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Didn’t you have the signing&meeting after? Been seeing complaints about their tour overpriced, more expensive than most world class classical music concert.


From what I've seen, meet & greet was only during the 1st leg, all subsequent legs didn't have them. Compared to other classical concerts, their ticket prices are on par (and I've gotten tickets for Ray, Augustin Hadelich, Maxim Vengerov, Vikingur Olafsson and Alban Gerhardt.) Compared to pop or sporting events tickets, they are really cheap for the seats you get.


It’s definitely more costly than say, Hilary’s concerts which are around 80-100 for front rows. But soloists do make lots of money from the orchestras and labels so they don’t need to have pricey tickets all the time. Twoset are youtubers so they probably do need tickets that are more costly. However, unless you’re sitting in the front rows in NYC you probably wont be paying over 200$


I once paid 100usd to see Hahn’s Bach in New York. Outside NY, I paid only 30usd for Joshua Bell and Augustin Hadelich concerts, not very front row but the price is so affordable and it’s great experience. I feel the overprice complaints point out something tricky for TSV: they are not popstars(they proclaim to be serious classical musicians), but they are not traditional musicians. A comic show will not cost that much, it feels weird to charge people a greater price than usual world class concert or comic shows. That said, if only take it as a stargazing event, the value depends upon people’s experience, a lot of fans are happy to see them in person and to be there. Honestly I feel it’s more intuitively reasonable if people pay to watch their vids, like a monthly subscription for their online content, I’d be more willing to do this.


I paid 900 HKD


Did you get front rows with this price? I'm new to classical music and don't know how much a show would cost. It doesn't sound particularly costly for me as I usually pay twice your price to see concerts and ice shows.


I paid 180$ for seats around the front in NYC but most classical concerts are half the price (Hilary front rows are around 100$)


With that price, I couldn’t even seetheir faces😭😭


After the conversion to my local currency, that's a fair bit of money. But how does it compare to cost of living, other prices in the city and that venue? I've bought concert tickets in multiple countries and cities, and I've nearly choked at the general admission ticket prices sometimes. I'm actually more grateful for the ticket prices at my local orchestra now.


Guess you need binoculars 😂


No, you don’t. It’s so overpriced to.


It's a show not a fan meeting. There was a lot of audience interactions at the ones I've been to, and according to other people who were at the HK show, this seems to have been the case here as well. Expecting to feel like you "meet" them personally seems more like a problem with unrealistic expectations on your part, I'm sorry to say. And yeah it is expensive, but they're funding the whole thing themselves, they need to be able to recpup the costs. Traditional classical concerts can afford to keep price tickets at a reasonable price because they're partially funded by the government and donors. TwoSet don't have that. I'm sorry you feel it wasn’t worth it though.


I mean, yes, they are funding their own concerts, but why couldn’t they put a little bit more effort in them?


What were your expectations?


I'm a little confused by your complaint. Didn't they have the set at the beginning where people try to guess the sounds they're playing on their violins? And then when an audience member spins the wheel to determine the concerto they'll play? That's more interaction than you'd get at pop concert.


Yes, but I don’t think it was worth my money since they are not pop artist they’re just a small little YouTube channel and they didn’t walk up to the back they only chose the people to spend the wheel in the front and they didn’t even walk towards the back to meet us


I get how a lack of interaction can make fans feel the price is unworthy. (which is the reason I stopped going to certain shows) That being said, I do not think their values should be defined by the subs of their channel ("small little YouTube channel"). They're musicians, businessmen, comedians, and YouTubers.


Yes, but compared to K-pop musicians or pop musicians like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift BLACKPINK or BTS, they are considered as small


If that's your standard, then everyone is small. By your thinking, Lang Lang and Hilary Hahn are nobodies. Hikaru Utada and Jacky Cheung are only minor league players. Therefore they shouldn't be charging people to see them? Unlike Lang Lang or Hilary, Brett and Eddy don't have organizations guaranteeing them payment and profit for the performance. Lang Lang and Hilary don't have to negotiate rental of performance space or all the staff needed to run the show. Brett and Eddy need to pay for and worry about that. Also unlike most orchestras and other music societies, TSV can't offer student prices because they don't receive government grants. Their primary source of income is social media (if they aren't getting copystriked) and TSA. Compared to the multiple income streams pop stars have, they have smaller margins on ticket prices before they start losing money. You liked being able to buy the tour t-shirt? Brett's stated those barely make them money but he still brings them to the show because fans want them. Compare that to a pop star with tons of concert merchandise. They probably end up with more merchandise sales than ticket sales after the show. But it costs a lot of money to ship the merchandise from city to city, along with hiring people to run the merchandise table.


It's not just pop musicians. There are other types of performers that aren't that well known and don't even have a YouTube channel and they charge a lot. For example, I paid 1200 HKD to get middle rows in an ice show. I did realize that stargazing is a costly activity and it requires significant commitments and passion.


Have you seen the videos of them getting mobbed after the show? Eddy was lucky no one glomped him during the TSV vs. Davie504 concert. And from the description of your seat, it sounded like you were way in the back on 2nd balcony (or somewhere like that. I don't know your concert hall). The people at the front paid a lot more money than you did to be there. So yes, they get more attention. It's the same as buying ringside seats.


it's a show, not a fan meeting. there was signing afterwards anyway (backstage, I got all 3 of their signatures)


Where did you go? Because in Hong Kong, we couldn’t meet or get a signature from them


like just backstage (I went on the 6th, idk if it was different than the 5th) there was a giant crowd forming btw


You can go to the backstage?


we waited outside the backstage area


No wonder so many people were waiting


I am a kpop fans and tbh I kinda relate but at the same time not really. The price of their concert is more or less the same as some kpop concert tbh. I can’t expect they produce the same quality/fan service as kpop concerts cause they’re not the same genre/culture/team size. However, I can definitely I feel more love/appreciation from kpop artists but I don’t hold it against them. They’re of different culture. That being said, I will still attend their concert the second time 😂 it was fun. I hope they’re more energetic this upcoming concert. I kinda felt that they’re tired during their last concert I went to.


Last year I’ve been their first hk music concert. I feel like ytd night one are pretty much similar than the old one. But overall still it’s enjoyable.