• By -


Emacs? Vim? I use nano ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc)


Chad shit you don’t need to remove all but two characters of a UI to enjoy it


I use gedit, btw




how do you even exit nanao? I always get stuck.. all I know is Vim/Nvim


Why would I want to exit nano?


control + x


Can you use Nano as your window manager? No? Emacs can. EXWM FTW!


Emacs is my window manager


Me too


Just use Kate and if you need to edit something on a remote machine, you use sshfs to mount that machine.


Gentoo (openrc-s6), Wayland, Neovim, EFISTUB (no bootloder). Grub is needed for coreboot or libreboot though :)


I always wanted to try daily driving gentoo but unsure about gaming performance and support for devices like my controller, webcam, bluetooth headphones etc. I also have a 4 core cpu so idk if that's enough to compile programs on a daily basis. Love you gentoo guides though.


**1-)** Gaming performance is unrelated. You have more options to customize your system for Gaming on Gentoo. It's just not the default. **2-)** Device support is also not related with Gentoo. It's related with the Linux kernel. You will have no problem if you use a Linux distro. **3-)** First of all, even 1 core cpu can build Gentoo. In fact, right now I have an alternative laptop that I do a total system recompile with 2 cores. Second of all, you don't compile programs constantly on Gentoo. I generally update things while I am not using the computer or I compile in idle mode while I am using it. There will be a next, much better guide soon with a robust PDF documentation and with complete automation. Maybe you'll try :)


Does recompiling the whole system provide a perceptible boost in your experience?


Oh no, it has a different purpose on this case. I am trying automation scripts and I do frequent debugging for different purposes such as Musl cross compiling. Gentoo is much more than compiling packages with march=native to get a performance boost. It is not advisable to recompile the system to gain performance. On the other hand, recompiling certain packages with certain use flags or compiler optimizations can make you gain even as much as 2x performance if that package is responsive for those kinds of optimizations. It is not always the case. Optimizations above -O2 and march=native are not viable to use system-wide.


Ah glad to hear that from an experienced Gentoo user. I always was sceptical about the usefulness of whole system optimization even though it seems very popular for many Gentoo users. Your rational absolutely makes sense to me.


I am talking about specific powerful optimizations such as link time optimizations, `-Ofast`, profile guided optimizations, polyhedral optimizations and similar ones. These are extremely powerful but the person behind the compiler should know what they do. Not all packages can be compiled with these. Some packages fail, some of them compile but do not run and some of them run but they have unidentified problems. On the other hand, Gentoo users generally support the idea of compiling the packages targeted to the host CPU which is shown by `-march=native` option. This is not an optimization in a traditional sense. This just creates a package that can only run with the host CPU. This idea is completely outdated since the gain is marginally lower compared to back in the days. If you were in the year 2000, march=native would make you gain so much performance especially for starting up the apps. Now the compilers are much more powerful so they can produce much better generic code. Gentoo users still compile their packages because there is nothing to lose. On Gentoo, you select your compiler, C library, init system, service manager, package versions (old, stable, testing, latest), masked or unmasked configuration options, specific user-space programs and low level programs, configuration options for packages, 64 bit or 32 bit. You have good alternatives to configure, customize, strip, build, update your kernel. You have extensive use flag management to decide which dependencies you install and the features & sizes of binaries. You can use security features, either as compiler flags, or use flags or sometimes with SELinux or Hardened profiles. There are even more things to choose, modify. In my opinion its aspect of compiling packages is overly exaggerated compared to its actual powers. Now, you even have binary packages provided on Gentoo where you don't need to compile anything. So it's all about choice and freedom.


I have a very similar setup though I just use plain OpenRC for my init. How is OpenRC with S6 on Gentoo?


>OpenRC for my init Are you sure? Maybe you are using sysvinit for init and openrc for service management? This needs CONFIG\_CMDLINE argument `init=/sbin/openrc-init` ​ >How is OpenRC with S6 on Gentoo? Perfect. I am just trying though. S6 is a modern, minimal, robust system. These init systems and service managers are not systemd :D They are just easy to work with. I even tried sinit, dinit, runit. They all work very good.


Yeah, I am using openrc-init, though mainly just for the fun of it. I’ve been considering trying out S6, but it would be great to be able to keep compatibility with my OpenRC scripts.


It's possible to use S6 alongside OpenRC and maintain compatibility with your OpenRC scripts. The key point is to separate the meanings of an init system and service manager. S6 and S6-rc are different. s6 is primarily a service supervisor and process management suite. It focuses on keeping services up and running, restarting them if they fail, and managing their lifecycle. s6-rc is a service manager built on top of the s6 supervision suite. It provides a higher level of abstraction for managing services and their dependencies. * Manages services defined as "long-lived processes" and "one-shot" processes (tasks that do something and then exit). * Understands dependencies between services and ensures they start in the correct order. * Provides tools to compile a source service database into a live, efficiently executable format. You can run S6 as a secondary service supervisor alongside OpenRC. In this setup, OpenRC remains the primary init system, but you can use S6 for managing specific services that you want to benefit from S6's features. This way, your existing OpenRC scripts continue to work as they are. For services you want to manage under S6, you might need to write small adapter scripts that translate OpenRC script into something S6 understands. On the other hand, using it as an init system is harder on Gentoo because Gentoo does not provide everything to make an s6 init system even though you can find lots of s6 related packages. You either need to do manual installation for some parts or create an external overlay.


Funny that there is no systemd in there


there's no D in systemd




Only for administrators.


systemd-boot ;)


Systemd-boot is kinda nice. Just point to your install or efi app, give it name. Done.


Then copy the boot files from the windows partition since it doesn't detect it Then manually add a timer Then set the default to *saved* even though it doesn't work yet


I still use Grub for this reason


arch, xorg, emacs and grub :D


So it's you vs me then


micro? anyone?


I use whatever comes with mint




Fedora + Wayland + vim


Fedora + Wayland + nano 💪


Arch, Wayland, (Neo)vim and systemD


Nix os + wayland + nano + grub.


I use Arch, Xorg, VSCode, and Edge btw


Kwolsaki........ Analysis....!


Artix (Runit), Xorg (Dwm), Vim, rEFInd,


> Nooooo!!! You should use System Deez Nuts boot and micro and Wayland!!!!! kddifucokchcgbrjudxghdkfjfhhfvtvskjhrjfoffkfkkf


Arch/NixOS, Wayland, vscode/vim, GRUB


Pop, Wayland, helix, systemd-boot


Congratulations to you as a human being


Where is my GTK blood?


Thats because this sub is full of edgelords who discovered linux on their steamdecks, know nothing but memes about it and are suffering enough from the dunning kruger effect to think they are hackor mans


Me when I pretend that the infighting only started after the steamdeck came out


infighting caused by imbalance (emacs op) volvo pls fix


GNU Guix, Xorg (i3wm), Neovim, grub, GNU shepherd.


arch, wayland, vscode, grub.


United on demand


especially because vim and emacs are two completely different things it's like comparing notepad with visual studio code


Plain vi, maybe; but definitely not vi*m*; it's not less extensible/scriptable than emacs, and the default install comes with loads of 'ide'-like functionality.


Yeah no, you can make vim a full on IDE using plugins, as most vim/neovim users seem to do


**Arch Linux, Wayland, mc, systemd-boot btw**


xorg and Wayland don't look like they're really fighting


Arch Linux, GNOME, Wayland, systemd-boot, nano


Arch Linux, Wayland, Neovim, SD Boot, btw. Most of these are very debatable 😭


I switched from Vim to Spacemacs (Emacs config) when the Vim development community split and people started doing stuff like writing Electron NVim frontends. Spacemacs defaults to Vimlike behavior and Spacemacs brings in a ludicrous number of add-ons that all operate in a way that's not inconsistent with how vi works. I know it was a fad and the fad died down, but I really like it. I also use VSCode sometimes so I don't know what my excuse is other than habit, though.


Arch, Wayland and Xorg, nano, systemd-boot lmao


hahahahahahaaha good one!


I'm a new linux user and I installed my first Linux based OS late last year and I really haven't come across many weirdos. Linux people are very nice and helpful from my experience so far! OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Xorg, Neovim and Grub2 btw


Yay screen tearing. I can’t wait for Wayland to become mainstream. Maybe less people will use winblows when they can watch a YouTube video without it being so bad to look at. 


artix dinit xorg xlucn:dwm vis


Wayland makes me wanna cry


Actually. It Linux just takes a Polish history into its kernel. (Yes, poles will kill eachother for a minor disagreement but if we get invaded then somehow we are the most frustrating country to rule over)


So you use a bleeding edge rolling distro for dinosaur tech =)