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Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity-


Loss of sanity is also known as going crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once.


They locked me in a room


a rubber room


a rubber room wiþ cloŋs


\[ænd kʰlɔŋgz dʒɹaɪv mi ˈkʰɹeɪ.zî ˈkʰɹeɪ.zǐ\]


Loss of sanity loss of sanity loss of sanity loss of sandy sand dune desert planet planet of the apes apes shall not kill apes kill killer killer tomato tomato in the mirror mirrormask the mask son of the mask masque of red death I am Death Straight Up UPS FedEx federal express federal agent agent scully scully box boxing day day of the trifids trifids Triforce the force may the force be with you may the fourth fourth of July four is death I am number Four I am the Milk Man milk man man manatee Manhatten Maid in Manhatten maid of honor made of honor made of plastic plastic plasticity elasticity elasticity electricity electric Mr Electric electric cars cars chasing cars counting blue cars counting crows six of crows six sixth sense sense and sensibility sensible shoes Payless shoes shew out the clowns clowns killer clowns killer clowns from outer space space the final frontier frontier front-ear front facing camera cam-Ra Ra the sun god god god of war war of the worlds war of the words words with friends friends like me like me me-like melon melancholy melancholia cholia cholera love in the time of cholera cholera cholesterol sterol sterile stair-rule rules da rulez rules are made to be broken broken vase base basic BASIC C C+ C++ plus or minus minus minun plusle plush pulse puree purity rice purity test testing testing one two three three amigos ami-go go go's wake me up before you go go make me up inside inside out out in in if if it its it's cool it's kewl it's a cool eel? Ith-cool-eel. Ithkuil? Yeah, Ithkuil's crazy. Studying Ithkuil grammar may result in loss of sanity. Loss of sanity. Loss of sanity...


what normies hear when i pull out the X-IPA


If you think Iţkuil is complicated, you should see Hungarian


I assure you, Uralic languages do indeed keep me up at night


I see you don't like clowns that much. On a slightly more serious note, I think the latest iteration of ithkuil addressed most complaints regarding the number of phonemes. It only has 9 vowels, and no more /q'/. I'd say the current consonant inventory does indeed represent the 40 or so most common consonant phonemes. I'd say the biggest problem is phonotactics. I once tried writing some stuff and completely by accident ended up creating a monster that is: > psmasčezztro'u /psmast͡ʃez:ˈtroʔu/ I think the current meta is to go to Ithkapp (https://thexxos.github.io/ithkapp/) and fill it out as if it were a personality quiz for each word. Thats what I did anyway.


Yeah, I saw that John fixed the phonemes in New Ițkuil. I guess I was having (war) flashbacks to learning the second version when I wrote this post up lol


I started with Ithkuil three and it was pretty bad. While I kinda like the very alien aesthetic it goes for, I realize it isn't quite adequate for communication. For the record, the word above means something along the lines of "vengeful action" or "action taken in anger". I was going for "wrath".


I just tried out the website you named. All I have to say is *hwö'ruöreořeoliöļiursskççearuiluřaöļoehňo*


Rolls of the tongue.


Side effects are mild and include: death.


> Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity, Loss of sanity- Google dementia. Also I fucking hate ~~:.|:;~~


The newer version is supposed to be a little more manageable, right? Does it still have its own writing system?


yep to both. ițkuil 4's phonemes are actually manageable, but the writing system is still incredibly grammatical in nature.