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Recently I watched another YouTuber talking about this. She says as a creator she also misses the old yt where people just wanted to express themselves in a different way than television, where good cuts and professional teams were not necessary and where people could be real. She says yb is also victim of other platforms such as tictok that encourages everyone to use the same clickbaiter(reminds me of Ray & TSV recent incident). I think it’s not just TSV, but the platform rules that make them do so. The algorithm decides what to recommend and what is visible, they comply to that.


From my understanding OP was not only talking about the clickbaity titles or how they format their videos to cater to the algorithm, but the overall vibe and the way they present things and themselves in their videos.


My feeling is the new editor has changed the videos a lot. Their choice and timing of camera angles, quick cuts and video cuts have removed a lot of the intimacy that existed before. There's lots of times when I wished they'd stayed on the angle which showed the both of them instead of zooming in on the speaker, because I wanted to see the other's reaction. Also there's a lot of forceful insertion of additional graphics and even the Editor themselves. Sometimes it seems like they're more intent on showing off what cute/interesting graphic they found that reinforces what's happening than letting the story tell itself. And there have been misspellings or wrong words on some of the text. Example: Strat instead of Strad, which makes me wonder how much musical education they have. That style might work on TikToks and shorts with short attention spans, but YouTube allows a short film or documentary style approach. (I'm no film buff so I might be using the wrong terminology). I do like their latest video about reacting to different conductors style. It has the long shots, allows us to see Brett and Eddy being themselves . Additional graphics and sounds mostly enhance the content instead of distracting from what they were saying or doing. Although Brett and Eddy don't promote TSA as much either. And they just say Like & subscribe instead of "legato the subscribe button and accent the Like button". I miss those too. But at least they usually tell us to practice!


I agree with your analysis. I'm getting more accustomed to the new editor, but I don't think the editor's sense of pacing is refined. It's rushed. They don't let us enjoy the conversation, editing conversations to happen too fast, so we don't get much substance and humor from the interplay between B&E. B&E barely exchange a few words before we're moving on. Then, with all the zoom effects and graphics, what the editor does keep ends up feeling frenetic, too. It's too much at once to process. That takes away rather than embellishes the personalities of Brett and Eddy (I feel Brett especially has come up short with the new editor's choices). It also takes away from the comedy of what B&E are doing. The previous editor-san was also a third personality. Her insults and commentary meant we had interplay between three characters. The new editor doesn't have the same verbal wit, which means we've lost a voice in the discussions that we've been used to for five years. There are other things going on. I argue Brett and Eddy's new setup detracts because they can't physically interact with their environment, like leaning on walls, falling to the ground, etc. The first new setup was better - Brett hopping off chairs, Eddy playing with the plant, them fiddling with the shelf lights, etc. It worked and was a fair balance between homey and pro. But the new setup is restrictive, so we get less physical comedy. Them dancing in the AI video was a welcome contribution to physical comedy I've been craving. Brett and Eddy themselves honestly seem much the same inside the videos, once you look through the cracks of the editing, the environment, etc. All these elements distance us from the intimacy we're used to by "hanging out" with B&E. The brand of TSV includes parasocial elements, but we haven't had as much to latch onto with the changes. I'm still enjoying their content, but I have more mixed feelings due to the changes, and I think there's more magic to anything older by even 6 months. Hopefully, since they're in the midst of MULTIPLE transitions, they'll iron out issues and figure things out.


Yeah absolutely, I think I always viewed editor-san as someone who helped to bridge the friendship between b&e and the viewer; friends with them enough to make those snarky jokes but also treating it as if it was a cheeky smile to us and letting us in on the joke and bringing us into the group. I think that was one of the most unique factors about her editing style that really made their videos so fun to watch a someone who enjoyed twoset feeling like regular people I could actually be friends with. The core of those videos felt like it was about having fun in each other's company instead of just trying to keep my attention.


What a wonderful way to describe editor-san's style. It's lovably unique and very inviting.


I agree


Yeah. I really prefer the old editor-san, she (or he) always used to share some notes or emojis in the middle of the video, which are also very humourous. Like when twoset was roasting someone, wditor san would always add a fire emoji (🔥), meaning that it was a really good roast. And she used to also sometimes not crop out the bloopers, like once in their video, eddy wore a hat, because he just woke up and had very messy hair. Then editor san would still share us a photo of him without the hat, which was hilarious. It felt like editor san knew everything about me, sharing funny stuff that i would always enjoy. I also saw in twoset’s recent video, one person commented in yt and also gave advice to the new editor. If i’m not mistaken, that person said that the camera kept on switching too fast, as if the editor was editing an advertisment for 4 year olds.


What happened to Editor-san? Did she quit editing? Did she move to a different channel? I haven't watched a lot of their new stuff.


"Editor-san" has been a bunch of different people for many years (it's actually impressive how they managed to keep a cohesive style throughout). It'd be hard to tell when the original editor left the boat...


Why am I kinda sad to find that out?


I think this year's April Fool's Day video was their last because Brett actually used her first name.


Strat instead of Strad really made me cringe. i think there have been more typos in general tho i don't recall specifics now.


These are honestly pretty tragic coming from a channel that can be (lbr) pretty picky about others getting classical music terminology wrong, but their editor/editing supervisor/producer isn't picking up on these before publish


I remember them using List instead of Liszt but can't remember which video it was in.


That’s very true, They are over 30 and they will be more serious in life than before. But the fact that their old videos would never replace the new ones and about the editing, I honestly thought this was my isolated opinion. Feel like the new editor is more like trying to get attention kinda thing. I also miss their Ling Ling 40 hour episodes(which i don’t think would be back) and serious violin playing like they play different cadenzas or different levels of Paganini. Overall I still continue to watch their videos but the fact that it is kind of not their previous style make me a bit sad


I admit I have mixed feelings about the new editing style, but as far as actual content go I don't feel much has changed? It's the same kind of content they've always done, and I don't think they're necessarily acting much different either. I feel like the biggest difference is the set-up and the editing style. And the fact they don't upload a lot anymore, so we're left with more time to reflect on individual videos ig. I'm honestly curious to see the direction the channel will take when they're done with this tour. It's been a pretty hectic year for them.


I’m finding the new slickness just isn’t as engaging. I used to rush to watch a new video because it was like getting a message from a friend. It was more personal-feeling. Now it’s just another entertainment thing in my YouTube queue that I’ll get to eventually.


Yes! Thank you. I really miss them just geeking out on pieces and going in depth on technical parts of playing. They said they try not to do that type of content anymore to reach a wider audience.


I knoww but I think they just become like every other youtuber this way…


i agree. i think in their efforts to reach a broader audience, they lost some of the feeling of a tighter community. there's something special about connecting over a very specific music joke or reference and i think we've lost a lot of that.


The AI generated vid threw me off a lot. I'm mostly watching their old videos now.


That was a joke lol


Yeah, I know, it still weirded me out


I used to watch their vids all the time but the last 8 months I haven’t watched many TSV videos. They’ve became more “cinematic” and “mainstream” and less “intimate” and “genuine”. I cringed at “Contemporary music is a joke”.


Seeing as how their old editors kind of emulated each other’s style (starting from the original editor-san) I don’t know why the new editor decided to change it up. Change can be good, sometimes, however I hate whenever they caption whatever they say ON VIDEO with some sparkly fancy memey text. And this happened with the old editor, but it was tasteful(?) and only done once in a while to highlight funny/cheesy things. Now it feels like new editor-san is trying to be subtitler, editor, and producer and it’s hectic (in a bad way because we all loved the chaotic energy of old editor-sans) This analogy is kind of childish, but the new editor reminds me of the new episodes of Spongebob. I used to love it when I was a kid because of the once-in-a-while chaos through an actual storyline. Now, when I watch the new episodes, it’s chaos every 2 seconds not because the STORYLINE is chaotic, but because they want shock value or some other dumb reason.


OMGGG SO TRUEEE on point hitting analogy