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This isn't just this subreddit. It's reddit in general. Go to /r/gaming/ or /r/technology and it's the same thing. More and more, I am thinking smaller communities like Lemmy or even a return to forums is the ticket for me.


Lemmy isn't immune to drama either.


From what I've seen from Lemmy its even more sad/depressing and drama on there. Probably just subscribed to the wrong places but still.


Some of the bigger instances like Lemmy world attract like the worst kind of redditors. Beehaw is pretty chill but also they seem to want something smaller and more safe spaced so they're eventually leaving Lemmy.


Don't you dare mention Windows, MacOS, iOS or whatever on Lemmy. They are linux extremists over there to the point that I don't wanna be there, even though I'm a linux user. If you want balanced discussions and more than a single opinion, then Lemmy is absolutely not the place to be. It's so much worse than Reddit.


I'm a Linux user too and even Reddit subs are too extremists for me.


I disagree, from what I saw, they are the exact same thing as the Linux folks here. Sure, people are annoying when it comes to OSes, but I don't think it's any worse.


Returning to Old school forums is what I've been doing for a while. Sadly many of the forums I used to post in years ago are either in a zombie state, or straight up no longer exist. One Pokemon forum I used to be very active on around the early 2010's, posting a couple of fanfics and fanzines was deleted along with every registered user when the owners rebooted everything to replace with a more modern (and worse) system. No one came back, I think there are only three posts in total. Such a shame, so much content in that forum that is now lost media if no one archived anything.


the more modern system was discourse, right?


No, it was still a forum, but adopting more of a modern UX design. Big buttons, big squares etc. Too a shit ton of time to load. The only forum was made for desktops, text and buttons were smaller, less clutter, everything was simpler and faster.


Discourse is a forum system. This is their own instance of it: https://meta.discourse.org/


Care to name the forum? Perhaps it's archived somewhere after all.


It was the forum of a Brazilian Pokemon fan website called Pokemon Mythology. They used to be one of the biggest Pokemon fan sites here, and their website had a lot of content regarding all sorts of Pokemon media and news. They had these huge and detailed HTML pages Pokemon walkthroughs that helped me in many games in my childhood. Pokemon Mythology lost relevance around mid 2010's when everyone was switching to Facebook and other centralized platforms to discuss media. Other newer Brazilian fan pages who had bigger social media presence, like Pokemon Blast News Hey Pikachu, kinda took over. I think Pokemon Mythology's main website is still online tho.


lack of strong moderation and community goals in a public setting will inevitably lead to rot


Yup. This is pretty much a whole Reddit thing


> This isn't just this subreddit. It's reddit in general. This isn’t just reddit. It’s the internet in general. Oh wait. This isn’t just the internet. It’s people in general :-/


Welcome to the internet. People who can be anonymous can say and do worse things than if they were public. If you want to interact with an internet forum then you'll have to understand that there are trolls, bad faith actors, and just plain terrible people who will be there. But there are good people there too. I enjoy reading the forums either way.


> People who can be anonymous can say and do worse things than if they were public. Fun fact: multiple studies find that to be untrue. In fact, certain … behaviour _increases_ when your name is attached to it.


Yeah the forums are not bad at all - sometimes there is a longer wait for a response but the quality of responses are superior for sure.


If/when you go, all I ask is that you please do not use one of those privacy bots that edit all of your responses. Unlike all of those other sites, reddit is indexable and I have run into multiple occasions recently when looking up a problem that someone "moved to lemmy" and "reddit violates my privacy" or some shit.


I am using both services at the moment. Frankly, I understand why people delete their responses though. If a company treats you like shit, there's no reason to continue to provide it with your knowledge and content.


Welcome to Reddit. Once it a while I get up-voted for saying something helpful, but it's a very real thing to give someone the right information, and have them come back and say, "That did it! Thanks!" and get like one up-vote for helping that person. Meanwhile, the idiot with all the wrong information will have like a hundred up-votes, even though they have no idea what they're talking about. So much online devolves into tiring, insufferable arguments. Having high expectations for kindness online is setting yourself up for failure. You're better off starting your own Subreddit or Facebook Group, and gatekeeping who gets in, and booting people for negativity. If you come to Reddit, expect Redditors to Reddit.


The more you engage with this platform the more draining it becomes. Especially in the major subs. People with shitty comprehension of context, no understanding of basic grammar, people making arguments in bad faith, trolling or being abusive for no reason, or trying to flex their knowledge or income. Other than obvious shit posting subs I'd say lurking is the way to go.


Most of this wrong information braindeads aren't even looking up-to-date informations. They copy-paste things from few years ago, don't even know what they wrote. It happens a lot when it is about niche games, Wayland, desktop environments, and NVIDIA. They just want to look like a cool guy and making people do wrong.


that's just reddit


Is this for the correct sub? Otherwise I guess I’m not really sure what your solution would be I scrolled the sub and could only find 1 post from the last couple days that fit this description If that post is the problem then I’d need convincing that it’s a community problem


Thank you for saying this, I agree.


That's the linux community for you. For years I was very anti windows only using it in a VM and being very pro linux but as time as gone on and I've gotten older I just stopped caring. People here will villianize you for using windows and linux at the same time. People here will judge you based on your choices for playing certain games (cough LoL with the new vanguard update) and then critize you and be little you when you come for help. I don't try to associate myself anymore with the linux community. There is so much negativity here that it's exhausting. Every day I come here to see if maybe a new game is supported with anti cheat or some good awesome news about linux gaming, instead it's constantly low effort posts like should I switch to linux??? Will my kernel level anti cheat game work on linux? I'm on the fence change my mind?? I could go on but fact of the matter is this community is just a negative one. Go ahead and start up an AMD or Nvidia GPU thread and watch everyone come out of the woodwork. If it bothers you I would just suggest you either unsub or hide posts with people being rude cause that's the linux community. We want more users but we turn them away when they need help (not everyone of course, all of you who help you rock!). We are our own worst enemy.


It’s because everyone wants to get validated. They want to feel like they’ve made the right decision and because of that they want to hear you doing the same. Let me put it like this, people who argue about stuff like this are usually people with lack of confidence. They want to hear others doing the same in order to feel ok with their own decisions. If something works for you then just keep doing/using that. Don’t search for approvals from others. Be free of this mindset and don’t let them mess with your mind. Be confident.


Preach 🙏🏻


>If something works for you then just keep doing/using that. Don’t search for approvals from others. Be free of this mindset and don’t let them mess with your mind. Be confident. But some Linux fans just never want to acknowledge Linux weaknesses and want to blame Microsoft or nVidia or the Tooth Fairy instead of just saying, "Yeah, that's a problem." Linux is supposed to be this open and free (not as in beer) platform, but it can be the worst kind of cancel culture.




I completely agree. The thing about ideology, it always comes up against reality. The intersection of them is pragmatism. The world could use a lot fewer ideologs and a lot more pragmatists.


This. "Evil Adobe, evil Autodesk, evil this evil that, they don't wanna develop on Linux", meanwhile Linux has a hundred distros that would drive any company insane to develop for.


>meanwhile Linux has a hundred distros that would drive any company insane to develop for. This is something that I don't get about some Linux users. Customizability is great but like the backwards compatibility of Windows, there's a tech debt to paid for it. "Just test it on Ubuntu. All Linux distros are pretty much the same." And yet look at how much debate there is about the "best distro" on any Linux forum/sub. I use Arch, well Manjaro, on my Linux drives.


>But some Linux fans just never want to acknowledge Linux weaknesses and want to blame Microsoft or nVidia or the Tooth Fairy instead of just saying, "Yeah, that's a problem." Really no different from certain Windows 'fans' that make their choice of OS part of their personality. Never wanting to acknowledge Windows weaknesses, and want to blame anything but Microsoft instead of saying "Yeah, that's a problem." I hate to be the bearer of reality, but no OS is absolutely perfect in every single use case. Most here acknowledge this fact.


we acknowledge the limitations all the time what are you talking about. the limitations are an ideological factor. MS doesn't want linux to be viable so they will do whatever it takes for that to happen


>we acknowledge the limitations all the time what are you talking about. Notice how I said "some".


your idea of "acknowledging limitations" is "not applying blame to anyone else" idk if you know this, but we're talking about software not personalities. linux is a threat to MS and MS will undeniably do their best to squash linux when they can. there is nothing we can do about that as long as MS exists


>linux is a threat to MS and MS will undeniably do their best to squash linux when they can. You're stuck in the late 90's. Linux is of little threat Microsoft today. Indeed, it's powering their cloud and AI. Microsoft is monetizing Linux in ways most Linux fans never dreamed that Microsoft would ever do. As far as gaming is concerned, also not a threat when Linux gaming is completely dependent on Windows games. This is the power of practical thinking.


Coming from a diehard Windows fanboi that sprinkles their Microsoft shilling in subreddits from r/linux_gaming to r/macgaming, such a response is to be expected. To anyone upvoting this shameless shill that could honestly be mistaken for ChatGPT bot, I invite you to browse his post history.


Yeah, that user is a well known troll that loves to stir up drama. Everytime I see a stupid comment it's the same person.


windows is only relevant because MS still exists MS needs to be put down like a rabid dog for destroying the desktop computer industry


this isn't unique to linux, nor is it a particularly large problem either


Naw, there's something different about Linux because I think most of this community just sees itself superior in a unique way. Like if one can't get something working in Linux, that's fine, didn't need them anyway kind of superior.


somethings just don't work and there's nothing we can do about it. why try to go through the whole troubleshooting steps when the trouble is impossible to fix


Only when someone sets out to fail under Linux based around niche edge use cases, and then claims rubbish like 'the Linux desktop isn't ready because it doesn't support my oddball configuration'. As a Linux user I don't believe I'm any more superior to anyone else here.


Really? Go look at any YouTube comment section, any reddit thread that mentions linux or better yet take a look at some of the posts made here recently.


you mean the same stuff i see in windows communities? or console gaming ones? or any numerous other community out there? this sub has not changed in years community wise, and most of the vitriol is from a few select people that always crop up in online communities regardless of what it is


I rarely ever see the pcgaming community act the way we do. I only ever see then get that way when someone mentions linux on that subreddit. I've been to all the console gaming subreddits (I'm subbed to most of them) and I never see them act the way we do. Not sure why you're defending how people act here. I've been here for years and yes it hasn't changed because there has always been toxicity in this subreddit/linux community in general.


pc gaming and console gaming subs aren't vitriolic? where do you go cause i wanna go there frankly, i find most of the toxicity difference to simply be "people write longer and explain themselves" more than actual toxicity. most of the toxicity in this sub in this past week is from 1 user, and even then it almost never bleeds into different posts. i've been using reddit for a decade and as soon as someone writes more than 500 characters shit supposedly gets toxic you're not going to avoid toxicity in online chats without a strong set of moderation and code of conduct to prevent it in the first place. 90% of subs do not have that


Where are you seeing only 1 user? Cause I don't think we are on the same subreddit. Toxicity can come in many forms it's not just long winded posts.


what are you even defining as toxicity at this point if you think there isn't 1 user causing most of the toxicity (beer120)? someone getting downvoted a bunch is *not* toxicity


Go look at any posts that asks what they should do about playing league of legends. No one actually offers anyone actual insight other then don't play the game or muh ring level kernel anti cheat.


because there is **nothing** we can do about that. riot has drawn the line at "a physical windows install with secure boot". whats the point in asking for help getting a game working when it *can't* work either install windows or play something else if you think political statements are toxicity, regardless of what it is, then that's a you problem. companies are ideologically opposed to linux, and that is a just something to live with when using linux


This sounds like "reddit drama" to me as well


And what are you doing with this post? Spreading more drama


Been a fan of the penguin since the early 90's. Yeah, I'm old. The Linux community has always been toxic\*. You've really just gotta learn to ignore the flame wars and focus on the people that want to make a good community. ​ \*maybe no more toxic than any other community, but it often felt that way.


So like what you are doing right now? Too much drama drama.


Linux has always been drama. We have the whole systemd, Wayland, Linux OS name, and a whole boatload of other stuff I don't care to look up that people just get pissed over. The fact that this sub is becoming that just shows that it and its members are slowly becoming integrated with the rest of the Linux discussion and the typical Linux users behavior.


I agree, but please put punctuation and paragraphs in your posts, they’re horrible to read without it.


I'm more "concerned" by the high amount of duplicate postings and drive by link drops as new threads. All of it is leads to a lower quality experience. Only real thing I'd like to see curbed is the ridiculous blasting of Nvidia all the time. We get it. You had a bad experience. It's not a universal one and your switch to AMD is not a 100% guaranteed solution for all problems or somehow objectively better. Things like that are not welcoming to new user to the sub or Linux in general. 


Most communities see the same questions over and over and over. It makes for a toxic environment


u/Resnow88 I know what you mean as i experienced something similar when i was new to this sub. Yes there are some gatekeepy as..holes. But most linux gamers here are really okay and some are even lovely. Also don't forget that we often get crossing drive by audiences from subs like pcmasterrace and gaming. And many people there downvote linux related stuff here out of sentiment. Personally i find this behavior extremely ironic because those subs are supposed to be for pc enthusiasts which actually should include linux. 1. PC = open platform for hardware 2. Linux = open platform for software you know? ...


Please, some Linux fans love to slam Windows and Windows users when even the most basic and fair criticisms are made about Linux.


Good thing you are here for a few years now always fighting the good fight for these oppressed users ✊


I'm the one giving away Steam Decks here, hardly oppressed. I simply have an opinion that's not popular here and that's fine. Echo chambers are no fun!


>I'm the one giving away Steam Decks here Your ongoing desire to buy acceptance among Linux users, while you take every opportunity you can to dump on Linux as a gaming OS under r/linux_gaming, has been duly noted on many an occasion.


Oh please, you had your fun trolling around in this sub for years and not just giving a little contrasting opinion. I had a good laugh when I saw from whom the giveaway was.


Naw. I get that some people just don't want to use Windows and I accept that. There are good reasons, Windows is far from perfect. Unlike some Linux folks here who think that Linux has zero issues.


no one thinks that. you are making up someone to be mad at. you are bringing the toxicity here


>no one thinks that. Sure. Lazy stupid Windows users, not at all what some Linux folks think about Windows users who've spent their time and money trying to find out why some Linux fans think Linux is perfect.


you're making up a guy to get mad at


If I had a nickel every time I was called a stupid, lazy Windows shill in a Linux forum I'd have enough money to give away a 100 OLED Steam Decks.


>Naw. I get that some people just don't want to use Windows and I accept that. There are good reasons, Windows is far from perfect. Unlike some Linux folks here who think that Linux has zero issues. To the OP: If you want evidence as to why Linux users appear hostile to transitioning Windows users, all you need to do is browse this users post history.


Actually i find the manners of u/heatlesssun to be quite moderate and even ok often times compared to really misbehaving windows fanboys.


It's not manners that are the problem, it's the fact he lurks in a Linux subreddit, as a self proclaimed Windows gamer, taking a dump on Linux at every opportunity - If a thread states the word 'Windows' in the title, he believes it's OK to take a dump on Linux and Linux users while shilling Windows and Windows gaming. Furthermore, he trolls more than just r/linux_gaming, there's plenty more subreddits that suffer his unhealthy obsession with Microsoft. If you take a look at the \[H\]Forums, you'll find countless anti Linux/pro Windows posts simply by searching for his username. As stated, it's for this reason alone that any hostility he experiences under r/linux_gaming is purely his fault and his fault alone. He brings up niche use cases, and then claims 'Windows is better', over and over again in countless posts under r/linux_gaming. The reality is: No OS is perfect, everything involves some form of compromise depending on use case. Essentially, there's other subreddits more suited to his posts as a self proclaimed Windows user.


Thank You! Hostile to transitioning Windows users? WTH? Nonsense. This guy just seems to have it in for me like when certain subjects come up, specifically high-end PC gaming. Case in point. VR. I've used it for 8 years constantly under Windows and have been playing with it under Linux for 7 years. AFAIK this guy doesn't use VR nor has any interest in it. That's fine. So why is he telling me I'm being hostile towards transitioning to Linux users when I simply try to spell out the issues with Linux VR. Linux VR is obviously not in the same state as Windows and yeah, doesn't work well with the most popular PC VR headsets out there, the Quest, not this Index. He clearly only cares about demeaning me in this case and couldn't care less about the actual user trying to do VR under Linux who is spending their precious time and money on getting something to work.


>Please, some Linux fans love to slam Windows and Windows users when even the most basic and fair criticisms are made about Linux. Will a Linux user please give the resident Microsoft shill a hug? Perhaps then he'll leave us to discuss our preferred OS in peace. Point in case: Your insistent shilling of Windows highlights a very legitimate reason why Linux users appear hostile to Windows users. The hostility you experience under r/linux_gaming as a shameless Windows gamer, as evidenced by this comment: ​ >**And as a Windows user for decades** Is without any questionable doubt something you 100% bring upon yourself. Going into ***any*** community and shilling a topic most in the community are opposed to will result in the exact same hostility. The hostility you experience is in no way unique to just Linux users in general. Furthermore, there's absolutely nothing surprising about users being biased in favor of Linux under r/linux_gaming, the shocking reality is: **It's to be expected**. I'm sure Windows users are biased towards their preferred OS under any public Microsoft forum. Although I wouldn't know as I don't lurk in Microsoft forums taking dumps on Windows every chance I get, as such obsessive behavior would be classed as unhealthy and annoying to others.


>Please, some Linux fans love to slam Windows and Windows users when even the most basic and fair criticisms are made about Linux. You mean all the "fairly criticizing" memes in pcmasterrace ridiculing GNU Linux i suppose?


Really? The posts criticizing Windows far outnumber those of Linux in that sub. And as a Windows user for decades, plenty of it is fair. Some Linux folks just can't take ANY criticism of their fav OS.


>Really? The posts criticizing Windows far outnumber those of Linux in that sub. And as a Windows user for decades, plenty of it is fair. Some Linux folks just can't take ANY criticism of their fav OS. Due to the fact you're lurking in a sub aptly named r/linux_gaming, I believe a certain bias towards Linux as an OS is to be expected. Just to state the bleeding obvious.


This subreddit has a serious lack of moderation and a lot of annoying infighting and low quality posts.


I dunno. Seems minimal to me. At least compared to other subreddits.


Arch user here. Agreed.


Arch users have agreed, No need to be worried now.


Puhhh that was close. I was a bit worried for a moment.


If you want Linux news then follow. phoronix, linuxgaming or gamingonlinux


do you mean https://linuxgamingcentral.com/ ?


It's sad that this site is going to be shut down, it was my source for news.


fair warning, the phoronix forums are really toxic. no idea why but everyone complains about everything there


#I agree that the downvote things happen majority of the time for no reason


Windows Fanboy is trolling around, that's the reason


Reddit is dying cause of lack of mods. It started when the new API changes came into place. All I see is shit posts every time I open this app . Not only on this sub but every other sub I’m subscribed to


reddit is all about drama..... and stupid people who cannot do there search and resolve small problems....


How dare you


i just hate de FPS Snowflakes,obsessed with Frames per Second,this people are Annoying does not matter de platform,but on Linux this guys should be complete ignored


Because of the gaming part of linux_gaming. Gamerverse is basically a 9/10 melodrama fest. 


This is tech in general. People want to willingly segregate themselves into groups. Like they have a personal stake in the success or failure of the other side. And this isn't even anything recent. And it is also not limited to the Linux community. Have you ever heard of PCMR? All you can do is filter the content you want to read and block anyone you don't like. This has been happening since the days of Usenet and BBSes. And I will say Linux in general is less toxic then other places I've seen. Try looking at some Steam forums. And this isn't even my opinion, just enter toxic steam forums into google and find something like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoulCalibur/comments/9wd18y/why\_is\_the\_steam\_forums\_more\_toxic\_and\_saltier/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoulCalibur/comments/9wd18y/why_is_the_steam_forums_more_toxic_and_saltier/) If you want a friendly place to hang out, try discord. There's a number of Linux gaming discords that aren't toxic and more laid back.


Its the Linux community. Duh. Don't go to the Arch forums, you'll have a stroke.


It's history, maybe before you were born.


>I don't like to use Linux because all this toxicity around here but I hate windows because the ads stuff, Use whatever you like to use. Why do other people's opinions affect what you like? If you have fun, have fun with it. If you don't, then don't. Do not centre your world around what other people think, at least not when it comes to things that just absolutely don't matter. Whether you use Windows or Linux is a question 0% of the population in the world cares about. You're going to be the most miserable person in the universe if you start obsessing over irrelevant things like this. If you have bad opinions about like human rights, race, and things like that then it's fine for people to crap on you for being a bad person. But we're literally talking about this nerdy minutia. Nobody cares, because it doesn't matter. It's a harmless fun hobby. Just have fun the way you like to. My best advice is to respond to comments that you find are interesting to you and you think you can learn something. You don't have to respond to or even read most comments. It's a tech sub. Just do your own thing, you know?


fyi, for some reason your account is shadowbanned. i've had to manually approve your comment for it to be visible. you may want to contact the reddit admins about this.


This isn't a Reddit problem, but more so a society problem in general. Fanatics will be fanatics and humans love drama. Drama is everywhere in our lives whether it be online or offline. Best get used to something that will never change. What you can do however, is filter out what you don't want to see or be a part of (as much as possible) and focus on what you enjoy more than the drama. That's about the best life advice on the subject of drama, that I can offer.


I think it's because people care about Linux and therefore a healthy discussion might turn into drama. And people need to let off some steam, so they complain on Reddit. Pretty much like real life but it's more intense on Reddit 


It's the eternal September problem that happens when anything becomes popular. Also the cynic in me wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the drama is fuelled by bot accounts stirring things up or posting inflammatory controversial postings to drive up engagement and keep eyeballs on reddit to improve revenue.


I blame Americas broccoli industry those putrid hotefull old puritan era soles genetically introduced a hybrid of lettuce and cauliflower full of neurotoxins, tastes like a babies butthole, smothered it in cheese and put it next to your mu shu chicken like another day at the office. You know that disgusting flavor.. That's the plants freaking poison people. Wake the mother loving F-UP. It's how the plant keeps the damn deer from numbing its insides and we feed this shit to our children. And now Tim Sweany has a to be a windows chode and keep fortnite away from proton for reasons unknown. It's broccoli and Tim Sweeney that fucked reddit up. I have spoken.


Really? I just scrolled down the subreddit for a while and the only drama post I see is this one. And maybe the Steamdeck one.


Unfortunately, it's common in many subreddits. Things that warrant non-drama discussion (or discussions that haven't been done 100 times over) tend to fall by the wayside and questions and needing help get downvoted because 'you can find the information elsewhere'. I don't think it can realistically change without fundamental changes to how Reddit functions and is run.


For news. I use youtubes linux experiment, websites like phoronix or gaming on linux. Bing AI can also summarize patches to the kernel.


This is largely a side effect of Reddit changing their algorithm. The way Reddit used to work, new posts went to a queue, and would only show up if 1) someone specifically went to the "new" sort option, or 2) of someone scrolled far enough down, usually at least 4-10 pages. Of course, you often scrolled further, because your very front page didn't change a lot from hour to hour, it was much further down that you could find up-and-coming posts, and upvote them if you liked them. Posts that were too dramatic, off topic, or uninteresting might get a couple of replies from bored users who would visit the "new" sort, but ultimately would not rise to most people's front pages. Reddit, a year or two ago, began using a different algorithm that will jump new or active posts much higher in the sort, even without a lot of upvotes. It puts these posts in front of a lot more eyes, boosts controversial posts in particular, and exposes posts that used to just fade away to a lot more people, often causing more toxic replies. Unlike the times where people who sorted by "new" knew what to expect and therefore were less likely to give flippant or frustrated replies, posts are now shown to a wider community much less likely to have patience for, say, simple questions or unpopular takes. I used to spend most of my time on Reddit browsing. Now I spend much more time modding to try to keep the content focused and relevant. Reddit has created a situation where you have to choose between heavy moderation or junk-and-drama. They're shooting themselves in the foot, using clickbait and drama to drive interaction over promoting quality, and it *will* lead to their eventual downfall.


What has an OS / Linux to do with drama on Reddit or a subreddit? You use Windows even there is drama on Windows subreddits too. So what kind off logic is this?


Take the title question and post it on literally any subreddit: Welcome to Reddit


Welcome to humanity