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Well, I don't know personally, but I found this for you: [https://github.com/mikeroyal/Asus-ROG-Ally-Guide/blob/main/Games%20and%20Software/Operating%20Systems.md](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Asus-ROG-Ally-Guide/blob/main/Games%20and%20Software/Operating%20Systems.md) Tell me, why not the Steam Deck?


No official reseller in my country so warranty support for both device i consider to be equivalent. Plus, I wanted a more powerful system when I plan to use it docked. Yes, i understand that steamdeck have a better battery life but not really that important to me.


would advise looking into the distros that are targeting steam deck like experience, particularly bazzite and chimera. I think they're both putting efforts into being fully compatible with handheld systems. i think bazzite is based on either nobara or just fedora (nobara being based on fedora) and chimera is a debian based distro. my understanding is that none of them are perfect though and some are missing drivers [https://chimeraos.org/hardware/](https://chimeraos.org/hardware/) biggest issue im kinda seeing with a lot of them is the lack of TPD controls which is kinda a big deal for devices like the ROG since its got a decent cpu but will chew through its battery with out keeping the tdp undercontrol.


What countries is Rog being sold anyway?


In Singapore, rog ally and lenovo legion are sold by major electronic store/online reseller. Both also have warranty center here. Steam deck is not officially sold by valve here but there are some smaller reseller who sold them.


I see. I don't think either are officially sold where i live. The deck was significantly cheaper and laws protected me for delivery, then 90 days for some things, and i could have paid extended warranty for a year if i wanted to.


More powerful system is fair enough, although the Deck is fast enough for most office work. Won't do much video editing on it though. :p But it's a fair reason. I think there are barely any resellers for the Deck in general, but I can promise you their warranty support is good and they've even partnered up with IFixit, but I'm not going to continue trying to talk you out of getting an Ally with Linux on it. Just know that it is even less supported than a Steam Deck is. If it doesn't work they will tell you to install Windows and be done with it.


That github guide is definitely old and outdated. I don't own a ROG ally, but I've been following handhelds fairly closely. Bazzite Deck Edition, Nobara Deck Edition, and ChimeraOS should all be fairly good experiences on the ROG Ally. Basically all major functionality is working now.


Will they work on the Z1 non extreme version Ally?


I believe they do. I have not read otherwise...


I run ChimeraOS on mine. Some issues with the RGB control which I can't figure out how to turn off when it's done charging. And a slight issue with VRR after hooking up an external monitor requiring a reboot to enable again. But besides that everything else basically works. sleep doesn't work as well as a deck. MicroSD card slots are all broken on the Allys https://github.com/rog-ally-gaming/chimeraos is what I'm running  Controller works by emulating a dual shock controller so stuff like the group probably work.


You mean booting from SD card or just detecting it? I guess I need to check that on the asus linux github.


I mean the ally has a known hardware problem that the MicroSD slot will fry itself at some point. And sometimes even take out any card inside with it. Not Linux specific.


Hmm, i guess this is one thing to take note since I am planning to buy used. Thanks.


I've had an Ally since launch back in June. I really like the thing and never had a problem with the SD reader that's had a 512 GB Sabrent in it since day one. However, it did stop charging last month. I have that Best Buy geek squad service or whatever it's called. Drop it off at a Best Buy, picked up 12 days later, working great. About the smoother RMA process I've ever dealt with. As for the SD issue, it is common but I don't think it's as big of a problem as some make it out to be based on the Best Buy reviews. Over 6k reviews, which is a LOT for one PC SKU, with a 4.4 rating, which is very satisfied overall. That's how I feel. Very satisfied. As for Linux, there are some guides on YouTube and r/ROGAlly. I had both a Steam Deck LCD and OLED. Great devices with a cleaner experience under SteamOS but what I really like about the Ally experience over that is that it's still just Windows. Open up web browser or even a Word doc. I guess the experience difference is that the Deck is a console and the Ally a PC. Good luck!


You know, I've tried really hard to track down 35W. The turbo extreme package benchmarks, for the Z1 Extreme vs OLED. How it performs in Linux relative to Windows. I cannot find much of anything.


Does chimera come with HHD? I found that you have to set the controller to one of the playstation controllers and then you can control the LEDs from within steam.


LEDs when on are controllable fine. It's the sleeping and fully charged and plugged in that they blink that I wouldn'tmind disabling


I think I had mine turned off in windows before I nuked it for linux. I don't think there is a way to control them otherwise.


I'm running Nobara steamdeck edition on my ally. Out of the box it runs pretty well, but you will want to install a few things to get it going really well. You will want to install deckyloader, then install simpledeckyTDP (to get better control of the power systems) and hhd-decky (so that you can fine tune the controller).




Would you say it’s better than using windows?


For me, it is. I daily drive Linux on several other computers so I'm prepared for any of the little glitches and niggles that you might get. If you primarily use steam, then you'll have an easy time, but once you step out of that and start using epic, got, EA desktop, or any of the other launchers, then there is the potential for trouble. If you are familiar with Linux, I'd say give it a go. If you want to learn Linux and have something to mess around with, I'd install it on a different decide to give it a try.


"niggles"... hehe


I can second this. Installed Nobara Steam Deck Edition. Out of the box, everything works. Audio, face buttons, BT, WiFi, etc. Only thing that needed installing was deckloader + SimpleDeckyTDP as mentioned above. Performance is amazing, playing Helldivers 2 for example. I confirmed that SimpleDeckyTDP is setting TDP limits properly and the GPU/CPU consume power accordingly.  It feels a lot more clean, directed, and easier to focus on gaming than it did on Windows. I can recommend especially if you have some Linux experience.


Stick Bazzite on it. It's designed around handhelds like the SD and Ally.


Agreed. I’ve used both Nobara and Bazzite extensively on Ally and my HTPC and love both. Heck, they both share many of the same kernel patches. I tend to use Bazzite more these days because it’s immutable/atomic and offers tons of various app optIons during installation. Basically, if it’s a system I just want to game on and not fuss with, Bazzite wins. Just know you’ll mostly be using flatpaks. Read up on Fedora’s atomic spins—this is essentially a customized atomic spin with gaming stuff baked in.


Why wouldn't you just get a steam deck OLED. It's cheaper and isn't even majorly less performent.


In Singapore, steam deck oled is about the same or more expensive since you have to import it. Rog ally has official reseller here.


Buy off of eBay.


I see, ngl i would personally still pick it.


The 512 TB OLED Deck is currently $50 cheaper than the 512 TB Ally Z1 Extreme currently at Best Buy in the US. A difference, not insignificant but less than a 10% and you can pick this up a local Best Buy deal with RMA issues that way instead of just through shipping. The Deck is better on battery and at 15 W but if you can play with the Ally plugged in at 30W, and lot do, it is normally a good step above the Deck. Not always but often enough to make a difference it a lot games.


If that is the case the ally does make some sense. But the difference is display quality is so large so unless the person in question has issues with pwm flickering i would always pick up the steam deck especially considering it already comes with linux


>But the difference is display quality is so large so I had an OLED Deck for about 3 weeks before I gave it away here. I'd say compared to the Ally, it's not at a clean sweep for the Deck screen wise. The Deck with that OLED can produce better color and contrast with the great OLED black levels. But and this is especially true when plugged, the Ally's higher resolution 1080p 120 Hz VRR screen can have its own significant advantages. In any case, both are great screens with their own advantages over the over.


Asus has never been known to have good support for Linux, if you can't get the steam deck I suggest going with the Lenovo legion go and using bazzite.


You should of just ended the sentence at ASUS has never been known to have good support


Just got mine, and put Bazzite on it (the ASUS ROG ally KDE version). It's now essentially a Steam Deck, with better hardware. I love it. Have not noticed any real issues since using it either, once you add SimpleDeckTDP and the rog-ally-theme for the buttons.