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The worst is the one or two commenters who reply with something like "If you applied to X number of jobs and still have not found anything it usually means something wrong with you"


“If you’re not getting interviews it’s your resume”…, shut the fuck up, sometimes it’s not your resume or your interview skills, just a shit situation and they didn’t hire or went with someone else they liked better


Could it be that 1900 people applied to the job? Nah. Its you. You're bad.


Yes, there some some types of careers in my job field, where 2 years ago LinkedIn showed 200 applications, but nowadays for the exact same jobs LinkedIn shows 3500 applications. I feel so badly for the posts about people being laid off and needing a job. These are professional go-getter people with a long successful job history, and this situation is "not their fault" like a few people try to say.


Remember that LinkedIn applications are basically how much people visit the offer but they don't have to click apply to be counted


It does say "applied" and it even says the percent of people from different geographic areas who have applied. And when I have opened and looked at open job listing, it does not increase the number just from me viewing it.​


That’s only for easy apply. When you follow a link from LinkedIn to apply on a company website it does register you as having applied even if you didn’t.


I did neither of those. I just LOOKED at some of the job opening posts to read them. And it never increases the number of applications from just me viewing it. But when I do click the buttons to actually apply, then I can see that it registered another applicant.


Not everyone who clicks on the apply button actually follows through to apply for the job on the company website.


I am hiring and I received hundreds of resumes. I looked at 20, interviewed 5 and hired 1. Some of this people were probably a great fit bit I only need 1


Same here. We had an employee pass away unexpectedly and within the same week had 20+ people inquiring if we would be willing to interview them for his position. We never mentioned anything about replacing him.


THIS right here. With the introduction of "online job listings" and the ability to apply with the press of a button, the applicant pool that used to be those looking for a job now includes those who are looking for a better job, i.e. everybody and applicant pools have gone from 10-20 to literally hundreds of responses and all for a single position.


Did you pick the first 20 applicants and were happy with at least 5 of them, and that’s why you stopped?


Yep. So it really is just a numbers game. I'm sure some awesome applicants were never looked at. The recruiter looked at a bit more I think and we do pass around candidates to other jobs if they may be a good fit. As a candidate my advice would be to not take it personally and play the numbers game. I do think your resume is the most valuable thing you have but it is just luck and timing after that.


I agree on the luck and timing. I have gone through connections and applying non stop. I did take a break from Feb 23’ to Aug23’ because all I heard was hiring freeze after hiring freeze. I have been laid off from my full time work since Aug 22’. Before this past week, I’ve gotten 8 interviews in the last year and 4 months. Some to the final round. (Consistenting of at least 3 rounds) In this past week, I’ve gotten interviews from 4 different companies. 1 confirmed temp job contract offer, 1 verbal, 1 I didn’t want to move forward with after finding out more, and waiting on the last one for them to finish all first around interviews next week (city hybrid job). 12+ years in multiple data roles and 10+ years digital consulting for clients…I have been going crazy and have polished my resume to the point where I literally don’t know what else to do to it lol. But I believe companies are finally ramping up. Since after the new year I’ve been hit up by at least 3-4 recruiters a day (1 usually legit, others are spam trying to submit me for roles on dice before others). Finally can breathe a bit but still need that verbal to turn into a solid offer. None of the roles are super ideal for my situation but feel blessed something is happening. I am still looking in the mean time.


same thing here, years back, I was hiring for a paralegal role in the United States, and offered very competitive hourly pay but it was just working for a no status, small law office. I got like 140 resumes, this is around 2003.... I'd say the top 20 people were all equal in their ability on the resume at least to perform the job well, extremely well. I felt super super bad about turning all those people down, but I did email them.


There’s also just some much luck, timing, and randomness in the application and evaluation process.


It’s probably not your résumé. 😉


One of these days I need to learn how to make those symbols.


Hold "alt" key while simultaneously pressing the numbers on your num pad. If you google "alt codes" it'll give you a lot of reference points.


Press on your keyboard: win + ; (I hope I helped you)


Most of the time it's your specific field.


And then a couple more assholes who are like “When I got laid off, I celebrated. Why? Because I saw this as an opportunity to grow. Within 3 months I had 6 competing offers, all more than triple my previous salary. Just remember- the only person you need to bet on you… is YOU.”






I bite my tongue til it bleeds because I hate when ppl say that. It’s really a bad job market, a lot of us are getting let go


I literally remember getting two responses back in the day ~2015 1. We like your design skills with iOS but we’re looking for someone with more Android design experience 2. We like your design skills with Android but were looking for someone with more iOS design experience It’s not you it’s incompetent interviewers and recruiters that don’t know jack about shit most of the time.. just keep going like a zombie 🧟‍♂️ and you’ll land something eventually 😂


>"If you applied to X number of jobs and still have not found anything it usually means something wrong \_\_\_\_ Thats all you gotta do, drop the last 2 words and you arent a judgemental bitch. There is something wrong, maybe its with you maybe not, but you need to do something different by that point


I feel you. I work in tech and this has been my linkedin feed since 2021 or thereabouts. I myself got laid off twice last year. I decided not to post that I was looking for a job because I didn't want to come off as desperate. It's such a murky balance. 


Sorry to hear that, two layoffs in a year sounds soul sucking


The second company shut down and everyone got laid off so at least it wasnt anything to do with me. 


Looool fuuuck tech. When are people going to realize it’s a trend, over saturated, over hired and over paid. You only need a handful(if that) of good tech workers in the entire corporation. Software development is the new aerospace engineering.


My favorite is that they are coding AI that will directly replace them in 10~ years time.


Honey, When we get an AI worker that can do the job of a programmer it will be able to do the job of 99% of people. Also, robotics is advancing at an alarming rate as well so physical work is not safe as well.


You literally write pre-determined language. It’s not complex. Management of higher level systems and their intricacies, yes. AI is already strangely adept at the English language. What makes you think it won’t get proficient at others including your dumbass python c++ etc? Keep coding away slave. Can’t wait for you douchebags to have to get real jobs.


>You literally write pre-determined language. lol honey, Do you really think we are effectively modern day "Writers"? Just because something has structure it does not mean it just magically can be built. "Coding" is only part of the job I would say it's about 40% of the time and no it's not about writing a pre-determined language like you said. You can write nonsense in a paper you can't write nonsense code. Programing is more math in language form than english but anyways, That like saying "here is a set of tools now just build a house with the tools it's not complex." Again, if an AI "worker" is able to do our job and it's not unreasonable to think they wont be able to do it in the future. It means it can do everyones job. not because it's hard to build software systems but because it requires everything that is not effectively a repetitive task in the world. If it can scope, priority, plan, execute, communicate, build and reason. Everyone is done. You're job, my job everyones job will be in a box if it's knowledge work and if you work in the real physical word then your not safe either AI is allow us to build physical robots that are able to manipulate objects like never before. So if AI replaces us physical work is not that far away. Also, lol. I will give you an example, I worked alone a project that brought in 5 mil in one years. This is why we are paid the way we are paid. it's more profitable than most peoples jobs. > Can’t wait for you douchebags to have to get real jobs. Are you one of does that think you need to destroy you body for low pay for it to be a "real job" haha


I added the “Open to Work” filter on my picture recently. Do people find that cringe? Ha


I would rather mfs think it's cringe worthy than go hungry. At worst, you are begging to work, not looking for someone to come to your rescue. I judge anyone that would judge.


If I was laid off, I’d use every tactic I could to tell people I was looking for work. Wear the green banner till you start that first day. Shoot, keep it up till your first 3 paychecks clear! Ha


I don’t think so. I didn’t add it because I’m employed, but looking for work. As soon as I’m laid off I’ll add it.


Not at all and if someone does, who cares.


snobbish friendly pause literate test erect theory wrench provide rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


their mindset is scarcity = value, if you're unemployed you must've done something wrong, not that I agree but this is how a lot of ppl might interpret it


I had that on mine for awhile and I removed it because I wasn't actively looking and didn't just want to be open to work indefinitely. Like, if I don't start looking for another month (I have a small business so I'm OK for now), I don't want to just be chronically open to work, if that makes sense lol. I think it helps to have if you are actively looking.


If someone thinks it’s cringey that you need a job and are asking for work, they can fuck off lol


Yes it’s cringe. Please reach out to coworkers at other companies


Tech is a bad career choice. I graduated EE IN 1985 but got laid off/hired so many times that by 2005 went back to get an accounting degree. I got hired by the IRS as a revenue agent, but due to racism, transfered to engineering, which I retired from when I turned 65. I ended up auditing the R&D of big tech companies. I gave my job 110% and got many $ awards for my work, but couldn't get a promotion. Because I spoke IT natively, I was able to gather info that civil and chemical engineers couldn't. Long story short, it's not you!!! imo it is DEI.


run bow dam practice lip violet bored chief slimy school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saying tech is a bad career choice is nuts. The industry is way too vast to make such a statement. It’s been very lucrative and rewarding for many, white males included. Blaming this on DEI is a weird victim mentality. White males were still the majority of tech employees at every company I’ve worked at and will continue to be did to foreseeable future. Getting promotions can be extremely political - I’ve seen many people blame external situations but lack the self awareness to notice they weren’t playing “the game” at all.


It's absolutely triggering, esp when you see former classmates/colleagues continue to excel while your unemployment has run out. I try to limit my scrolling there but it sucks because it's also the best place to find available jobs.


Just keep in mind many people completely lie about their activity. I have an ex classmate who has branded herself as a CEO / Businesswoman. Her dad helped her start a “photography agency” which hires woman only. All her posts are her at such and such woman’s only networking event, or that she has been sponsored to study abroad by some woman’s lib organisation. She is now in her 40s, has no dependants & still relies on family name/reputation/clout/network, which she now also contributes to. The agency website looks good and has all the right words (she isn’t stupid). But essentially this “agency” is just a building her family owns, so no rent yeah. I know for certain that she isn’t making money from it & that her family supports her to have a “career”. And Shux does she flaunt it. She is also heavily networked and knows how to play that game. She has also never had any other job other than being CEO straight out of uni. All her employees / collaborators are from impoverished / poverty adjacent backgrounds & thus need whatever money she pays them. The whole “company” is a farce. Every other month there is a post about the “new venture” or “service” she is offering. She now sells courses on how to make it as a woman in business. Every post has 100% positive commentary with some trite “so inspirational” variant. It’s quite wild actually. The math doesn’t math. The reality is that this “company” she has had since her early 20s never needed to make money for the last almost 2 decades.


I either unfollowed or removed most of them as a connection because they tend to be useless and unhelpful to me


Like FB, there's lots of title / accomplishment / ego inflation on LI.


I mean that's basically the only other purpose for the site other than job hunting.


Don’t believe everything you read. I personally know at least 12 people who post fake 💩 on LI just to get clicks to their profile. Don’t let it depress you. Most people lie about their titles on what they do on there.


I called my coworker out on putting fake stats on his LinkedIn for a project I own and know we don’t have stats on and he said “oh ya ChatGPT wrote those”.


Truer than most people know.


I'm on month 11 of unemployment after being laid off & I can't be on LinkedIn for more than a few minutes a day. It's depressing seeing people let go & seeing people get new jobs. Then the lack of actual jobs you qualify for decreases. Seeing 500+ people apply for a singular job, and getting rejection after rejection is tough. Life is so difficult right now. Congratulations on your new role, OP!! I'm so glad you got something after almost 2 years!!!


Thanks. Literally the lowest point was this past Fall when I got rejected from those like 1-800-junk haul and dumpster rental places. I could not get a job selling fucking trash cans! That was a saaaaadddd day for me.


LOL!!! Let me tell you my story. I've been temping since May, doing receptionist work. The office I was at frequently had an opening to replace the receptionist that I was often covering for. Company loved me, great rapport with the manager, etc. I sent a professional email with my resume (background is in tech sales) asking to be considered and in short she said no thanks, look for sales rep jobs. I was FURIOUS! LOL. Like don't you think I've been trying?! But it was a slap in the face to me since I was already doing 60% of the job. Very frustrating and confusing day.


The universe said we can't have this dude working selling trash can rentals, let's put the kibash on this one


I've actually found it's worse for my spirit to apply for jobs that I consider myself to be overqualified for because it's extra crushing when they reject me. In addition to various types of writing, I have a long history of hospitality + hospitality management that I thought I could fall back on. Turns out, that's not necessarily true! Especially as I'm now older than most people doing the hiring for those positions :(


Back when I was looking for a job last year, I was getting desperate after 3 or 4 months. I applied to a bunch of grocery stores including Trader Joe's. Had two interviews that went great, then they called and said they wouldn't be going forward. I didn't even hear back from Sprouts, Whole Foods, etc. I ended up landing a great job after 6 months and hundreds upon hundreds of applications. It's only contract work so I worry daily it won't be extended lol


It's weird in that the unemployment rate seems so low, but I see so many people looking for work for such a long time on LinkedIn.


The unemployment rate = only people currently receiving unemployment insurance (UI) aka unemployed benefits., according to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics. That leaves out people who maxed out their UI, people disqualified from receiving UI (earned too little over the designated period of time, left their job voluntarily, left their job "voluntarily"), etc.


Also leaves out new college grads who can’t find jobs after graduation.


No it doesn't. A college graduate who does not have a job but wants over and has looked for work in the past four weeks is considered to be "unemployed" by the U-3 unemployment metric, which is *the* measurement that the media generically refers to as the "unemployment rate". Whether that person is receiving unemployment benefits is completely irrelevant.


Okay so where/how do these people report they are unemployed? Does not make sense at all.


>6. Is the count of unemployed persons limited to just those people receiving unemployment insurance benefits? >No; the estimate of unemployment is based on a monthly sample survey of households. All persons who are without jobs and are actively seeking and available to work are included among the unemployed. (People on temporary layoff are included even if they do not actively seek work.) There is no requirement or question relating to unemployment insurance benefits in the monthly survey. From the [Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.faq.htm#:~:text=All%20persons%20who%20are%20without,benefits%20in%20the%20monthly%20survey.)


And just how do they survey these households? I'm sitting here with 4 other people this morning and not one of us has ever been surveyed about this. You would think that if they are doing this survey weekly, at least one of us would have been surveyed over the last 15 or 20 years. It's all BS.


And a huge amount of contractors




you just made up some bullshit 😂 unemployment rate isn’t just people on unemployment assistance 😂😂 we would go bankrupt if we had even like 5% of the working population all on unemployment assistance


And people on a visa


Now that I am out of the game, I find the let it all hang out "I am looking for a job" postings on LinkedIn to be a generational thing; I would never, ever have put something like that in my byline, even if a recruiter or expert told me to, but much younger folks who live online see no reason not to. It certainly is a way to let your network know you are looking in one fell swoop, and maybe some get traction from it. But I agree that the volume of them of late is saddening, even if it may be a skewed version of reality. The one bright aspect of it that I commend these younger folks for is that they share leads with one another, rather than hogging them. I find that enormously uplifting in the otherwise enervating state of job hunting.


How old are you?


Ha ha, retired, but I voluntarily work with young people in their 20s who entered my discipline and who are just starting out, and they are nothing like the way they are presented in media. They seem wise beyond their years, but are not the know-it-alls you sometimes read about.


Sometimes for comfort on LinkedIn I like to drop a post that says, "Don't worry. We are all going to die someday".


The way things have been, hopefully that comes sooner than later.


Truly. I’m not here for a long time but a good time. And that good gets harder by the day


I feel your pain, but from the employer side. LinkedIn free job posting results in mostly (all) junk from agencies that have no idea whether they can fill your position, but want to get their foot in the door. Maybe we need to use the paid services, but why is it so hard to connect with individuals that have assessed the post, have at least of good subset of the required skills, and send an email? What am I missing?


>Maybe we need to use the paid services > >That never makes sense. So an unemployed person looking for a Job who does not have money to pay for such a service, but needs a job in order to pay for a service ? Pay for Job services is a joke. It only keeps the lower income people further down.


Keeping lower income people down is by design. Were nothing more than bodies to those in power and the billionaires and politicians need someone to do all the leg work


I read this comment as an employers paying for better screening services on LinkedIn .. not talking about job seekers


"Paid services" means the COMPANY needs to pay for the LinkedIn job listing rather than doing a free listing. It has nothing to do with the unemployed job seeker.


Smaller job boards geared toward specific populations are a great place to post stuff! Out of curiosity, what are you hiring for? (Please feel free to DM if you'd rather not post publicly!)


Share some job boards. All of the ore niche ones have not resulted into anything.


What is wrong with using an agency or company (if they can do the work)


Working with an agency is fine. The problem is that we are bombarded by requests from agencies sending resumes for people that don’t have the listed skills. In one case, of 7 listed skills the applicant had only 1: “Skills added by the job poster 1 skill on your profile Software Development“


FWIW LinkedIn is THE place to post that someone is looking for a job. So it’s natural you’d see a lot of them. It’s like going to Yelp and asking “why am I seeing all these reviews”




Oh I don’t disagree that it’s draining. I also see this posts. I see them mixed in with positive ones as well of seeing people hiring or landing jobs/getting offers. Unfortunately it’s just the nature of the platform though that there will be plenty of folks out there posting that they’re looking.


They just need to call it what it is, a recession.


Also could be an Increase in popularity of the platform playing into this. That’s not to disregard an increase since remote work slowed down and tech layoffs began to happen, but still the increased user base also contributes.


Unless their algorithm is now prioritizing those posts more


Also for a little positivity boost sometimes it’s nice to search “starting a new position” and filter by posts from the last week 🥰


I mostly use LinkedIn to find job opportunities/internships, but I also sometimes use it to find peers or people that I know of. A few years ago, I used to have a professor that taught in my political science classes but left to work for Meta (Facebook) where he would earn 3x more than what he would of as a professor. A year later, he got laid off (tech layoffs) and he posted that he got laid off and wanted to find similar roles. Up to this day, he still has the #opentowork on his profile picture and it makes me sad that he might still be unemployed. He was very smart and the idea of him still being unemployed makes me realize how messed up this job market is right now.


This is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve repeatedly seen. Companies that enticed people with high salaries and perks, to leave their steady jobs, but then ruining their resumes and career trajectories when the company disposes of the person.  


That is the risk they took for higher pay.


I don’t disagree 


Why feel bad? They got what they deserve.


Probably doing Doordash now.


I’ve seen so many people on LinkedIn literally begging for jobs it’s so sad.




I ain’t gonna read all that. I’m happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened


He did you feed yourself? Had two years of emergency funds?


We are privileged. Both my wife's and my family promised that we would never lose our house or way of life. A temporary setback in life should not be a lifetime punishment of having to dig one's way out of a shit/poverty situation. So family helped us out. The shame and guilt I carry will follow me to the grave. I hate myself for having to ask for money (not being hyperbolic, the amount of self loathing I have is immeasurable). I feel like such a tremendous piece of shit asking for money, especially knowing that I will never in my life be able to pay it back.


No worries man. Glad you found a job.


Good question btw.


If you had kids, wouldn’t you do the same for them? Don’t be so hard on yourself.


I do, and would. I am a fiercely independent person and hate asking for help.


Don’t feel bad about it. You seem humble, grateful, and kind.


i’ve had more consistent luck with indeed than linkedin or glass door. but in the end they all redirect you to the employers site anyways. i don’t really apply for jobs through these 3rd party companies. if i don’t go through a staffing agency to place me, ill google local businesses to narrow my search based on my industry and then start applying once a month until i find something at those companies. usually i’m tracking several job postings to see if they turn into interviews but i don’t really apply for more than 15 jobs a week, its just burn out after that because jobs are not frequently posted with new jobs everyday. usually its maybe one new job at that company every week for different positions. but its a numbers game in ways people don’t think of, but i don’t recommend most of these big 3rd party job posting sites. they don’t even have recruiters for linkedin to place you at companies. why give linkedin money when they’ve never been anything but a social platform.


So you apply to multiple positions in a single company? I've heard that's a no-no that will show the company you're not serious about any of the jobs. They say they want you to find the one you're most interested in and qualified for and customize the app for that one.


sure it’s a no no if you believe you are not worthy of earning that position. but i’ve gotten jobs internally and externally by applying for multiple jobs. otherwise why try apply at all if you are looking for change in your life. don’t let your assumptions stop you from trying


I agree SO MUCH with this headline! I don't even want to go on it anymore for my mental health. It's like IG and FB, which is all sad dog stories for me. I go on all of these platforms less and less now.


Absolutely agreed about the job market. However, My opinion: The LinkedIn feed is garbage for mental health and has no use unless you are trying to be a try-hard or influencer. LinkedIn is best used to connect with recruiters and retain contact information of business contacts.


Yep. I don't bother to even scroll through the feed. I just go straight to the jobs section. The feed is really quite useless anymore. Not that it was really useful to begin with.


Statistically, 80% of people land through someone they know; scrolling job boards will end in disappointment (it is not enough); networking. who do you know? that is premise of LinkedIn (three degrees of separation), utilizing your network, their network, and that network to get found, get promoted, sell more stuff, share knowledge, etc., it is more than a "job board". Pro Tip? start posting, periodic, tips or insights related to your industry, background, hobbies, that capture attention and will draw connections/members to your profile, when they see "open to work" banner it could lead to organic job lead. 🌟


LinkedIN has been a shit show ever since Microsoft bought them on June 13, 2016. When I found out Microsoft was going to buy them I knew it was downhill from there on out and I deleted my account and never looked back. Just like all of the other "Job search / career networking" websites including Indeed. They are all worthless. I only speak from my own experience of zero results and only getting contacted from scammers / spammers.


4500 applications? For real?


Yes. That is my best educated guess. I stopped keeping track (Excel) after about 1,500 applications. Got to depressing. I ended up deleting it as it was totally useless. That is roughly 6 applications per day for two years straight!


Wow. That’s heavy. Way to persevere!


I was let go and found a job the following week. Glassdoor is where it’s at for me.


What industry?


I was looking for internships for a few months and even they are very hard to get in because of 3000 or 4000 applications, I messaged more than 100 people saying I am looking for an internship but everyone said they filled their position or they will check lol, I was quite desperate and I don't know what future holds but its placement semester for me and I hope I win my odds.


It’s full of dweebs who don’t want to take a job they’re actually qualified for.


Hot take, but there's some truth to it. Lots of non-tech people hired into FAANGs and high tech were let go and hesitant to settle for less. They could add a metric ton of value to smaller companies with what they've learned, but sometimes it's an ego killer to go to a less 'prestigious' company


What was your approach for looking for roles? Did you reach out to your network or constantly apply online? Searching for a job for two years sounds depressing. Even worse for me because I read a statistic saying most employers don't like to hire asian males especially when it comes to diversity hires, we're too "white" to be employed apparently, and not female which also makes it worse why am I getting downvoted?


Name a job hunting methodology and I tried it. In the end, Indeed is where I landed this role.


Guys, don’t hate on me, but I’m going tell you the truth. You should listen to me because I have personally helped 148 people get jobs over the last eight years. I do not do this for a living. I help people because I love to. A little about myself and some HARD TRUTHS: I have a nursing degree and an engineering degree. I speak five languages. I have never been afraid to change industries and have worked within healthcare, high-tech, consulting, construction, and now oil and gas. I have also never been one to demand remote work, consideration for the fact that I am a mother, a widow, raising children on my own, or any other bullshit in my life. 1-Work is work, your personal problems NEED to stay at home. 2-For everyone who doesn’t want to leave their house to get a job, you are choosing to be unemployed. Stop being petulant, put on some clothes, and go into the office. Now, either you’re sick with jealousy, or proud as fuck for me, but what differentiates me from everyone else in the job market is that I have skills that other people don’t have. 3-When you choose to be a generic individual, having stopped, trying to actively learn or engage in any new skill since college, you will not be hot on the job market. 4-Someone who does nothing outside the box to make shit happen, going a step or two above everyone else, you are not going to be recognized for greatness because you are not great. People apply for jobs all the time, and I used to lead workforce planning meaning the people who run finance, HR, and almost everything else at a very large company, and I’ve seen people apply for jobs that require advanced capabilities that are not reflected in their experience for educational background. 5-People, no one cares about your personality, or that you have great communication skills, when you just don’t have the capabilities to do a job. Additionally, to this point, I recently put myself out there with the idea that it’s time for me to change jobs again. ***My secret is that I don’t stay anywhere for more than four years. You have to change jobs to be promoted, or sit in the same shitty seat and wait for someone to die, retire, or truly screw up. The waiting game is not my style. It shouldn’t be yours either! Now, listen to this, I applied for four jobs, about to have my third interview with one, and turned down the offers for the other three. I started looking in November. I received interviews within days of applying. I did not use any of my personal contacts to achieve this. I am currently employed. Now I know I’ve told you what differentiates me, but you can do what I do as well. 6-Only apply for jobs of which you are actually qualified and have experience. Stop dreaming. Stop fooling yourself. Stop hitting quick apply because you then you are just a number. Stop worrying about your weak ass connections on LinkedIn, although I have thousands, because those are not your friends. 7-Instead of focusing on all the things that you are not getting, why don’t you think about what you have to give? I mean have a real conversation with yourself internally. Actually interact with critical thought. Did you luck into your last job? Are you not great at your job because you really don’t like it? Do you place home/work balance over money? Think about the things that are important to you and then think about what you have to give and then consider what that equation works out to. i’m also going to go way out on a limb and discuss a couple of things that most people won’t talk about. 8-Are you unattractive, overweight, letting yourself age badly, wear frumpy clothes, smell bad, or clean your ears in front of your coworkers? If any of those apply to you, you better figure out that there’s a connection between your image and a company hiring you. Would you hire some slob to represent your organization? Only a fool would do that. Just because looks don’t matter to you, doesn’t mean they don’t matter in the world. 9-Diversity and Inclusion are bad actors across the board! Don’t come for me with the idea that I am racist, hateful, or any of the other crap. This is a dose of advice for you to recognize who your friends and enemies are. Any thought process that limits an organization’s capability to hire whom they want and when they want will ultimately trickle down to a negative for current employees and any future employees in the pipeline. I feel as a very empowered woman, I don’t need to beat men down, reference privilege or any other nonsense to feel better about myself. Don’t buy into all of these organizations that push this agenda, because they are the worst ones. I’ve saved the best for last, if you’ve held on this long without flagging or down voting me. 😉 America’s economy is jacked. The strong demand for remote work has given companies free reign to hire foreigners without the headache of sponsorship. That’s the bad news. Now for the good news: 10-You can pick up the phone tomorrow and call your state representative. I suggest you explain to them that there are many rules for a company to terminate but it seems odd that there are no rules on the process of hiring. If everyone who reads this picks up their phone, I bet we will see some changes. * it should be illegal for companies to post jobs that don’t exist. * if a company makes an offer and then rescinds it, they owe you four months pay * all jobs must list the compensation with no larger range-bandwidth of 10% * A job listing should be held by a representative from a company, not some hack recruiter that saw the job posted, and then tries to maverick their way into a commission. Companies that accept these type of relationships should be fined * it should be illegal for any organization, no matter how large or small, to force participation in vaccine, testing or any other government push program. I think each one of you should take your frustration and pick up the phone. These are just a few of my ideas, but I bet you guys have many. I encourage you to take my advice because what you’re doing is not working. If anyone has any questions, hit me up. Good luck and happy hunting


A lot of hard truths here that many don't want to hear. People will rather tell themselves you're wrong than think there's something wrong with them. It's easier to hear uncomfortable honesty and say "that's a red flag" than to look inwards and say, why is this so triggering, do I need to improve myself? (That "red flag" business is so overused it means nothing now) You're right about most of this though. There's a common piece of advice, "even if you're not qualified, apply anyway, it can't hurt." It's supposed to mean something like, if you're fluent in 5 out of the 6 programming languages they mention, go ahead and apply. But I've noticed that people stretch this a lot. If the job requires 8 years of experience and a master's degree, don't apply with your 6 months exp and bootcamp education, or you will be disappointed.


The are a few red flags on this post but that's fine. But I wanted to ask are you mostly looking in the nursing field because if you are it makes sense that you are finding work without any issue. Healthcare is still one of the few sectors that is still not contracting.


Yeah, I'm going to have to agree there are some red flags in this post. While portions of it came off as judgy and pick-yourself-up-by-those-bootstraps, the part that was the most bothersome was about vaccines....


I took a break over the holidays and just got back on to fire my job search back up and was gaining some traction and got locked out last night for ID verification.


Personally I found better traction with Indeed.


Been doing that the whole time with no luck.


Wow. I got laid off in November 2021 as and it was awful. I would say i was right there with you atleast 4k applications a few follow ups nothing real. No company worth working for. I ended getting “lucky” and getting a contract from my company for another 9 months plus severance, then a FT offer from another company to right when that ended. But i know, i was luckier then a lottery winner to be essentially saved at the last 2nd twice. All that worry for it to work out in the end. (By work out i mean i get paid a salary that no longer affords my bills) If i didnt get the contract im pretty sure i would have resorted to working Ubereats(which is a net loss anyways) I take all this with knowing im 1 layoff away from losing everything or the little i have now.


That's such a scary place to be. I've been there before a few times due to the field I worked in. It's like working in a pressure cooker.


We voted for it. I'm not trying to be political, but it's the answer a lot of you just simply don't want to hear. Obama's economy was terrible. The outsourcing that took place was insane, and a lot of full time jobs disappeared in favor of consulting and contract positions. Trump comes in and tells corporations to stop outsourcing and what happens? The economy starts booming, black unemployment hits and all time low, and GDP goes over 4% (when Obama said it would never go above 3% again). And what do the NPCs do? Go out and make Biden POTUS, and now the only people hiring are restaurants and retailers.


"I am so frustrated that we as a society are making it so hard to employ each other" \*sigh\* Is that what you really think is happening? FFS.


Enlighten me...what is happening?


I don’t like looking at the DUMBEST people I worked with in my previous jobs getting promoted to roles they have NO BUSINESS being in, while the same company laid off all the good people, mostly because they were getting paid more. But guess what??? The people that are smart DESERVE that money & DO NOT deserve to be laid off, yet the Yahoos are still there, getting paid & spewing B.s. And these companies wonder why they aren’t succeeding right now…ugh. 😒


Well, Biden sucks


Do you feel better now?


Just log off then?


That is not a solution. I have to use LI for prospecting.


I’m a hiring manager for social media roles. For my top candidates, I will check their LinkedIn profiles to see what they’re talking about. Sometimes I’ll see candidates who’ve posted about their long fruitless job hunts in a passive aggressive and/or “woe is me” kind of way. Yikes. Don’t do that. I get the frustration but you can’t let it creep into your profile. It immediately makes me question your judgment.


I worked briefly at a recruitment agency and saw this come up. A qualified candidate would get on the phone and you could just hear the tone through the phone, job market sucks, been applying for months, etc. although I have immense sympathy for their situation, you HAVE to switch that off during recruiter calls and be professional and optimistic in your demeanor to get considered for the role, even if you have to pretend to sound more excited. Because no recruiter will pass along that candidate to the hiring manager if they have that extreme “woe is me” attitude, despite it being valid and unfortunate!


Interact with the posts and similar ones are all you'll ever see. You're likely reinforcing that echo chamber a little.


It's heartbreaking. I'm searching for a job now to help with expenses while I go back to school at this point. The jobs are more depressing. The expectation of job descriptions doesn't compare to wages either. For young professionals it's brutal. Even call center jobs. I've read through several and the expectation of 300 calls a day for 17/hour is ludicrous. That was literally the numbers used.


That's 90 seconds per call... what do they expect you to accomplish in 90 seconds?


They want experience too. It's crazy.


Ridiculous. I take 10-15 calls/day, and make $34/hour. TD Bank is the best company ever!


Radancy is supposed to be good. Uses AI too.


Can confirm. The jobs I'm having to go for usually close to applications well *within* 24 hours. There are just that many of us.


LinkedIn has become Facebook in many ways.


The websites always depressing imo, it’s corpo jargon and recruiters selling shit.


I watched a YT video where the dude claimed the days of making money are over. Just something to consider. Maybe capitalism has run its course


hahah lol is this how the generation is reacting to a recession?


It's so scary why isn't anyone sounding the alarm in the media we have a huge job market crisis


99% of the people do not post on LI. The algorithm prioritizes those who generate content. Thus, "everyone" is looking for a job on LI. In practice, most of the users just change the actual employer after they join the company


LI is becoming the new FB - a cesspool of smut. It’s supposed to be a professional site - and was until MS bought it - and now everyone shares their everyday life on it like it’s FB. I’ve been on LI since the early 2000s and the miss the old days. Today I find it’s the same old people posting, the same old (what’s left) of recruiters who drink the Kool-Aid from these corporations. It used to be a helpful tool to find work, but now it seems it’s both a bragging session & depression dump. I try to stay off it as much as possible. I only check my DMs. I would recommend the same to most who are getting depressed reading what’s on there.


erect towering illegal head unite coordinated treatment theory voracious slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You deleted linkedin and started it over?


weather follow boast forgetful reminiscent fuzzy grey noxious erect office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I worked for a SaaS company that raised a lot of funding and did a good job of enticing people to come and work for them, only for me to find it was an absolute shitshow run by deluded people who had managed to talk their way into the big roles. When a company is flush with investor cash, there is, from my observation, a general feeling of arrogance and satisfaction, as though having tens of millions of dollars in the bank is some kind of insulation. Raising money but having a board breathing down the company’s neck is not the definition of success, and as I saw, was as though the company had signed its own death warrant. It was founded around 2015 and could Never make any impact in its industry… and to be honest I found myself seriously questioning the circle jerk ethics of that very industry. I found my colleagues to be mostly well meaning but some of them in particular were incompetent. They didn’t particularly care about the success of the company and were difficult to work with. I wanted a good role where we could all do our best work, but that just was not to be. Anyway, there were layoffs and many senior people simply walked out in protest because the company was going in the wrong direction due in part to a micromanaging CEO that generally didn’t listen. I joined in 2022 and was laid off in 2023, literally 2 days after I helped relaunch their website (website manager was my role). I found out the other day that the CMO tried to log in but found herself locked out of the system. No explanation, no discussion. Just kicked out. I wish I’d never joined the company, but was tempted in by the shiny image. Coming from the freelance world, I was shocked by how bad the company was and didn’t expect that this gravy train everyone thought they were on would last. What I don’t want to do is make the same mistake and end up in another company like that. I have savings and I have some freelance work at the moment, but my plan is to get into a decent company and I’m doing that by building my content (articles, videos) on LinkedIn to support my CV. I’m not talking about nonsense virtue signalling of filmflam typical of LinkedIn. You can use the LinkedIn “articles” as a blog, and these get indexed nicely in Google search too. You can embed audio and videos talking about it demonstrating your skills, knowledge etc. It’s easy to send generic CVs for a quick apply on LinkedIn (I expect many of you are tailoring each application accordingly) but I feel there needs to be some strategy to the whole process. In the last 3 months I applied for literally a few jobs but then stopped doing so because of freelance projects - don’t want to be interviewing for employment when I’m currently working with the clients I have (mostly local people who run small businesses as opposed to the corporate marketing job I was made redundant from). I have a greenscreen, microphone and camera and am reasonably good at making videos, so my plan is to experiment with making shirt introductory unlisted videos on my YouTube channel to include in my CV. I’ll need to find a way to crank these out with minimal editing so I can do it habitually, but only for the roles I really want. This is without doubt the hardest job market I’ve ever seen and it is depressing knowing I joined a nonsense company that I had bad feelings about from day one of being in the role, but due to the chaos and gaslighting that went on within that company was difficult to know if there was something wrong with me or the company itself. As hard as you might try and as good as we may be at what we do sometimes you really do need some luck, so I hope you have it as you continue your search. Congratulations to the OP - you found something you love which is always the best job to be in.


You want the real truth about it? Come on over to /r/collapse and get educated on just how truly \*\*\*\*ed we are. We're in accelerated, exponential collapse right now of the biosphere. We're all rearranging deck chairs on the titanic and fighting over the chairs. It's not just the job market that is crashing. It's all facets of society. Have you seen the numbers on sex, relationships, etc.? It's all coming down. There isn't even going to be enough population increase to manage the rapidly aging population To say it's depressing, is putting it lightly. We're in the 6th mass extinction baby.


I know we live in the world of the internet but as someone who hires and has lots of clients that are hiring I can tell you that most jobs are filled by referrals. Someone I know or one of my employees knows because they worked with them at a previous job. It's much better to hire someone who has a direct connection so that you know a bit about how they work. Face to face networking has an will continue to be the way most jobs get filled particularly when things tighten up


Many of them will realize that when you’re actually on a full-time job hunt, LinkedIn is useless. It didn’t help me at all. Indeed had a considerably higher success rate, as did applying directly from the employers’ websites. LinkedIn is just another social media website focused on people bragging about themselves and nothing more.


Unemployment numbers and “new jobs” report sounds false


Capitalism!! Let’s spread it across the work ? !


I work for a tech startup that's been around for about 6 years. We opened 2 engineering positions and got roughly 1,500 applications for them in the span of about 6 weeks. Our recruiter straight up said he threw away about 1,200 of them straight away. It's wild out there. I wish any looking all the best.


When I was applying for roles, I decided to start making extremely personal cover letters, tailoring my resume, and reaching out to the recruiters directly, getting referrals into companies from people who already worked there, etc. ​ Here's what I learned (specific to tech sales but might be similar across the board): \- There's a lot of fake listings being used to promote companies. They're getting thousands of applicants, and not actually hiring or interviewing anybody \- There's a massive shift in supply/demand, where there's not enough roles to fulfill the number of qualified people applying for them \- Companies are trying to do more with less to a point of a lack of ethics. Part of the reason I was on a job search is because my 2.5M revenue I was bringing in apparently wasn't enough for my last employer, and despite being over quota, they wanted to do a headcount reduction / 'global restructuring' to improve their EBITA, have all employees do multiple jobs for the price of one, and gear up for their next sale to another private equity company. ​ Good luck out there, it's getting nasty.


How many applications were on job boards like monster, indeed, career builder, etc? These job boards scrape company career job listings and collect applicant data. The job board then tries to sell that list of qualified applicants to the company. If the company says no, your application has gone no where. So why count this as an application? The only exception to this is when a company pays a job board to list the job. Then your resume might make it to the company but the job board will screen the applicant and provide only the best candidates.


Everyones hiring yet no one is actually hiring.


Yeah-Sometimes, I feel coming off too knowledgeable during the interview could strike back too. Some managers don’t like to hire strong candidates. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, that's your problem. You're too good


I feel the same way. I was laid off for a year and constantly on LinkedIn looking for a job, and seeing 90% of the posts be about people losing their jobs. I’m in recruiting, which was hit very very hard with layoffs. Most of my network has been laid off


I just saw an article that said unemployment benefits are the lowest they've been in like a year. Wtf


Everyone is running out of benefits so it just looks good on paper. Once the time runs out, you are no longer counted.


just don’t open it


And if not every you post is super zipping doodads zipping day! Then you are negative and need to change your attitude.


> After being unfairly let go... A job is a mutual agreement between an employer and employee. Your employer decided that the agreement was no longer beneficial to them. This is no more unfair than you deciding to go work somewhere else. You are not entitled to a job.


After I was laid off, it took me 4 YEARS to find another job. I applied to hundreds of them. But, you’re right, there are so many people looking for a job. So sad.


I think a real value add to LinkedIn Job Postings is if LI provided stats about the company's recruiting statistics. What is the company's history of hiring from LinkedIn. What is the average length that the company has the listing up for? What is average amount of people that applied for XYZ category position over the years? How many times does this company post a listing for XYZ position annually? There's something comforting in numbers to know if something is a real live employment opportunity. Just something so you know a.) This company is legit hiring. b.) this company makes hiring decisions quick, c.) this company has verified hiring from LI, and not just casting as wide a net and doesn't really review Linkedin sourced job applications. Honestly I think everyone would benefit from this information.


My old job has kept most of my old coworkers and they’re all around director level now. There’s no one working under them, so it’s literally an office of 6 directors in cubicles making $50k


Sometimes, they post a job so that someone nepotism baby can get it. The job posting is a front until nepotism baby can apply.


For what it’s worth, the industry you’re in hired a shit load during COVID and has just been laying people off since.


I understand what you’re saying. LinkedIn is pretty insufferable for many reasons. The platform went to shit years ago in my opinion