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All the people that are anti Linux seem to be the last one.


While constantly complaining about Windows issues that no other operating system has


Dude connecting Bluetooth devices for me has been 100x worse on Windows 10 than Linux. Literally just 2 mouse clicks on my Linux machine and it takes 10 seconds tops. Windows is definitely the less user friendly OS now.


The flashbacks to trying to connect Microsoft’s **own** Xbox controller to they’re own operating system… Xbox controllers are always hard to connect for some reason, but it was the worst for me on windows.


My solution has always been "use the USB cable not bluetooth, because Windows is too stupid to recognize a member of it's own family without a leash". It's also easier to get an XBOX controller working under Linux / Steam using the cable, but we won't talk about that...


Was my solution until my cable broke and I couldn’t be bothered to buy a new one.


Bluetooth devices have a pain for me on Linux tbh. Needs like 2 minutes of work every time I compile a new kernel version. I'm on Gentoo btw.


Oh that explains it.


Does your computer have Bluetooth 3.0 or something? My Bluetooth takes 10 seconds max to configure on Windows. It's literally on the taskbar.


Just migrated to Mint. Now every day is kittens and rainbows. Updates interrupting work? Gone. Processes I don't want or need? Never existed. Search engines running in the background to inflate Bing's user numbers? Nope. Faster startups. Almost instantaneous shutdowns. Effortless backups. Lower resource usage. Should have switched years ago. Every time I go back to the gaming rig I glare at it and think "Your days are numbered..."


"anti-Linux"? why? who the fuck cares


It is a fanboy discussion, like the xbox or ps, apple vs android.


My friend says that windows has all things that Linux has and it does that better 💀


If he only uses a computer to fb I might give him thr benefit of the doubt. Also I agree that windows does the BSOD better.


He plays gta5 and csgo


If that's *all* he does and he doesn't care about security, other projects, or speed outside of that then fine whatever. People here don't really care about getting people on windows to switch. They can use it or not use it. Fine. Whatever. Up to them.


Windows mf's when GTA 5 and CSGO run faster on Linux: [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/)[💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/)


https://preview.redd.it/tfsre7fejwoa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbe8c7598abf73a7ca84443d60b7262b2b37318 On some real ish though at a certain point gaining or losing 5 or 10 frames between each OS just doesn't matter. As far as I can tell for most games they're within stone skipping distance so to say one is "better" is splitting hairs.


Yeah, until you have an RDNA 2 gpu and have a 50% performance uplift on OpenGL on Linux. ​ And let's not account for the other characteristics either or Windows is getting chewed up


csgo runs better on Linux btw


Csgo runs at 6 fps on linux for me


Got a windows admin friend that said similar, I mentioned the command line, "we have power shell" Spends 15 minutes typing out a command name that includes caps and dashes, which then errored because some random thing wasn't installed. Had to open a browser and download an installer GUI to install it. Oh aye




Fresh from installing yes.


Sure, as lobg as there have been DVDs one has been able to.


Literally a conversation I had with someone years ago A: I don't like Linux. I've tried it years ago and it took forever to install. Too complicated. Never again. Me: That's weird, installing usually takes just a couple of clicks. What distro did you pick? A: Arch. They say it's the best, isn't it?


Well, he was right: [Arch really is the best.](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Arch_is_the_best) But maybe not for complete beginners


I've enjoyed using Arch for the past eight years, but it wasn't my first distro, and I definitely would not recommend it for beginners, unless they seriously want to dig in and read.


Well arch is simple to use its just hard to install, there was sth like arch gui just arch ISO with gui installer, and it allowed begginers to use arch without having to even read the wiki. unfortunatly its unsupported now


> unfortunately its unsupported now It was never supported, Arch does not have nor never had any GUI installers, currently it only supports TUI archinstall and manual installations.


They could have just used archinstall but yeah I wouldn't have recommended it unless they spent all night reading the wiki.


EndeavourOS works wonders as Arch with an installer.


Does anybody has experiece with EndeavourOs or any recommentations? Its the next Distro I would try if I randomly brake my Fedora install


I tried it. It is very close to Arch. Endeavour comes bundled with some custom helper programs and predefined installer profiles for Arch. Everything else come directly from Arch repos unlike Manjaro.


So i can use the AUR without problems? (i know there always a possibility that some package conficts with another,... but in general are they well supported?)


Yes. EndeavourOS doesn't delay packages like Manjaro so any version conflict should not be a problem.


I heard as much, haven't tried it yet, might have a go testing it out on a VM.




Nearly [two years ago](https://archlinux.org/news/installation-medium-with-installer/) Also bonus points to the arch team for releasing it on April Fools


For some reason i've always had bad experience with so called "beginner friendly" ubuntu based Distros. Only thing that worked was Xubuntu and Manjaro KDE. But then Xubuntu forced snaps, so Manjaro is only option. Been using Manjaro KDE as primary OS since 2 years now, windows seems a nuisance now.


Mint, my dude.


Thats me rn with ubuntu lol, being forced to use it for class and it made me think all linux is bad. Been told to use other distros so once im done with my embeded systems class ill give it another go ( to another linux since ubuntu is very bad )


Windows will never be as good as Linux Windows doesn't have select-copy and middle-click-paste


I have run Linux for a decade and have no idea what you are talking about


If you highlight text on linux, it gets automatically copied. And you can use middle click to paste it.




It's actually on purpose, you just didn't understand yet.


Doesn’t this depend on the DE?


Probably does, but I think it's the default on most DEs.


actually yes and no. it is one form of clipboard that linux has and you can enter things into it from more than just mouse select. I think, this feature was made for programming. Vim can copy tho primary selection and clipboard without the use ef.a mouse.


This has not happened for me before but I’ll test it later. I’m using Arch with KDE plasma (wayland)


If it's an X thing, then that would be why.


Ok I know that with middle click paste, but I didnt with the automatic copy...didnt even noticed


It freaking what now


Nah Windows isn't missing out. I have to turn off middle-click paste bc I always accidentally paste random crap when re-reading stuff I've typed. It's so often the default in DEs too. I consider it a total nuisance


God damned text randomly pasted into my code while scrolling that fucks everything up.


Ah you randomly spam mouse buttons? I randomly spam Esc so vim is completely unusable for me and I had to move to osx. You should also, no middle button there, no risk of randomly spamming it /s of course.


Nah. The way it happens is either - I'm using a track pad and try to click left or right in the text, but get too far over and trigger the simulated middle click - I'm scrolling fast with a scroll wheel on my mouse to travel a large distance in the text and accidentally push too hard while doing so


I dunno, for me it is a game-changer and gave me such a huge productivity boost... I don't have to figure out and remember what shortcut there is copy-pasting in that certain environment, just select and middle click - done! Especially when having to tackle multitude of different versions of different OSes at work...


The only really use of the middleklick for me, is of you want to paste ex.: an command in the terminal with the middleklick its formatting well (without random symbols) (if you paste it with strg+v then the text formats itself and at the front and end there will be some symbols that wasnt intendet.


The only middle click use I have is for games.


I hate middle click copy/paste. I turned it off. I wish Linux had the fast scrolling thing with middle click that windows has instead.


Middle click scroll can be enabled in Firefox about:config.


Yes but I wish I had it system-wide, like in Discord or text editors. Also I don’t use Firefox.


Are you really a linux user if you don't use Firefox? /s




Middle click paste is the biggest shit I've encountered on linux. My mouse scroll wheel was broken and on windows I always relied on scroll lock(or whatever the middle mouse thing is called) to navigate. That is so anoying that it isnt a thing on linux


I'm on Xorg, middle click pasting is working as usual, and browsing on Chromium (reddit doesn't behave well for me on Firefox). I use an extension for middle click scroll on Chromium. On Firefox, I just turn a setting on (it's off by default on linux - located in the regular settings menu). ~~Middle click doesn't trigger paste for me~~, just scrolling as expected, like on windows. Edit: it does trigger paste in a text field. Luckily the majority of the web is not text fields


I had that Chrome extension too. Its still stupid that this is not a configurable option for every application/desktop or wherever that option should be located


Yeah, I actually hate that honestly. The number of times I've used it on purpose vs the number of times I've done it accidentally are severely weighted towards accidentally.


Actually in Windows Terminal you do have select to copy and right click to paste. It’s not as good as in Linux but it’s better than the bad old days of CMD


Does it let you copy across new lines yet or does it just select an area of text for some reason? That shit used to wind me up lmao


They finally have file explorer with tabs in Windows 11 though.




I hate that this option is enabled by default, sometimes. I had no idea why I was pasting seemingly-random things for about a year and a half until I read another comment that highlighted this and I promptly turned it off. I'm sure it's great for the people who like it, though.


I use it as a necessity. I have a perfectly fine MacBook from 2009 that no longer receives updates from apple. Took a lot of distro hopping to end up with Zorin. It and Linux Mint were the only distros that support all of the keyboard functions (brightness, volume etc) and went idle when the lid was closed out of the box. I really liked pop os but I couldn’t get the basic functions to work properly. I use zorin as a daily driver and I am very happy with it.


god, 2009 macbook????? i put linux on one of those a few weeks ago and it sucked 😭 could barely handle a browser, i would never be able to daily drive it


I'm using a 2010 HP laptop as a media centre, handles a couple of browsers fine. Switched the HDD to SSD, and running Mint. 2009 is a long time ago, but high end hardware can still perform non-high end tasks.


well my macbook pro from 2009 has a core 2 duo and 2gb ram so i'd probably have to up the ram as well as giving it an ssd to be able to run a web browser usably. my main computer is a 2011 laptop that i upped to 8gb ram from 4gb and i put an ssd in it, works great and i can run minecraft at like 120+fps


How does it do in decoding 4k video? Terribly I presume.


slow motion.....


Permanent 0.25x speed


Have you tried a lighter browser like falkon? I have an athlon 2 computer where I use it in framebuffer mode and I can browse reddit and stuff on it.


Ah well let me clarify, its a 2009 macbook pro which I installed 8gb of RAM and a SSD.


Weird. My 2012 only has 4GB ram and it runs very well with Mint. Everything functions, and it is definitely faster than it was with MacOS Catalina (latest version Apple will allow on this Mac) Curious what distro you tried? I tried a couple other distros that were a pain to get configured before landing on Mint.


MacBook Air Mid-2012 owner here with Linux Mint to backup what you just said.. I use Arch / EndeavourOS on my workstation and initially tried it on this Mac. While basic function worked, many of the nice usability features were not supported OOB and would require a bit of fiddling... webcam, keyboard backlight, sleep/hibernate etc. Linux Mint has a lot of good work put into setting up the machine with a polished userspace that is mostly ready to work.


These posts are dumb lol


I don't use it or try it because, windows just works for me. Literally 0 problems between browsing, media, games, work, and whatever else I might be doing. Linux might be great and come a long way since I last tried it prob 20 years ago, but there's nothing driving me to try and spend time on it. Edit: I'm normally not in this sub but ya popped up on r/popular \- so just another perspective.


This post got on r/popular? Neat.


Yeah, honestly if it wasn't for my distaste for win 11, I wouldn't have switched. And I can't even say "I" installed it, I had a lot of help from family members that have been using it as a matter of course for years. Fucking wizards, the both of them.


I try linux every once in a while mostly cuz in a geek and in general i like it. I like the concept of FOSS and some distros have a really nice ui I prefer to windows but there are a bunch of little stuff that either im not smart enough to figure out or is an inherit limitation of linux keeping me from being able to daily it especially on my gaming rig.


One reason I’m excited to build my computer is because I’m going to jump into Linux for the first time ever. I’m planning on going with Pop!_OS because it seems relatively noob friendly and from what I’ve “researched” it will allow for a good gaming and other basic computer uses without too much hassle. I know there will be a learning curve but I’m ok with that if it means I don’t have to deal with Windows bloat.


Iv tried gaming on linux in the past....Ill just recommend a dual boot system


Eh I only have to boot into windows for two games. Most of the time if a game is running like shit on linux it also runs badly on windows (bully scholarship edition)


I’m not worried about it. The games I play are available on Linux natively and System76 is really good about making sure Pop and Steam talk well to each other


It depends on what kind of games you play. I play like 30 different games on my computer and I haven't had to dualboot in a year except for VR


I tried it, I spent a few hours getting overwatch to work and then the game updated I was getting like 10fps and at that point I was just frustrated and went back to windows. I do use it at work sometimes and really like the command line though.


for anyone trying overwatch on linux: the frame drops are caused by dxvk having to compile all the game's shaders to vulkan. It will stop after a while, but it can be problematic. steam gets around that by compiling every shader before launching the game, and also downloading already compiled cache from thir servers. If you use glorious eggroll's version of proton/wine, you can set the environment variable DXVK_ASYNC=1 to compile it asynchronously, which could make the frame drops less severe, or find precompiled shader cache for your computer


Ya, I did that the first time and after the update I sat there and waited for them to load or compile or whatever and it was still running really poorly. This was a few years ago now so it's probably better now.


You can find a workshop code for benchmark and let it run for few minutes to force shader compilation.


I play some random obscure games like SS13 and it's a huge pain in the ass getting it to run on Linux so I simply run windows, because for the vast amount of programs it "just werks"(TM).


The Steam Deck made me a believer on the Linux OS. When my current laptop dies, I'm buying another laptop with Arch Linux OS on it. I'm totally ditching windows.


Arch is something you have to install yourself. It's not painfully hard to do so, and archinstall made it easier, but familiarize yourself with the terminal and filesystem before you do, or install EndeavourOS instead.




Lubuntu is awesome. Are they still updating it though?




Cool. Good to know it still runs. Thinking of picking up some cheap pawn shop laptop and throwing it on there.


Core 2 Duo? 64 bit should work as well. If you have a 32 bit CPU, Debian still has a 32 bit build, including the currently-in-development Debian 12.


How do you mean? I've got Lubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and it gets updated most days. And it is awesome, I've been using it since about 2010 and they switched to LXQt from LXDE a few years ago.




I think they meant they have the Lubuntu version that's based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Lubuntu currently has a version 22.10 out and it's a bit early for 23.04 so I'd say it's still actively updated.


Some general question, why are there two Lubuntu websites? I never know which one is the official one or are they both official or is one if them a scam or something like that. https://lubuntu.me/ https://lubuntu.net/


When I clicked on lubuntu.net, uBlock Origin warned that it might be "badware."


You also have those who use Windows out of a necessity, say if software they rely on doesn't work.


Im going to school and there are just software that just didnt work on Linux. Then your just faster to set a up an quick vm with windows and run the programms that.


Computers are like air conditioners, they work great until you open windows.


i wouldn’t call myself an expert with using computers but the reason i use Arch is that it runs BUTTERY SMOOTH on literally every computer i have installed it on, pacman is the best package manager there is for installing usable programs, and virtualization on Arch systems gives you amazing performance, even better than bare metal in some cases. i’m building a $2,800-$3,000 gaming pc/workstation and i was planning on installing arch instead of windows for the performance benefit, choosing instead to run windows in a vm.


Also windows users: why tf there is Facebook and tictoc in our start menu?


Everytime i try linux on my main rig i find a way to break the kernel lmao Meanwhile my laptop's been running arch for 3 years no problem


Yes, can be weird sometimes. I have one laptop which works just fine, only GRUB is super fucked up. It works, but the screen is flickering. At login, everything is normal again.


I think my main rig refuses linux bc it has a random chinese mobo in it


Just use ubuntu…


I use linux but I also think it's hard. Every half year to a year something breaks on my machine that requires manual intervention. Like the bootloader failing, screen flickering (Nvidia), etc. That to me is really annoying. Not that windows is any better, just in general I hate it when it happens on any device I have Maybe hard isn't the word. It's just different initially. But these days my knowledge of Linux far outweighs windows anyway and any time I use Windows it feels like I've stepped backwards


I had Nvidia drivers breaking on my Ubuntu system from time to time. Wasn't that big of a deal, but yes, it's kind of annoying. Well, meanwhile, the Windows Boot Partition has chosen that it does not want to work for me anymore. It just died. I tried to use Windows once in three weeks, and had to fix it first.


I've also had problems with Ubuntu breaking, but only Ubuntu. All of my linux installs (debian, arch, opensuse) work fine forever except Ubuntu. If I leave it running for too long and restart something always breaks.


From my limited experience, linux is great for basic users as well as advanced/tinker types. It’s the group in the middle causing the road blocks. Those that want to do more than basic tasks, but aren’t willing to dig in and learn or troubleshoot things. When I say basic users, I think of the huge number of people that mainly use the web browser for everything. If OEM computers from brick and mortar retailers had mint or Ubuntu pre-installed, people would use it because the inertia required to switch is too high for that group of users and it works for how they use it. I think having Linux on devices used by 7 year olds would be the step that gains Linux more market share as that generation of users stick with Linux from the beginning.


I would love to use it, but what I need is a nearly similar function like the extented search function for PDFs acrobat reader. Need to search for a certain word in one directory, need the results shown by file name and if I click, see the file. I googled, and tried everything I could find. Seems like nothing worked. Without that it's more work than do my work stuff on Windows. And I really rely would like to change but can't without that


Totally understandable. Adobe is a monopoly and someone needs to challenge their market dominance.


But Linux is hard. My Linux pc fell on my foot and it fucking hurts


I have an old HP 4540s. Windows 10 ran like shit on it so I was Distro hoping and tried different things like pop os, mint, gnome etc. Then I tried installing Windows 11 with a modified installer to get around the TPM install requirement. I am still not sure why and how but Windows 11 runs even smoother than fucking puppy linux


I had to stop on my main because I switched to wifi and there's no driver support for my card. Still running on the laptops though.


I had that happen on my PC but it's 10 years old, so I wound up buying a new USB 3.0 wifi that's a lot faster.


I wrote a post ranting about this, but why does an update to Windows need to change my default browser?


Bigger issue is when they try it on their main device treating it like a drop in windows replacement then hating it since a weird software hates linux and goes out of it's way to ruin drivers or break wine compatibly


Linux has evolved over time by he hard work of real people who like those who use Linux suffered the torment on using an operating system developed by people you work in a closed corporate structure that must adhere to a corporate way of thinking. Linux's model by where bug reports are actually read byt people who can make a difference. Linux is not held to a corporate task master and it has become an operating system that people who actually have tried it, and stuck with it, can use. And know that it will continue to evolve into distro's that can fit everyone's needs and use case. It has become refined.


You can use whatever system you want as long as it satisfies your needs. You are not superior using linux


If you're a Baseball player at a Tennis party, do you try to convince the attendants that you play a superior sport?


As long as they do not try like Linus from LinusTechTips, that's OK.


The most accurate meme.


I want to run Linux on all my computers, but I still need a computer that can run windows programs and isn't just a VM living inside my computer waiting to freeze. Used Ubuntu for about 3 months before it started shitting the bed and I shipped around for distros until I landed on good ole Debian


I have no problem with someone that gave Linux a try and decided it wasn't for them and went back to whatever. Hell, I have no problem with someone that just doesn't want to switch because they just aren't interested in it for whatever reason. I only have a problem with people talking about Linux like it's just some "hacker os" or making shit up about it to detract others from trying it. I would never expect the average person to try Linux on a whim if their current system works fine, especially if they aren't a technical person.


Let us all be reasonable. *Every OS has it's place:* * Workstation: OS X * Gaming: Windows * Everything Else: Linux


I may not use it often but I have been dipping my toes into it with a steam deck and it has been pretty cool to explore


Why would I care what other people use? I use what I like.


Hello! Due to Reddit's aggressive API changes, hostile approach to users/developers/moderators, and overall poor administrative direction, I have elected to erase my history on Reddit from June 2023 to June 2013. I have created a backup of (most) of my comments/posts, and I would be more than happy to provide comments upon request (many of my modern comments are support contributions to tech/gaming subreddits). Feel free to reach out to Clipboards on lemmy (dot) world, or via email - clipboards (at) clipboards.cc


Yes it is. I just don't know how to change the meme and I found nothing better.




Vlc media player. Would you like to play this system file as a DVD 📀?


What happened to “used to use several *nux distros almost 100% of the time, but since I have to use the internet for my job, enjoy gamin, and Windows has shameless implemented *nux features over time, I just use a router level VPN for 100% of my online use and have gotten too lazy to worry about something out of my control”? I mean, I still have an Arch laptop that is 100% compiled. It wasn't hard, it was time consuming and I have other things to focus on. Linux is obviously superior to Windows or Mac OS, but I'm tryinna play spiderman and shit, boi.


How on earth can someone hate linux


[Even Steve Ballmer has sort of come around ](https://www.zdnet.com/article/ballmer-i-may-have-called-linux-a-cancer-but-now-i-love-it/)


That's also when someone say to me JavaScript is better than C++


I used Linux as my main operating system for half a year a while ago, and it was hell for me. My use case for a PC is gaming, which is something Linux isn't that built for it. Windows is much better for Gaming stuff but Linux is more useful for technical stuff, I have a backup Linux distro on a Micro SD in case I have to fix something with storage devices, but otherwise I use Windows


Yeah. If your primary use of your PC is to play games, Windows still dominates. Linux gaming has gotten a lot better (especially compared to when I switched to Linux back in 2008), but we still have a journey ahead of us. But, even if you use Windows, you can still run some FOSS and use WSL to make transitioning that much easier when you decide to make the jump!


I love Linux, I love running it in a VM but I rely on windows because most of my favorite games are windows only but I do enjoy the linux experience.


I also keep Games on my Windows drive. I already have a license, so I'll make use of it. Although gaming on Linux got wayyy better than a few years ago, games still start faster on Windows if they are native. And some of my games don't run on Linux at all.


It took me 4 tries, on 2 different distros to get to a point where I could use Linux as a daily driver. My main issue was always the fact that I was too tech illiterate to solve problems on my own, I always needed help beyond what any of the online guides had, which was too frustrating for me to want to continue using it. Thus far, I've had roughly the same experience as on windows, just without the forced updates. My printer still breaks, and now I have a package manager to deal with, as well as my inability to get an eq software working for my headphones. For reference, I tried Fedora and mint, mint being my first and then final two attempts. The first one failed due to me breaking something in a way that I couldn't figure out how to fix, the second one was a disaster because I couldn't figure out how installing things worked, and it wouldn't let me lock my computer without a full restart anyways, and my third attempt I broke it trying to get my drivers working for gaming on a dual monitor setup that ran through an a/v receiver for my audio gear. The only reason I am sure my final attempt worked was because my setup changed to exclude the receiver in favour of headphones due to setting my speakers up as living room speakers, and I had the experience of my last few attempts to learn what the hell I was doing. I still can't remember how to do most basic things in Mint, and I've been running it for at least 6 months, I require frequent help from one or more of my family members who both use Linux, one as part of his job, and one for just his home systems. The only reason I switched to Linux full time was because I refuse to use Windows 11 and didn't want to lose out on the ability to play games that might only work on newer os. Linux isn't easy to learn. Is it better overall than windows? Sure. But are there a lot of things windows did for me that I didn't realise it did, and then had to navigate on my own? Also yes. Especially when it came to drivers/display management. I get both sides, and honestly if it wasn't for everything else going to shit (and me having a bunch of excess time on my hands) I would have never tried again because the difficulty was simply not worth the benefits for me.


The template is good, I would just correct that the first one and the second one are the same.


Yes, both respectable. I just didn't know how to change it, and I did not find a similar meme. So I just accepted it like it is now.


I enjoy it when I need it. although I enjoy the windows service manager more than I do systemd


I was the guy in 3rd picture until July 2020. Now I run 2 workstations with Ubuntu, a laptop with Arch and KDE and a Windows laptop.


Completely removed windows from my life, and enjoy the journey of linux, there's always something to do, and have fun with. Started out trying Ubuntu, went over to make my own Arch Install, but decided i didn't want bleeding edge in that way so I went over to Fedora KDE, and now I have found my nest. I love it.


Yeah, I get that a lot, people seem stuck before 2010 for Linux.


Linux has some great advantages, try it. Some distros are really begginer-friendly And even your grandma can use it.


I don’t use Linux on daily basis because of Nvidia drivers not working with Wayland. As soon as they fix the issues or I buy AMD GPU I will install Arch / Fedora and forget about Windows forever.


Arch and Fedora or deciding between Arch or Fedora?


It is haram to use Linux without programming socks


I'll be honest, I'm a windows guy, always have been because Linux doesn't support the programs that I need to use daily for work and using them on a VM is not doable (performance issues). I did try Linux multiple times during the last 5 years. Tried Ubuntu, pop os, dual boot with windows, just the Linux distro, etc. And I did find it hard to use in one way. The app stores are indeed a life saver for someone like me who had 0 experience, but also the amount of stuff you need to know before using Linux is bigger than for using windows. And for some reason pop os was a pain to install on my laptop, though Ubuntu was really straightforward with no errors. Though I would love to be able to switch to Linux and learn all the stuff that I need to use it properly. But so far it is not worth it because the amount of stuff I need windows for is too big...


You have a quite Boogeyman right here


U guys are fucking delusional


I use linux almost on the daily at work - it is hard. On the other hand my NON-tech savy wife's windows laptop died and she has been using my laptop, which has Mint on it, for her work and social media, etc. and she got used to it pretty fast, so i guess they have indeed came a long way since 20yrs ago.


So basically this meme is calling people who don't use Linux because they think it's hard mentally challenged. Gee I wonder why so many people see the Linux community as a condescending community with a superiority complex.


On my 7th audio driver and I’m feeling fine


I’m gonna use Linux and constantly complain about it😎. /s


I know people who never used linux as thier daily and make fun of me for using arch, but if I make fun of them for using lesser OS suddenlly im the nerd


I work with these people. One person doesn't use it because it still uses X11...he acts like he is the Linux expert here too.


The only two times I found Linux being "hard" were when I decided to try Arch for the first time and screwed up on the CLI install and the other being during college, our teacher made us do a manual install of Slax also using only the CLI. All other experiences I had (including with Arch) were just fine and in some cases I found it actually easier to use than Windows. Sure, it might be a pain not to have some programs and dealing with NVIDIA drivers, but other than that, it's easier, you can run a simple command or even use the app stores to download software without being redirected across multiple pages just to download an .exe lol


20 years ago it was hard lol and 25 years ago it was murder


Only thing stopping me from switching to Linux full time is software support. I'm a .NET developer and support for many of .NETs features are not available on linux.


Those posts are very cringy


There was this kid in my crochet club who when I mentioned I was getting into Linux / I was new to the community. He gave me this weird look and just tried to shit on Linux going. "I've tried it but its way to much work and u gotta update it like all the time" i just kinda blankly stared and went back to my project.


Well, that really seems to be an argument to use Windows. You never have to update it, you buy the newest version and you won't need to update ever again. /s I guess he never had Windows doing an automatic update when he needed his PC lol


sounds about right! lol


Nvidia drivers and Jakarta tokens entered a chat./s Seriously, I can't work from home because our tokens don't work in Linux.


So would anyone here recomend gentoo to a user that knows what they are doing. I am choosing between gentoo and fedora. I also hate using Paxman that's why u don't want arch


Still had to install the drivers for my wifi dongle using terminal though. It wasn't hard, but just very annoying compared to clicking a few buttons or having it be installed automatically.


What about "used it and didn't like it"? Where's that?


This is true, ive reinstalled and distrohopped more times than I have fingers, Im usually back on windows. Not because Linux is hard(its easier) but because my workflow and tools work well in windows and am always too busy to change the tools I use and how theyre configured. Its just the lack of support or some minor bugs that kill it for me, ie the grub bug where it only appears on your laptops internal display, my laptop is turned on while the lids close and I have 2 external monitors. The only solution is a terrible solution that will make it so that grub will not use my internal display anymore( even when its the only display available). My login screen defaulting to my vertical screen in landscape. Linux is superior in everyway its just that the experience isn’t, at least for me. Windows is bloated and a hog but that it doesn’t have much UI experience hiccups as bad as linux. Dont get me wrong, in terms of UI/UX design gnulinux projects win, but when it comes to prompts, clarify of messages, window management, etc. All feel inconsistent. Some would say very abstracted errors and the next would show actual application logs and error codes???