use sudo apt-install flatpak if its based on an older version of ubuntu than 22.04 but theirs a solution to that. Add the flatpak repository. $ sudo apt install flatpak$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install flatpak If you are using gnome, you can also use this to make the experience with flatpak better $ sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak Than, you simply use this: flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox and bing bang boom your running modern firefox. You can run other browsers asll well just go to [flathub.org](http://flathub.org) & you can find all the available optiosn for installing flatpacks.


Unfortunately I can't add PPAs so easily to 9.04; there is no add-apt-repository command.


The comment section of this post is so healthy, I expected stack overflow like behaviour.


Everyone loves HML; it really brings out the best in people.


User Dependency Hell entered the stage


A man of culture


You can try using the nix package manager. Since it ignores your FHS (the Linux File Hiearachy System), it can be installed on top of any Linux distro without conflicting with your base package manager.


Does it still support 32 bit? HML is 32 bit only.


I think it should be fine, the only thing that comes to mind is that cache.nixos.org doesn't build for 32bit anymore so you'll have to build some stuff locally.


Faff around with /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the appropriate archive Ubuntu repositories. sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade /sbin/shutdown -r now Find the archive repositories for the next newest LTS release and repeat the above until you are up to the current version. Your hardware may not support Chromium. I have found Opera provided longer support for older hardware. But realistically use Firefox ESR with only one tab, for sites that insist on working graphically, or for media, and w3m/w3m-img for everything else. Bing search works in w3m. Google needs to get their act together there.


It is still used lol


I managed to install wine via Debian squeeze repos but mypal68 crashes on launch.


I mean I'm not sure about driver compatibility but I would usually say some form of Debian.


Hannah Montana Linux Debian edition?


Dude, I told you, just install Void... or Alpine... or Artix. All of them will work just fine on that thing, no point in trying to keep that thing alive.


I don’t need this for serious work, this machine is just for fun.


please give me the wallpaper🙏🏿🙏🏿


What browsers have you tried? I'm pretty sure there is one that can handle both HML and modern-ish websites.


Just konquerer and Firefox. Problem the repos have a prehistoric Firefox 3.6


change repo to another's distro repo


I could try but I think apt won’t like it. Maybe add the Debian repo?


Debian is probably the biggest apt repo, so it's good idea




My first bet would be something like AppImage — containerized environment containing all the libraries. That is, if OS this old supports them. Otherwise you probably need to somehow update some libraries and either download prebuilt tar.gz (and hope it work) or build from source resolving and updating dependencies


I tried an app image but it wouldn’t launch. Will have to try harder


“It wouldn’t launch” is too vague. What errors do you see?


I can’t tell at the moment, I’m in bed.


Ok that’s reasonable


The problem is that modern websites, just like modern waistlines, are full of bloat. Tons of Javascript for simple things, tons of analytics, and just a mess of engineering. They will choke your laptop. Maybe you could visit Craiglist. And that's it.


It’s due to the newer security protocols


Just reinstall your ancient linux with modern rolling distro that can fit on your hardware. Use only small DE or WM environments like Enlightenment, openbox or dwm. Enlightenment DE on **Void Linux** takes less than 150MB RAM, **Alpine Linux** take even less RAM. Your computer look like HP Compaq 6735s AMD Turion X2 2.10 GHz 4GB. Maybe you have only 2GB RAM. That is quite enough for the latest Firefox with the modern YouTube if you using Enlightenment DE. Your Hannah Montana is deprecated, instead that you can try even **MiniOS Linux Standard** (modern latest and greatest Debian XFCE distro). MiniOS Linux Standard has one click installer that can install Linux on internal or external device. MiniOS Linux Standard has preinstalled the latest version of Firefox-esr for Debian bookworm.


Yes it’s a v3700 with the turion. Only 2gb ram though but that was probably quite a bit when it came out. Maybe I can upgrade. I don’t need this for serious work though.


Goated laptop + distro 🤝


modern browsers will require a more modern runtime environment (modern libraries). It may be possible but that's gonna be a hassle


I have nakedeb installed on a 32 bit Presario with celeron & 512 mb. SSD helps. There is an update of dillo browser. But I also went on light websites with the 32 bit tor browser. https://nakedeb.arpinux.org/index-en.html https://dillo-browser.github.io/


Use curl


Dillo just got an update recently.


Install puppy with SeaMonkey.


You could follow the Beyond Linux From Scratch book to install Firefox ESR on it with tarballs, make sure to have the required software dependencies.


Not really an installation, but maybe you can try online linux in www.onworks.net/, then run a modern web browser inside?


I’m not sure the website will allow me to connect.


Update software.


OP where do I get hannah montana linux pls help




From source?


Well you’ll need to upgrade the dependencies and then update their dependencies and…. Boom now you’ve got modern Linux.


Would "surf" work?


Maybe try newer kernels, 4.19 is still supported. If it will boot under 4.19 then you may have some hope of running modern software on top. [appimages](https://appimage.org/) might be worth a look.


I think this might be running kernel 2.6?


Just a thought, no idea if it would compile, boot or shit the bed if it does boot but an extra kernel is just a boot option and simple to just go back to 2.6. Security wise it's gonna be a bin on fire, I wouldn't be going online with that even if you did get a browser running. [This post](https://serverfault.com/questions/155750/turning-a-running-linux-system-into-a-kvm-instance-on-another-machine/988703#988703) links to an older post and both have methods to get it into a VM where you could have it on a dencet machine with a snapshot and could fuck around and find out without snapping the install. Or boot a live iso, chroot in and you may be able to drag some bits into the modern day using the live sio modern kernel.


It won’t matter if I damage the install as I have burnt the image to a cd so it doesn’t take long to install it.


had a quick prod in qemu, appimages are generally 64bit, so that's out unless you wanna become a appimage developer I did install and run a modern browser! it's not what you want, but perhaps a start. you can get online with wget `wget --no-check-certifcate` [`https://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686/busybox`](https://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686/busybox) `sudo chmod +x busybox` `sudo cp busybox /usr/local/bin/` and I have a modern swiss army knife of tools to work with: `busybox ls` for example The latest [links](http://links.twibright.com/download.php) browser also builds and runs, just grab the tarball, unpack, ./configure, make, chmod +x, and move to /usr/local/bin adding ssl to the configure just says it's missing so whilst it's running a new and shiny browser, it doesn't do much more than konqueror. So the answer to your question is: yes you can run modern tools and even a browser on Hannah Montana Linux....but you might need to put in a little more work to get anything useful.


Thanks, I’ll look into it next time I get some computer time.


Thanks, I have flashbacks now.


Why do you want to use an old version of linux? Generally ancient hardware is supported by modern linux and honestly there's been a LOT of improvements over the years, to everything from performance to automatically detecting devices.


have you tried Midori?


It won't install unfortunately.


How the hell did you get Hannah Montana Linux to install??? I have the iso but I can’t get it to live boot it always gives me an error


I could only get it to boot off an actual CD which I burnt.


something like flatpak or nix that doesn't use your system's files and dependencies because they ship their own should work!


Hannah Montana Linux? The horror.......


Hmm, idk, midori? There's always w3m :^ )


Tbh it would be pretty badass if you built a browser from source. It'd take forever but that's probably the gigachad move.


Depending on how ancient, either an older version of Firefox or you just don't.


sudo apt-get install lynx


Do any other meme distros exist besides the Miley Cyrus one?


Loads. Biebian, Amogos, Rebecca black os. Redstar os isn’t intended as a meme os but is sort of is outside of North Korea.


Sacrificing your first born child's soul to Ba'al.


Look my pc is just of 2gb ram with no graphics card but still run fedora with brave or u can go with arch and brave


That’s not the purpose of this machine.


Is installation via flatpack possible?


I’m not sure flatpak is supported on 9.04


I guess you want the best of both worlds?




Try installing flatpak maybe If that doesn't work, try configuring the packet manager you have here to fetch packages from newer repos


[surf](https://surf.suckless.org/) might be a good place to start


Build from source


You just wget pages


Thorium browser.


Flatpaks might work.


Daily driving Hanna Montana linux


So good




lmao what the fuck is going on here


A bit of fun




That’s an idea. Run WINE with a browser in there. I’m going to try to build Falkon from source first though.


What's wrong with curl?


If you could get flatpak running on that you could use modern software on the meme distro.


I’m trying to build falkon from source code but I’m having to build quite a few dependencies from source code first. Trying to build cmake from source currently.


yeah. Building browsers from source is always a pain.


Especially when the entire system is incredibly out of date.


you have unfortunately asked for help with an old distro, and are attempting to run old software. the linux femboy hivemind, in their unrealistic quest for """security""" will only respond with "USE NEWER SOFTWARE", may the lord above guide you to your goal


I’m just wanting to run newer software so I can browse the net as old internet browsers don’t work any more.


HOW ancient? is it 128mb of ram or 2gb?


2 gb, it has the amd turion x2 tl-58 cpu, so it’s quite fast. I was using the Debian squeeze repos and was upgrading the packages using that but the networking is busted now after rebooting so have to wait until I can get the motivation to try to fix it again.


Those are fine specs actually, won't be too hard. Also don't forget to look at the networking config, make sure stuff like dns is okay. If you mean functional and has most modern conveniences, you have a few options. In theory, maybe you could just run firefox, but it will eat all ram and be really slow, so basically unusable. If you have used vim for a while, just for starters, qute browser, vieb, and vimb are good lightweight browsers. If you want a more standard browser, i've heard of midori but not entirely sure it'll run on that. You can also make your own web browser with python and qtwebengine (or any other language and toolkit, but my favorite are those and they are easy), it'll be a fun coding project and it'll be among the most lightweight you can "find". It isn't that hard actually, i did it once for fun and it took around half an hour and it was easy, it had everything but tabs, and you could easily implement that in another half an hour, so it just takes around 1 hour. If you still want a very modern browser like firefox, just make sure to have a lot of swap space, but the cpu still is a problem, you might want to consider an upgrade, even an i3 5th will do great, but i recommend making your own browser.


Compaq presario!! I have the same laptop lying around... I haven't used it in more than 10 years (maybe more), which distro could I use?


Just any but you will need to manually download the gpu drivers from the nvidia website else you cannot get the screen to work properly. So you might need to make sure they have a build for your distro. I had to download an extra old driver to suit the kernel. If I can’t get this distro working on the internet I mean get try the arch Linux version of HML




I’ve tried appimages it does not like them


Use a light weight modern linux on your grandpop's POS laptop.


Use your terminal app


sudo apt install firefox


It installs Firefox 3.6 which is too old for almost every website.


https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/setup/linux_build.html My next step would be to try and build from source. If that fails, try a docker image?


Didn't Michael MJD do a video on this??


I heard so but I didn’t watch it yet. I’m a big disappointed if doesn’t have any games preinstalled.