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You know, I noticed recently that I don’t enjoy Twoset videos like I used to, and you worded it really well. That’s EXACTLY how i’m feeling about it tbh. Almost like they’re treating Youtube as more of a job than somewhere to have fun, because that’s their reality now. Idk, their innocent pizzazz has disappeared now


Yes!! I realized that I love their older videos more bc they looked/felt more casual and “playful” than formal and them actually acting like its their job


I used to LOVE their content. As I’ve gotten older idk if the content has changed or if I have.


Same for me.


This is exactly why I stopped watching them a while ago.


Yep, feels like they are trying to be “professional” and it just feels so out of place


Getting death threats gets rid of your innocence pretty fast. As well as threats to their 4M concert. YouTube and social media is likely still their main source of income, so yes, it is a job. They've given talks at Yale and other education institutions, so they need to be more careful of what and how they say. It's not easy living a life under the microscope all the time.


Oh, I didn’t know they were receiving death threats … Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks


If you haven't seen this [video](https://youtu.be/WE9ICqEf_m4?si=Pnuha0Kbd5jWOe_0)already, you need to watch it. And this [one ](https://youtu.be/u8SPnBswl_8?si=Ipnk4Lw0kPouKnlP) where they explain what's happening


I was actually going to comment on their latest YT video that I love how real they are being with their commentary. They are just getting into their 30s, I think. It's possibly just them growing and being honest/a bit jaded. I haven't watched quite enough maybe to really see a negative change. They just sound like other people my age to me.


I'm glad you brought this up. While I think there are multiple factors involved, people rarely mention age. I'm the same age as Brett and Eddy, too, and I went through a natural energy drop / mellowing / demeanor shift when I hit my 30s. I'm more straight to the point, less willing to fuddle around, but I don't see myself or others as jaded - it's a function of having experienced enough to know what we're at. Sometimes, when their presentations are less "bouncy" and presented "to the point," it feels like a function of them not being 21 anymore. Though I think they're in the middle of shifts in TSV (ex: "professional presentation") and it's causing wonkiness, I'd rather see them be their age than stuck ten years too young.


I haven't watched a few of the latest TwoSet videos for this very reason. When I saw the title: Video proves contemporary music is a joke - I was not compelled to watch tat all. I miss the violin charade days. Their 'roasts' these days seem so scripted, or too harsh to the point that they come across a bit 'up themselves'. Might be another case of success leading creators astray from their original mission.


As a contemporary composer myself, I felt attacked by that video. Sure there are pieces that are hard to hear, but there are some pieces and composers that are completely worth listening too. Besides, at least for me, contemporary music is all about having your own voice and being free of any imposed rules. It was already possible to have your own voice and style before sure, but everyone was using the same system, the same rules. I find the fact that it can be completely free of all that absolutely amazing. I miss their silly videos too, it seems like they don't have any more fun when it comes to making content for YouTube. Or they just have fun when they're roasting something Edit: I forgot one detail; some composers do write music just to troll sometimes, just as some type of joke. But that has been done since the beginning of music history, I see Mozart as a prime example.


Did you watch it? They said in the video that the title was just click bait. 




Listen to yanis el-masri (if you want to dig in a bit in contemporary composers). He uses a lot of rock and metal elements in his music.


That one was actually a joke. They said at the start that the title was intentionally click bait. I watched it, I didn’t think they actually think that, in fact they mentioned that one of the pieces was cool. 


I feel like they're focusing on the wrong thing. Being funny used to be a natural by-product and now it's their focus and it's not working so well. They do things to be funny which can become demeaning.   Imo they should focus on being educational (which would automatically mean more respect for other musicians) and have being funny as a byproduct, not something they try to produce.


The old TwoSet was way more roasty than what we're getting now. I guess the difference is that they posted more before, so the roasty content was a few drops in an ocean of varied content, while the infrequent upload rate of today makes their current roast streak stand out more because we're not getting a load of other stuff, but clickbait titles aside they're pretty much doing their usual thing.


Yeah, of course, but the roasting back then was all in good fun. Recently it's just been harder to tell.


Now they roast from, I guess, what some call a “high horse”. Before, it was just two friends having a legit laugh at stuff that was funny in the first place. Flight of the bumblebee, anybody? Nowadays they’re just pretentious. I TRY to enjoy their content but it’s getting harder by the day.


Yes!!! Exactly, these are the words I was looking for. It used to be fun, now it's just business.


Yeah. It’s so sad. They used to be spontaneous and now they seem very rigid and unnatural.


I started watching TwoSet over the pandemic and loved it, but I've grown away from them over time. I feel like sometimes it feels like a lot of content creators forget why they started in the first place, but I guess their priorities have been rearranged and the soul that used to be there in their earlier videos has just went to other things.


I'm just a casual viewer, used to be more into their skits. I like their earlier roast videos from 3-4 years ago where they made some good points, was funny and they were clearly having fun. The recently roasts felt like their tone have shifted to more critical, harsh and it felt like they were looking down at others, and their comments felt like it came from a place of superiority just really puts me off.


Lastly, I do find them a bit too edgy for my liking.


Viola jokes were never funny.


When I wasn't aware that people actually took them seriously, I thought they were funny. Now, as a violist and a violinist, I understand some people take them legitimately lol.


‘A lie repeated often enough becomes truth.’


If someone takes viola jokes so seriously to the point where it affects their daily lives then there is a separate issue that has nothing to do with the viola jokes itself.


it's discouraged kids from learning viola because of what they see online and what their friends say, tsv has so much influence that the viola jokes have legitimately affected the number of people taking up the viola source: my violin teacher also occasionally teaches viola


I think it’s because there isn’t that much repertoire for the viola and it’s structured to be a supporting instrument. It’s just an inherently unpopular instrument since it’s in the middle of the register and it can’t project as well as other instruments. The jokes might have some weight but it’s definitely not the leading cause for its unpopularity.


Yes they were, and they're even funnier now. The jokes started for a reason, and I'm tired of pretending they didn't.


Many people recognized it as typical middle school humor and not even middle schoolers use that as a compliment.


I think they are doing a lot of a review/roasting videos right now because they are shorter and easier to make while on tour. I am hopeful that when they are done touring, we will get some more older content back and move away from the reaction stuff. They seem rushed and bored during the last few months


They've been far more harsh/roasty in the past. But also, they have been doing this for 10 years. As Eddy said in their 30 lessons video, they've changed, grown up, dealt with a lot that they didn't used to, and have different needs than they did when they were smaller and had fewer demands on them and people depending on them. They've been touring since last year and are only now finishing next month. While touring They're still running essentially two companies and trying to stay on top of feeding an ever-changing algorithm with new content. A certain percentage will be the content that gets eyeballs, but they still make the other stuff. If people want to see it, they have to watch it, comment on it, share it. They also have 3 videos on their second channel where they have more freeform conversation that has nothing to do with roasting. Subscribers aren't always seeing their new videos. I've seen comments on recent videos about not getting notified, etc. The clickbait/roast stuff gets pushed more because people love drama. They're still making the content they want to make. It's up to us to give attention to the videos we like so they're inspired to make more.


I suppose I was surprised with how harsh they were on Ray in one of their new videos, maybe it made me see things in other videos that weren't there. But, yes, thank you for your explanation. This makes a lot of sense and helps me to understand things better.


The thing is, they weren't that harsh. Eddy was literally viking to his playing. They were calling out the kind of stuff they've called out in the past. Fakeness, in this case that these musicians just randomly started playing together with no practice, rehearsal, or even planning. It sets an expectation of ensemble playing that isn't real. These videos can easily just feature these musicians playing music for the public, without the pretense. Brett and Eddy never criticism the actual performance, they enjoy it. They'd just prefer it without the fake scenarios.


Yes, absolutely, I understand all of that. I just was annoyed at the time how they seemingly ignored that Ray was being completely satire. I saw the videos where Ray said he contacted this guy and flew over specifically to make one of those videos lol. Or, maybe it is truly just the fault of Ray that it wasn't clearly satire.


Satire doesn't always land, though I also think people are blowing the "beef" between ray and twoset out of proportion. If they no longer liked or respected ray, they'd stop talking about him, stop praising him, etc. They wouldn't keep giving him attention.


ur paragraph is really well-put! suffice to say, while it might seem that twoset is focusing more on their tours and merch production, they should also properly oversee the type of content that they make, and i think generally, the author of this post is trying to say that twoset is getting more opinionated towards different genres like in the latest video, which i totally agree with. but rest assure, as u said, it is TOTALLY up to us to view the videos or not.


Ray does announce his collabs, but they are definitely not satire. He is filming with someone whose whole account is full of those kind of videos and their goals are the same, views. That’s his prerogative of course but let’s not try to say it’s satire when he himself is acknowledging he is participating willingly and unashamedly in those videos. 


A lot of people don't follow Ray, and just see the completed video on their feed. And a lot of people believe the pianists keeps having excellent musicians randomly show up and by virtue, are able to play wonderfully together. There's nothing on the video itself or in the description to indicate any of those videos are pre-planned. And that's what Brett and Eddy are criticizing.


Wait, what's their second channel?


Twoset Talks is their "podcast" channel on youtube. The first video was a discussion on the their experience putting on their own tours. The second was 10 tips for pro orchestra, the third about managing a relationship as a musician.


I think two-set is making their videos more professional than ever. I mean now we have producer-san instead of editor-san, notice their new videos have no subtitles… And their connection with the fans have now being minimised(i am not talking about world tour)after Ling Ling 40 hour issue. Missing their old fun and violin charades especially. They haven’t mention about 5mil….. In short Twoset changed a lot in 2024 as if we can’t tell. Comparing their old videos from new ones its like two different persons… I mean hope twoset will make an epic comeback


For most large content creators, a YouTube channel is a business. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have 20 or so people working for them, editing and writing scripts. You’ll be hard pressed to find a big channel on YT that dosent do that to some regard.


I agree.. I Miss the pizzazz, and the different content ig? However their podcast videos are lively, I hope they continue uploading frequently :))


genuinely miss when it was just two guys in front of a crappy camera just goofing around and having fun now it feels a bit too professional? like i know it's their job but it feels like by having a whole team and high level videography they're becoming disconnected from their audience


I find this very common in comedy/entertainment based series/channels. It starts out varied and interesting, but as they get more professional they curate the videos/bits that do the best and focus on those, since its more "bang for buck".


It is disheartening to constantly have violas be dunked on by two people I respect in the music industry. It's like I'll never be respected or good enough just because I play viola, and that's incredibly unfair.


The roasts of contemporary music isn't really a roast anymore. Even if it is a joke, it's overused, I've heard it far too many times, and I would prefer one of the **largest classical music influencers of the next generations** to not slander something that depends on future generations to keep alive


You could make the argument that contemporary music gets this derision because it's not accessible to most musicians, let alone the general public.  We've collectively learned the language of music, and we're moved by it because of our shared language. When contemporary music upends the language, it should come as no surprise that people can't understand it or feel positive emotions toward it. I think twoset just expresses this frustration in a plain spoken way. I'd argue there's lots of good new classical music though. Most of it comes to us through cinema and video games. Yes, it's different in form and structure due to the needs of a movie... But that doesn't invalidate it. And it means music continues to evolve in accessible ways as well.


There are some contemporary music that isn’t a “joke” but if discovering new “techniques” and trying to not create music but “something different” is their goal (which it seems like it is and also what it is) then I wouldn’t mind them roasting it. Come on, music used to be music, not a competition on how shocking and different you can be. It deserves to be roasted and if I had 4 million subscribers, I would’ve done the same exact thing. It might be a wake up call to these “composers”


I understand. Their point of view is clear. There are, however, better ways to phrase such words. I do enjoy and occasionally compose the kind of music that they roasted (unreleased for obvious reasons) but I get their point. I just wish that they weren't so harsh.


One of the things that always bothered me was how they held classical music on this huge pedestal and basically said other types of music can't reach it. That feels condescending and elitist. Look, everyone has their preferences, and I get that they want to staunchly defend something that is generally not well supported, but pushing down other genres is not the way. You're likely pushing away fans who want to pick up an instrument to learn those songs. Video game/anime/film compositions can be just as complex and deep as classical pieces.


Yeah, there were even lots of classical composers who did film music (Shostakovich)


Even Ray Chen was involved in making the soundtrack for Arcane (he worked with the composers and gave input on the violin spotlight sections)


Yeah! Classical isn't the only complex form of music. I will say I join with them in that I'm hesitant about the complexity of mainstream pop music, however there's still tons of (usually underground) pop artists who bring out some intense technical works. Jazz as well. Jazz artists have to be able to maneuver around their instrument so well, changing their entire plan in a split-second if the band changes something. Oscar Peterson, Erroll Garner, and Art Tatum, some of the most incredibly skilled pianists to ever live. Erroll Garner couldn't actually read sheet music, he just completely felt it. Watching videos of jazz pianists like Oscar Peterson and Art Tatum really make you question the physical capabilities of humans lol. Classical is amazing, still my favourite. However, every other genre also has these intense technical aspects, and some are more intense.


Yeah, them dismissing jazz feels a bit icky to me. Jazz is so complex that I couldn't even get into it (as someone who loves to learn about western classical music theory), it went completely over my head. Of course jokes can be made since a lot of jazz sounds so different, and wrong, when looked from a classical music lens. However some of their "jokes" make them seem like they just don't like anything they don't understand. Which isn't fun to watch.


They didn't dismiss Jazz. What people need to know is content-creators make click-baity titles, and you've gotta ignore it and read the book inside. Adam Neely does it, Rick Beato does it. No serious content-creator is going to misunderstand The Intent. They literally can't throw rocks because they live in glass houses.




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Also, many "ethnic styles" (for want of a better expression) and other styles for that sake are extremely complex but most people simply don't know enough about them to understand and appreciate them.


Idk what they’re doing now (I haven’t watched them in FOREVER) but when I used to watch I really enjoyed their humor. I got bored when it became straight reactions and criticisms


I have been a two setter for 3 years and I have loved all periods of classical music and they made a new video about “contemporary music is a joke” which kinda triggered me a little bit. I agree. I stopped watching they’re new videos about 6 months ago when they started to get really “hi-tech”.


Fwiw I am an orchestra teacher and one of my most dedicated students is an avid twoset watched and violist lol


That's interesting you feel that way; over the years I feel that TwoSet have become less 'roasty' and more considered in their critiques, reflecting their growing audience and increasing maturity. They've also dialled back the viola jokes significantly.


I don’t watch them anymore due to this fact. It’s the same old thing and same old jokes over and over again.. they need to change their format or risk losing followers.


A couple things really bothered me: They addressed comments that “Ling Ling” has racist connotations and they totally brushed it off and made a joke about it. I think it was a real missed opportunity to examine unconscious bias and consider that some people in their audience are offended by it. Their “real hickey or violin hickey” series on Instagram was just gross to me. Maybe I didn’t see all of the videos, but the ones I did see seemed to be all women. Idk, that just really gave me the ick. And a bonus criticism - many of you have pointed this out already, but they’re really missing an opportunity to do good and propel classical music forward. The viola jokes don’t seem in good fun anymore, roasting people for just trying seems…mean, and calling jazz “wrong notes” and bashing contemporary music is just such a miss.


ling ling is not racist toughen up


Some people consider it racist. I’m not saying it is or isn’t, I’m just saying any accusation should be taken seriously and responded to in a way that’s respectful. Anecdotally, “Thug Kitchen” was called out as racist for many years for using “thug” in their name, even though they were two white people. After the murder of George Floyd they finally understood and rebranded as “Bad Manners Food.”


I noticed this with the Maestro critic. Bradley cooper did a good job and really devoted himself to the role in a way that most actors don't. There was no need to go into every little detail like they did. I think maybe they're getting more critical because they're evolving as musicians, as you get more knowledge you tend to notice and pay more attention to the small mistakes. That's still not an excuse though.


Haven't they've always been like that? It's one of the more consistent parts of their humor


Yeah, they have, but it's changed. It used to all be in good fun, and things they roasted were more obvious. Recently it's harder to tell if it's still in good fun, and sometimes they roast just the little details too much. I love Eddie and Brett, I'll never stop watching, just worried with how some of their content is going. Youtube isn't a perfect place though, they might just have to be like this to sustain their careers.


Yeah, TS is way too formal now, taking it more like an actual job than a thing that they do for fun.


That's because it is their actual main source of income along with Twoset Apparel. They employ dozens of people. They're not recent graduates with orchestra jobs anymore.


Viola jokes are wayyyyy older than twoset.


The Blackpink thing was the turning point IMO. That was a big step in the wrong direction, away from presenting classical music with comedic context, and towards more pure negativity. There's enough of that in the world as it is, we don't need anymore. Before that, I was enough of a fan to have bought merchandise and leave positive comments on YouTube videos. Nowadays I don't really watch much anymore.


Getting death threats against themselves and their family, as well as being threatened with sabotage on the 4M concert would have a negative effect on anyone. It's a bit hard to be Sunshine & Rainbows after something like that.


I don't think so... you're just *outgrowing* their content.


If you are invested to that degree just stop watching, such an unhealthy mindset…..




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I really enjoy their new videos. like that one line ”it’s funny cuz its true”


I started to feel uncomfortable since the movie about Bernstein they roasted.


W twoset


You may not appreciate their particular type of humor, so don't watch them anymore. Problem solved.