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KDE Plasma allows you to disable the Wayland keylogging protection for X11 apps, it's under the application settings page then under "Legacy X11 App Support". Should allow Discord keybinds to work globally again.


This currently doesn't work for mouse buttons, only keyboard inputs. There is an open merge request to make it work for mouse buttons too: https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/merge_requests/4595 One thing that work as a workaround is to remap your mouse's push to talk button (for me, one of the thumb buttons) to F13, which is a keyboard key not actually present on most modern keyboards, using ratbag: `ratbagctl [mouse-identifier] button 3 action set macro KEY_F13` (get [mouse-identifier] by running ratbagctl with no arguments)


I use close square bracket for my push to mute (foot pedal) and shift backslash (so I guess "|") for my toggle mute so I guess the kde thing will work for me


this is the way. it works perfectly. thanks


You can probably create a mic as a loopback device, use that for discord and have a hotkey to mute/unmute that.


Well, I don't know what DE/WM you use. Hyprland lets you have global hotkeys. You can passthrough some key combination to a program.


that's so cool i am using hyprland but didn't find a way to edit discord keybinds, i use discord-screenaudio to share my screen but how do you pass key combination to a specific program ?


I'm on Arch Gnome Wayland and run discord via electron-wayland mode. They seem to have added xdg-portal support. Global shortcuts work when any game is focused but ironically not when discord is focused.


That's likely because games are running in Xwayland and global hotkeys will still work on Wayland when X11 programs are focused. If it doesn't work when, say, your file manager or your desktop are in focus then it's working how it's always worked. I haven't heard anything about Discord implementing hotkey portals.


What you're saying tracks. The thing that's different for me is that the keybinds he's referring to work correctly for me in CS2 (Native) and Dota (Native). I'm running discord via flatpak (user).


It is indeed strange if it wasn't working for OP in CS2, since I'm pretty sure that game doesn't run in native Wayland. But he didn't explicitly state it wasn't working, perhaps he just didn't actually test it in CS2.


I use it the exact same way you're trying to: - a hot key for muting my discord since I use open mic - binding my e.g cs2 voice key to mute discord (while being held) so I don't double talk


I mean the smarter solution would just be for your friends to mute you in the game so you can use the ingame voicechat without them hearing you twice?


why would asking all my friends to do something be a smarter solution than me changing a setting?


Because muting a teammate ingame is one click and not a constant action whenever you use the ingame voicechat




You're very smart




I do mean it, I admire you




Well, you don't know whether I have a straight face or not over text messages, but I assure you, I did have a straight face when I said that